193 resultados para W(110), two-dimensional binary alloys, local density of states, atomic stacking sequence, anisotropy, domain wall energy


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An exact property is established for the Green's function of a uniform two-dimensional interacting electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field with spin-orbit interaction. It is shown that the spin-diagonal Green's function is exactly diagonal in the Landau level index even in the presence of electron-electron interactions. For the Green's function with different spin indexes, only that with adjacent Landau level indexes is non-zero. This exact result should be helpful in calculating the Green's function approximately.


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We report a quantum dot (QD) ensemble structure in which the in-plane arrangements of the dots are in a hexagonal way while the dots are also vertically aligned. Such a distinct lateral ordering of QDs is achieved on a planar GaAs(l 0 0) rather than on a prepatterned substrate by strain-mediated multilayer vertical stacking of the QDs. The analysis indicates that the strain energy of the lateral island-island interaction is minimum for arrangement of the hexagonal ordering. The ordered dots demonstrate strong photoluminescence (PL) emission at room temperature (RT) and the full width at half maximum of PL peak at RT is only 50 meV. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the lifetime distribution functions of spontaneous emission from line antennas embedded in finite-size two-dimensional 12-fold quasi-periodic photonic crystals. Our calculations indicate that two-dimensional quasi-periodic crystals lead to the coexistence of both accelerated and inhibited decay processes. The decay behaviors of line antennas are drastically changed as the locations of the antennas are varied from the center to the edge in quasi-periodic photonic crystals and the location of transition frequency is varied.


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The dynamics of spontaneous emission from GaAs slabs with photonic crystals etched into them are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. It is found that the intensity of spontaneous emission decreases significantly and that photonic crystals significantly shorten the lifetime of emission. The mechanics of enhancement and the reduction of emission from photonic crystals are analyzed by considering the surface recombination of GaAs. The measured and calculated lifetimes agree at a surface recombination velocity of 1.88x10(5) cm/s.


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We have studied the circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) in a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas excited by near infrared light at room temperature. The anomalous CPGE observed under normal incidence indicates a swirling current which is realized by a radial spin current via the reciprocal spin-Hall effect. The anomalous CPGE exhibits a cubic cosine dependence on the incidence angle, which is discussed in line with the above interpretation.


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Spin-orbit interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas were studied in an InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well. Since weak anti localization effects take place far beyond the diffusive regime, (i.e., the ratio of the characteristic magnetic field, at which the magnetoresistance correction maximum occurs, to the transport magnetic field is more than ten) the experimental data are examined by the Golub theory, which is applicable to both diffusive regime and ballistic regime. Satisfactory fitting lines to the experimental data have been achieved using the Golub theory. In the strong spin-orbit interaction two-dimensional electron gas system, the large spin splitting energy of 6.08 meV is observed mainly due to the high electron concentration in the quantum well. The temperature dependence of the phase-breaking rate is qualitatively in agreement with the theoretical predictions. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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The electric-tunable spin-independent magneto resistance effect has been theoretically investigated in ballistic regime within a two-dimensional electron gas modulated by magnetic-electric barrier nanostructure. By including the omitted stray field in previous investigations oil analogous structures, it is demonstrated based on this improved approximation that the magnetoresistance ratio for the considered structure can be efficiently enhanced by a proper electric barrier up to the maximum value depending on the specific magnetic suppression. Besides, it is also shown the introduction of positive electrostatic modulation can effectively overcome the degradation of magnetoresistance ratio for asymmetric configuration and enhance the visibility of periodic pattern induced by the size effect, while for an opposite modulation the system magnetoresistance ratio concerned may change its sign. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3041477]


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It is shown theoretically that the propagation of plasmons can be tuned by an external electric field via spin-orbit interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas formed in a semiconductor heterostructure. This may provide a manageable way of transmitting quantum information in a quantum device. A possible plasmon field effect transistor is proposed.


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We theoretically study the spatial behaviors of the spin precession in a two-dimensional electron system with spin-orbit interaction. Through analysis of interaction between the spin and the effective magnetic field in the system, we obtain the general conditions to generate a persistent spin helix and predict a persistent spin helix pattern in [001]-grown quantum wells. Particularly, we demonstrate that the phase of spin can be locked to propagate in a quantum well with SU(2) symmetry.


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This work discusses the fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystal mask layer patterns. Photonic crystal patterns having holes with smooth and straight sidewalls are achieved by optimizing electron beam exposure doses during electron beam lithography process. Thereafter, to precisely transfer the patterns from the beam resist to the SiO2 mask layer, we developed a pulse-time etching method and optimize various reaction ion etching conditions. Results show that we can obtain high quality two-dimensional photonic crystal mask layer patterns.


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The magnetisation of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in an external perpendicular magnetic field is studied theoretically. We concentrate on the effects on the magnetisation induced by the system boundary, the Rashba SOC and the temperature. It is found that the sawtooth-like de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations of the magnetisation will change dramatically in the presence of such three factors. Especially, the effects of the edge states and Rashba SOC on the magnetisation are more evident when the magnetic field is smaller. The oscillation center will shift when the boundary effect is considered and the Rashba SOC will bring beating patterns to the dHvA oscillations. These effects on the dHvA oscillations are preferably observed at low temperatures. With increasing temperature, the dHvA oscillations turn to be blurred and eventually disappear.


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Laterally-coupled distributed feedback (LC-DFB) laser diodes made without an epitaxial re-growth process have the advantage of a simple fabrication process. In this paper, two-dimensional optical field distribution of the fundamental quasi TE (transverse electric) mode is calculated by means of a semivectorial finite-difference method (SV-FDM). The dependence of the effective coupling coefficient (kappa(eff)) on the dutycycle of first-, second- and third-order LC-DFB LDs is investigated using modified coupled wave equations.


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The theoretical electron mobility limited by dislocation scattering of a two-dimensional electron gas confined near the interface of an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure is calculated. The accurate wave functions and electron distributions of the three lowest subbands for a typical structure are obtained by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. Based on the model of treating dislocation as a charged line, a simple scattering potential, a square-well potential, is utilized. The estimated mobility suggests that such a choice can simplify the calculation without introducing significant deviation from experimental data. It is also found that the dislocation scattering dominates both the low- and moderate-temperature mobilities and accounts for the nearly flattening-out behavior with increasing temperature. To clarify the role of dislocation scattering all standard scattering mechanisms are included in the calculation.


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Shubmkov-de Haas (SdH) measurements are performed over a temperature range of 1.5-20K in AL(0.22)Ga(0.78)N/GaN heterostructures with two subbands occupied. In addition to an intermodulation between two sets of SdH oscillations from the first and second subbands, a beating in oscillatory magnetoresistance at 12K is observed, due to the mixing of the first subband SdH oscillations and 'magnetointersubband' (MIS) oscillations. A phase shift of pi between the SdH and MIS oscillations is also clearly identified. Our experimental results, i.e. that the SdH oscillations dominate at low temperature and MIS oscillations dominate at high temperature, fully comply with the expected behaviour of MIS oscillations.