271 resultados para SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY


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The GaN film was grown on the (111) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and then annealed in the deposition chamber. A multiple beam optical stress sensor was used for the in-situ stress measurement, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy were used for the characterization of GaN film. Comparing the characterization results of the GaN films on the bulk silicon and SOI substrates, we can see that the Raman spectra show the 3.0 cm(-1) frequency shift of E-2(TO), and the full width at half maximum of XRD rocking curves for GaN (0002) decrease from 954 arc see to 472 are sec. The results show that the SOI substrates can reduce the tensile stress in the GaN film and improve the crystalline quality. The annealing process is helpful for the stress reduction of the GaN film. The SOI substrate with the thin top silicon film is more effective than the thick top silicon film SOI substrate for the stress reduction. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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GaN epilayers have been deposited on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and bulk silicon substrates. The stress transition thickness and the initial compressive stress of a GaN epilayer on the SOI substrate are larger than those on the bulk silicon substrate, as shown in in situ stress measurement results. It is mainly due to the difference of the three-dimensional island density and the threading dislocation density in the GaN layer. It can increase the compressive stress in the initial stage of growth of the GaN layer, and helps to offset the tensile stress generated by the lattice mismatch.


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Large-scale GaN free-standing substrate was obtained by hydride vapor phase epitaxy directly on sapphire with porous network interlayer. The bottom surface N-face and top surface Ga-face showed great difference in anti-etching and optical properties. The variation of optical and structure characteristics were also microscopically identified using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence and micro-Raman spectroscopy in cross-section of the GaN substrate. Three different regions were separated according to luminescent intensity along the film growth orientation. Some tapered inversion domains with high free carrier concentration of 5 x 10(19) cm(-3) protruded up to the surface forming the hexagonal pits. The dark region of upper layer showed good crystalline quality with narrow donor bound exciton peak and low free carrier concentration. Unlike the exponential dependence of the strain distribution, the free-standing GaN substrate revealed a gradual increase of the strain mainly within the near N-polar side region with a thickness of about 50 mu m, then almost kept constant to the top surface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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C-axis-orientated ZnO thin films were prepared on glass substrates by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) technique in an oxygen-reactive atmosphere, using a metallic Zn target. The effects of growth condition such as laser energy and substrate temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO films had been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission spectra and room-temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The results showed that the thickness, crystallite size, and compactness of ZnO films increased with the laser energy and substrate temperature. Both the absorption edges and the UV emission peaks of the films exhibited redshift, and UV emission intensity gradually increased as the laser energy and substrate temperature increased. From these results, it was concluded that crystalline quality of ZnO films was improved with increasing laser energy and substrate temperature. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.N. All rights reserved.


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GaSb 1 mu m-thick layers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (001). The effects of the growth conditions on the crystalline quality, surface morphology, electrical properties and optical properties were studied by double crystalline x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, Hall measurement and photoluminescence spectroscopy, respectively. It was found that the surface roughness and hole mobility are highly dependent on the antimony-to-gallium flux ratios and growth temperatures. The crystalline quality, electrical properties and optical properties of GaSb layers were also studied as functions of growth rate, and it was found that a suitably low growth rate is beneficial for the crystalline quality and electrical and optical properties. Better crystal quality GaSb layers with a minimum root mean square surface roughness of 0.1 nm and good optical properties were obtained at a growth rate of 0.25 mu m h(-1).


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The authors report the self-organized growth of InAs/InAlAs quantum wires on nominal (001) InP substrate and (001) InP substrates misoriented by 2 degrees, 4 degrees, and 8 degrees towards both [-110] and [110]. The influence of substrate misorientation on the structural and optical properties of these InAs/InAlAs quantum wires is studied by transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence measurements. Compared with that grown on nominal (001) InP substrate, the density of InAs/InAlAs quantum wires grown on misoriented InP(001) substrates is enhanced. A strong lateral composition modulation effect take place in the InAlAs buffer layers grown on misoriented InP substrates with large off-cut angles (4 degrees and 8 degrees), which induces a nucleation template for the first-period InAs quantum wires and greatly improve the size distribution of InAs quantum wires. InAs/InAlAs quantum wires grown on InP (001) substrate 8 degrees off cut towards [-110] show the best size homogeneity and photoluminescence intensity. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Low temperature (LT) AlN interlayer and insertion of superlattice are two effective methods to reduce crack and defects for GaN grown on Si substrate. In this paper, the influence of two kinds of buffer on stress, morphology and defects of GaN/Si are studied and discussed. The results measured by optical microscope and Raman shift show that insertion of superlattice is more effective than insertion of LT-AlN in preventing the formation of cracks in GaN grown on Si substrate. Cross-sectional TEM images show that the not only screw but edge-type dislocation densities are greatly reduced by using the superlattice buffer. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-mobility Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) structure has been grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire substrate. Electron mobility of 2185 cm(2)/V s at room temperature and 15,400 cm(2)/V s at 80 K with 2DEG density of 1.1 X 10(13) cm(-2) are achieved. The corresponding sheet resistance of the HEMT wafer is 258.7 Omega/sq. The AlN interfacial layer between the GaN buffer and the AlGaN barrier layer reduces the alloy disorder scattering. X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements have been conducted, and confirmed that the wafer has a high crystal quality. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60506001 60776047 60476021 60576003 60836003;National Basic Research Programme of China 2007CB936700


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Contactless electroreflectance (CER) and photoreflectance (PR) measurements have been performed on samples with the structure of an n-doped GaAs epitaxial layer on a semi- insulating GaAs substrate. Modulated reflectance signals from the n-GaAs surface and those from the n-GaAs/SI-GaAs interface are superposed in PR spectra. For the case of CER measurement, however, Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) from the interface, which are observed in PR spectra, cannot be detected. This discrepancy is attributed to different modulation mechanisms of CER and PR. In CER experiments, the electric field modulation cannot be added to the interfacial electric field because of the effective screening by the fast response of carriers across the interface. FKOs from the interface without any perturbation by the surface signals are extracted by subtracting CER spectra from PR spectra.


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It is important to acquire the composition of Si1-xGex layer, especially that with high Ge content, epitaxied on Si substrate. Two nondestructive examination methods, double crystals X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) and micro-Raman measurement, were introduced comparatively to determine x value in Si1-xGex: layer, which show that while the two methods are consistent with each other when x is low, the results obtained from double crystals X-ray diffraction are not credible due to the large strain relaxation occurring in Si1-xGex layers when Ge content is higher than about 20%. Micro-Raman measurement is more appropriate for determining high Ge content than DCXRD.


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Arrays of vertically well-aligned ZnO nanorod-nanowall junctions have been synthesized on an undoped ZnO-coated silicon substrate by a carbothermal reduction and vapour phase transport method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the nanostructures are well-oriented with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate. The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the as-prepared ZnO nanostructure reveals a dominant near-band-edge (NBE) emission peak and a weak deep level (DL) emission, which demonstrates its good optical properties. Temperature-dependent PL spectra show that both the intensity of NBE and DL emissions increased with decreasing temperature. The NBE emission at 3.27 eV is identified to originate from the radiative free exciton recombination. The possible growth mechanism of ZnO nanorod-nanowall junctions is also proposed.


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Single-crystalline alpha-Si3N4 nanowires are controlled to grow perpendicular to the wet-etched trenches in the SiO0.94 film on the plane of the Si substrate without metal catalysis. A detailed characterization is carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photoluminescence at 600 nm from alpha-Si3N4 nanowires is attributed to the recombination at the defect state formed by the Si dangling bond N3 equivalent to Si-center dot. The growth mechanism is considered to be related to the catalysis and nitridation of SiO nanoclusters preferably re-deposited around the inner corner of the trenches, as well as faster Si diffusion along the slanting side walls of the trenches. This simple direction-controlled growth method is compatible with the CMOS process, and could facilitate the fabrication of alpha-Si3N4 nanoelectronic or nanophotonic devices on the Si platform.


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A self-assembled quantum-wire laser structure was grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy in an InAlGaAs-InAlAs matrix oil InP(001) substrate. Ridge-waveguide lasers were fabricated and demonstrated to operate at a heatsink temperature tip to 330 K in continuous-wave (CW) mode. The emission wavelength of the lasers with 5 mm-long cavity was 1.713 mu m at room temperature in CW mode. The temperature stability of the devices was analysed and the characteristic temperature was found to be 47 K in the mnge of 220-320 K.


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Vertically well-aligned ZnO nanoridge, nanorod, nanorod-nanowall junction, and nanotip arrays have been successfully synthesized on Si (100) substrates using a pulsed laser deposition prepared ZnO film as seed layer by thermal evaporation method. Experimental results illustrated that the growth of different morphologies of ZnO nanostructures was strongly dependent upon substrate temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies showed that the ZnO nanostructures were single crystals with a wurtzite structure. Compared with those of the other nanostructures, the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of nanorod-nanowall junctions showed the largest intensity ratio of ultraviolet (UV) to yellow-green emission and the smallest full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the UV peak, reflecting the high optical quality and nearly defect free of crystal structure. The vertical alignment of the nanowire array on the substrate is attributed to the epitaxial growth of the nanostructures from the ZnO buffer layer. The growth mechanism was also discussed in detail. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.