275 resultados para RADIUS


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This paper reports that a two-dimensional single-defect photonic crystal waveguide in the F-K direction with triangular lattice on a silicon-on-insulator substrate is fabricated by the combination of electron beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma etching. A ministop band (MSB) is observed by the measurement of transmission characteristics. It results from the coupling between the two modes with the same symmetry, which is analysed from the stimulated band diagram by the effective index and the two-dimensional plane wave expansion methods. The parameter working on the MSB is the ratio of the radius of air holes to the lattice constant, r/a. It is obtained that the critical r/a value determining the occurrence or disappearance of MSB is 0.36. When r/a is larger than or equal to 0.36, the MSB occurs. However, when r/a is smaller than 0.36, the MSB disappears.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and g factor of Mn-doped CdS nanowires are studied using the k center dot p method and the mean field model. It is found that the Zeeman splittings of the hole ground states can be highly anisotropic, and so can their g factors. The hole ground states vary a lot with the radius. For thin wire, g(z) (g factor when B is along the z direction or the wire direction) is a little smaller than g(x). For thick wire, g(z) is mcuh larger than g(x) at small magnetic field, and the anisotropic factor g(z)/g(x) decreases as B increases. A small transverse electric field can change the Zeeman splitting dramatically, so tune the g(x) from nearly 0 to 70, in thick wire. The anisotropic factor decreases rapidly as the electric field increases. On the other hand, the Zeeman splittings of the electron ground states are always isotropic.


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In this paper, how the dots' radius, At concentration and external electric field affect the single electron energy states in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs spherical quantum dots are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the modification of the energy states is calculated when the difference in effective electron mass in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs are considered. In addition, both the analytical method and the plane wave method are used in calculation and the results are compared, showing that they are in good agreement with each other. The results and methods can provide useful information for the future research and potential applications of quantum dots.


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A method for accurate determination of the curvature radius of semiconductor thin films is proposed. The curvature-induced broadening of the x-ray rocking curve (XRC) of a heteroepitaxially grown layer can be determined if the dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of XRC is measured as a function of the width of incident x-ray beam. It is found that the curvature radii of two GaN films grown on a sapphire wafer are different when they are grown under similar MOCVD conditions but have different values of layer thickness. At the same time, the dislocation-induced broadening of XRC and thus the dislocation density of the epitaxial film can be well calculated after the curvature correction.


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The electronic structure and exciton states of cylindrical ZnO nanorods with radius from 2 to 6 nm are investigated based on the framework of the effective-mass theory. Using the adiabatic approximation, the exciton binding energies taking account of the dielectric mismatch are solved exactly when the total angular momentum of the exciton states L = 0 and L = +/- 1. We find that the exciton binding energies can be enhanced greatly by the dielectric mismatch and the calculated results are almost consistent with the experimental data. Meanwhile, we obtain the optical transition rule when the small spin-obit splitting Delta(so) of ZnO is neglected. Furthermore, the radiative lifetime and linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) of the exciton states are calculated theoretically. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data very well. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3125456]


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The distribution of energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring was investigated by applying the effective mass approximation and the perturbation method. In 2D polar coordinates, the exact solution to the Schrodinger equation was used to calculate the perturbation integral in a parabolic confinement potential. The numerical results show that the energy levels of electron are sensitively dependent on the radius of the quantum ring and a minimum exists on account of the parabolic confinement potential. With decreasing the radius, the energy spacing between energy levels increases. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state for hydrogenic impurities are not relieved, and when the degenerate energy levels are split and the energy spacing will increase with the increase in the radius. The energy spacing between energy levels of electron is also sensitively dependent on the angular frequency and will increase with the increases in it. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state are not relieved. The degenerate energy levels of the second excited state are relieved partially. The change in angular frequency will have a profound effect upon the calculation of the energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring. The conclusions of this paper will provide important guidance to investigating the optical transitions and spectral structures in quantum ring.


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The dependence of the electronic energy levels on the size of quantum dots (QDs) with the shape of spherical lens is studied by using the B-spline technique for the first time. Within the framework of the effective-mass theory, the values of electronic energy levels are obtained as a function of the height, radius and volume of QDs, respectively. When the height or radius of QDs increases, all the electronic energy levels lower, and the separations between the energy levels decrease. For lens-shape QDs, height is the key factor in dominating the energy levels comparing with the effect of radius, especially in dominating the ground-state level. These computational results are compared with that of other theoretical calculation ways. The B-spline technique is proved to be an effective way in calculating the electronic structure in QDs with the shape of spherical lens.


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The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of an x-ray rocking curve (XRC) has been used as a parameter to determine the tilt and twist angles of GaN layers. Nevertheless, when the thickness of GaN epilayer reaches several microns, the peak broadening due to curvature becomes non-negligible. In this paper, using the (0 0 l), l = 2, 4, 6, XRC to minimize the effects of wafer curvature was studied systematically. Also the method to determine the tilt angle of a curved GaN layer was proposed while the Williamson-Hall plot was unsuitable. It was found that the (0 0 6) XRC-FWHM had a significant advantage for high-quality GaN layers with the radius curvature of r less than 3.5 m. Furthermore, an extrapolating method of gaining a reliable tilt angle has also been proposed, with which the calculated error can be improved by 10% for r < 2 m crystals compared with the (0 0 6) XRC-FWHM. In skew geometry, we have demonstrated that the twist angles deriving from the (2 0 4) XRC-FWHM are in accord with those from the grazing incidence in-plane diffraction (IP-GID) method for significantly curved samples.


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Self-organized Al0.3Ga0.7As islands generated on the (100) facet are achieved by liquid phase epitaxy. Three particularly designed experimental conditions-partial oxidation, deficient solute and air quenching-result in defect-free nucleation. Micron-sized frustums and pyramids are observed by a scanning electron microscope. The sharp end of the tip has a radius of curvature less than 50 nm. It is proposed that such Al0.3Ga0.7As islands may be potentially serviceable in microscale and nanoscale fabrication and related spheres. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD) is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory. We find that the energies of the electron with different spin orientation exhibit different behavior as a function of magnetic field at small magnetic fields. The energies of the hole decreases rapidly at low magnetic fields and saturate at higher magnetic field due to the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The mixing effect of the hole states in the DMS QD can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field. An interesting crossing behavior of the hole ground state between the heavy-hole state and the light-hole state is found with variation of the QD radius. The strength of the interband optical transition for different circular polarization exhibts quite different behavior with increasing magnetic field and QD radius.


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Imaginary-distance beam propagation method under the perfectly matched layer boundary condition is applied to judge single-mode behaviour of optical waveguides, for the first time to our knowledge. A new kind of silicon-on-insulator-based rib structures with half-circle cross-section is presented. The single-mode behaviour of this kind of waveguide with radius 2mum is investigated by this method. It is single-mode when the slab height is not smaller than the radius.


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Epitaxial growth of Zn-doped InGaAs on InP substrates has been carried out at 550degreesC by LP-MOCVD. Hole concentration as high as 6 x 10(19)cm(-3) has been achieved at the H-2 flow rate of 20 sccm through DEZn bubbler. The lattice constant of Zn-doped InGaAs was found to be dependent on the flow rate of DEZn, and the tensile strain mismatch increases with increasing H-2 flow rate of DEZn. The negative lattice mismatch of heavily Zn-dopped InGaAs may be due to, the small covalent bonding radius of zinc and the combination of butane from ethyl of DEZn,and TEGa. And the latter accelerates the pyrolysis of TEGa, which is the dominant mechanism in determining the negative mismatch of Zn-doped InGaAs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We theoretically investigate the spin-dependent transport through Cd1-xMnxTe diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dots (QD's) under the influence of both the external electric field and magnetic field using the recursion method. Our results show that (1) it can get a 100% polarized electric current by using suitable structure parameters; (2) for a fixed Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD, the wider the system is, the more quickly the transmission coefficient increases; (3) for a fixed system length, the transmission peaks of the spin-up electrons move to lower Fermi energy with increasing Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD radius, while the transmission of the spin-down electrons is almost unchanged; (4) the spin-polarized effect is slightly increased for larger magnetic fields; (5) the external static electric field moves the transmission peaks to higher or lower Fermi energy depending on the direction of the applied field; and (6) the spin-polarized effect decreases as the band offset increases. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD's to the spin-dependent microelectronic and optoelectronic devices.


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The optical properties of quantum rods in the absence and presence of the magnetic field are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The two-dimensional (2D) and 1D transition dipoles of wurtzite quantum rods are investigated. It is found that the transition dipoles change from 2D to 1D as the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid increases, in agreement with the experimental results. The linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods with critical aspect ratio are zero at every orientation of the wave propagation. So quantum rods with critical aspect ratio have isotropic transition dipoles. Due to the 2D or 1D transition dipoles, the linear polarization factors of optical transitions of quantum rods change from negative or positive values to zero as the orientation of the wave propagation changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, in agreement with the experimental results. Under magnetic field applied along the z axis of the crystal structure, the negative linear polarization factors in the 2D transition dipole case decrease as the magnetic field increases, while under magnetic field applied along the x axis, the negative linear polarization factors increase as the magnetic field increases. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to these effects of the magnetic field. It is found that quantum rods with a given radius at a given temperature have dark excitons in a range of aspect ratio. The dimensions along the x, y axes of the crystal structure play opposite roles to the dimension along the z axis on the dark exciton phenomenon. Dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum dots in the presence of an external homogeneous magnetic field is given. The electronic structure and optical properties are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The energy levels have new characteristics, such as parabolic property, antisymmtric splitting, and so on, different from the Zeeman splitting. With the crystal field splitting energy Delta(c)=25 meV, the dark excitons appear when the radius is smaller than 25.85 A in the absence of external magnetic field. This result is more consistent with the experimental results reported by Efros [Phys. Rev. B 54, 4843 (1996)]. It is found that dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field depending on the radius of dots. The circular polarization factors of the optical transitions of randomly oriented dots are zero in the absence of external magnetic field and increase with the increase of magnetic field, in agreement with the experimental results. The circular polarization factors of single dots change from nearly 0 to about 1 as the orientation of the magnetic field changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, which can be used to determine the orientation of the z axis of the crystal structure of individual dots. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to the effects of magnetic field on the circular polarization of the optical transition of quantum dots.