293 resultados para Indium


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Extremely low density InAs quantum dots (QDs) are grown by molecular beam droplet epitaxy, The gallium deposition amount is optimized to saturate exactly the excess arsenic atoms present on the GaAs substrate surface during growth, and low density InAs/GaAs QDs (4x10(6) cm(-2)) are formed by depositing 0.65 monolayers (ML) of indium. This is much less than the critical deposition thickness (1.7 ML), which is necessary to form InAs/GaAs QDs with the conventional Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. The narrow photoluminescence line-width of about 24 meV is insensitive to cryostat temperatures from 10 K to 250 K. All measurements indicate that there is no wetting layer connecting the QDs.


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Deep level defects in as-grown and annealed n-type and semi-insulating InP have been studied. After annealing in phosphorus ambient, a large quantity of deep level defects were generated in both n-type and semi-insulating InP materials. In contrast, few deep level defects exist in InP after annealing in iron phosphide ambient. The generation of deep level defects has direct relation with in-diffusion of iron and phosphorus in the annealing process. The in-diffused phosphorus and iron atoms occupy indium sites in the lattice, resulting in the formation of P anti-site defects and iron deep acceptors, respectively. T e results indicate that iron atoms fully occupy indium sites and suppress the formation of indium vacancy and P anti-site, etc., whereas indium vacancies and P anti-site defects. are formed after annealing in phosphor-us ambient. The nature of the deep level defects in InP has been studied based on the results.


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We present a new way to meet the amount of strain relaxation in an InGaN quantum well layer grown on relaxed GaN by calculating and measuring its internal field. With perturbation theory, we also calculate the transition energy of InGaN/GaN SQWs as affected by internal fields. The newly reported experimental data by Graham et al. fit our calculations well on the assumption that the InGaN well layer suffered a 20% strain relaxation, we discuss the differences between our calculated results and the experimental data. Our calculation suggests that with the increase of indium mole fraction in the InGaN/GaN quantum well, the effect of polarization fields on the luminescence of the quantum well will increase. Moreover, our calculation also suggests that an increase in the quantum well width by only one monolayer can result in a large reduction in the transition energy. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For InAs/GaAs quantum dot system, the evolution of the wetting layer (WL) with the InAs deposition thickness has been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS). Two transitions related to the heavy-and light-hole in the WL have been distinguished in RD spectra. Taking into account the strain and segregation effects, a model has been presented to deduce the InAs amount in the WL and the segregation coefficient of the indium atoms from the transition energies of heavy-and light-holes. The variation of the InAs amount in the WL and the segregation coefficient are found to rely closely on the growth modes. In addition, the huge dots also exhibits a strong effect on the evolution of the WL. The observed linear dependence of In segregation coefficient upon the InAs amount in the WL demonstrates that the segregation is enhanced by the strain in the WL.


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High quality n-type CdS nanobelts (NBs) were synthesized via an in situ indium doping chemical vapor deposition method and fabricated into field effect transistors (FETs). The electron concentrations and mobilities of these CdS NBs are around (1.0x10(16)-3.0x10(17))/cm(3) and 100-350 cm(2)/V s, respectively. An on-off ratio greater than 10(8) and a subthreshold swing as small as 65 mV/decade are obtained at room temperature, which give the best performance of CdS nanowire/nanobelt FETs reported so far. n-type CdS NB/p(+)-Si heterojunction light emitting diodes were fabricated. Their electroluminescence spectra are dominated by an intense sharp band-edge emission and free from deep-level defect emissions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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High-performance violet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with InGaN/AlInGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) active regions were grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The interface flatness of the InGaN/AlInGaN MQWs and the emission efficiency of the LED are firstly improved with increasing Al content in the AlInGaN barrier layer, and then degraded as Al content increases further, being optimal when Al content is 0.12. Similarly, the result is optimized if the indium content is approximately 2.5% in the AlInGaN barrier layer. The mechanisms which have influences on the radiative efficiency when the Al content increases are discussed. A high output power of 7.3 mW for the violet LED at 20 mA current has been achieved. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of GaAS(1 0 0)2 degrees substrate misorientation on the formation and optical properties of InAs quantum dots (QDs) has been studied in compare with dots on exact GaAs(1 0 0) substrates. It is shown that, while QDs on exact substrates have only one dominant size, dots on misoriented substrates are formed in lines with a clear bimodal size distribution. Room temperature photoluminescence measurements show that QDs on misoriented substrates have narrower FWHM, longer emission wavelength and much larger PL intensity relative to those of dots on exact substrates. However, our rapid thermal annealing (RTA) experiments indicate that annealing shows a stronger effect on dots with misoriented substrates by greatly accelerating the degradation of material quality. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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We report on the use of very thin GaAsP insertion layers to improve the performance of an InGaAsP/InGaP/AlGaAs single quantum-well laser structure grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition. Compared to the non-insertion structure, the full width at half maximum of photoluminescence spectrum of the insertion structure measured at room temperature is decreased from 47 to 38 nm indicating sharper interfaces. X-ray diffraction shows that the GaAsP insertion layers between AlGaAs and InGaP compensates for the compressive strain to improve the total interface. The laser performance of the insertion structure is significantly improved as compared with the counterpart without the insertion layers. The threshold current is decreased from 560 to 450mA while the slope efficiency is increased from 0.61 to 0.7W/A and the output power is increased from 370 to 940mW. The slope efficiency improved is very high for the devices without coated facets. The improved laser performance is attributed to the suppression of indium carry-over due to the use of the GaAsP insertion layers.


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Mosaic structure in InN layers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition at various temperatures has been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). With a combination of Williamson-Hall measurement and fitting of twist angles, it was found that variation of growth temperature from 450 to 550 degrees C leads to the variation of the lateral coherence length, vertical coherence length, tilt and twist of mosaic blocks in InN films in a, respectively, monotonic way. In particular, mosaic tilt increases whereas mosaic twist decreases with elevating temperature. Atomic force microscopy shows the morphological difference of the InN nucleation layers grown at 450 and 550 degrees C. Different coalescence thickness and temperature-dependent in-plane rotation of InN nuclei are considered to account for the XRD results. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of 1-mu m-thick undoped In0.53Ga0.47As with different substrate growth temperature (T-g) or different beam flux pressure (BFP) of As were grown on lattice-matched semi-insulating InP (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Van der Pauw Hall measurements were carried out for these In0.53Ga0.47As samples. The residual electron concentration decreased with increasing temperature from 77 to 140 K, but increased with increasing temperature from 140 to 300 K. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) can reduce the residual electron concentration. The residual electron mobility increased with increasing temperature from 77 to 300 K. All these electrical properties are associated with As antisite defects. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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4.2 K photoluminescence (PL) and 77 K standard Hall-effect measurements were performed for In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1-xAs metamorphic high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) structures grown on GaAs substrates with different indium contents in the InxGa1-xAs well or different Si delta-doping concentrations. It was found that electron concentrations increased with increasing PL intensity ratio of the "forbidden" transition (the second electron subband to the first heavy-hole subband) to the sum of the "allowed" transition (the first electron subband to the first heavy-hole subband) and the forbidden transition. And electron mobilities decreased with increasing product of the average full width at half maximum of allowed and forbidden transitions and the electron effective mass in the InxGa1-xAs quantum well. These results show that PL measurements are a good supplemental tool to Hall-effect measurements in optimization of the HEMT layer structure. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Hexangular indium nitride nanoflower pattern is observed from scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The sample is grown on c-plane (0001) sapphire by metal organic chemical vapor deposition with intentional introduction of hydrogen gas. With the aid of hydrogen, a stable existence of metallic indium is achieved. This will induce the growth of InN nanoflowers via self-catalysis vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process. It is found that the VLS process is modulated by the interface kinetics and thermodynamics among the sapphire substrate, indium, and InN, which leads to the special morphology of the authors' InN nanoflower pattern. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of In doped low-temperature (LT) AlGaN interlayer on the properties of GaN/Si(111) by MOCVD have been investigated. Using In doping LT-interlayer can decrease the stress sufficiently for avoiding crack formation in a thick (2.0 mu m) GaN layer. Significant improvement in the crystal and optical properties of GaN layer is also achieved. In doping is observed to reduce the stress in AlGaN interlayer measured by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). It can provide more compressive stress to counteract tensile stress and reduce crack density in subsequent GaN layer. Moreover, as a surfactant, indium is observed to cause an enhanced PL intensity and the narrowed linewidths of PL and XRD spectra for the LT-interlayer. Additionally, the crystal quality of GaN layer is found to be dependent on the growth parameters of underneath In-doped LT-AlGaN interlayer. The optimal parameters, such as TMIn flow rate, TMAl flow rates and thickness, are achieved to obtain nearly 2.0 mu m thick crack free GaN film with advanced optical and crystal properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron irradiation-induced deep level defects have been studied in InP which has undergone high-temperature annealing in phosphorus and iron phosphide ambients, respectively. In contrast to a high concentration of irradiation-induced defects in as-grown and phosphorus ambient annealed InP, InP pre-annealed in iron phosphide ambient has a very low concentration of defects. The phenomenon has been explained in terms of a faster recombination of radiation-induced defects in the annealed InP. The radiation-induced defects in the annealed InP have been compared and studied. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Hamiltonian in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation of the zinc-blende nanowires and nanorods in the presence of external homogeneous magnetic field is given in the cylindrical coordinate. The electronic structure, optical properties, magnetic energy levels, and g factors of the nanowires and nanorods are calculated. It is found that the electron states consist of many hole-state components, due to the coupling of the conduction band and valence band. For the normal bands which are monotone functions of |k(z)|, long nanorods can be modeled by the nanowires, the energy levels of the nanorods approximately equal the values of the energy band E(k(z)) of the nanowires with the same radius at a special k(z), where k(z) is the wave vector in the wire direction. Due to the coupling of the states, some of the hole energy bands of the nanowires have their highest points at k(z)=0. Especially, the highest hole state of the InSb nanowires is not at the k(z)=0 point. It is an indirect band gap. For these abnormal bands, nanorods can not be modeled by the nanowires. The energy levels of the nanorods show an interesting plait-like pattern. The linear polarization factor is zero, when the aspect ratio L/2R is smaller than 1, and increases as the length increases. The g(z) and g(x) factors as functions of the k(z), radius R and length L are calculated for the wires and rods, respectively. For the wires, the g(z) of the electron ground state increases, and the g(z) of the hole ground state decreases first, then increases with the k(z) increasing. For the rods, the g(z) and g(x) of the electron ground state decrease as the R or the L increases. The g(x) of the hole ground state decreases, the g(z) of the hole ground state increases with the L increasing. The variation of the g(z) of the wires with the k(z) is in agreement with the variation of the g(z) of the rods with the L.