154 resultados para Nonlinear terms


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The Z-scan technique is useful for measuring the nonlinear refractive index of thin films. In conventional Z-scan theories, two effects are often ignored, namely the losses due to the internal multi-interference and the nonlinear absorption inside the sample. Therefore, the theories are restricted to relatively thick films. For films thinner than about 100 nm, the two effects become significant, and thus cannot be ignored. In the present work, we present a Z-scan theory that takes both effects into account. The proposed model calculation is suitable for optical nonlinear films of nanometric thickness. With numerical simulations, we demonstrate dramatic deviations from the conventional Z-scan calculations.


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In laser applications, resolutions beyond the diffraction limit can be obtained with a thin film of strong optical nonlinear effect. The optical index of the silicon thin film is modified with the incident laser beam as a function of the local field intensity n(r) similar to E-2(r). For ultrathin films of thickness d << lambda the transmitted light through the film forms a profile of annular rings. Therefore, the device can be related to the realization of super-resolution with annular pupils. Theoretical analysis shows that the focused light spot appears significantly reduced in comparison with the diffraction limit that is determined by the laser wavelength and the numerical aperture of the converging lens. Analysis on the additional optical transfer function due to the thin film confirms that the resolving power is improved in the high spatial frequency region. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the focal spot size by inserting a uniform nonlinear thin film at the aperture of a focusing lens. The reduction of spot size is tunable by adjusting the incoming laser power. In comparison with the original diffraction spot, the transverse spot size can be reduced 0.65 times. The nonlinear thin film acts effectively as a Toraldo filter, and the phase and amplitude modulation stems from the laser-induced variances in the transmission of the thin film. The proposed technique removes the need of fabricating annular pupil filters. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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We study the nonlinear photonics of rare-earth-doped oxyfluoride nanophase vitroceramics (FOV), oxyfluoride glass (FOG), and ZBLAN fluoride glass. We found that an interesting fluorescence intensity inversion phenomenon between red and green fluorescence occurs from Er(0.5)Yb(3):FOV The dynamic range Sigma of the intensity inversion between red and green fluorescence of Er(0.5)Yb(3):FOV is about 5.753 x 10(2), which is 100 to 1000 times larger than those of other materials. One of the applications of this phenomenon is double-wavelength fluorescence falsification-preventing technology, which is proved to possess the novel antifriction loss and antiscribble properties. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We obtain Au and Ag nanoparticles precipitated in glasses by irradiation of focused femtosecond pulses, and investigate the nonlinear absorptions of the glasses by using Z-scan technique with ns pulses at 532 nm. We observe the saturable absorption behavior for An nanoparticles precipitated glasses and the reverse saturable ones for Ag ones. We also obtain, by fitting to the experimental results in the light of the local field effect near and away from the surface plasmon resonance, chi(m)((3)) = 4.5 x 10(-7) and 5.9 x 10(-8) esu for m the imaginary parts of the third-order susceptibilities for Au and Ag nanoparticles, respectively. The nonlinear response of Au nanoparticles in the glass samples arises mainly from the hot-electron contribution and the saturation of the interband transitions near the surface plasmon resonance, whereas that of Ag nanoparticles in the glass samples from the interband transitions. These show that the obtained glasses can be used as optoelectronic devices suiting for different demands. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The refractive nonlinearities of InAs/GaAs quantum dots under a dc electric field at photon energies above its band gap energy have been studied using the reflection Z-scan technique. The effect of the dc electric field on the nonlinear response of InAs/GaAs quantum dots showed similar linear and quadratic electro-optic effects as in the linear response regime at low fields. This implies that the electro-optic effect in the nonlinear regime is analogous to the response in the linear regime for semiconductor quantum dots. Our experimental results show the potential for voltage tunability in InAs quantum dot-based nonlinear electro-optic devices.


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The idler is separated from the co-propagating pump in a degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) with a symmetrical parametric loop mirror (PALM), which is composed of two identical SOAs and a 70 m highly-nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HN-PCF). The signal and pump are coupled into the symmetrical PALM from different ports, respectively. After the DFWM based wavelength conversion (WC) in the clockwise and anticlockwise, the idler exits from the signal port, while the pump outputs from its input port. Therefore, the pump is effectively suppressed in the idler channel without a high-speed tunable filter. Contrast to a traditional PALM, the DFWM based conversion efficiency is increased greatly, and the functions of the amplification and the WC are integrated in the smart SOA and HN-PCF PALM. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a lattice dynamic treatment for the total potential energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) which is, apart from a parameter for the nonlinear effects, extracted from the vibrational energy of the planar graphene sheet. The energetics, elasticity and lattice dynamics are treated in terms of the same set of force constants, independently of the tube structures. Based upon this proposal, we have investigated systematically the relaxed lattice configuration for narrow SWCNTs, the strain energy, the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio, and the lattice vibrational properties with respect to the relaxed equilibrium tubule structure. Our calculated results for various physical quantities are nicely in consistency with existing experimental measurements. In particular, we verified that the relaxation effect makes the bond length longer and the frequencies of various optical vibrational modes softer. Our calculation provides evidence that the Young's modulus of an armchair tube exceeds that of the planar graphene sheet, and that the large diameter limits of the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio are in agreement with the experimental values of graphite; the calculated radial breathing modes for ultra-narrow tubes with diameters ranging between 2 and 5 angstrom coincide with the experimental results and the existing ab initio calculations with satisfaction. For narrow tubes with a diameter of 20 angstrom, the calculated frequencies of optical modes in the tubule's tangential plane, as well as those of radial breathing modes, are also in good agreement with the experimental measurements. In addition, our calculation shows that various physical quantities of relaxed SWCNTs can actually be expanded in terms of the chiral angle defined for the corresponding ideal SWCNTs.


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We propose a configuration for suppressing pumps in a broad- and flat-hand tunable nondegenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) wavelength converter. The signal and pumps are coupled into a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber symmetrical Sagnac loop. After the FWM wavelength conversion in the loop, the idler is separated from the pumps without a filter. In our experiment, a flat wavelength conversion bandwidth of 36 rim, conversion efficiency of-11 dB., pump-to-signal suppression ratio of 48 dB, and idler-to-pump suppression ratio of 15 dB are achieved.