98 resultados para String octets (Violins (4), violas (2), violoncellos (2))


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采用多速粘度计和Monsanto试验机联用,在表观剪切速率为3×10~(-8)—2.5×10~8s~(-1)时观察了高1,2-聚丁二烯(PB)生胶与顺式1,4-PB,EPDM,SBR 1500在流变性质上的差异。高1,2-PB虽在中等剪切速率下有较高的粘度,但在低、高剪切速率时的粘度均较低,这一特性有利于它的加工。高1,2-PB在低剪切速率下的流动活化能较其他橡胶高,故抗冷流性能优越,易于存放。


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从患病牙鲆中分离出迟缓爱德华氏菌株TX1,经报告菌株检测发现TX1有AI-2活性。用梯度PCR和Genome walking的方法克隆了TX1 luxS基因,将luxS基因在大肠杆菌DH5α中表达,证明其具有功能活性。在TX1中,luxS的表达与AI-2的活性基本是一致的,二者均受生长时期和生长条件的调节,即在glucose存在的条件下luxS表达和AI-2活性升高,而在高温条件下luxS表达和AI-2活性降低。glucose对AI-2活性以及luxS表达的影响经过荧光定量PCR,启动子活性检测,AI-2活性检测以及凝胶滞缓等一系列的实验证实是由cAMP-CRP复合物介导的,该复合物可以通过与luxS启动子相互作用而抑制luxS的表达。RNA干扰表明,TX1中luxS表达被干扰以后,对细菌产生了多方面的影响,包括:(1) 降低AI-2水平;(2) 降低细菌的生长能力;(3) 降低Ⅲ型分泌系统相关基因的表达水平以及生物膜的形成能力;(4) 减弱细菌毒力。外源AI-2的添加可以回复Ⅲ型分泌系统相关基因的表达水平以及生物膜的形成,但是并不能修复生长状况,表明LuxS在TX1中具有双重功能,即参与细胞代谢以及群体感应信号传导。基于LuxS/AI-2群体感应系统对细菌毒力的重要性,设计并筛选了一个该系统的阻遏因子5411。Pull-down实验证明5411可以和LuxS特异性结合。研究表明5411在TX1中表达导致细菌毒力显著下降。将5411克隆至牙鲆共生菌FP3中,发现5411可以被分泌到胞外并能被TX1吸收。将表达5411的共生菌导入牙鲆,发现其能够有效阻遏TX1对牙鲆的侵染。 这些结果表明:(1) TX1中AI-2的活性受控于LuxS,而后者则受生长时期和生长条件的调控;(2) luxS的正常表达对于细菌的正常生长和侵染是必需的;(3) LuxS/AI-2群体感应系统调控Ⅲ型分泌系统相关毒力因子的表达;(4) 通过阻遏LuxS/AI-2群体感应系统来抑制病原菌侵染是一种具有潜力的新型病害防控方法。


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Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) was investigated in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent areas during a cruise in August 2004, China. The data show that pCO(2) in surface waters of the studied area was higher than that in the atmosphere with only exception of a patch east of Zhoushan Archipelago. The pCO(2) varied from 168 to 2 264 mu atm, which fell in the low range compared with those of other estuaries in the world. The calculated sea-air CO2 fluxes decreased offshore and varied from -10.0 to 88.1 mmol m(-2) d(-1) in average of 24.4 +/- 16.5 mmol m(-2) d(-1). Although the area studied was estimated only 2 x 10(4) km(2), it emitted (5.9 +/- 4.0) x 10(3) tons of carbon to the atmosphere every day. The estuaries and their plumes must be further studied for better understanding the role of coastal seas playing in the global oceanic carbon cycle.


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Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats. Because of their fastidious requirements for growth conditions, only very few axenic MTB cultures have been obtained worldwide. In this study, we report a novel marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture, designated as QH-2, isolated from the China Sea. It was able to grow in semi-solid or liquid chemically defined medium. The cells were amphitrichously flagellated and contained one single magnetosome chain with an average number of 16 magnetosomes per cell. Phosphate and lipid granules were also observed in the cells. Both rock magnetism and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy characterizations indicated that the magnetosomes in QH-2 were single-domain magnetites (Fe3O4). QH-2 cells swam mostly in a straight line at a velocity of 20-50 mu m/s and occasionally changed to a helical motion. Unlike other magnetotactic spirilla. QH-2 cells responded to light illumination. As a consequence of illumination, the cells changed the direction in which they swam from parallel to the magnetic field to antiparallel. This response appears to be similar to the effect of an increase in [O-2]. Analysis of the QH-2 16S rRNA sequence showed that it had greater than 11% sequence divergence from freshwater magnetotactic spirilla. Thus, the marine QH-2 strain seems to be both phylogenetically and magnetotactically distinct from the freshwater Magnetospirillum spp. studied previously. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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高分子材料一般都具有某种特定的结构,这种结构将直接决定着材料的性能。当高聚物从一种结构变为另一种结构时,其材料的性能将发生改变。近来,M.Hikosaka根据聚乙烯结晶的特点,提出了“链滑移扩散理论”,认为对聚合物热处理时,其晶体片层增厚快慢与分子链的滑移扩散能力有关。反式1,4-聚丁二烯(TPBD)在常压下能以六方相稳定存在,是少有的几种具有六方相结构的聚合物。因为其六方相分子链具有较高的构象数,而各个构象之间由于能垒相差不大,构象之间很容易发生转变;因而分子链运动时相对容易,决定了六方相分子链之间的滑移扩散能力较强。为了验证M.Hikosaka的理论,特对样品在六方相温度范围进行热处理。另外由于TPBD在不同的温度下能以两种晶型稳定存在,这两种晶型之间是怎样转变的也是我们关心的问题,而且通过电镜第一次摄得了单斜相和六方相共存的电子衍射。针对上述问题我们进行了下列研究。(1)以三氯化钒体系,稀土催化剂体系合成了两种分子量的反式1,4-聚丁二烯,用IR,NMR分析高分子量样品的反式1,4结构含量为96.2%,低分子量样品反式l,4结构含量为91.2%。对两种分子量样品进行DSC研究,结果表明低分子量样品的转变温度。熔融温度均比高分子量样品低;用Thomoson-Gibbs方程计算了该样品的片层厚度,并与样品的SAXS实验结果对照,认为这种转变温度和熔点的差异除了与1,2-结构的含量有关外,也与不同分子量具有不同的片层厚度有很大关系。(2)对不同分子量的TPBD进行WAXD实验,研究了其在不同温度下的相行为及单斜相向六方相的相转变过程。以PLM为手段跟踪观察了低分子量样品的相态转变,发现许多晶粒在相转变时从视场中消失。用电镜观察到了单斜相电子衍射,六方相电子衍射及单斜相和六方相共存的电子衍射, 并发现两相结构的形貌没有大的差别。(3)用Cerius~2软件模拟了单斜相结构和六方相结构的分子链堆砌,认为单斜相向六方相发生转变时,六方相分子链构象与单斜相分子链构象相比,有序度较低,从而使其堆砌结构变得松散。同时也模拟了单斜相和六方相在晶带轴为[001]方向的电子衍射,实验观察只能得到计算机模拟所得的单斜相和六方相内层的几个电子衍射点。(4)对低分子量样品在64 ℃热处理1小时后进行的DSC,WAXD,SAXS研究表明,样品的片层厚度显著增大,结晶度也相应提高。(5)研究了高分子量样品在85 ℃和低分子量样品在53 ℃热处理不同时间后,所得的DSC曲线。结果表明随时间增加,TPBD的转变峰温度值明显增加;而且发现在前5分钟内处理样品时,结晶度都有明显增加,处理样品5分钟以后结晶度增长缓慢。对高分子量样品四次升降温时,发现降温曲线有肩峰出现,但升温曲线没有肩峰出现,把肩峰的出现归结于有小尺寸亚稳定晶体的形成。(6)对高分子量样品的六方相等温结晶数据及对由熔体快速冷却到一定温度生成单斜相的等温结晶数据进行处理,得到平衡熔点为476K,比文献值高。并利用Thomoson-Gibbs方程,得到了单斜相和六方相的温度对尺寸倒数的相图,确定了在一定尺寸下单斜相和六方相稳定存在的温度范围。(7)用电镜观察了在70 ℃热处理不同时间后所得形貌图,并讨论了样品在六方相中热处理时,样品聚集体的聚集方式。(8)研究了两种分子量样品溶液结晶时所得的球晶形貌,发现其结晶形貌与分子量有关,而且发现摄得的电子衍射是六方相电子衍射,而不是室温下稳定存在的单斜相电子衍射,认为是由于电子辐照使样品升温而发生了晶型转变。(9)用修饰后的Avrami方程,Ozawa,方程分别处理了TPBD非等温结晶数据,由Jeziorny修饰的Avrami方程分析显示TPBD的非等温结晶明显地分为一次结晶和二次结晶两个阶段,指数值n意味着一次结晶和二次结晶的成核种类,Ozawa方程分析不能很好地适用于TPBD的六方相非等温结晶数据,主要是由于Ozawa理论的不精确假定,如二次结晶,结晶温度对片层厚度相关性及整个结晶过程中恒定的冷却函数等。并由Kissinger方程得到六方相的结晶活化能为167.9kJ/mol。


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A series of new rare-earth metal bis(alkyl) complexes [L(1-3)Ln(CH2SiMe3)(2)(THF)(n)] (L-1 = MeC4H2SCH2NC6H4(Ph)(2)P=NC6H2Me3-2,4,6: Ln = Sc, n = 1 (1a); Ln = Lu, n = 1 (1b); L-2 = MeC4H2SCH2NC6H4(Ph)(2)P=NC6H3Et2-2,6: Ln = Sc, n = 1 (2a); Ln = Lu, n = 1 (2b); Ln = Y, n = 1 (2c); L-3 = MeC4H2SCH2NC6H4(Ph)(2)P=(NC6H3Pr2)-Pr-i-2,6: Ln = Sc, n = 0 (3a)) and (LSc)-Sc-4(CH2SiMe3)(2()THF) (4a) (L-4 = C6H5CH2NC6H4(Ph)(2)P=NC6H3Et2-2,6) have been prepared by reaction of rare-earth metal tris(alkyl)s with the corresponding HL1-4 ligands via alkane elimination.


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A series of sulfonated polyimides (SPIs) were synthesized in in-cresol from 4,4'-binaphthyl- 1,11,8,8'-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BNTDA), 4.4'-diaminodiphenylether-2,2-disulfonicacid (ODADS), and 4.4'-diamino-diphenyl ether (ODA) in the presence of triethylamine and benzoic acid. The resulted polyimides showed much better water resistance than the corresponding sulfonated polyimides from 1,4,5,8-naphthatenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (NTDA) and ODADS, which is contributed to the higher electron density in the carbonyl carbon atoms of BNTDA. Copolyimides S-75 and S-50 maintained their mechanical properties and proton conductivities after aging in water at 100 degrees C for 800 h. The proton conductivity of these SPIs was 0.0250-0.3565 S/cm at 20 degrees C and 100% relative humidity (RH), and increased to 0.11490.9470 S/cm at 80 degrees C and 100% RH. The methanol permeability values of these SPIs were in the range of 0.99-2.36 x 10(-7) cm(2)/S, which are much lower than that of Nafion 117 (2 x 10(-6) cm(2)/s).


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Flat-sheet microporous membranes from F2.4 for membrane distillation (MD) were prepared by phase inversion process. Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) and LiClO(4)(.)3H(2)O/trimethyl phosphate (TMP) were, respectively, used as solvent and pore-forming additives. The effects of casting solution composition, exposure time prior to coagulation and temperature of precipitation bath on F2.4 membrane structure were investigated. The morphology of resultant porous membrane was observed by scanning electron microcopy. Some natures of F2.4 porous membrane after drying in air, such as mechanical properties and hydrophobicity, were exhibited and compared with poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane prepared by the same ways. Stress-at-break and strength stress of F2.4 microporous membrane are higher than that of PVDF membrane, and elongation percentage of F2.4 membrane at break is about eight-fold as great as that of PVDF membrane. Contact angle of F2.4 microporous membrane to water (86.6 +/- 0.51degrees) was also larger than that of PVDF mernbrane (80.0 +/- 0.78degrees). MD experiment was carried out using a direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) configuration as final test to permeate performance of resultant microporous membrane.


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A new fluorinated diamine monomer, [1,4-bis(4-amino-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)benzene (2)], and a known isomeric analog 1,4-bis(4-amino-2-trifluoromethylphenoxy)benzene (3) were synthesized. A series of organosoluble polyimides Ia-d and IIa were prepared from the diamines (2, 3) and dianhydrides (a-d) by a high-temperature one-step method. The effects of the trifluoromethyl substituents on the properties of polyimides were evaluated through the study of their soluble, thermal, optical, and gas permeability properties. Polyimides (Ia-d) had glass transition temperatures between 229 and 279 degrees C, and the temperatures at 5% weight loss ranged from 510 to 533 degrees C under nitrogen. These polyimides could be cast into flexible and tough membranes from DMAc solutions. The membranes had tensile strengths in the range of 137-169 MPa, tensile modulus in the range of 1.6-2.2 GPa and elongations at break from 11% to 14%. The polyimide la with trifluoromethyl groups ortho to the imide nitrogen exhibited enhanced gas permeability, solubility, transparency, and thermal stability compared with the isomeric polyimide IIa with the CF3 group meta to the imide nitrogen.


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Novel sodium sulfonate-functionalized poly(ether ether ketone)s derived from 4,4'-thiodiphenol with degree of sulfonation up to 2.0 were synthesized by nucleophilic polycondensation of various amount of 5,5 '-carbonylbis(2-fluorobenzenesulfonate) (1) and 4,4'-difluorobenzophenone (2) with 4,4'-thiodipheno (3). Component and structure of the polymers were confirmed by TR, NMR and elemental analysis. Wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns indicated an amorphous structure of the polymers. All the polymers showed excellent thermal stability and poor solubility in water. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.