198 resultados para Pauli-like contributions


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We investigate the characteristics of Whispering-Gallery(WG)-like modes in a square cavity with posts by employing the two-dimentional (2D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique combined with the effective index method. The results indicate that the posts can result in mode selection in the WG-like modes. The WG-like modes with odd mode numbers are not much sensitive to the sizes of the posts. However, the quality factor (i.e. Q-factor) of the WG-like modes with even mode numbers decreases sharply with the increasing size of the posts. The decreasing Q-factor is attributed to mode leakage and scattering loss due to the presence of the post. The mode selection increases with the mode spacing of square cavity twice in an optimized strucure.


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Chain-like Mg-doped ZnO nanoparticles were prepared using a wet chemical method combined with subsequent heat treatment. The blueshifted near-band-edge emission of the doped ZnO sample with respect to the undoped one was investigated by temperature-dependent photoluminescence. Based on the energy shift of the free-exciton transition, a band gap enlargement of similar to 83 meV was estimated, which seems to result in the equivalent shift of the bound-exciton transition. At 50 K, the transformation from the donor-acceptor-pair to free-to-acceptor emissions was observed for both the undoped and doped samples. The results show that Mg doping leads to the decrease of the acceptor binding energy. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The laterally confining potential of quantum dots (QDs) fabricated in semiconductor heterostructures is approximated by an elliptical two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator well or a bowl-like circular well. The energy spectrum of two interacting electrons in these potentials is calculated in the effective-mass approximation as a function of dot size and characteristic frequency of the confining potential by the exact diagonalization method. Energy level crossover is displayed according to the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of the elliptical confinement potential along the y axis and that along the x axis. Investigating the rovibrational spectrum with pair-correlation function and conditional probability distribution, we could see the violation of circular symmetry. However, there are still some symmetries left in the elliptical QDs. When the QDs are confined by a "bowl-like" potential, the removal of the degeneracy in the energy levels of QDs is found. The distribution of energy levels is different for the different heights of the barriers. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) optical gate with a graded strained bulk-like active structure is proposed. A fiber-to-fiber gain of 10 dB when the coupling loss reaches 7 dB/factet and a polarization insensitivity of less than 0.9 dB for multiwavelength and different power input signals over the whole operation current are obtained. Moreover, for our SOA optical gate, a no-loss current of 50 to 70 mA and an extinction ratio of more than 50 dB are realized when the injection current is more than no-loss current, and the maximum extinction ratio reaches 71 dB, which is critical for crosstalk suppression. (C) 2003 society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Coherent transport through a quantum dot embedded in one arm of a double-slit-like Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring is studied using the Green's function approach. We obtain experimental observations such as continuous phase shift along a single resonance peak and sharp inter-resonance phase drop. The AB oscillations of the differential conductance of the whole device are calculated by using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism. It is shown that the oscillating conductance has a continuous bias-voltage-dependent phase shift and is asymmetric in both linear and nonlinear response regimes.


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To overcome the isotropic directional emission of an ideal circular microdisk, two kinds of cylindrical mesa-like InGaAlP single quantum well (SQW) microdisks emitting at a visible red wavelength of 0.66 mu m have been fabricated. An anisotropic luminescence pattern was revealed by the microscopic fluorescence (FL) image. FL intensity, preferentially enhanced with twofold symmetry, appeared at the circumference of the InGaAlP SQW microdisks. Our results demonstrated that anisotropic radiation can be achieved by geometry shaping of the disks on the top view two-dimensional boundary slightly deformed from circular shape and/or on the side-view cross-section of the circular mesa by wet etching anisotropic undercut. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Al-related DX-like centers were observed in n-type Al-doped ZnS1-xTex epilayers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. The capacitance-voltage measurement, deep-level transient spectroscopy, and photoconductivity spectroscopy revealed that the behaviors of Al donors in ZnS1-xTex were similar to the so-called DX centers in AlxGa1-xAs. The optical ionization energies (E-i) and emission barriers (E-e) for the observed two Al-related DX-like centers were determined as E-i similar to 1.0 and 2.0cV and E-e similar to 0.21 and 0.39 eV, respectively. It was also shown that the formation of Al-related DX-like centers resulted in a significantly large lattice relaxation in ZnS1-xTex. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The initial InAs growth on InP(1 0 0) during molecular beam epitaxy has been investigated. The as-grown islands were shaped like nanowires and formed dense arrays over the entire surface in the 3-6 monolayer InAs deposition range. The wires were oriented along the [(1) over bar 1 0] direction. Transmission electron microscopy images confirm that the wires are coherently grown on the substrates. Our results suggest that the coherent wire-shaped island formation may be a possible method to fabricate self-organized InAs nanowires. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of electron cyclotron resonance (CR) in two sets of GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As modulation-doped quantum-well samples (well widths between 12 and 24 nm) has been carried out in magnetic fields up to 30 T. Polaron CR is the dominant transition in the region of GaAs optical phonons for the set of lightly doped samples, and the results are in good agreement with calculations that include the interaction with interface optical phonons. The results from the heavily doped set are markedly different. At low magnetic fields (below the GaAs reststrahlen region), all three samples exhibit almost identical CR which shows little effect of the polaron interaction due to screening and Pauli-principle effects. Above the GaAs LO-phonon region (B > similar to 23 T), the three samples behave very differently. For the most lightly doped sample (3 x 10(11) cm(-2)) only one transition minimum is observed, which can be explained as screened polaron CR. A sample of intermediate density (6 x 10(11) cm(-2)) shows two lines above 23 T; the higher frequency branch is indistinguishable from the positions of the single line of the low density sample. For the most heavily, doped sample (1.2 x 10(12) cm(-2)) there is no evidence of high frequency resonance, and the strong, single line observed is indistinguishable from the lower branch observed from sample with intermediate doping density. We suggest that the low frequency branch in our experiment is a magnetoplasmon resonance red-shifted by disorder, and the upper branch is single-particle-like screened polaron CR. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Void-like defects of octahedron structure having {111} facets were observed in annealed Czochralski silicon. The amorphous coverage of SiOx and SiCx on the inner surface of the defects was identified using transmission electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. It is suggested that these defects are a kind of amorphous precipitate origin. A mechanism for the generation of these defects and the previously reported solid amorphous precipitates is proposed. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)02842-3].


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GaN nanorods with vertebra-like morphology were synthesized by nitriding Ga2O3/ZnO films at 1000 degrees C for 20min. Ga2O3 thin films and ZnO middle layers were pre-deposited in turn on Si(111) substrates by r.f. magnetron sputtering system. In the flowing ammonia ambient, ZnO was reducted to Zn and Zu sublimated at 1000 degrees C. Ga2O3 was reducted to Ga2O and Ga2O reacted with NH3 to synthesize GaN nanorods in the help of the sublimation of Zn. The structure and morphology of the nanorods were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), The composition of GaN nanorods was studied by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and fourier transform infrared (FTIR) system.


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The Raman scattering study of vibrational modes and hole concentration in a ferromagnetic semiconductor Ga1-xMnxSb grown by Mn ion implantation, deposition and post-annealing has been presented. The experiments are performed both in implanted and unimplanted regions before and after etching the samples. The Raman spectra measured from the unimplanted region show only GaSb-like phonon modes. On the other hand, the spectra measured from the implanted region show additional phonon modes approximately at 115, 152, 269, 437 and 659 cm(-1). The experimental results demonstrate that the extra modes are associated with surface defects, crystal disorder and blackish layer that is formed due to Mn ion implantation, deposition and annealing processes. Furthermore, we have determined the hole concentration as a function of laser probing position by modeling the Raman spectra using coupled mode theory. The contributions of GaSb-like phonon modes and coupled LO-phonon plasmon mode are taken into consideration in the model. The hole-concentration-dependent CLOPM is resolved in the spectra measured from the implanted and nearby implanted regions. The hole concentrations determined by Raman scattering are found to be in good agreement with those measured by the electrochemical capacitance-voltage technique.


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PEDF 蛋白(Pigment epithelium-derived factor)又名“色素上皮源因子”或 “色素上皮衍生因子”,为一个多功能性分泌糖蛋白,前人研究表明PEDF 蛋白 具有神经保护性、免疫调节、抑制新生血管生成以及抑制肿瘤恶化等多种功能。 PEDF-R 是PEDF 的受体, 属于PNPLA2 ( Patatin-like phopholipase domain-containing 2 family)蛋白家族的一个新成员,PEDF 蛋白与其结合后会激 活PEDF-R 的磷脂酶A2 活性。本研究中,我们描述了非洲爪蟾PEDF 和PEDF-R 基因的表达图式及其在胚胎发育中的可能功能。RT-PCR 结果显示PEDF 是非母 源性表达,而PEDF-R 则是母源性表达的。原位杂交实验表明它们均在神经系统 中特异表达,但PEDF-R 的表达区域更加广泛,在鳃弓、眼泡和耳泡中也有表达。 通过mRNA 过表达和Morpholino(MO)阻断蛋白合成等手段发现,PEDF 功能获 得和功能缺失后胚胎几乎不受影响。然而PEDF-R 过表达后胚胎向注射一侧弯 曲,TUNEL 凋亡检测实验发现这些胚胎在注射一侧发生了凋亡。这两个基因神 经表达的特异性表明它们可能在早期神经发育中有重要功能。TUNEL 结果暗示 着PEDF-R 可能是一个与凋亡信号通路相关的受体。PEDF 功能获得和缺失并未 导致胚胎明显的表型,这表明PEDF 在非洲爪蟾中可能还存在其他的受体来行使 与PEDF-R 不同功能的途径。 果蝇的vestigial 基因编码一个转录辅助因子,在果蝇中只有一个成员,即 vestigial(vg)基因。在脊椎动物中有四个vestigial 同源基因,即vestigial-like 1,2,3,4_(vgl-1,2,3,4)。Vestigial 蛋白能作为辅助因子与果蝇中的Scalloped(Sd)蛋白 或者哺乳动物中的TEF 蛋白结合成复合体,通过Sd/TEF 蛋白的TEA/ATTS 结构 域与DNA 结合,从而调节下游基因的转录。本研究中,我们克隆了非洲爪蟾 vestigial-like 家族的四个成员,并对其在爪蟾胚胎发育过程中的表达进行研究。 RT-PCR 显示vgl-2 和vgl-3 是合子型表达的,vgl-1、vgl-4 则是母源性表达。原位 杂交显示:vgl-1 主要在神经管背部、耳泡和眼泡中表达;vgl-2 则是在肌肉、第 一二鳃弓、脊索中特异表达;vgl-3 神经胚时期在后脑有强的表达信号,从神经 胚后期到尾芽期后脑部位的表达几乎消失了,而在胚胎的头部以及神经管中开始 有微弱的表达;vgl-4 的表达较广泛,在神经管、眼泡、耳泡、肌肉以及脊索中 均有表达。在爪蟾中这四个成员的表达图式各不相同,提示它们有可能与其行使 组织特异性基因调控的功能相关,上述结果将有助于对vestigial-like 家族基因在 胚胎发育中的功能研究。