94 resultados para NEAR-SURFACE STRUCTURE


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Magnesium aluminate spinel crystals (MgAl2O4 (1 1 0)) deposited with 30 nm Cu film on surface were implanted with 110 key Ar-ions to a fluence of 1.0 x 10(17) ions/cm(2) at 350 degrees C, and then annealed in vacuum condition at the temperature of 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 degrees C for 1 h, respectively. Ultraviolet-visible spectrometry (UV-VIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Rutherford backscattering (RBS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were adopted to analyze the specimens. After implantation, the appearance of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorbance peak in the UV-VIS spectrum indicated the formation of Cu nanoparticles, and the TEM results for 500 degrees C also confirmed the formation of Cu nanoparticles at near-surface region. In annealing process, The SPR absorbance intensity increased at 500 and 700 degrees C, decreased with a blue shift of the peak position at 600 and 800 degrees C, and the peak disappeared at 900 degrees C. The SPR absorbance intensity evolution with temperature was discussed combined with other measurement results (RBS, SEM and TEM). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The surface structure of the iron oxide nanoparticles obtained by the co-precipitation method has been investigated, and a thin layer of alpha-FeOOH absorbed on surface of the nanoparticle is confirmed by analyses of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS). After annealed at 400 degrees C, the alpha-FeOOH can be converted to gamma-Fe2O3. The simple-annealed procedure resulted in the formation of Fe3O4@gamma-Fe2O3 core/shell structure with improved stability and a higher magnetic saturation value, and also the simple method can be used to obtain core/shell structure in other similar system.


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Two novel of tri- and tetra-functional biphenyl acid chloride: 3,4',5-biphenyl triacyl chloride (BTRC) and 3,3',5,5'-biphenyl tetraacyl chloride (BTEC), were synthesized, and used as new monomers for the preparations of the thin film composite (TFC) reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The TFC RO membranes were prepared on a polysulfone supporting film through interfacial polymerization with the two new monomers and m-phenylenediamine (MPD). The membranes were characterized for the permeation properties, chemical composition, d-space between polymer chains, hydrophilicity, membrane morphology including top surface and cross-section. Permeation experiment was employed to evaluate the membranes performance including salt rejection and water flux. The surface structure and chemical composition of membranes were analyzed by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) and X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS). The results revealed that the active layer of membranes was composed of highly cross-linked aromatic polyamide with the functional acylamide (-CONH-) bonds. The TFC membranes prepared from biphenyl acid chloride exhibit higher salt rejection compared with that prepared from trimesoyl chloride (TMC) at the expanse of some flux.


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Ordered hexagonal droplets patterns in phase-separating polymeric blend films of polystyrene and poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS/PVP) formed due to the convection effect by solvent evaporation. The influences of PS molecular weight, solvent evaporation rate, and the weight ratio of PS to PVP on the PVP-rich domains pattern formation and distributions were investigated by atomic force microscope (AFM). Only in an appropriate range of molecular weight of PS, can the ordered pattern form. Too low or too high molecular weight of PS led no ordered pattern due to the viscosity effects. The increase of solvent evaporation rate decreased the mean radius of the PVP-rich domains and the intervals between the centers of the domains due to the enhancement of the viscosity on the top layer of the fluid film. The increase of the weight ratio of PS to PVP decreased mean radius of the PVP-rich domains whereas the intervals between the centers of droplets remained constant. Therefore, the size and the distributions of ordered patterns can be tuned by the polymer molecular weight, the weight ratio of the two components and the solvent evaporation rate.


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Cobalt(II)-cyanoferrate polymeric film has been electrochemically deposited on a glassy carbon electrode and investigated by cyclic voltammetry and in-situ reflection FTIR spectroscopy. A reorientation of the terminal C=N groups upon redox reactions was proposed. The stretching vibration mode of the terminal C=N groups associated with Fe(III) was observed at 2122 cm(-1), however, the stretching vibration mode for terminal groups associated with Fe(II) did not appear. This process could result in a switch between lattice-closed and lattice-opened surface structure. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The dependence of morphology and properties on film-forming conditions is described for the symmetrically substituted copper tetra-4-(2, 4-di-t-amylphenoxy) phthalocyanine (tapCuPc) Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. The effects of LB film-forming conditions (such as the surface pressure, pH value and the concentrations of spreading solutions) on film quality were studied with the help of a UV-visible spectrophotometer and a transmission electron microscope. Transmission electron microscopy photographs of the surface morphology of tapCuPc LB films show that a smooth and homogeneous surface structure can be obtained under optimum film-forming conditions.


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The surface structure of glassy carbon electrode subjected to "galvanostat" pretreat- ment and its electrocatalytic behaviour in the presence of ascorbic acid, catechol and hydroquinone were studied by means of cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronocoulometry and scanning electron microscopy. The electrocatalytic mechanism was discussed, which was due to the adsorption and the catalysis of functional groups at the electrode surface. Three separated peaks from the mixture of catecnol, hydroq...


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In this study, at proper dosage of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (180 sec: 36,000 erg/mm(2)), sperm chromosomes of left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, were inactivated, while spermatozoa maintained ability to move and inseminate eggs. Gynogenetic haploids were detected by morphological observation, chromosome counting, and flow cytometer analysis. The ultrastructure of treated sperm was observed under scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and transmission electronic microscope (TEM). The results showed that after being irradiated at lower dosage of irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)), the surface structure of spermatozoa was not affected by UV irradiation, while the inner structures including membrane system and karyoplasm denseness of treated spermatozoa were little changed. However, obvious changes were observed in their membrane system, mitochondria, and nucleus if the dosage of irradiation increased to 240 sec: 48,000 erg/mm(2) or 300 sec: 60,000 erg/mm(2). The sperm survival rates did not change at the lower dosages of the UV irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)) but decreased as the irradiation dosage increased. The motility of treated sperm was lower than that of control group in general but did not change with UV irradiation dosage increasing at the certain range of 0-300 sec: 0-60,000 erg/mm(2).


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The rugged surface topography determined the seismic data acquisition construction conditions and the seismic wave explosive and receiver quality in Qaidam Basin. This dissertation systematically researched the seismic acquisition, imaging process and the attribute analysis techniques of complicated oil and gas reservoir. The main research achievements and cognitions are as follows: 1. Through the stimulation effects research and analysis from the aspect of lithologic water-containing differences, it’s specific that stable hydrous sand layer can effectively enhance the stimulation effects combined with the corresponding field tests. The seismic data S/N ratio has been improved due to the combination explosive stimulation. Through the fold number and maximum offset analyses of target horizon, the complicated geometry has been optimized and the S/N ratio of seismic data has been improved, which made an important basis for improvement of 3D seismic data. 2. It has been proved that the first arrival refraction static correction method under the model constraint of fine surface survey is suitable to the Qaidam Basin of western areas by the real seismic data processing. Although the refraction horizon of near surface has some changes in a certain extent, it’s steady basically. The refraction horizon can be continuously traced in sections, so it’s qualified for the refraction static correction method on the whole. 3. The research is based on the curved-ray pre-stack time migration techniques of rough topography, and improved the imaging precision of complex areas. This techniques adopted the constant and variable velocity scanning mode and enhanced the velocity analysis precision. The 3D pre-stack time migration techniques reasonably solved the imaging and velocity multiple solutions problems of steep-dip faults and the intersections of horizontal layers. What’s more, fine velocity analysis and mute are very important to enhance the imaging precision of the seismic data in complicated Wunan areas. 4. The 3D seismic data edge-preserving processing methods have been realized due to the image process techniques. Because this method uses the large range filter, it can attenuate the noise maximally. The faults, break points, lithologic pinchout points and lithologic body of small scale such as river will not be influenced by blur because of the edge-preserving characterization of the method which is really an effective assistant technique of low S/N ratio seismic data attribute analysis. 5. The use of spectral decomposition technique can effectively identify the reservoirs. The special geology body which will not be identified (or without obvious characters) in the seismic profile may be found through the details changes of different frequencies in the amplitude profiles.


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Static correction is one of the indispensable steps in the conventional onshore seismic data processing, particularly in the western part of China; it is theoretically and practically significant to resolve the issue of static correction. Conventional refraction static correction is put forward under the assumption that layered medium is horizontal and evenly distributed. The complicated nature of the near surface from western part of China is far from the assumption. Therefore, the essential way to resolve the static correction problem from the complex area is to develop a new theory. In this paper, a high-precision non-linear first arrival tomography is applied to solve the problem, it moved beyond the conventional refraction algorithm based on the layered medium and can be used to modeling the complex near surface. Some of the new and creative work done is as follows: One. In the process of first arrival tomographic image modeling, a fast high-order step algorithm is used to calculate the travel time for first arrival and ray path and various factors concerning the fast step ray tracing algorithm is analyzed. Then the second-order and third-order differential format is applied to the step algorithm which greatly increased the calculation precision of the ray tracing and there is no constraint to the velocity distribution from the complex areas. This method has very strong adaptability and it can meet the needs of great velocity variation from the complicated areas. Based on the numerical calculation, a fast high-order step is a fast, non-conditional and stable high-precision tomographic modeling algorithm. Two, in the tomographic inversion, due to the uneven fold coverage and insufficient information, the inversion result is unstable and less reliable. In the paper, wavelet transform is applied to the tomographic inversion which has achieved a good result. Based on the result of the inversion from the real data, wavelet tomographic inversion has increased the reliability and stability of the inversion. Three. Apply the constrained high-precision wavelet tomographic image to the static correction processing from the complex area. During tomographic imaging, by using uphole survey, refraction shooting or other weathering layer method, weathering layer can be identified before the image. Because the group interval for the shot first arrival is relatively big, there is a lack of precision for the near surface inversion. In this paper, an inversion method of the layer constraint and well constraint is put forward, which can be used to compensate the shallow velocity of the inversion for the shot first arrival and increase the precision of the tomographic inversion. Key words: Tomography ,Fast marching method,Wavelet transform, Static corrections, First break


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With the development of oil and gas field exploration, it becomes harder to search new reserves. So a higher demand of seismic exploration comes up. Now 3C3D seismic exploration technology has been applied in petroleum exploration domains abroad. Comparing with the traditional P-wave exploration, the seismic attributes information which provided by 3C3D seismic exploration will increase quickly. And it can derive various combined parameters. The precision of information about lithology, porosity, fracture, oil-bearing properties, etc which estimated by above parameters was higher than that of pure P-wave exploration. These advantages mentioned above lead to fast development of 3C3D seismic technology recently. Therefore, how to apply the technology in petroleum exploration field in China, how to obtain high quality seismic data, and how to process and interpret real data, become frontier topics in geophysical field nowadays, which have important practical significance in research and application. In this paper, according to the propagation properties of P-wave and converted wave, a study of 3C3D acquisition parameters design method was completed. Main parameters included: trace interval, shot interval, maximum offset, bin size, the interval of receiving lines, the interval of shooting lines, migration aperture, maximum cross line distance, etc. Their determination principle was given. The type of 3C3D seismic exploration geometry was studied. By calculating bin attributes and analyzing parameters of geometry, some useful conclusions were drawn. With the method in this paper, real geometries for continental lithology stratum gas reservoir and fractured gas reservoir were studied and determined. In the static method of multi-wave, the near surface P-wave, S-wave parameter investigation method has been advanced, and this method has been applied for the patent successfully; the near surface P-wave, S-wave parameter investigation method and the converted refraction wave first arrival static techniques have been integrally used to improve the effectiveness of converted wave static. In the aspect of converted wave procession, the rotation of horizontal component data, the calculation of converted wave common conversion bin, the residual static of converted wave, the velocity analysis of the common conversion point (CCP), the Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration of converted wave techniques have been applied for setting up the various 3C3D seismic data processing flows based on different geologic targets, and the high quality P-wave, converted-wave profiles have been acquired in the actual data processing. In the aspect of P-wave and converted-wave comprehensive interpretation, the thoughts and methods of using zero-offset S-wave VSP data to calibrate horizon have been proposed; the method of using P-wave and S-wave amplitude ratio to predict the areas of oil and gas enrichment has been studied; the method of inversion using P-wave combined with S-wave has been studied; the various P-wave, S-wave parameters(velocity ratio, amplitude ratio, poisson ratio) have been used to predict the depth, physical properties, gas-bearing properties of reservoirs; the method of predicting the continental stratum lithology gas reservoir has been built. The above techniques have all been used in various 3D3C seismic exploration projects in China, and the better effects have been gotten. By using these techniques, the 3C3D seismic exploration level has been improved.


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This dissertation starts from the point that the prestack time migration can been considered as an approximation of the prestack depth migration, giving a wave equation based prestack time migration approach. The new approach includes: analytically getting the travel time and amplitude based on the one way wave equation and the stationary-phase theory, using ‘spread’ imaging method and imaging following the prestack depth migration, updating the velocity model with respect to the flats of the events in CRP gathers. Based on this approach, we present a scheme that can image land seismic data without field static correction. We may determine the correct near surface velocities and stack velocities by picking up the residual correction of the events in the CRP gathers. We may get the rational migration section based on the updated velocities and correct the migration section from a floating datum plane to a universal datum plane. We may adaptively determine the migration aperture according to the dips of the imaging structures. This not only speed up the processing, but may suppress the migration noise produce by the extra aperture. We adopt the deconvolution imaging condition of wave equation migration. It may partially compensate the geometric divergence. In this scheme, we use the table-driven technique which may enhance the computational efficiency. If the subsurface is much more complicated, it may be impossible to distinguish the DTS curve. To solve this problem, we proposed a technique to determine the appropriate range of the DTS curve. We synthesize DTS panel in this range using different velocities and depths, and stack the amplitude around the zero time. Determine the correct velocity and location of the considered grid point by comparing the values.


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A frequency domain electromagnetic (conductivity) method for near surface soundings at low frequencies is discussed in this thesis. Its elementary principle is to detect the conductivity of the earth by the secondary magnetic fields induced by a current dipole on the earth. According to the EM induction theory, a coil with alternating current on the earth will generate a magnetic field in whole space which is referred to as the primary field Hp. The primary field would induce secondary currents in the earth which go down to depth like a batch of smoking rings. These currents further produce secondary magnetic field Hs .The primary and secondary magnetic fields are collected together by a receiver coil. Generally speaking,the secondary magnetic field is a complicated function of coil spacing, transmitting frequency and earth conductivity. But at low induction numbers, the secondary field is deduced to as a simple function of frequency, spacing and conductivity. Especially the ratio of secondary to primary field shares a linear proportion to the apparent conductivity. The earth conductivity can be interpreted by proper inversions with the apparent conductivity. The method is discussed at three steps: (1)Derivation of primary and secondary magnetic fields arising from vertical and horizontal magnetic dipoles on the earth based on the basic EM induction theory. (2)Field techniques and equipment developed for the method. (3)An interpretation technique was introduced using a cumulative and relative response function. Finally a test example is presented for examining the effectiveness of the method.