113 resultados para Illumination globale


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A prototype neuro-stimulus chip for sub-retinal implants in blind patients affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) or Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is presented in this paper. This retinal prosthetic chip was designed to replace the degenerated photoreceptor cells, and in order to stimulate directly the remaining healthy layers of retinal neurons. The current stimulus circuits are monolithic integrated with photodiodes (PD) array, which can convert the illumination on the eyes into bi-phasic electrical pulses. In addition, a novel charge cancellation circuit is used to discharge the electrodes for medical safty. The prototype chip is designed and fabricated in HJTC 0.18 mu m N-well CMOS 1P6M Mix-signal process, with a +/- 2.5 V dual voltage power supply.


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The optical quenching of photoconductivity under dual illumination in GaN samples with different resistivity is investigated to reveal the variation of deep levels. The samples are grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition without intentional doping. Quenching bands centered at 1.35 eV, 1.55 eV, 1.98 eV, and 2.60 eV are observed. It is found that the 1.98 eV quenching band is dominated in all the samples and the 2.60 eV band is observed only in the high-resistivity samples. The possible defect levels responsible for the quenching bands and the origin of different quenching behaviour at 2.60 eV are discussed. It is suggested that the defect level responsible for quenching at 2.60 eV plays an important role for the enhancement of resistivity.


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光照是影响成像的关键因素之一。当光照条件变化时,同一物体的不同成像之间的差异极大,有时甚至大于不同物体的成像之间的差异。在很多目标识别应用场景中,光照又常常不受人为控制,这使得光照变化条件下的目标识别成为一个普遍而具有挑战性的问题。 本文深入分析了光照特性如强度、方向和颜色等的改变对目标成像的影响;研究了目前流行的各种光照鲁棒的目标识别方法,介绍它们的算法原理,分析光照鲁棒的原因,算法的适用条件等。 提出了一种在低照度条件下基于图像频域特征的目标识别方法,该方法通过分析空频域仿射变换之间的关系,采取对梯度图像的傅氏频谱进行伪对数采样的特征提取方法,较好地提取了中低频特征,抑制了高频噪声,避免了光照变化带来的不利影响;使用神经网络进行识别,有效地提取了目标的仿射不变特征,识别速度快。 提出了一种光照鲁棒的非线性相关目标识别方法。该方法采取一种信息分解的策略,将灰度信息分解为描述存在变化的区域和区域内变化程度两个描述分量,选择比较有区分力的部分像素参与匹配;以向量之间夹角的大小作为相似度度量,直接利用图像的灰度信息,在高维向量空间中考虑图像之间的相似度,克服了在低照度、低信噪比的图像中求边缘、角点和形状等特征时面临的困难。该相似度度量不受向量模的大小(乘性光照变化)以及向量平移(加性光照变化)的影响,是线性光照不变的。


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C-axis preferred oriented ZnO thin films were prepared on quartz substrates by RF sputtering. Photoconductive ultraviolet detector with planar interdigital electrodes was fabricated on ZnO thin film by the lift off technique. Linear I-V characteristic was observed under dark or 365 nm UV light illumination and has obvious difference. The photoresponsivity of 365 nm at 5 V bias is 18 A/W. The response time measure set mainly contains KrF excimer laser with the pulse width of 30 ns and the oscillograph with the bandwidth of 200 MHz. The result shows fast photoresponse with a rise time of 100 ns and fall time of 1.5 mu s. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BR-D96N is a kind of genetically site-specific mutants of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with obvious photochromic effect. Compared to the wild type BR, the lifetime of M state of BR-D96N is prolonged to several minutes so that the photochromic kinetics and the intermediates formation can be studied by the conventional spectra analysis. In the experiment, the absorption spectra of the sample at different time after light illumination are measured with spectrophotometer. By fitting and analyzing the variation of the spectra, we suppose that there are three main states in the, photochromic process, i.e., B state (light-adapted state), M state and D state (dark-adapted state). The absorption spectra of the B state, M state and D state are extracted from the experimental data based on this three-state model and the spectra at various time are fitted with the least-square method. So, the variations of population percentages of the M state, B state and D state are obtained and the M state and B state lifetimes are estimated. In another way, from the measurement of the absorption dynamics at 407 and 568 nm, the M state and B state lifetimes are also obtained by two exponential data fitting, which give coincident results with those of the spectra analysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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BR-D96N is a kind of genetically site-specific mutant of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with obvious photochromic effect. Compared to the wild type BR, the lifetime of M state of BR-D96N is prolonged to several minutes so that the photochromic kinetics and the intermediates formation can be studied by the conventional spectra analysis. In the experiment, the absorption spectra of the sample at different time after light illumination are measured with spectrophotometer. By fitting and analyzing the variation of the spectra, we suppose there-are three main states in the photochromic process, i.e. B state (light-adapted state), M state and D state (dark-adapted state). The absorption spectra of the B state, M state and D state are extracted from the experimental data based on this three-state model and the spectra at various time are fitted With the least square method. So, the variations of population percentages of the M state, B state and D state are obtained and the M state and B state lifetimes are estimated. In another,way, from measuring the absorption dynamics at 407 nm and 568 nm, the M state and B state lifetimes are also obtained by two exponential data fitting, which give coincident results with those of the spectra analysis.


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Waveguides induced by one-dimensional spatial photovoltaic solitons are investigated in both self-defocusing-type and self-focusing-type photorefractive photovoltaic materials. The number of possible guided modes in a waveguide induced by a bright photovoltaic soliton is obtained using numerical techniques. This number of guided modes increases monotonically with increasing intensity ratio, which is the ratio between the peak intensity of the soliton and the sum of the background illumination and the dark irradiance. On the other hand, waveguides induced by dark photovoltaic solitons are always single mode for all intensity ratios, and the higher the intensity ratio, the more confined is the optical energy near the centre of the dark photovoltaic soliton. Relevant examples are provided where photorefractive photovoltaic materials are of self-defocusing and self-focusing types. The properties of soliton-induced waveguides in both self-defocusing-type and self-focusing-type materials are also discussed.


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A photodilatation effect of undoped a-Si:H films has been discovered by a differential dilatometric method. The film thickness has been found to increase instantaneously when the sample is exposed to light. The dilatation weakens with illumination time, following a stretched exponential law, and finally reaches a saturation value. The dilatation disappears when light is off. The results unambiguously show that the whole structure of the film becomes less compact and less stable under light exposure. The metastable change (Staebler-Wronski effect) could be a redistribution of different configurations after this photodilatation in the a-Si:H films.


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The crossover between two regimes has been observed in the vertical electric transport of weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices (SLs). At fixed d.c. bias, the SLs can be triggered by illumination to switch from a regime of temporal current oscillation to the formation of a stable electric field domain. The conversion can be reversed by raising the sample temperature to about 200 K. An effective carrier injection model is proposed to explain the conversion processes, taking into account the contact resistance originating from DX centres in the n(+)-Al0.5Ga0.5As contact layers which is sensitive to light illumination and temperature. In addition, quasiperiodic oscillations have been observed at a particular d.c. bias voltage.


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The electronic absorption of EL2 centers has been clarified to be related to the electron acid hole photoionizations, and the transition from its ground state to metastable state, respectively. Under an illumination with a selected photon energy in the near infrared region, these three processes with different optical cross sections will show different kinetics against the illumination time. It has recently been shown that the photosensitivity (measured under 1.25 eV illumination) of the local vibrational mode absorption induced by some deep defect centers in SI-GaAs is a consequence of the electron and hole photoionizations of EL2. This paper directly measures the kinetics of the electronic transition associated with EL2 under 1.25 eV illumination, which implies the expected charge transfer among different charge states of the EL2 center. A calculation based on a simple rate equation model is in good agreement with the experimental results.


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Current based microscopic defect analysis methods such as current deep level transient spectroscopy (I-DLTS) and thermally stimulated current (TSC) have been further developed in accordance with the need for the defect analysis of highly irradiated (Phi(n) > 10(13) n/cm(2)) high resistivity silicon detectors. The new I-DLTS/TSC system has a temperature range of 8 K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 450 K and a high sensitivity that can detect a defect concentration of less than 10(10)/cm(3) (background noise as low as 10 fA). A new filling method using different wavelength laser illumination has been applied, which is more efficient and suitable than the traditional voltage pulse filling. It has been found that the filling of a defect level depends on such factors as the total concentration of free carriers generated or injected, the penetration length of the laser (laser wavelength), the temperature at which the filling is taking place, as well as the decay time after the filling (but before the measurement). The mechanism of the defect filling can be explained by the competition between trapping and detrapping of defect levels, possible capture cross section temperature dependence, and interaction among various defect levels in terms of charge transferring. Optimum defect filling conditions have been suggested for highly irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors.


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Recent infrared spectroscpic observations of local vibrational mode absorptions have revealed a number of photosensitive centers in semi-insulating GaAs. They include (OVAs) center which has three modes at 730 cm(-1) (A), 715 cm(-1) (B), and 714 cm(-1) (C), respectively, a suggested NH center related to a line at 983 cm(-1) (X(1)), and centers related to hydrogen, such as (H-O) or (H-N) bonds, corresponding to a group of peaks in the region of 2900-3500 cm(-1). The photosensitivity of various local vibration centers was observed to have similar time dependence under near-infrared illumination and was suggested to be due to their charge-state interconversion. Mainly described in this work is the effect of the 1.25-eV illumination. It is confirmed that this photoinduced kinetic process results from both electron capture and hole capture, which are closely related to the photoionization behavior and metastability of the EL2 center.


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After illumination with 1-1.3 eV photons during cooling-down, metastable PH modes are observed by IR absorption at 5 K in semi-insulating InP:Fe. They correlate with the photo-injection of holes, but not with a change of the charge state of the K-related centres present at equilibrium. They are explained by a change of the bonding of H, induced by hole trapping, from IR-inactive centres to PH-containing centres, stable only below 80 K. One metastable centre has well-defined geometrical parameters and the other one could be located in a region near from the interface with (Fe,P) precipitates.


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High quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films have been prepared by a simple "uninterrupted growth/annealing" plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, combined with a subtle boron-compensated doping. These a-Si:H films possess a high photosensitivity over 10(6), and exhibit no degradation in photoconductivity and a low light-induced defect density after prolonged illumination. The central idea is to control the growth conditions adjacent to the critical point of phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state, and yet to locate the Fermi level close to the midgap. Our results show that the improved stability and photosensitivity of a-Si:H films prepared by this method can be mainly attributed to the formation of a more robust network structure and reduction in the precursors density of light-induced metastable defects.