366 resultados para Fourier-transform


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TiO2 and ZrO2 films are deposited by electron-beam (EB) evaporation and by sol-gel process. The film properties are characterized by visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry, x-ray diffraction analysis, surface roughness measure, absorption and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) test. It is found that the sol-gel Elms have lower refractive index, packing density and roughness than EB deposited films due to their amorphous structure and high OH group concentration in the film. The high LIDT of sol-gel films is mainly due to their amorphous and porous structure, and low absorption. LIDT of EB deposited film is considerably affected by defects in the Elm, and LIDT of sol-gel deposited film is mainly effected by residual organic impurities and solvent trapped in the film.


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角质层是果实抵御外界环境胁迫的一个屏障,既能调节果实自身的生理活动,也能增加对病原菌入侵的抵抗力,在果实贮藏保鲜中具有重要的作用。本文利用傅里叶变换红外光谱检测(Fourier-transform-infrared-spectroscopy)法,重点研究了不同贮藏条件下果实角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化,及对果实品质和贮藏性的影响,为进一步阐明角质层在果实贮藏保鲜中的作用提供依据。研究内容包括:(1)壶瓶枣果实在冷藏和气调下软化率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(2)即时冷藏和延迟冷藏下,桃果实好果率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(3)采前喷施氯化钙或油菜素内酯对甜樱桃单果重、品质、果肉细胞壁结构以及耐贮性的影响。 试验结果表明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)能够显著降低壶瓶枣软化率,更好地保持果实的硬度、可溶性固形物(SSC)和可滴定酸(TA)含量以及较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和较低含量的角质层物质。(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏使“八月脆”桃果实能保持较高的果实硬度和好果率,显著减慢TA含量下降,能保持较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和角质层物质,但对SSC和Vc含量没有显著的影响。(3)与对照相比,采前喷施CaCl2(1%,m/v)能够增加“红灯”(6.94%)的单果重,对甜樱桃果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)和细胞壁结构没有明显的影响。(4)与对照相比,采前喷施0.15 mg•L-1油菜素内酯能增加“红灯”(3.68%)和“大紫”(8.61%)的单果重,降低“红灯”果实的自然腐烂率,并不影响果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)。 这些研究结果说明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)更利于壶瓶枣果实贮藏保鲜;(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏(0 ºC)更利于“八月脆”桃果实贮藏保鲜;(3)气调贮藏和即时冷藏通过调节果实角质层和细胞壁代谢等途径发挥作用。气调贮藏会降低壶瓶枣果实角质层物质含量,增强其透气性,减少壶瓶枣酒软发生;但即时冷藏会延缓“八月脆”桃果实角质层降解,维持角质层物质较高的含量以及结构完整性,以充分发挥角质层的保护作用,减缓果实的软化进程,维持果实硬度和品质;(4)采前适当浓度的钙或油菜素内酯处理对增加甜樱桃单果重,降低自然腐烂率有一定的作用,但在不同品种中的作用效果有差异。


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花粉管是种子植物受精过程中的雄性生殖单位载体,具有典型的顶端极性生长特点,因此成为近年来研究植物细胞间相互识别、胞内外信号传递的模式系统。裸子植物花粉管与被子植物花粉管相比具有萌发时间长、生长缓慢等特点。一氧化氮(NO)作为一个重要的胞内信号分子,参与调节植物生长发育和多种生理过程,但是,有关NO对花粉管生长的作用机制目前尚不清楚。本研究以裸子植物白皮松(Pinus bungeana)花粉为材料,应用不同浓度的NO释放剂SNAP和SNP, NO清除剂cPTIO和哺乳动物一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L-NNA处理,对白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管伸长进行了细胞学研究,从而为进一步揭示NO调控裸子植物花粉管生长机理提供参考。 本论文首先研究了NO释放剂、清除剂及NOS抑制剂对白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果显示,SNAP和SNP能够促进白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管伸长,并具有浓度效用,但对其花粉管的形态特征无明显影响;cPTIO和L-NNA能够抑制白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管生长,并且具有浓度效应,同时还可使花粉管顶端膨大呈球形,并丧失花粉管的极性生长。运用NO特异探针DAF-2DA标记显示,SNAP和SNP处理可促进花粉管胞内NO产生;经cPTIO和L-NNA处理后,花粉管内荧光强度比对照花粉管明显减弱。上述结果表明,NO参与裸子植物花粉管极性生长,并且适量NO可以促进花粉管的生长。 用显微注射技术将Ca2+特异探针注射入白皮松花粉管,以检测白皮松花粉管胞内Ca2+浓度梯度。结果显示,SNAP和SNP处理后,NO荧光增加的同时,花粉管顶端Ca2+浓度梯度增加。与此相反,cPTIO和L-NNA处理后,NO荧光降低的同时,花粉管顶端Ca2+浓度梯度也相应降低。应用非损伤微测技术测定花粉管胞外Ca2+内流,结果显示,SNAP和SNP促进胞外Ca2+内流,而cPTIO和L-NNA则抑制胞外Ca2+内流。据此,我们推测,在白皮松花粉管中,NO可能通过调节胞外Ca2+内流来调节胞内Ca2+浓度梯度,然而,我们不能排除在NO信号传递过程中,胞内Ca2+库可能影响胞内Ca2+浓度梯度。 通过微丝特异探针标记的白皮松花粉管显示,SNAP和SNP可使花粉管顶端细微丝束解聚,而cPTIO和L-NNA处理后,花粉管中微丝聚合,尤其在花粉管顶端形成粗的微丝束,并一直延伸到花粉管的最顶端。结合上述Ca2+结果,我们认为,经NO处理后,白皮松花粉管微丝骨架的动态变化,可能是通过Ca2+浓度来进行调控的。通过FM4-64探针标记显示,正常生长白皮松花粉管胞吞作用主要集中在顶端和亚顶端,并且形成倒“V”形的分布模式,SNAP与SNP处理后荧光分布模式与对照花粉管类似,但达到饱和所用时间相对较短;而L-NNA处理后顶端膨大丧失极性的花粉管,荧光分布在膨大花粉管靠近质膜的区域,未见倒“V”形分布模式;经L-NNA处理后,顶端没有膨大的花粉管,荧光几乎均匀分布于整个花粉管,并且L-NNA处理后达到饱和的时间较对照长。上述结果表明,适量NO能够促进白皮松花粉管胞吞。 免疫抗体标记技术分析发现,对照花粉管的酯化果胶质和AGPs都集中在顶端,酸性果胶质分布在侧壁,胼胝质均匀分布在整个花粉管壁上。L-NNA处理后的花粉管,在其顶端出现酸性果胶和酯化果胶,以及有胼胝质积累,而AGPs则分布在花粉管的基部。运用傅里叶红外光谱技术(Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy, FTIR)技术分析白皮松花粉管顶端细胞壁成分,结果显示,SNAP处理后花粉管顶端酯化果胶增加而酸性果胶降低;与之相反,经L-NNA处理后的花粉管,其顶端酯化果胶降低而酸性果胶增加。 综上所述,在白皮松花粉管中,NO促进胞外Ca2+内流,从而维持胞内Ca2+浓度梯度,进而影响花粉管顶端微丝骨架的组装,促进囊泡运输,使花粉管顶端酯化果胶累积,最终促进花粉管的正常生长。


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土地利用变化,尤其是热带地区森林生态系统土地利用方式的变化极大地改变了全球碳循环,对大气CO2浓度的升高,气候变暖等全球性环境问题起着不可忽视的作用。同时,森林的大面积破坏,引起土壤流失,营养元素含量降低,土壤健康状况恶化,最终大幅度降低生态系统的生产力。本文主要结合野外实地调查和室内分析的方法,研究森林砍伐后转变为农田和橡胶园对西双版纳热带地区土壤碳、氮、磷含量以及有机质化学结构的影响,天然次生林恢复、橡胶园建设对大气CO2的蓄积作用。 森林砍伐后转变为农田和橡胶园,显著地改变了土壤的理化特性。研究结果表明,与次生林相比,农田和橡胶园表层土壤容重、pH值升高,含水量降低,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、有效磷含量显著降低。土地利用变化对土壤特性的影响主要发生在0-40 cm 表层土壤,而对40 cm以下土层影响较小。 土地利用变化改变土壤碳含量,同时影响土壤有机质的化学结构。胡敏酸紫外-可见光谱(UV-VIS)、傅利叶变换红外光谱 (FT-IR) 分析发现,不同生态系统表层土壤 (0-20 cm) 胡敏酸光谱学特性存在明显差异。次生林E4/E6值高于农田和橡胶园。与次生林相比,农田和橡胶园表层土壤有机质中酚基相对含量显著降低,脂肪族、芳香族、羧基以及多聚糖等化合物相对含量增加。 运用样地调查、生物量模型模拟和室内土壤样品分析方法,研究了次生林恢复和橡胶园建设对大气CO2的汇集作用。结果表明:退化土壤恢复为次生林、农田建设橡胶园能够有效促进植被和土壤中碳的汇集。次生林和橡胶林生物量增长速率分别为9.8,10.2 (9.4)t•ha-1•yr-1, 1 m表层土壤有机碳汇集速率分别为0.7和1.1 t•C•ha-1•yr-1。模拟结果显示,40年橡胶林生物量为327 (324) t•ha-1, 恢复50年后天然次生林生物量为395 t•ha-1。加之土壤有机碳,40年橡胶园约汇集碳190 t•ha-1, 次生林恢复50年碳汇集潜力为250 t•ha-1。


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以类囊体膜中唯一的阴离子型磷脂一磷脂酰甘油(PG)为研究对象,应用放氧测定和富立叶红外光谱等实验方法和技术手段,对PG与光系统II (PSII)之间的相互作用进行了研究。 研究表明,PG对PSII的放氧活性产生显著影响,具有明显的浓度效应。在低浓度(2~22 mg PG/mg Chl)时对PSII的放氧活性有明显的促进作用,而在高浓度(24~40 mg PG/mg Chl)下则表现出显著的抑制作用。 PG对PSII放氧活性的影响与其引起蛋白结构的改变密切相关。结果显示,PG的作用导致PSII颗粒中蛋白质二级结构的改变,主要表现为α-螺旋、β-折叠的增加和无规卷曲的减少。 不仅如此,红外光谱的分析还表明,PG还使蛋白酪氨酸残基中的酚基构象及其周围的微极性发生改变,即在红外光谱的1620—1500 cm-1,之间芳香环骨架的伸缩振动带向高频方向变化,其吸收强度也相应增加;在3500~3100 cm. -1间出现新的氢键吸收峰。 PG除能促进PSII的放氧活性以外,还对PSII表现出新的作用,即PG可以使PSII颗粒因缺钙而受抑制的放氧活性得到恢复;外加Ca2+可使PG表现出对缺钙PSII颗粒(dc。PSII)放氧活性的更大促进作用,且随Ca2+浓度的增加,促进作用也越显著。 PG的作用也使dc。PSII蛋白的结构发生了改变,导致蛋白二级结构中a-螺旋、p_折叠结构的增加和转角、无规卷曲成分的减少,即可使PSII颗粒因缺钙而改变的蛋白结构基本得到恢复。PG还能与Ca2+形成离子对似的配合物,而这种配合物的形成可以优化缺钙PSII颗粒的功能如放氧活性等。


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Continuous gradient elution chromatography (CGEC) was employed to purify and separate enzymes and polysaccharides from the sap of Rhus vernicifera Chinese lacquer tree. There are three different molecules with laccase enzyme activity. Two are enzymes of each other (L1, and L2), whereas the third (RL) is an entirely separate entity. Two polysaccharides (GP1 and GP2) were also found. The Rhus laccase (RL), and isoenzymes L1 and L2, have peak molecular masses of 109,100, 120,000, 103,000 respectively; each has four copper atoms per molecule, and the pI values were 8.2, 8.6, and 9.1, respectively. The structure of the laccases was studied by Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) and Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The typical amide I (1646 cm(-1)) and amide II (1545 cm(-1)) bands were observed. The results from MALDI-TOF were similar to those from CGEC, but the molecular mass from the MALDI-TOF was significantly different from that obtained from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magnetotransport properties of two-dimensional electron gas have been investigated for three In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum well samples having two occupied subbands with different well widths. When the intersubband scattering is considered, we have obtained the subband density, transport scattering time, quantum scattering time and intersubband scattering time, respectively, by analyzing the result of fast Fourier transform of the first derivative of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. It is found that the main scattering mechanism is due to small-angle scattering, such as ionized impurity scattering, for the first subband electrons.


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Ordered arrays of FePt nanoparticles were prepared using a diblock polymer micellar method combined with plasma treatment. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy analyses reveal that the molar ratios of Fe to Pt in metal-salt-loaded micelles deviate from those when metal precursors are added, and that the plasma treatment processes have little influence upon the compositions of the resulting FePt nanoparticles. The results from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy show that the maximum loadings of FeCl3 and H2PtCl6 inside poly( styrene)-poly(4-vinylpyridine) micelles are different. The composition deviation of FePt nanoparticles is attributed to the fact that one FeCl3 molecule coordinates with a single 4-vinylpyridine (4VP) unit, while two neighboring and uncomplexed 4VP units are required for one H2PtCl6 molecule. Additionally, we demonstrate that the center-to-center distances of the neighboring FePt nanoparticles can also be tuned by varying the drawing velocity.


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We study the structural defects in the SiOx film prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma chemical vapour deposition and annealing recovery evolution. The photoluminescence property is observed in the as-deposited and annealed samples. [-SiO3](2-) defects are the luminescence centres of the ultraviolet photoluminescence (PL) from the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and PL measurements. [-SiO3](2-) is observed by positron annihilation spectroscopy, and this defect can make the S parameters increase. After 1000 degrees C annealing, [-SiO3](2-) defects still exist in the films.


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Aluminum nitride (AIN) thin films were deposited on Si (111) substrates by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition system. The effects of the V/III ratios on the film structure and surface morphology were systematically studied. The chemical states and vibration modes of AIN films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The optical absorption property of the AIN films, characterized by ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometer, exhibited a sharp absorption near the wavelength of 206 mm. The AIN (002) preferential orientation growth was obtained at the V/III ratio of 10,000 and the preferential growth mechanism is presented in this paper according to the thermodynamics and kinetics process of the AIN growth.


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Vanadium dioxide thin films were fabricated by ion beam sputtering on Si3N4/SiO2/Si after a post reductive annealing process in a nitrogen atmosphere. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to analyze the effects of post annealing temperature on crystallinity, morphology, and composition of the vanadium oxide thin films. Transmission properties of vanadium dioxide thin films were measured by Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the as-deposited vanadium oxide thin films were composed of non-crystalline V2O5 and a tetragonal rutile VO2. After annealing at 400 degrees C for 2 h, the mixed phase vanadium oxide (VOx) thin film changed its composition and structure to VO2 and had a (011) oriented monoclinic rutile structure. When increasing the temperature to 450 degrees C, nano VO2 thin films with smaller grains were obtained. FT-IR results showed that the transmission contrast factor of the nano VO2 thin film was more than 0.99 and the transmission of smaller grain nano VO2 thin film was near zero at its switched state. Nano VO2 thin film with smaller grains is an ideal material for application in optical switching devices.


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Hydrogenated amorphous silicon-carbon (a-SiC:H) films were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) with a fixed methane to silane ratio ([CH4]/[SiH4]) of 1.2 and a wide range of hydrogen dilution (R-H=[H-2]/[SiH4 + CH4]) values of 12, 22, 33, 102 and 135. The impacts of RH on the structural and optical properties of the films were investigated by using UV-VIS transmission, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption, Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The effects of high temperature annealing on the films were also probed. It is found that with increasing hydrogen dilution, the optical band gap increases, and the PL peak blueshifts from similar to1.43 to 1.62 eV. In annealed state, the room temperature PL peak for the low R-H samples disappears, while the PL peak for the high R-H samples appears at similar to 2.08 eV, which is attributed to nanocrystalline Si particles confined by Si-C and Si-O bonds.


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Thin aluminum oxide films were deposited by a new and simple physicochemical method called chemical liquid phase deposition (CLD) on semiconductor materials. Aluminum sulfate with crystallized water and sodium bicarbonate were used as precursors for film growth, and the control of the system's pH value played an important role in this experiment. The growth rate is 12 nm/h with the deposition at [Al-2(SO4)(3)]=0.0837 mol.L-1, [NaHCO3]=0.214 mol.L-1, 15 degreesC. Post-growth annealing not only densifies and purifies the films, but results in film crystallization as well. Excellent quality of Al2O3 films in this work is supported by electron dispersion spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrum, X-ray diffraction spectrum and scanning electron microscopy photograph.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of deposition gas pressure and H-2 dilution ratio (H-2/SiH4+CH4+H-2), generally considered two of dominant parameters determining crystallinity in beta-SiC thin films prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (Cat-CVD), often called hot-wire CVD method, on the films properties have been systematically studied. As deposition gas pressure increase from 40 to 1000 Pa, the crystallinity of the films is improved. From the study of H-2 dilution ratio, it is considered that H-2 plays a role as etching gas and modulating the phases in beta-SiC thin films. On the basis of the study on the parameters, nanocrystalline beta-SiC films were successfully synthesized on Si substrate at a low temperature of 300degreesC. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra show formation of beta-SiC. Moreover, according to Sherrer equation, the average grain size of the films estimated is in nanometer-size. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.