252 resultados para Alien confinement


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InN nanostructures with and without GaN capping layers were grown by using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Morphological, structural, and optical properties were systematically studied by using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL). XRD results show that an InGaN structure is formed for the sample with a GaN capping layer, which will reduce the quality and the IR PL emission of the InN. The lower emission peak at similar to 0.7 eV was theoretically fitted and assigned as the band edge emission of InN. Temperature-dependent PL shows a good quantum efficiency for the sample without a GaN capping layers; this corresponds to a lower density of dislocations and a small activation energy.


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We consider the electron-hole pair confined in a simplified infinite potential. The low-lying excition states in a ZnO cylindrical nanodisk are calculated based on effective-mass theory. To further understand the optical properties, we calculate the linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) and the radiative recombination lifetime tau of excitons in a ZnO nanodisk. The exciton radiative lifetime in a cylindrical nanodisk is of the order of tens of picoseconds, which is small compared with the lifetime of bulk ZnO material. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3006134]


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Mode behaviour for SOI slot waveguides is modelled and analysed using a numerical full vectorial method based on the film mode matching method (MMM). Only the quasi-TE mode is investigated. Waveguide heights and slot widths, as well as silicon widths are properly chosen with respect to the single mode behaviour in the slot region. Comparison between the effective index method and our side loss method shows that our single mode condition is creditable. The optical power confinement in slot region for the quasi-TE mode is also studied and presented. We demonstrate that the maximum achievable optical power confinement P-slot and the maximum normalized average optical intensity I-slot are 42% and 26 mu m(-2), respectively.


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The characteristics of whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) in 3-D cylindrical, square, and triangular microcavities with vertical optical confinement of semiconductors are numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For a microcylinder with a vertical refractive index 3.17/3.4/3.17 and a center layer thickness 0.2 mu m, Q-factors of transverse electric (TE) WGMs around wavelength 1550 nm are smaller than 10(3), as the radius R < 4 mu m and reach the orders of 10(4) and 10(6) as R = 5 and 6 mu m, respectively. However, the Q-factor of transverse magnetic (TM) WGMs at wavelength 1.659 mu m reaches 7.5 x 10(5) as R = 1 mu m. The mode coupling between the WGMs and vertical radiation modes in the cladding layer results in vertical radiation loss for the WGMs. In the microcylinder, the mode wavelength of TM WGM is larger than the cutoff wavelength of the vertical radiation mode with the same mode numbers, so TM WGMs cannot couple with the vertical radiation mode and have high Q-factor. In contrast, TE WGMs can couple with the corresponding vertical radiation mode in the 3-D microcylinder as R < 5 mu m. However, the mode wavelength of the TE WGM approaches (is larger than) the cutoff wavelength of the corresponding radiation modes at R = 5 mu m (6 mu m), so TE WGMs have high Q-factors in such microcylinders too. The results show that a critical lateral size is required for obtaining high, Q-factor TE WGMs in the 3-D microcylinder. For 3-D square and triangular microcavities, we also find that the Q-factor of TM WGM is larger than that of TE WGM.


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1689-nm diode lasers used in medical apparatus have been fabricated and characterized. The lasers had pnpn InP current confinement structure, and the active region consisted of 5 pairs of InGaAs quantum wells and InGaAsP barriers. Stripe width and cavity length of the laser were 1.8 and 300 pm, respectively. After being cavity coated. and transistor outline (TO) packaged, the lasers showed high performance in practice. The threshold current was about 13 +/- 4 mA, the operation current and the lasing spectrum were about 58 6 mA and 1689 +/- 6 nm at 6-mW output power, respectively. Moreover, the maximum output power of the lasers was above 20 mW.


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We report a photoluminescence (PL) energy red-shift of single quantum dots (QDs) by applying an in-plane compressive uniaxial stress along the [110] direction at a liquid nitrogen temperature. Uniaxial stress has an effect not only on the confinement potential in the growth direction which results in the PL shift, but also on the cylindrical symmetry of QDs which can be reflected by the change of the full width at half maximum of PL peak. This implies that uniaxial stress has an important role in tuning PL energy and fine structure splitting of QDs.


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The electronic structure and binding energy of a hydrogenic acceptor impurity in 2, 1, and 0-dimensional semiconductor nano-structures (i.e. quantum well (QW), quantum well wire (QWW), and quantum dot (QD)) are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. The results show that (1) the energy levels monotonically decrease as the quantum confinement sizes increase; (2) the impurity energy levels decrease more slowly for QWWs and QDs as their sizes increase than for QWs; (3) the changes of the acceptor binding energies are very complex as the quantum confinement size increases; (4) the binding energies monotonically decrease as the acceptor moves away from the nano-structures' center; (5) as the symmetry decreases, the degeneracy is lifted, and the first binding energy level in the QD splits into two branches. Our calculated results are useful for the application of semiconductor nano-structures in electronic and photoelectric devices.


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Theoretical calculations of the mode characteristics of an equilateral-triangle resonator (ETR) with a 10 mu m cavity side length show that the fundamental mode, with longitudinal mode index of 25, has a wavelength of 2.185 mu m and a longitudinal mode separation of 100 nm. This mode has a quality factor (similar to 2x10(5)) that is much larger than the first (similar to 5x10(4)) and second (similar to 3x10(4)) order modes, indicating that single fundamental mode lasing should be accessible over a broad wavelength tuning range. An electrically injected ETR based on this design is fabricated from an InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb/GaSb, graded-index separate-confinement heterostructure, laser diode wafer with a 2.1 mu m emission wavelength. This device achieved single mode, continuous wave operation at 77 K with a threshold current of 0.5 mA and a single mode wavelength tuning range of 3.25 nm, which is accomplished by varying the injection current from 0.5 to 6.0 mA. (C) 2008 American Vacuum Society.


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Mode characteristics of three-dimensional (3-D) microsquare resonators are investigated by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation for the transverse electric (TE)-like and the transverse magnetic (TM)-like modes. For a pillar microsquare with a side length of 2 pin in air, we have Q-factors about 5 X. 103 for TM-like modes at the wavelength of 1550 run, which are one order larger than those of TE-like modes, as vertical refractive index distribution is 3.17/3.4/3.17 and the cororresponding center layer thickness is 0.2 mu m. The mode field patterns show that TM-like modes have much weaker vertical radiation coupling loss than TE-like modes. TM-like modes can have high Q-factors in a microsquare with weak vertical field confinement.


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The shape of truncated square-based pyramid quantum dots (QDs) is similar to that of real QDs in experiments. The electronic band structures and optical gain of InAs1-xNx/GaAs QDs are calculated by using the 10-band k.p model, and the strain is calculated by the valence force field (VFF) method. When the top part of the QD is truncated, greater truncation corresponds to a flatter shape of the QD. The truncation changes the strain distribution and the confinement in the z direction. A flatter QD has a greater C1-HH1 transition energy, greater transition matrix element, less detrimental effect of higher excited transition, and higher saturation gain and differential gain. The trade-off between these properties must be considered. From our results, a truncated QD with half of its top part removed has better overall performance. This can provide guidance to growing QDs in experiments in which the proper growing conditions can be controlled to achieve required properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polarization-resolved edge-emitting electroluminescence (EL) studies of InGaN/GaN MQWs of wavelengths from near-UV (390 nm) to blue (468 nm) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are performed. Although the TE mode is dominant in all the samples of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs, an obvious difference of light polarization properties is found in the InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with different wavelengths. The polarization degree decreases from 52.4% to 26.9% when light wavelength increases. Analyses of band structures of InGaN/GaN quantum wells and luminescence properties of quantum dots imply that quantum-dot-like behavior is the dominant reason for the low luminescence polarization degree of blue LEDs, and the high luminescence polarization degree of UV LEDs mainly comes from QW confinement and the strain effect. Therefore, indium induced carrier confinement (quantum-dot-like behavior) might play a major role in the polarization degree change of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs from near violet to blue.


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We report on the fabrication of the nanowires with InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures on the GaAs(111) B substrate using selective-area metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. Fabry-Perot microcavity modes were observed in the nanowires with perfect end facets dispersed onto the silicon substrate and not observed in the free-standing nanowires. We find that the calculated group refractive indices only considering the material dispersion do not agree with the experimentally determined values although this method was used by some researchers. The calculated group refractive indices considering both the material dispersion and the waveguide dispersion agree with the experimentally determined values well. We also find that Fabry-Perot microcavity modes are not observable in the nanowires with the width less than about 180 nm, which is mainly caused by their poor reflectivity at the end facets due to their weak confinement to the optical field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We report a room temperature study of the direct band gap photoluminescence of tensile-strained Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 multiple quantum wells grown on Si-based germanium virtual substrates by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition. Blueshifts of the luminescence peak energy from the Ge quantum wells in comparison with the Ge virtual substrate are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction when we attribute the luminescence from the quantum well to the c Gamma 1-HH1 direct band transition. The reduction in direct band gap in the tensile strained Ge epilayer and the quantum confinement effect in the Ge/Si0.13Ge0.87 quantum wells are directly demonstrated by room temperature photoluminescence.


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The distribution of energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring was investigated by applying the effective mass approximation and the perturbation method. In 2D polar coordinates, the exact solution to the Schrodinger equation was used to calculate the perturbation integral in a parabolic confinement potential. The numerical results show that the energy levels of electron are sensitively dependent on the radius of the quantum ring and a minimum exists on account of the parabolic confinement potential. With decreasing the radius, the energy spacing between energy levels increases. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state for hydrogenic impurities are not relieved, and when the degenerate energy levels are split and the energy spacing will increase with the increase in the radius. The energy spacing between energy levels of electron is also sensitively dependent on the angular frequency and will increase with the increases in it. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state are not relieved. The degenerate energy levels of the second excited state are relieved partially. The change in angular frequency will have a profound effect upon the calculation of the energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring. The conclusions of this paper will provide important guidance to investigating the optical transitions and spectral structures in quantum ring.


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The origin of ferromagnetism in d(0) semiconductors is studied using first-principles methods with ZnO as a prototype material. We show that the presence of spontaneous magnetization in nitrides and oxides with sufficient holes is an intrinsic property of these first-row d(0) semiconductors and can be attributed to the localized nature of the 2p states of O and N. We find that acceptor doping, especially doping at the anion site, can enhance the ferromagnetism with much smaller threshold hole concentrations. The quantum confinement effect also reduces the critical hole concentration to induce ferromagnetism in ZnO nanowires. The characteristic nonmonotonic spin couplings in these systems are explained in terms of the band coupling model.