130 resultados para Thermal study


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The Raman back scattering/channeling technique was used to analyze the damage recovery at different annealing temperatures and to determine the lattice location of the Er-implanted GaN samples. A better damage recovery was observed with increasing annealing temperature below 1000degreesC, but a complete recovery of the implantation damage cannot be achieved. For a sample annealed for at 900degreesC 30 min the Er and Ga angular scans across the <0001> axis was measured indicating that about 76% of Er ions occupies substitutional sites. Moreover, the photoluminscence (PL) properties of Er-implanted GaN thin films have been also studied. The experimental results indicate that those samples annealed at a higher temperature below 1000degreesC had a stronger 1539nm PL intensity. The thermal quenching of PL intensity for samples annealed at 900degreesC measured at temperatures from 15K to 300K is 30%.


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The reverse I(V) measurement and analytic calculation of the electron transport across a Ti/6H-SiC Schottky barrier are presented. Based on the consideration of the barrier fluctuations and the barrier height shift caused by image charge and the applied voltage drop across Ti/SiC interfical layer, a comprehensive analytical model for the reverse tunneling current is developed using a WKB calculation of the tunneling probability through a reverse biased Schottky barrier. This model takes into account the main reverse conduction mechanism, such as field emission, thermionic field emission and thermionic emission. The fact that the simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental data indicates that the barrier height shift and barrier fluctuation can lead to reverse current densities orders of magnitude higher than that obtained from a simple theory. It is shown that the field and thermionic field emission processes, in which carries can tunnel through the barrier but cannot surmount it with insufficient thermal energy, dominate the reverse characteristics of a SiC Schottky contacts in a normal working condition.


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A detailed study of the characteristics of undoped GaN films, grown on either vicinal or nominal flat SiC (0001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy, has been carried out using photoluminescence and Raman scattering techniques. The I I K photoluminescence spectra of the GaN film grown on the vicinal SiC (0001) substrate show a strong and sharp near-bandgap peak (full width at half maximum (FWHM) similar to 16 meV). This feature contrasts with that of the GaN film grown on the nominal flat SiC (0001) substrate where the I I K photoluminescence spectra exhibit the near-bandgap peak (FWHM similar to 25 meV) and the intensity is approximately seven times weaker than that of the vicinal film sample. The redshift of the near-bandgap peak associated with excitons bound to shallow donors is related to the stress caused by both the lattice mismatch and the thermal expansion coefficient difference between GaN and SiC substrates. The measured thermal activation energy of the shallow donor of 33.4 meV is determined by using an Arrhenius plot of the near-bandgap luminescence versus I IT from the slope of the graph at high temperature. The temperature dependence of the FWHM of the near-bandgap luminescence has also been studied. The Raman scattering measurements from the vicinal film reveal that the E-2 phonon peak is strengthened and the A(1)(LO) phonon peak is shifted towards the low-frequency side with enhanced intensity, in comparison to that from the nominal flat film, suggesting a reduction in the density of defects and a lower free carrier concentration in the vicinal GaN film.


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We study the photoluminescence (PL) properties of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) by varying excitation power and temperature. Excitation power-dependent PL shows that there exists bimodal size distribution in the QD ensemble. Thermal carrier redistribution between the two branches of dots is observed and investigated in terms of the temperature dependence of their relative PL intensity. Based on a model in which carrier transfer between dots is facilitated by the wetting layer, the experimental results are well explained. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence of self-assembled multilayer In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dot (QD) was measured at various temperatures. Strong photoluminescence of wetting layer (WL) and quantum dots were observed at the same time. Furthermore, direct excitons thermal transfer process between the wetting layer and quantum dots was observed. In the study of temperature dependence of PL intensity it was found that the PL peak of wetting layer contains two quenching processes: at low temperature, excitons are thermally activated from localized states to extended two-dimensional states and then trapped by QDs; at high temperature excitons quench through the X valley of barriers. Using rate equation excitons thermal transfer and quenching processes were analyzed quantitatively.


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Postgrowth rapid thermal annealing was used to study the relaxation mechanism and optical properties of InGaAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots superlattice grown by molecular beam epitaxy. It is found that a significant narrowing of the luminescence linewidth (from 80 to 42 meV) occurs together with about 86 meV blue shift at annealing temperature up to 950 degrees C. Double crystal X-ray diffraction measurements show that the intensity of the satellite diffraction peak, which corresponds to the quantum dots superlattice, decreased with the increasing annealing temperature and disappeared at 750 degrees C, but recovered and increased again at higher annealing temperatures. This behavior can be explained by two competing relaxation mechanisms; interdiffusion and favored migration. The study indicates that a suitable annealing treatment can improve the structural properties of the quantum dots superlattice. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We performed Raman scattering investigations on low-temperature-grown (LTG) films of GaAs that had been lifted off the GaAs substrate. The Raman measurements unambiguously show the effects of excess arsenic on phonon scattering from LTG films of GaAs. The larger downwards shift of the LO phonon frequency for unannealed free-standing films is explained by invoking the elimination of mismatch strain. The Raman signal due to precipitates of elemental arsenic in the annealed GaAs : As films is determined. It is confirmed that the arsenic clusters formed by rapid thermal annealing are mainly amorphous, giving rise a broad Raman peak in the range 180-260 cm(-1).


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We have investigated the temperature dependence of photoluminescence (PL) properties of a number of InAs/GaAs heterostructures with InAs layer thickness ranging from 0.5 monolayer (ML) to 3 ML. The temperature dependence of the InAs exciton energy and linewidth was found to display a significant difference when the InAs layer thickness is smaller or larger than the critical thickness around 1.7 ML, indicating spontaneous formation of quantum dots (QDs). A model, involving exciton recombination and thermal activation and transfer, is proposed to explain the experimental data. In the PL thermal quenching study, the measured thermal activation energies of different samples demonstrate that the InAs wetting layer may act as a barrier for thermionic emission of carriers in high quality InAs multilayers, while in InAs monolayers and submonolayers the carriers are required to overcome the GaAs barrier to thermally escape from the localized states. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.


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We present lateral intersubband photocurrent (PC) study on self-assembled InAs/InAIAs/InP(001) nanostructures in normal incidence. With the help of interband excitation, a broad PC signal has been observed in the photon energy range of 150-630 meV arising from the bound-to-continuum intersubband absorption in the InAs nanostructures. The large linewidth of the intersubband PC signal is due to the size inhomogeneity of the nanostructures. With the increase of the interband excitation the intersubband PC signal firstly increases with a redshift of PC peak and reaches its maximum, then decreases with no peak shift. The increase and redshift of the PC signal at low excitation level can be explained by the state filling effect. However, the decrease of PC signal at high excitation level may be due to the change of the mobility and lifetime of the electrons. The intersubband PC signal decreases when the temperature is increased, which can be explained by the decrease of the mobility and lifetime of the electrons and the thermal escape of electrons.


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The surface morphology of GaN grown by MOCVD on GaN/Si template was studied. Rough morphology and deep pinhole defects on some surface areas of the samples were observed and studied. The formation of rough morphology is possibly related to Ga-Si alloy produced due to poor thermal stability of template at high temperature. The deep pinhole defects generated are deep down to the surface of MBE-grown GaN/Si template. The stress originated from the large thermal expansion coefficient difference between GaN and Si may be related to the formation of the pinhole defects. The surface morphology of the GaN can be improved by optimizing the GaN/Si template and decreasing the growth temperature.


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We present a study on the facet damage profile of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Conspicuous cascade half-loop damage strips on front facet are observed when QCLs catastrophically failed. Due to the large difference on thermal conductivities between active region and the substrate, dominant heat is compulsively driven to the substrate. Abundant heat accumulation and dissipation on substrate build large temperature gradient and thermal lattice mismatch. Thermal-induced stress due to sequential mismatch leads to the occurrence of the multistep damages on front facet. Good agreement is achieved between the observed locations of damaged strips and the calculated results.


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ZnO, as a wide-band gap semiconductor, has recently become a new research focus in the field of ultraviolet optoelectronic semiconductors. Laser molecular beam epitaxy (L-MBE) is quite useful for the unit cell layer-by-layer epitaxial growth of zinc oxide thin films from the sintered ceramic target. The ZnO ceramic target with high purity was ablated by KrF laser pulses in an ultra high vacuum to deposit ZnO thin film during the process of L-MBE. It is found that the deposition rate of ZnO thin film by L-MBE is much lower than that by conventional pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Based on the experimental phenomena in the ZnO thin film growth process and the thermal-controlling mechanism of the nanosecond (ns) pulsed laser ablation of ZnO ceramic target, the suggested effective ablating time during the pulse duration can explain the very low deposition rate of the ZnO film by L-MBE. The unique dynamic mechanism for growing ZnO thin film is analyzed. Both the high energy of the deposition species and the low growth rate of the film are really beneficial for the L-MBE growth of the ZnO thin film with high crystallinity at low temperature.


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Photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence were used to study the heterointerface configuration in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells grown by molecular-beam epitaxy with growth interruption. Photoluminescence spectra of the growth-interrupted sample are characterized by multiplet structures, with energy separation corresponding to a 0.8 monolayer difference in well width, rather than 1 monolayer as expected from the ''atomically smooth island'' picture. By analyzing the thermal transfer process of the photogenerated carriers and luminescence decay process, we further exploit the exciton localization at the interface microroughness superimposed on the extended growth islands. The lateral size of the microroughness in our sample was estimated to be 5 nm, less than the exciton diameter of 15 nm. Our results strongly support the bimodal roughness model proposed by Warwick et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2666 (1990)]. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Taking advantages of short pulse excitation and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), we have studied the exciton localization effect in a number of GaAsN alloys and GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). In the PL spectra, an extra transition located at the higher energy side of the commonly reported N-related emissions is observed. By measuring PL dependence on temperature and excitation power along with PL dynamics study, the new PL peak has been identified as a transition of the band edge-related recombination in dilute GaAsN alloy and delocalized transition in QWs. Using selective excitation PL we further attribute the localized emission in QWs to the excitons localized at the GaAsN/GaAs interfaces. This interface-related exciton localization could be greatly reduced by a rapid thermal annealing.


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Experimentally observed X-ray reflectivity curves show bi-crystal(twin) characteristics. The study revealed that there was defect segregation at the twin boundary. Stress was relaxed at the edge of the boundary. Relaxation of the stress resulted in formation of twin and other defects. As a result of formation of such defects, a defect-free and stress-free zone or low defect density and small stress zone is created around the defects. So a twin model was proposed to explain the experimental results. Stress(mainly thermal stress), chemical stoichiometry deviation and impurities nonhomogeneous distributions are the key factors that cause twins in LEC InP crystal growth. Twins on (111) face in LEC InP crystal were studied. Experimental evidence of above mentioned twin model and suggestions on how to get twin-free LEC InP single crystals will be discussed.