199 resultados para Semi-Compatible Mapping


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p-GaN surfaces are nano-roughened by plasma etching to improve the optical performance of GaN-based light emitting diodes (LEDs). The nano-roughened GaN present a relaxation of stress. The light extraction of the LEDs with nano-roughened surfaces is greatly improved when compared with that of the conventional LEDs without nano-roughening. PL-mapping intensities of the nano-roughened LED epi-wafers for different roughening times present two to ten orders of enhancement. The light output powers are also higher for the nano-roughened LED devices. This improvement is attributed to that nano-roughened surfaces can provide photons multiple chances to escape from the LED surfaces.


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Based on appropriate combination of different band-gap InGaAsP, a new edge-coupled two-terminal double heterojunction phototransistor (ECTT-DHPT) was designed and fabricated, which is double heterojunction, free-aluminium, and works under uni-travelling-carrier mode and optically gradual coupling mode. This device is fully compatible with monolithic micro-wave integrated circuits (MMIC) and heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) in material and process. The DC characteristics reveal that the new ECTT-DHPT can perform good optoelectronic mix operation and linear amplification operation by optically biased at two appropriate value respectively. Responsivity of more than 52 A/W and dark current of 70 nA (when V-EC = 1 V) were obtained.


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This paper proposes compact adders that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single-electron (SE) devices. The adders use the number of single electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic state and manipulate single electrons to perform arithmetic operations. These adders have fast speed and are referred as fast adders. We develop a family of SE transfer circuits based on MOSFET-based SE turnstile. The fast adder circuit can be easily designed by directly mapping the graphical counter tree diagram (CTD) representation of the addition algorithm to SE devices and circuits. We propose two design approaches to implement fast adders using SE transfer circuits the threshold approach and the periodic approach. The periodic approach uses the voltage-controlled single-electron transfer characteristics to efficiently achieve periodic arithmetic functions. We use HSPICE simulator to verify fast adders operations. The speeds of the proposed adders are fast. The numbers of transistors of the adders are much smaller than conventional approaches. The power dissipations are much lower than CMOS and multiple-valued current-mode fast adders. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the deformation mechanisms of nonpolar GaN thick films grown on m-sapphire by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) are investigated using nanoindentation with a Berkovich indenter, cathodoluminescence (CL), and Raman microscopy. Results show that nonpolar GaN is more susceptible to plastic deformation and has lower hardness than c-plane GaN. After indentation, lateral cracks emerge on the nonpolar GaN surface and preferentially propagate parallel to the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation due to anisotropic defect-related stresses. Moreover, the quenching of CL luminescence can be observed to extend exclusively out from the center of the indentations along the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation, a trend which is consistent with the evolution of cracks. The recrystallization process happens in the indented regions for the load of 500 mN. Raman area mapping indicates that the distribution of strain field coincides well with the profile of defect-expanded dark regions, while the enhanced compressive stress mainly concentrates in the facets of the indentation.


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A novel integratable and high speed InGaAsP multi-quantum well (MQW) complex-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) laser is successfully fabricated on a semi-insulating substrate. The fabricated ridge DFB laser exhibits a threshold current of 26 mA, a slope efficiency of 0.14 W.A(-1) and a side mode suppression ratio of 40 dB together with a 3 dB bandwidth of more than 8 GHz. The device is suitable for 10 Gbit/s optical fiber communication.


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The structural and optical properties of MBE-grown GaAsSb/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) as well as strain-compensated GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP MQWs are investigated. The results of double crystal X-ray diffraction and reciprocal space mapping show that when strain-compensated layers are introduced, the interface quality of QW structure is remarkably improved, and the MQW structure containing GaAsSb layers with a high Sb composition can be coherently grown. Due to the influence of inserted GaAsP layers on the energy band and carrier distribution of QWs, the optical properties of GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP MQWs display a lot of features mainly characteristic of type-I QWs despite the type-II GaAsSb/GaAs interfaces exist in the structure. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Undoped, S-doped and Fe-doped InP crystals with diameter up to 4-inch have been pulled in drop 10 0 drop -direction under P-rich condition by a rapid P-injection in situ synthesis liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) method. High speed photoluminescence mapping, etch-pit density (EPD) mapping and scanning electron microscopy have been used to characterize the samples of the single crystal ingots. Dislocations and electrical homogeneity of these samples are investigated and compared. By controlling the thermal field and the solid-liquid interface shape, 4-inch low-EPD InP single crystals have been successfully grown by the rapid P-injection synthesis LEC method. The EPD across the wafer of the ingots is less than 5 x 10(4) cm(-2). Cluster defects with a pore center are observed in the P-rich LEC grown InP ingots. These defects are distributed irregularly on a wafer and are surrounded by a high concentration of dislocations. The uniformity of the PL intensity across the wafer is influenced by these defects. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyse the operation of a semiconductor nanowire-based memory cell. Large changes in the nanowire conductance result when the magnetization of a periodic array of nanoscale magnetic gates, which comprise the other key component of the memory cell, is switched between distinct configurations by an external magnetic field. The resulting conductance change provides the basis for a robust memory effect, which can be implemented in a semiconductor structure compatible with conventional semiconductor integrated circuits.


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SOI (silicon-on-insulator) is a new material with a lot of important performances such as large index difference, low transmission loss. Fabrication processes for SOI based optoelectronic devices are compatible with conventional IC processes. Having the potential of OEIC monolithic integration, SOI based optoelectronic devices have shown many good characteristics and become more and more attractive recently. In this paper, the recent progresses of SOI waveguide devices in our research group are presented. By highly effective numerical simulation, the single mode conditions for SOI rib waveguides with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-section were accurately investigated. Using both chemical anisotropic wet etching and plasma dry etching techniques, SOI single mode rib waveguide, MMI coupler, VOA (variable optical attenuator), 2X2 thermal-optical switch were successfully designed and fabricated. Based on these, 4X4 and 8X8 SOI optical waveguide integrated switch matrixes are demonstrated for the first time.


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In this paper, we analyze and compare electrical compensation and deep level defects in semi-insulating ( SI) materials prepared by Fe-doping and high temperature annealing of undoped InP. Influence of deep level defects in the SI-InP materials on the electrical compensation has been studied thermally stimulated current spectroscopy (TSC). Electrical property of the Fe-doped SI-InP is deteriorated due to involvement of a high concentration of deep level defects in the compensation. In contrast, the concentration of deep defects is very low in high temperature annealed undoped SI-InP in which Fe acceptors formed by diffusion act as the only compensation centre to pin the Fermi level, resulting in excellent electrical performance. A more comprehensive electrical compensation model of SI-InP has been given based on the research results.


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First, the compression-awaited data are regarded Lis character strings which are produced by virtual information source mapping M. then the model of the virtual information source M is established by neural network and SVM. Last we construct a lossless data compression (coding) scheme based oil neural network and SVM with the model, an integer function and a SVM discriminant. The scheme differs from the old entropy coding (compressions) inwardly, and it can compress some data compressed by the old entropy coding.


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Contactless electroreflectance (CER) and photoreflectance (PR) measurements have been performed on samples with the structure of an n-doped GaAs epitaxial layer on a semi- insulating GaAs substrate. Modulated reflectance signals from the n-GaAs surface and those from the n-GaAs/SI-GaAs interface are superposed in PR spectra. For the case of CER measurement, however, Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) from the interface, which are observed in PR spectra, cannot be detected. This discrepancy is attributed to different modulation mechanisms of CER and PR. In CER experiments, the electric field modulation cannot be added to the interfacial electric field because of the effective screening by the fast response of carriers across the interface. FKOs from the interface without any perturbation by the surface signals are extracted by subtracting CER spectra from PR spectra.


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In the light of descriptive geometry and notions in set theory, this paper re-defines the basic elements in space such as curve and surface and so on, presents some fundamental notions with respect to the point cover based on the High-dimension space (HDS) point covering theory, finally takes points from mapping part of speech signals to HDS, so as to analyze distribution information of these speech points in HDS, and various geometric covering objects for speech points and their relationship. Besides, this paper also proposes a new algorithm for speaker independent continuous digit speech recognition based on the HDS point dynamic searching theory without end-points detection and segmentation. First from the different digit syllables in real continuous digit speech, we establish the covering area in feature space for continuous speech. During recognition, we make use of the point covering dynamic searching theory in HDS to do recognition, and then get the satisfying recognized results. At last, compared to HMM (Hidden Markov models)-based method, from the development trend of the comparing results, as sample amount increasing, the difference of recognition rate between two methods will decrease slowly, while sample amount approaching to be very large, two recognition rates all close to 100% little by little. As seen from the results, the recognition rate of HDS point covering method is higher than that of in HMM (Hidden Markov models) based method, because, the point covering describes the morphological distribution for speech in HDS, whereas HMM-based method is only a probability distribution, whose accuracy is certainly inferior to point covering.


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Single-crystalline alpha-Si3N4 nanowires are controlled to grow perpendicular to the wet-etched trenches in the SiO0.94 film on the plane of the Si substrate without metal catalysis. A detailed characterization is carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photoluminescence at 600 nm from alpha-Si3N4 nanowires is attributed to the recombination at the defect state formed by the Si dangling bond N3 equivalent to Si-center dot. The growth mechanism is considered to be related to the catalysis and nitridation of SiO nanoclusters preferably re-deposited around the inner corner of the trenches, as well as faster Si diffusion along the slanting side walls of the trenches. This simple direction-controlled growth method is compatible with the CMOS process, and could facilitate the fabrication of alpha-Si3N4 nanoelectronic or nanophotonic devices on the Si platform.


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Self-ordered porous alumina films on a semi-insulated GaAs substrate were prepared in oxalic acid aqueous solutions by three-step anodization. The I-t curve of anodization process was recorded to observe time effects of anodization. Atomic force microscopy was used to investigate structure and morphology of alumina films. It was revealed that the case of oxalic acid resulted in a self-ordered porous structure, with the pore diameters of 60-70 nm, the pore density of the order of about 10(10) pore cm(-2), and interpore distances of 95-100nm. At the same time the pore size and shape change with the pore widening time. Field-enhanced dissolution model and theory of deformation relaxation combined were brought forward to be the cause of self-ordered pore structure according to I-t curve of anodization and structure characteristics of porous alumina films. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.