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The double ionization of helium by electron impact for 106 eV incident energy was studied in a kinematically complete experiment by using a reaction microscope. The pattern of the angular correlation of the three emitted electrons was analyzed by selecting different values of the recoil ion longitudinal momentum. The Wannier predicted geometry appears when the recoil ion carries the full initial projectile momentum. It was found that at this low impact energy, the outgoing electrons still remember the initial-state collision information.


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The 4d photoabsorption spectra of I2+, I3+, and I4+ have been obtained in the 70-127 eV region with the dual laser-produced plasma technique at time delays ranging from 400 to 520 ns. With decreasing time delay, the dominant contribution to the spectra evolves from the I2+ to the I4+ ions, and each spectrum contains discrete 4d-nf transitions and a broad 4d-epsilon f shape resonance, which are identified with the aid of multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculations. The excited states decay by direct autoionization involving 5s or 5p electrons, and rates for the different processes and resulting linewidths were calculated. With increasing ionization, the 4d-epsilon f shape resonance become intense and broader in going from I2+ to I3+, and then vanishes at I5+. In addition, the discrete structure of the calculated spectrum of each ion gradually approaches the corresponding shape resonance position. Based on the assumption of a normalized Boltzmann distribution among the excited states and a steady-state collisional-radiative model, we reproduced spectra which are in good agreement with experiment.


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The 10-20 qkeV Ar16+ and Ar17+ ions produced by SECRAL enter on metallic surface of Zr. In this interaction, the multi-electron excitation possibly occurred in the neutralization of the highly charged Ar16+ ions, which produced vacancy in the K shell. Electron of the high n state de-excited to K vacancy gives off X-ray. The experimental results show that X-ray intensities for the Ar hollow atom decrease with increase of incidence energy, and L beta X-ray intensities of target atom Zr increase with increasing incidence energy. K alpha X-ray yield per ion for Ar17+ was five orders of magnitude greater than that for Ar16+


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In order to expand the solid angle for imaging of electrons in ion-atom collisions, we designed a complex Helmholtz coils composed of four single coils. Theoretical simulations were carried out to optimize the arrangement of the coils. The complex is constructed according to the theoretical analysis, and the magnetic fields were measured for interested regions. The measured results show that the relative uniformity of the magnetic fields is +/- 0.6%, which satisfies the requirements of collision experiments.


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This paper studies the X-ray spectra produced by the interaction of highly charged ions of Arq+ (q = 16, 17, 18) with metallic surface of Be, Al, Ni, Mo and Au respectively. The experimental results show that the K alpha X-ray emerges from under the surface of solid in the interaction of ions with targets. The multi-electron excitation occurred in the process neutralization of the Ar16+ in electronic configuration of 1s(2) in metallic surfaces, which produces vacancy in the K shell. Electron from high n state transition to K vacancy gives off X-ray. We find that there is no obvious relation between the shape of X-ray spectra and the different targets. The X-ray yield of incident ions are associated with initial electronic configuration. The X-ray yield of target is related to the kinetic energy of the incident ions.


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A new poly(fullerene oxide) thin film material has been fabricated by thermal activation and electron bombardment on hexanitro[60]fullerene (HNF) film deposited on a An substrate, all under vacuum conditions. The reaction products in the polymerization process are analyzed by XPS, UPS, IR, TGA-MS and LDI-MS techniques. It is found that the main effect of thermal and radiation treatments is to induce cleavage of -NO bonds from HNF molecules resulted in the release of nitric oxide gas and the formation of fullerene-bound oxyradicals, C-60-C-6. Spectroscopic evidence strongly suggests that rearrangement of fullerenic nitro moieties into nitrito groups is involved in the HNF decomposition process prior to the generation of reactive oxyradical intermediates. Consequently, the intermolecular coupling reaction of these oxyradicals leads to carbon polymer networks containing oxygen-bridged fullerenes. The thermally generated polymeric thin film is stable up to 900 K. Electron bombardment is also effective in both the decomposition of -NO2 groups and the removal of -OH groups present in HNF films. UV irradiation at 365 nm alone is shown to be not as efficient for the polymer formation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report for the first time the proper conditions to observe Autler-Townes splitting (ac-Stark splitting) from vibrationally coherent states belonging to the different electronic terms of a diatomic molecule. Wave packet dynamics simulations demonstrate that such a process is feasible by multiphoton resonance ionization of the molecule Na-2 with a single ultrashort intense laser pulse. With the ultrahigh time resolution of a femtosecond laser pulse, one can directly measure the absolute value of the transition dipole moment between any kinds of molecular states by this kind of Autler-Townes splitting, which is a function of the internuclear distance R.


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A variety of short-lived, reactive chemical species (i.e. free radicals and excited state species) are known to be photochemically produced in natural waters. Some of these transients may strongly affect chemical and biological processes, and they have been implicated in the degradation of organic pollutants and natural organic compounds in aqueous environments. Previous studies demonstrated that the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH) is photochemically formed in seawater. However, the quantitative importance of this key species in the sea has not been previously studied because of past analytical limitations. By using a highly sensitive probe based on α-H atom abstraction from methanol, we were able to measure production rates and steady-state concentrations of photochemically produced OH radicals in coastal and open ocean seawater and freshwaters. The validity of the method was tested by intercalibrating with an independent, OH-specific reaction, hydroxylation of benzoic acid, and also by competition kinetics experiments. Our OH production rates and steady-state concentrations for freshwaters are in excellent agreement with those measured by previous investigators for similar waters. In contrast, for seawater, the values we measured are 1–3 orders of magnitude higher than previously predicted by models, indicating that there is a major unknown photochemical OH source (s) in seawater.


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Low-cost excitonic solar cells based on organic optoelectronic materials are receiving an ever-increasing amount of attention as potential alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaic devices. In this rapidly developing field, the dye-sensitized solar cell(1) (DSC) has achieved so far the highest validated efficiency of 11.1% (ref. 2) and remarkable stability(3).


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A new kind of electroactive polymers was synthesized by using aniline pentamer (AP) cross-linking chitosan (CS) in acetic acid/DMSO/DMF solution. UV-vis and CV confirmed the electroactivity of polymers in acidic aqueous solution. The amphiphilic polymers self-assembled into 200-300 nm micelles by dialysis against deionized water from the acetic acid buffer solution. Three samples with different weight percentages of AP were used to identify the relationship between the content of AP and the differentiation of rat neuronal pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells without external stimulation.


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Syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene (s-PB) is a typical thermoplastic elastomer with various applications because of its high reactivity. In the past, it is difficult to form s-PB fibers with a diameter below 10 mu m because of the limitation of the conventional method such as melt spinning. Here, we report for the first time on the production of s-PB nanofibers by using a simple electrospinning method. Ultrafine s-PB fibers without beads were electrospun from s-PB solutions in dichloromethane and characterized by environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). At 4 wt.% concentration of s-PB, the average diameter of s-PB was about 130 nm. We found that dichloromethane was a unique suitable solvent for the electrospinning of s-PB fibers, and the structure of syndiotactic was changed through the electrospinning process.


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The electrochemistry and electrogenerated chemilurninescence (ECL) of tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) ion-exchanged in Eastman-AQ-carbon nanotube (CNT) composite films were investigated at a glassy carbon (GC) electrode. Eastman-AQ55D is a poly (ester sulfonic acid) cation exchanger available in a commercial dissolved form. It is much more hydrophilic than Nafion due to its unique structure, so Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) does not diffuse into the hydrophobic region where it may lose its electroactivity as that in Nafion. The interfused CNT could act as electronic wires that connect the electrode with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), which made the composite film much more electronically which finally led to the increasing of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) conductive. Besides, the negatively charged CNT could also absorb some Ru(bpy)(3)(2+). Moreover, the strong electrostatic interaction between AQ and Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) made the composite films much more stable. The combination of AQ and CNT brings excellent sensitivity with the detection limit as low as 3 x 10(-11) M for TPA.


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beta-Adrenoceptors(beta-ARs) play a critical role in regulating cardiac functions under both physiological and pathological conditions. To further explore the mechanisms through which beta-ARs perform its actions, proteomic approaches were adopted to study the global protein patterns in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes exposed to isoproterenol (ISO). A modified method, "Mirror Images in One Gel", was used to improve the reproducibility and resolution power of two-dimensional electrophoresis. A 2-DE map with a good reproducibility was obtained in which 1281 70 spots were detected and about 1191 +/- 54 spots were matched, with an average matching rate of 92.9%. Nine proteins with significant changes were identified by using peptide mass fingerprinting(PMF) data obtained via MALDI-MS.