Theoretical analysis of xuv photoabsorption spectra of laser-produced iodine plasmas

Autoria(s): Su, MG (Su, M. G.); Dong, CZ (Dong, C. Z.); Murphy, N (Murphy, N.); O'Sullivan, G (O'Sullivan, G.); Hayden, P (Hayden, P.); White, J (White, J.)



The 4d photoabsorption spectra of I2+, I3+, and I4+ have been obtained in the 70-127 eV region with the dual laser-produced plasma technique at time delays ranging from 400 to 520 ns. With decreasing time delay, the dominant contribution to the spectra evolves from the I2+ to the I4+ ions, and each spectrum contains discrete 4d-nf transitions and a broad 4d-epsilon f shape resonance, which are identified with the aid of multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculations. The excited states decay by direct autoionization involving 5s or 5p electrons, and rates for the different processes and resulting linewidths were calculated. With increasing ionization, the 4d-epsilon f shape resonance become intense and broader in going from I2+ to I3+, and then vanishes at I5+. In addition, the discrete structure of the calculated spectrum of each ion gradually approaches the corresponding shape resonance position. Based on the assumption of a normalized Boltzmann distribution among the excited states and a steady-state collisional-radiative model, we reproduced spectra which are in good agreement with experiment.

National Natural Science Foundation of China 10434100 10774122 China/Ireland Science and Technology Collaboration Research Fund CI-2004-07 Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 20070736001 Foundation of Northwest Normal University NWNUKJCXGC03-21





Su, MG (Su, M. G.); Dong, CZ (Dong, C. Z.); Murphy, N (Murphy, N.); O'Sullivan, G (O'Sullivan, G.); Hayden, P (Hayden, P.); White, J (White, J.). Theoretical analysis of xuv photoabsorption spectra of laser-produced iodine plasmas ,PHYSICAL REVIEW A ,2008,78 (4 ):043401

