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Self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) have been fabricated by depositing 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 and 2.5 monolayer (ML) InAs on surfaces of the undoped-n(+) (UN+) type GaAs structure. Room temperature contactless electroreflectance (CER) was employed to study the built-in electric field and the surface Fermi level pinning of these QD-covered UN+ GaAs samples. The CER results show that 1.6 ML InAs QDs on GaAs do not modify the Fermi level, whereas for samples with more than 1.6 ML InAs coverage, the surface Fermi level is moved to the valence band maximum of GaAs by about 70 meV (which is independent of the InAs deposition thickness) compared to bare GaAs. It is concluded that the modification of InAs coverage on the Fermi level on the GaAs surface is due to the QDs, rather than to the wetting layer. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We derive the modified rate equations for an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring with two transversely coupled quantum dots (QD's) embedded in two arms in the presence of a magnetic field. We find that the interdot coupling between the two QD's can cause a temporal oscillation in electron occupation at the initial stage of the quantum dynamics, while the source-drain current decays monotonically to a stationary value. On the other hand, the interdot coupling equivalently divides the AB ring into two coupled subrings. That also destroys the normal AB oscillations with a period of 2pi, and generates new and complex periodic oscillations with their periods varying in a linear manner as the ratio between two magnetic fluxes (each penetrates one AB subring) increases. Furthermore, the interference between two subrings is also evident from the observation of the perturbed fundamental AB oscillation.


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Epitaxial growth of InN on GaN(0001) by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy is investigated over a range of growth parameters including source flux and substrate temperature. Combining reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we establish a relationship between film growth mode and the deposition condition. Both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) growth modes of the film are observed. For 2D growth, sustained RHEED intensity oscillations are recorded while STM reveals 2D nucleation islands. For 3D growth, less than three oscillation periods are observed indicating the Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth mode of the film. Simultaneous measurements of (reciprocal) lattice constant by RHEED suggest a gradual relaxation of the strain in film, which commences during the first bilayer (BL) deposition and almost completes after 2-4 BLs. For SK growth, 3D islanding initiates after the strain has mostly been relieved, presumably by dislocations, so the islands are likely strain free. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Coherent transport through a quantum dot embedded in one arm of a double-slit-like Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring is studied using the Green's function approach. We obtain experimental observations such as continuous phase shift along a single resonance peak and sharp inter-resonance phase drop. The AB oscillations of the differential conductance of the whole device are calculated by using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism. It is shown that the oscillating conductance has a continuous bias-voltage-dependent phase shift and is asymmetric in both linear and nonlinear response regimes.


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Contactless: electroreflectance has been employed at room temperature to study the Fermi level pinning at undoped-n(+) GaAs surfaces covered by 1.6 and 1.8 monolayer (ML) InAs quantum dots (QDs). It is shown that the 1.8 ML InAs QD moves the Fermi level at GaAs surface to the valence band maximum by about 70 meV compared to bare GaAs, whereas 1.6 ML InAs on GaAs does not modify the Fermi level, It is confirmed that the modification of the 1.8 ML InAs deposition on the Fermi level at GaAs surface is due to the QDs, which are surrounded by some oxidized InAs facets, rather than the wetting layer.


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Electrolyte electroreflectance spectra of the near-surface strained-layer In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs double single-quantum-well electrode have been studied at different biases in non-aqueous solutions of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. The optical transitions, the Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) and the quantum confined Stark effects (QCSE) of In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum well electrodes are analyzed. Electric field strengths at the In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs interface are calculated in both solutions by a fast Fourier transform analysis of FKOs. A dip is exhibited in the electric field strength versus bias (from 0 to 1.2 V) curve in ferrocene solution. A model concerning the interfacial tunneling transfer of electrons is used to explain the behavior of the electric field. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have observed the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation induced by a transverse magnetic field and the sample temperature in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice. The observations can be very well explained by a general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunnelling current in superlattices based solely on the magnitude of the negative differential resistance region in the tunnelling characteristic of a single barrier. Both increasing magnetic field and sample temperature change the negative differential resistance and cause the transition between static and dynamic electric field domain formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A dynamic dc voltage band was found emerging from each sawtooth-like branch of the current-voltage characteristics of a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice in the transition process from static to dynamic electric-field domain formation caused by increasing the sample temperature. As the temperature increases, these dynamic dc voltage bands expand within each sawtooth-like branch, squeeze out the static regions, and join up together to turn the whole plateau into dynamic electric-field domain formation. These results are well explained by a general analysis of stability of the sequential tunneling current in superlattices. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)04443-5].


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We investigate the transition from static to dynamic electric field domains (EFDs) in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice (SL). We show that a transverse magnetic field and/or the temperature can induce current self-oscillations. This observation can be attributed to the negative differential resistance (NDR) effect. Transverse magnetic field and the temperature can increase the NDR of a doped SL. A large NDR can lead to an unstable EFD in a certain range of d.c. bias. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spectral properties of a double quantum dot (QD) structure are studied by a causal Green's function (GF) approach. The double QD system is modeled by an Anderson-type Hamiltonian in which both the intra- and interdot Coulomb interactions are taken into account. The GF's are derived by an equation-of-motion method and the real-space renormalization-group technique. The numerical results show that the average occupation number of electrons in the QD exhibits staircase features and the local density of states depends appreciably on the electron occupation of the dot.


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The ground state of a double quantum-dot structure is studied by a simplified Anderson-type model. Numerical calculations reveal that the ground-state level of this artificial molecule increases with the increasing single particle level of the dot, and also increases with the decreasing transfer integrals. We show the staircase feature of the electron occupation and the properties of the ground-state eigenvector by varying the;single particle level of the dot.


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The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a doped weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattice (SL) with narrow barriers are measured under hydrostatic pressure from 1 bar to 13.5 kbar at both 77 and 300 K. The experimental results show that, contrary to the results in SL with wide barriers, the plateau in the I-V curve at 77 K does not shrink with increasing pressure, and becomes wider after 10.5 kbar. It is explained by the fact that the E-Gamma 1-E-Gamma 1 resonance peak is higher than the E-Gamma 1-E-X1 resonance peak. At 300 K, however, because of the more important contribution of the nonresonant component to the current, the plateau shrinks with increasing pressure. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)02008-3].


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Room-temperature microwave (MW) oscillations are observed in GaAs/AlAs (10 nm/2 nm) doped weakly coupled superlattices (SLs) in the first plateau of the I-V curve. Oscillations induced by sequential resonant tunneling are detected in a temperature range from 15 to 300 K by applying DC bias on the Si, diodes. The temperature dependence of current at small fixed bias voltage is also measured. Through analysis, it is found that the dominant transport mechanisms are sequential resonant tunneling and phonon-assisted tunneling when the temperature is below 300 K. The low bias voltage at which oscillations are realized is helpful to restrain thermionic emission through the X valley of AlAs barriers in the room-temperature transport. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The behavior of room temperature self-sustained current oscillations resulting from sequential resonance tunneling in a doped weakly-coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattice (SL) is investigated under hydrostatic pressure. From atmosphere pressure to 6.5 kbar, oscillations exist in the whole plateau of the I-V curve and oscillating characteristics are affected by the pressure. When hydrostatic pressure is higher than 6.5 kbar, the current oscillations are completely suppressed although a current plateau still can be seen in the I-V curve. The plateau disappears when the pressure is close to 13.5 kbar. As the main effect of hydrostatic pressure is to lower the X point valley with respect to Gamma point valley, the disappearance of oscillation and the plateau shrinkage before Gamma - X resonance takes place are attributed to the increases of thermoionic emission and nonresonant tunneling components determined by the lowest Gamma - X barrier height in GaAs/AlAs SL structure.


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Within the one-dimensional tight-binding model;rnd chi-3 approximation, we have calculated four-wave-mixing (FWM) signals for a semiconductor superlattice in the presence of both static and high-frequency electric fields. When the exciton effect is negligible, the time-periodic field dynamically delocalizes the otherwise localized Wannier-Stark states, and accordingly quasienergy band structures are formed, and manifest in the FWM spectra as a series of equally separated continua. The width of each continuum is proportional to the joint width of the valence and conduction minibands and is independent of the Wannier-Stark index. The realistic homogeneous broadening blurs the continua into broad peaks, whose line shapes, far from the Lorentzian, vary with the delay time in the FWM spectra. The swinging range of the peaks is just the quasienergy bandwidth. The dynamical delocalization (DDL) also induces significant FWM signals well beyond the excitation energy window. When the Coulomb interaction is taken into account, the unequal spacing between the excitonic Wannier-Stark levels weakens the DDL effect, and the FWM spectrum is transformed into groups of discrete lines. Strikingly, the groups are evenly spaced by the ac field frequency, reflecting the characteristic of the quasienergy states. The homogeneous broadening again smears out the line structures, leading to the excitonic FWM spectra quite similar to those without the exciton effect. However, all these features predicted by the dynamical theory do not appear in a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 301 (1997)], in which, by using the static approximation the observed Wannier-Stark ladder with delay-time-dependent spacing in the FWM spectra is attributed to a temporally periodic dipole field, produced by the Bloch oscillation of electrons in real space. The contradiction between the dynamical theory and the experiments is discussed. In addition, our calculation indicates that the dynamical localization coherently enhances the time-integrated FWM signals. The feasibility of using such a technique to study the dynamical localization phenomena is shown. [S0163-1829(99)10607-6].