113 resultados para Illumination globale


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Hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells based on blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and TiO2 nanotubes or dye(N719) modified TiO2 nanotubes were processed from solution and characterized to research the nature of organic/inorganic hybrid materials. Compared with the pristine polymer P3HT and TiO2 nanoparticles/P3HT solar cells, the TiO2 nanotubes/P3HT hybrid solar cells show obvious performance improvement, due to the formation of the bulk heterojunction and charge transport improvement. A further improvement in the device performance can be achieved by modifying TiO2 nanotube surface with a standard dye N719 which can play a role in the improvement of both the light absorption and charge dissociation. Compared with the non-modified TiO2 nanotubes solar cells, the modified ones have better power conversion efficiency under 100 mW/cm(2) illumination with 500W Xenon lamp. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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InGaN photovoltaic structures with p-n junctions have been fabricated by metal organic chemical vapour deposition. Using double-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, it was found that the room temperature band gaps of p-InGaN and n-InGaN films were 2.7 and 2.8 eV, respectively. Values of 3.4 x 10(-2) mA cm(-2) short-circuit current, 0.43 V open-circuit voltage and 0.57 fill factor have been achieved under ultraviolet illumination (360 nm), which were related to p-n junction connected back-to-back with a Schottky barrier and many defects of the p-InGaN film. 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Visible-blind p-i-n avalanche photodiodes (APDs) were fabricated with high-quality GaN epilayers deposited on c-plane sapphire substrates by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. Due to low dislocation density and a sophisticated device fabrication process, the dark current was as small as similar to 0.05 nA under reverse bias up to 20V for devices with a large diameter of 200 mu m, which was among the largest device area for GaN-based p-i-n APDs yet reported. When the reverse bias exceeded 38V the dark current increased sharply, exhibiting a bulk avalanche field-dominated stable breakdown without microplasma formation or sidewall breakdown. With ultraviolet illumination (360 nm) an avalanche multiplication gain of 57 was achieved.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The response of photonic memory effect in I-V characteristics of a specially designed photonic memory cell was reported. When the cell is biased in a storage mode, the optical excitation with the photon's energy larger than the energy gap gives rise to a step-like jump in the current. A set-up was used to measure the transient photocurrent at the biases where the step-like jump showed up. It is proved that the falling transient edge of the photocurrent, as the photoexcitation turns off, mainly maps the decaying of electrons and holes, which were previously stored in the cell during the illumination. Its time constant is a measure of photonic memory time.


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Compared to conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5- (3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV) solar cells, bulk heterojunction solar cells composed of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals and MDMO-PPV have a better energy conversion efficiency, However, ultraviolet (UV) light deteriorates the performance of solar cells composed of ZnO and MDMO-PPV. We propose a model to explain the effect of UV illumination on these ZnO:MDMO-PPV solar cells. According to this model, the degradation from UV illumination is due to a decrease of exciton dissociation efficiency, Our model is based on the experimental results such as the measurements of current density versus voltage, photoluminescence, and photocurrent.


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We report electroluminescence in hybrid ZnO and conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(3', 7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV) bulk heterojuriction photovoltaic cells. Photolummescence quenching experimental results indicate that the ultra,fast photoinduced electron transfer occurs from MDMO-PPV to ZnO under illumination. The ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer effect is induced because ZnO has an electron affinity about 1.2 eV greater than that of MDMO-PPV. Electron 'back transfer' can occur if the interfacial barrier between ZnO and MDMO-PPV can be overcome by applying a substantial electric field. Therefore, electroluminescence action due to the fact that the back transfer effect can be observed in the ZnO:MDMO-PPV devices since a forward bias is applied. The photovoltaic and electroluminescence actions in the same ZnO:MDMO-PPV device can be induced by different injection ways: photoinjection and electrical injection. The devices are expected to provide an opportunity for dual functionality devices with photovoltaic effect and electroluminescence character.


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A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ultraviolet photodetector has been fabricated using unintentionally doped n-GaN films grown on sapphire substrates. Its dark current, photocurrent under the illumination with lambda = 360 nm light, responsivity, and the dependence of responsivity on bias voltage were measured at room temperature. The dark current of the photodetector is 1.03 nA under 5 V bias, and is 15.3 nA under 10 V bias. A maximum responsivity of 0.166 A/W has been achieved under the illumination with lambda = 366 nm light and 15 V bias. It exhibits a typical sharp band-edge cutoff at the wavelength of 366 nm, and a high responsivity at the wavelength from 320 nm to 366 nm. Its responsivity under the illumination with lambda = 360 nm light increases when the bias voltage increases.


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We have investigated the photo-excited capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics as well as the photoluminescence spectra under different biases of a wide quantum well (QW) embedded in an n(+)-i-n(+) double-barrier structure. The pronounced peak feature at zero bias in the C-V spectrum observed upon illumination is regarded as a kind of quantum capacitance related to the quantum confined Stark effect, originating from the spatial separation of the photo-generated electron and hole gas in the QW. This fact is further demonstrated through the comparison between the C-V curve with the PL intensity versus applied voltage relationship under the same excitation. The results may provide us with a more direct and sensitive means in the detection of the separation and accumulation of both types of free carriers-electrons and holes-in low-dimensional semiconductor structures, especially in a new type of optical memory cell.


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We report one top-illumination and one bottom-illumination SiGe/Si multiple quantum-well (MQW) resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) photodetector fabricated on a separation-by-implanted-oxygen (SIMOX) wafer operating near 1300 nm. The buried oxygen layer in SIMOX is used as a mirror to form a vertical cavity with the silicon dioxide/silicon Bragg reflector deposited on the top surface. A peak responsivity with a reverse bias of 5 V is measured 10.2 mA/W at 1285 nm, a full width at half maximum of 25 nm for the top-illumination RCE photodetector, 19 mA/W at 1305 nm, and a full width at half maximum of 14 nm for the bottom-illumination one. The external quantum efficiency of the bottom-illumination RCE photodetector is up to 2.9% at 1305 nm, with a reverse bias of 25V. The responsivity of the bottom-illumination RCE photodetector is improved by two-fold compared with that of the top-illumination one. (C) 2001 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Fourier transformation (FT) has been used in the theoretical line shape analysis of Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) in detail by numerical simulations. FKOs from the surface-intrinsic-n(+) GaAs structure were obtained in photoreflectance (PR) measurements with various modulation light intensities and with different strengths of bias light illumination, which were used to change the static electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample. The FT spectra of the PR spectra, including the real part, imaginary part, and the modulus, were very consistent with the theoretical line shapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass (root mu (L)/root mu (H)) and the ratio of transition strength of the electron heavy hole to the electron light hole were obtained from the PT spectra. In addition, the electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample without and with bias illumination and the modulation field induced by photomodulation were also obtained. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)02123-X].


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We have studied the photovoltaic effect in cubic GaN on GaAs at room temperature. The photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN epitaxial film were concealed by the photovoltaic effect from the GaAs substrate unless additional illumination of a 632.8 nm He-Ne laser beam was used to remove the interference of the GaAs absorption in the measurement. On the basis of the near-band-edge photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN, we obtained the minority carrier diffusion lengths of about 0.32 and 0.14 mu m for two undoped n-type cubic GaN samples with background concentrations of 10(14) and 10(18) cm(-3), respectively. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00450-7].


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The photovoltaic spectral features and the behaviors of photocurrent versus the electrode potential for near surface In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum well electrodes have been investigated in nonaqueous solutions of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. The photovoltaic spectrum shows a sharp structure that reflects confined state-to-state exciton transition in the quantum well. Deep dips are observed in the photocurrent versus the electrode potential curves in both electrolytes at the different electrode potentials under the illumination of exciton resonance wavelength. These dips are qualitatively explained by considering the interfacial tunneling transfer of photogenerated electron within the quantum well.


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The low frequency (<13 MHz) dielectric response and its light-induced change in undoped a-Si:H were investigated in detail. The dielectric constant epsilon (the real part) in this range decreases with illumination time: following a stretched exponential law similar to that found for other light-induced changes. The saturation relative change was about 0.1-0.2 % for the measured samples. The change is fading away either after repeated illumination-annealing training or by aging at room temperature. The present results indicate some rearrangement of the whole Si network caused by light soaking.


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Back Light Unit (BLU) and Color Filter are the two key components for the perfect color display of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) device. LCD can not light actively itself, so a form of illumination, Back Light Unit is needed for its display. The color filter which consists of RGB primary colors, is used to generate three basic colors for LCD display. Traditional CCFL back light source has several disadvantages, while LED back light technology makes LCD obtain quite higher display quality than the CCFL back light. LCD device based on LED back light owns promoted efficiency of display. Moreover it can generate color gamut above 100% of the NTSC specification. Especially, we put forward an idea of Color Filter-Less technology that we design a film which is patterned of red and green emitting phosphors, then make it be excited by a blue light LED panel we fabricate, for its special emitting mechanism, this film can emit RGB basic color, therefore replace the color filter of LCD device. This frame typically benefits for lighting uniformity and provide pretty high light utilization ratio. Also simplifies back light structure thus cut down the expenses.