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In the framework of the effective-mass and adiabatic approximations, by setting the effective-mass of electron in the quantum disks (QDs) different from that in the potential barrier material, we make some improvements in the calculation of the electronic energy levels of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs QD. Comparing with the results when an empirical value was adopted as the effective-mass of electron of the system, we can see that the higher levels become heightened. Furthermore, the Stark shifts of the system of different methods are compared. The Stark shifts of holes are also studied. The vertical electric field changes the splitting between the symmetric level and the antisymmetric one for the same angular momentum. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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InAs/In0.52Al0.48As nanowire multilayer arrays were grown on (001) InP substrate by molecular-beam epitaxy. The structural property of the arrays was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The results clearly showed the formation of InAs nanowires, evolution of InAs/InAlAs interface, and composition and thickness modulations in the InAlAs spacer layer. A fixed spatial ordering of InAs/InAlAs nanowires was revealed for all the samples. Regardless of the change in InAlAs spacer thickness of different samples, (i) the nanowires of one InAs layer are positioned above the nanowire spacing in the previous InAs layer and (ii) the layer-ordering orientation angle of nanowires is fixed. The results were explained from the viewpoint of the growth kinetics. The effect of InAlAs spacers is suggested to play an important role on the spatial ordering of the nanowire arrays. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Electrolyte electroreflectance spectra of the near-surface strained-layer In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs double single-quantum-well electrode have been studied at different biases in non-aqueous solutions of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. The optical transitions, the Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) and the quantum confined Stark effects (QCSE) of In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum well electrodes are analyzed. Electric field strengths at the In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs interface are calculated in both solutions by a fast Fourier transform analysis of FKOs. A dip is exhibited in the electric field strength versus bias (from 0 to 1.2 V) curve in ferrocene solution. A model concerning the interfacial tunneling transfer of electrons is used to explain the behavior of the electric field. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the spontaneous emission of polarized excitons in the GaInP/AlGaInP vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers from 50 K to room temperature. It is observed that the spontaneous emission peak enters and leaves the resonant regime. At the resonant regime, the emission intensities of the perpendicularly and horizontally polarized excitons are enhanced and their proportions are different from that in nonresonant regime. These experimental results are explained by the dressed exciton theory of the semiconductor microcavity device. Based on this theory, the intensity enhancement and the polarization dependence are understood as cooperative emission and the microcavity anisotropy. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)05315-9].


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A novel composite InxGa1-xAs/GaAs/GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum well material with different well widths was studied as a new kind of photoelectrode in a photoelectrochemical cell. The photocurrent spectrum and photocurrent-electrode potential curve were measured in ferrocene nonaqueous solution. Pronounced quantization effects and strong exciton absorption were observed in the photocurrent spectrum. The effects of surface states and interfacial states on the photocurrent-electrode potential curve are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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The influence of lateral propagating modes on the threshold current and the spontaneous emission factor in selectively oxidized vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) is investigated based on the mode behaviors of lateral propagating modes and the rate equation model. The numerical results show that the lateral propagating modes may be trapped in the aperture region for the selectively oxidized VCSEL with two oxide layers, one above and one below the active region. The output characteristics of VCSELs can be affected due to the reabsorption of the quasitrapped lateral propagating modes. A lower threshold current can be expected for a VCSEL with double oxide layers than that with a single oxide layer. The numerical results of rate equations also show that a larger spontaneous emission factor can be obtained by fitting the output-input curves for the VCSEL with double oxide layers. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)07919-0].


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The effects of the carrier gas flow and water temperature on the oxidation rate for different reaction temperatures were investigated. The optimum conditions for stable oxidation were obtained. Two mechanisms of the oxidation process are revealed. One is the flow-controlling process, which is unstable. The other is the temperature-controlling process, which is stable. The stable region decreases for higher reaction temperatures. The simulation results for the stable oxidation region are also given. With optimum oxidation conditions, the stability and precision of the oxidation can be dramatically improved.


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The transverse mode control in oxide confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers is discussed by modeling the dielectric aperture as a uniform waveguide and an extra reflectivity at the oxide layer. The phase of the extra reflectivity and the refractive index step can be adjusted to change the mode threshold gain. We calculate the lateral refractive index step from the mode wavelength difference between aperture and perimeter modes, and compare it with that obtained from the weighted average index. The mode reflectivity in terms of the lateral optical confinement factor at the oxide layer is considered in calculating the threshold gain for transverse modes. The numerical results show that higher transverse modes can be suppressed by adjusting the position of a thin AlAs-oxide layer inside a three-quarter-wave layer in the distributed Bragg reflector. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)04007-9].


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A specially designed quantum well laser for achieving extremely low vertical beam divergence was reported and theoretically investigated. The laser structure was characterized by two low index layers inserted between the waveguide layers and the cladding layers. The additional layers were intended to achieve wide optical spread in the cladding layers and strong confinement in the active region. This enabled significant reduction of beam divergence with no sacrifice in threshold current density. The numerical results showed that lasers with extremely low vertical beam divergence from 20 degrees down to 11 degrees and threshold current density of less than 131 A/cm(2) can be easily achieved by optimization of the structure parameters. Influences of individual key structure parameters on beam divergence and threshold current density are analyzed. Attention is also paid to the minimum cladding layer thicknesses needed to maintain low threshold current densities and low internal loss. The near and far field patterns are given and discussed. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Vertical PIN ultraviolet photodetectors based on 4H-SiC homoepilayers are presented. The growth of the 4H-SiC homoepilayers was carried out in a LPCVD system. The size of the active area of the photodetector was 300 x 300 mu m(2). The dark and illuminated I-V characteristics were measured at reverse biases from 0 V to 30 V at room temperature. The illuminated current was at least two orders of magnitude higher than the dark current at a bias of below 12 V. The photoresponse was measured from 200 nm to 400 nm at different reverse biases and the peak values of the photo response were located at 3 10 nm. The calculated spectral detectivity D* was shown to be higher than 10(13) cmHz(1/2)/W from 260 to 360 nm with a peak value of 5.9 x 10(13) cmHz(1/2) /W at 310 nm. The peak value of the photoresponse was hundreds of times higher than the response at 400 nm, which showed the device had good visible blind performance. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The vertical radiation loss of three-dimensional (3-D) microresonators is investigated by 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. The simulation shows that the vertical radiation causes an important loss in the microresonators with weak waveguiding, and result in decrease of the quality factors (Q-factors) of whispering-gallery (WG) modes. Through the simulation, we find that TM-like modes have much weaker vertical radiation loss than TE-like modes. High Q-factor TM-like modes are observed in the 3-D microresonators with weak vertical waveguiding, but the Q-factors of TE-like modes decrease greatly.


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We demonstrate a novel oxide confined GaAs-based photonic crystal vertical cavity surface emitting laser (PC-VCSEL) operating at a wavelength of 850 nm based on coherent coupling. A ring-shaped light-emitting aperture is added to the conventional PC-VCSEL, and coherent coupling is achieved between the central defect aperture and the ring-shaped light-emitting aperture. Measurements show that under the continuous-wave (CW) injected current of 20 mA, a high power of 2 mW is obtained, and the side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is larger than 20 dB. The average divergence angle is 4.2 degrees at the current level of 20 mA. Compared with the results ever reported, the divergence angle is reduced.


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The control of the photonic crystal waveguide over the beam profile of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers is investigated. The symmetric slab waveguide model is adopted to analyze the control parameters, of the beam profile in the photonic-crystal vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (PC-VCSEL). The filling factor (the ratio of the hole diameter to the lattice constant) and the etching depth control the divergence angle of the PC-VCSEL, and the low filling factor and the shallow etching depth are beneficial to achieve the low-divergence-angle beam. Two types of PC-VCSELs with different filling factors and etching depths are designed and fabricated. The experimental results show that the device with a lower filling factor and a shallower etching depth has a lower divergence angle, which agrees well with the theoretical predictions.


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We demonstrated oxide-confined 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with a two-dimensional petal-shaped holey structure composed of several annular-sector-shaped holes. Four types of devices with different hole numbers were designed and fabricated. The measured results showed that the larger hole number was beneficial to purifying the lasing mode, and realizing the single-mode operation. The side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) exceeded 30 dB throughout the entire drive current. Mode selective loss mechanism was used to explain the single-mode characteristic. The single-mode devices possessed good beam profiles, and the lowest divergence angle was as narrow as 3.2 degrees (full width at half maximum), attributed to the graded index profile and the shallow etching in the top distributed Bragg reflector (DBR).