96 resultados para quantum coherent control


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We report a direct observation of excitonic polaron in InAs/GaAs quantum dots using the photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. We observe that a new peak s' emerges below the s-shell which has anomalous temperature dependence emission energy. The peak s' anticrosses with s at a certain temperature, with a large anticrossing gap up to 31 meV. The behavior of the new peak, which cannot be interpreted using Huang-Rhys model, provides a direct evidence for strong coupling between exciton and LO phonons, and the formation of the excitonic polaron. The strong coupling between exciton and phonons opens a way to coherently control the polaron states.


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The effect of the Coulomb interaction on the energy spectrum and anisotropic distribution of two electron states in a quantum ring in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and Dresselhaus SOI (DSOI) is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We find that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI makes the single quantum ring behaves like a laterally coupled quantum dot and the interdot coupling can be tuned by changing the strengths of the SOIs. The interplay can lead to singlet-triplet state mixing and anticrossing behavior when the singlet and triplet states meet with increasing magnetic field. The two electron ground state displays a bar-bell-like spatial anisotropic distribution in a quantum ring at a specific crystallographic direction, i.e., [110] or [1 (1) over bar0], which can be switched by reversing the direction of the perpendicular electric field. The ground state exhibits a singlet-triplet state transition with increasing magnetic field and strengths of RSOI and DSOI. An anisotropic electron distribution is predicted which can be detected through the measurement of its optical properties.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Manipulation of the spin degree of freedom has been demonstrated in a spin-polarized electron plasma in a heterostructure by using exchange-interaction-induced dynamic spin splitting rather than the Rashba and Dresselhaus types, as revealed by time-resolved Kerr rotation. The measured spin splitting increases from 0.256 meV to 0.559 meV as the bias varies from -0.3 V to -0.6 V. Both the sign switch of the Kerr signal and the phase reversal of Larmor precessions have been observed with biases, which all fit into the framework of exchange-interaction-induced spin splitting. The electrical control of it may provide a new effective scheme for manipulating spin-selected transport in spin FET-like devices. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.


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The effect of the growth temperature on the surface and interface quality for the GaN/AlN multiquantum well (MQW) layer grown by metal-organic vapour chemical deposition is investigated. The obtained GaN/AlN MQW structure is almost coherent to the underlying AlGaN layer at improved growth conditions. With a relatively low growth temperature, the GaN/AlN MQW growth rate increases, the surface roughness reduces considerably and no macro steps are observed, resulting in a better periodicity of MQW.


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We present different relaxation mechanisms of Ge and SiGe quantum dots under excimer laser annealing. Investigation of the coarsening and relaxation of the dots shows that the strain in Ge dots on Ge films is relaxed by dislocation since there is no interface between the Ge dots and the Ge layer, while the SiGe dots on Si0.77Ge0.23 film relax by lattice distortion to coherent clots, which results from the obvious interface between the SiGe clots and the Si0.77Ge0.23 film. The results are suggested and sustained by Vanderbilt and Wickham's theory, and also demonstrate that no bulk diffusion oGeurs during the excimer laser annealing.


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A two dimensional silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal structure is used to enhance the emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in a thin polymer film. The enhancement is resonant to the leaky eigenmodes of the photonic crystals due to coherent scattering effects. Transmittance and photoluminescence experiments are presented to map the leaky mode dispersion and the angle dependence of the emission enhancement factor, which reaches values up to 80 (650) for vertical (oblique) emission in the telecommunication wavelength range.


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Hierarchical heterostructures of zinc antimonate nanoislands on ZnO nanobelts were prepared by simple annealing of the polymeric precursor. Sb can promote the growth of ZnO nanobelts along the [552] direction because of the segregation of Sb dopants on the +(001) and (110) surfaces of ZnO nanobelts. Furthermore, the ordered nanoislands of toothlike ZnSb2O6 along the [001](ZnO) direction and rodlike Zn7Sb2O12 along the [110](ZnO) direction can be formed because of the match relation of the lattice and polar charges between ZnO and zinc antimonate. The incorporation of Sb in a ZnO lattice induces composition fluctuation, and the growth of zinc antimonate nanoislands on nanobelt sides induces interface fluctuation, resulting in dominance of the bound exciton transition in the room temperature near-band-edge (NBE) emission at relatively low excitation intensity. At high excitation intensity, however, Auger recombination makes photogenerated electrons release phonon and relax from the conduction band to the trap states, causing the NBE emission to gradually saturate and redshift with increasing excitation intensity. The green emission more reasonably originates from the recombination of electrons in shallow traps with doubly charged V-O** oxygen vacancies. Because a V-O** center can trap a photoactivated electron and change to a singly charged oxygen vacancy V-O* state, its emission intensity exhibits a maximum with increasing excitation intensity.


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High material quality is the basis of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Here we report the solid source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth details of realizing high quality of InGaAs/InAlAs QCL structures. Accurate control of material compositions, layer thickness, doping profile, and interface smoothness can be realized by optimizing the growth conditions. Double crystal x-ray diffraction discloses that our grown QCL structures possess excellent periodicity and sharp interfaces. High quality laser wafers are grown in a single epitaxial run. Room temperature continuous-wave (cw) operation of QCLs is demonstrated.


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We study theoretically the low-temperature electronic transport property of a straight quantum wire under the irradiation of a finite-range transversely polarized external terahertz (THz) electromagnetic (EM) field. Using the free-electron model and the scattering matrix approach, we show an unusual behaviour of the electronic transmission of this system. A sharp step-structure appears in the electronic transmission probability as the EM field strength increases to a threshold value when a coherent EM field is applied. We demonstrate that this effect physically comes from the inelastic scattering of electrons with lateral photons through intersubband transitions.


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We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.


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A ridge distributed feedback laser monolithically integrated with a buried-ridge-stripe spot-size converter operating at 1.55 mu m was successfully fabricated by means of low-energy ion implantation quantum-well intermixing and dual-core technologies. The passive waveguide was optically combined with a laterally exponentially tapered active core to control the mode size. The devices emit in a single transverse and single longitudinal mode with a sidemode suppression ratio of 38.0 dB. The threshold current was 25 mA. The beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions were as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, respectively, resulting in 3.0-dB coupling loss with a cleaved single-mode optical fiber.


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When a quantum dot is suffering an AC gate voltage, the sidebands turn up beside the static levels of the dot. We formularized the conductance and current when the effective coupling between levels in the quantum dot induced by the hybrid terms is included using a bi-unitary transform method, and we investigated the interference of the photon sidebands of deferent levels. The interference occurs if the same sidebands of deferent levels overlap, which is possible only when the static levels lie close to and overlap with each other. The overlap of different photon sidebands leads to a simple non-coherent superposition. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The route to grow InP-based heteroepitaxial structure for quantum cascade laser by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. Optimized growth conditions including substrate temperature, V/III ratio, growth rates, doping levels and interface control are summarized. Double crystal Xray diffraction and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy disclose that our grown InP-based heteroepitaxial structure for quantum cascade laser has excellent periodicity and sharp interfaces. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A ridge laser diode monolithically integrated with a buried-ridge-structure dual-waveguide spot-size converter operating at 1.58 mu m is successfully fabricated by means of low-energy ion implantation quantum well intermixing and asymmetric twin waveguide technology. The passive waveguide is optically combined with a laterally tapered active core to control the mode size. The devices emit in a single transverse and quasi single longitudinal mode with a side mode suppression ratio of 40.0dB although no grating is fabricated in the LD region. The threshold current is 50 mA. The beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 7.3 degrees x 18.0 degrees, respectively, resulting in 3.0dB coupling loss With a cleaved single-mode optical fibre.