92 resultados para Spatially


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Large-scale GaN free-standing substrate was obtained by hydride vapor phase epitaxy directly on sapphire with porous network interlayer. The bottom surface N-face and top surface Ga-face showed great difference in anti-etching and optical properties. The variation of optical and structure characteristics were also microscopically identified using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence and micro-Raman spectroscopy in cross-section of the GaN substrate. Three different regions were separated according to luminescent intensity along the film growth orientation. Some tapered inversion domains with high free carrier concentration of 5 x 10(19) cm(-3) protruded up to the surface forming the hexagonal pits. The dark region of upper layer showed good crystalline quality with narrow donor bound exciton peak and low free carrier concentration. Unlike the exponential dependence of the strain distribution, the free-standing GaN substrate revealed a gradual increase of the strain mainly within the near N-polar side region with a thickness of about 50 mu m, then almost kept constant to the top surface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 275 mu m thick GaN layer was directly grown on the SiO2-prepatterned sapphire in a home-built vertical hydride vapour phase epitaxy (HVPE) reactor. The variation of optical and structure characteristics were microscopically identified using spatially resolved cathodeluminescence and micro-Raman spectroscopy in a cross section of the thick film. The D X-0(A) line with the FWHM of 5.1 meV and etch- pit density of 9 x 10(6) cm(-2) illustrated high crystalline quality of the thick GaN epitaxial layer. Optically active regions appeared above the SiO2 masks and disappeared abruptly due to the tapered inversion domains at 210 - 230 mu m thickness. The crystalline quality was improved by increasing the thickness of the GaN/sapphire interface, but the region with a distance of 2 mu m from the top surface revealed relatively low quality due to degenerate surface reconstruction by residual gas reaction. The x-ray rocking curve for the symmetric (0 0 2) and asymmetric (1 0 2) reflections also showed good quality and a small wing tilt of the epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) GaN.


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The deep level luminescence of crack-free Al0.25Ga0.75N layers grown on a GaN template with a high-temperature grown AlN interlayer has been studied using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy. The CL spectra of Al0.25Ga0.75N grown on a thin AlN interlayer present a deep level aquamarine luminescence (DLAL) band at about 2.6 eV and a deep level violet luminescence (DLVL) band at about 3.17 eV. Cross-section line scan CL measurements on a cleaved sample edge clearly reveal different distributions of DLAL-related and DLVL-related defects in AlGaN along the growth direction. The DLAL band of AlGaN is attributed to evolve from the yellow luminescence band of GaN, and therefore has an analogous origin of a radiative transition between a shallow donor and a deep acceptor. The DLVL band is correlated with defects distributed near the GaN/AlN/AlGaN interfaces. Additionally, the lateral distribution of the intensity of the DLAL band shows a domainlike feature which is accompanied by a lateral phase separation of Al composition. Such a distribution of deep level defects is probably caused by the strain field within the domains. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Morphology evolution of high-index GaAs(331)A surfaces during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth has been investigated in order to achieve regularly distributed step-array templates and fabricate spatially ordered low-dimensional nano-structures. Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements have shown that the step height and terrace width of GaAs layers increase monotonically with increasing substrate temperature. By using the step arrays formed on GaAs(331)A surfaces as the templates, we have fabricated highly ordered InGaAs nanowires. The improved homogeneity and the increased density of the InGaAs nanowires are attributed to the modulated strain field caused by vertical multi-stacking, as well as the effect of corrugated surface of the template. Photoluminescence (PL) tests confirmed remarkable polarization anisotropy.


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The transport property of a lateral two-dimensional paramagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor electron gas under a spatially periodic magnetic field is investigated theoretically. We find that the electron Fermi velocity along the modulation direction is highly spin dependent even if the spin polarization of the carrier population is negligibly small. It turns out that this spin-polarized Fermi velocity alone can lead to a strong spin polarization of the current, which is still robust against the energy broadening effect induced by the impurity scattering. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Electron mobility limited by nitrogen vacancy scattering was taken into account to evaluate the quality of n-type GaN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Two assumptions were made for this potential for the nitrogen vacancy (1) it acts in a short range, and (2) does not diverge at the vacancy core. According to the above assumptions, a general expression to describe the scattering potential U(r) = - U-0 exp[- (r/beta)(n)], (n = 1, 2,...,infinity) was constructed, where beta is the potential well width. The mobilities for n = 1, 2, and infinity were calculated based on this equation, corresponding to the simple exponential, Gaussian and square well scattering potentials, respectively. In the limiting case of kbeta << 1 (where k is the wave vector), all of the mobilities calculated for n = 1, 2, and infinity showed a same result but different prefactor. Such difference was discussed in terms of the potential tail and was found that all of the calculated mobilities have T-1/2 temperature and beta(-6) well width dependences. A mobility taking account of a spatially complicate scattering potential was studied and the same temperature dependence was also found. A best fit between the calculated results and experimental data was obtained by taking account of the nitrogen vacancy scattering. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A set of a-SiOx:H (0.52 < x < 1.58) films are fabricated by plasma-enhanced-chemical-vapor-deposition (PECVD) method at the substrate temperature of 250degreesC. The microstructure and local bonding configurations of the films are investigated in detail using micro-Raman scattering, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It is found that the films are structural inhomogeneous, with five phases of Si, Si2O:H, SiO:H, Si2O3:H and SiO2 that coexist. The phase of Si is composed of nonhydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si) clusters that are spatially isolated. The average size of the clusters decreases with the increasing oxygen concentration x in the films. The results indicate that the structure of the present films can be described by a multi-shell model, which suggests that a-Si cluster is surrounded in turn by the subshells Of Si2O:H, SiO:H, Si2O3:H, and SiO2.


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The electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory; the strain effect is also included in the calculation. The numerical results show that an increase of the in-plane magnetic field renders the DMS superlattice from the direct band-gap system to the indirect band-gap system, and spatially separates the electron and the hole by changing the type-I band alignment to a type-II band alignment. The optical transition probability changes from type I to type II and back to type I like at large magnetic field. This phenomenon arises from the interplay among the superlattice potential profile, the external magnetic field, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The shear strain induces a strong coupling of the light- and heavy-hole states and a transition of the hole ground states from "light"-hole to "heavy"-hole-like states.


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Absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency using optical parametric down-conversion has been extensively studied for the case of a continuous wave pump. In this paper, we have used the temporally and spatially correlated properties of the down-converted photon pairs generated in a nonlinear crystal pumped by a femtosecond laser pulse to perform an absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency. The measured detector quantum efficiency is in excellent agreement with the measured value in the conventional way. A lens with a long focal length was adopted for efficiently increasing the intensity of the down-conversion entangled photon source.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The optical properties of InAs quantum dots in n-i-p-i GaAs superlattices are investigated by photoluminescence (PL) characterization. We have observed an anomalously large blueshift of the PL peak and increase of the PL linewidth with increasing excitation intensity, much smaller PL intensity decrease, and faster PL peak redshift with increasing temperature as compared to conventional InAs quantum dots embedded in intrinsic GaAs barriers. The observed phenomena can all be attributed to the filling effects of the spatially separated photogenerated carriers. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)03515-4].


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Electron mobility limited by nitrogen vacancy scattering was taken into account to evaluate the quality of n-type GaN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The nitrogen vacancy scattering potential used for our mobility calculation has to satisfy two requirements: such potential is (1) spatially short range, and (2) finite and not divergent at the vacancy core. A square-well potential was adopted to calculate the mobility, because it satisfies not only these two requirements, but also simplifies the calculation. As a result, the estimated mobility shows a T-1/2 temperature dependence, and is very sensitive to the potential well width. After introducing the nitrogen vacancy scattering, we obtained the best fitting between the calculated and experimental results for our high quality sample, and it was found that the measured mobility is dominated by ion impurity and dislocation scatterings at the low temperatures, but dominated by optical phonon and nitrogen vacancy scatterings at the high temperatures. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)04112-7].


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The formation of triangular-shaped dot-like (TD) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (311)A substrates patterned with square- and triangular-shaped holes is compared. On substrates patterned with square-shaped holes, TD structures are formed via the pinch-off of two symmetrically arranged {111} planes which develop freely in the regions between the holes on the original substrate surface, while the (111)A sidewalls of the as-etched holes develop a rough morphology during growth. The evolution of the rough ( 1 1 1)A sidewalls is eliminated on substrates patterned with triangular shaped holes resulting in similar TD structures with highly improved uniformity over the entire pattern. Spectrally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy reveals the lateral variation of the quantum-well confinement energy in the TD structures generating distinct lateral energy barriers between the top portion and the nearby smooth regions with efficient radiative recombination. Formation of TD structures provides a new approach Do fabricate three-dimensionally confined nanostructures in a controlled manner.


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The structural characteristics of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown on sapphire(0001) substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) have been investigated using high-resolution synchrotron irradiation X-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence with a variable energy electron beam. Besides the well-known GaN hexagonal structure, a small portion of cubic phase GaN was observed. The X-ray measurements provide an essential means for the structural identification of the GaN layers. Arising from the variable penetration depth of the electron beam in the cathodoluminescence measurements, it was found that the fraction of the GaN cubic-phase typically increased as the probing depth was increased. The results suggest that the GaN cubic phase is mostly located near the interface between the substrate and GaN layer due to the initial nucleation.


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Morphology evolution of high-index (331)A surfaces during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth have been investigated in order to uncover their unique physic properties and fabricate spatially ordered low dimensional nanostructures. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements have shown that the step height and terrace width of GaAs layers increase monotonically with increasing substrate temperature in conventional MBE. However, this situation is reversed in atomic hydrogen-assisted MBE, indicating that step bunching is partly suppressed. We attribute this to the reduced surface migration length of Ga adatoms with atomic hydrogen. By using the step arrays formed on GaAs (331)A surfaces as the templates, we fabricated laterally ordered InGaAs self-aligned nanowires.