25 resultados para Spatially

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis is concerned with the dynamic response of a General multidegree-of-freedom linear system with a one dimensional nonlinear constraint attached between two points. The nonlinear constraint is assumed to consist of rate-independent conservative and hysteretic nonlinearities and may contain a viscous dissipation element. The dynamic equations for general spatial and temporal load distributions are derived for both continuous and discrete systems. The method of equivalent linearization is used to develop equations which govern the approximate steady-state response to generally distributed loads with harmonic time dependence.

The qualitative response behavior of a class of undamped chainlike structures with a nonlinear terminal constraint is investigated. It is shown that the hardening or softening behavior of every resonance curve is similar and is determined by the properties of the constraint. Also examined are the number and location of resonance curves, the boundedness of the forced response, the loci of response extrema, and other characteristics of the response. Particular consideration is given to the dependence of the response characteristics on the properties of the linear system, the nonlinear constraint, and the load distribution.

Numerical examples of the approximate steady-state response of three structural systems are presented. These examples illustrate the application of the formulation and qualitative theory. It is shown that disconnected response curves and response curves which cross are obtained for base excitation of a uniform shear beam with a cubic spring foundation. Disconnected response curves are also obtained for the steady-state response to a concentrated load of a chainlike structure with a hardening hysteretic constraint. The accuracy of the approximate response curves is investigated.


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A means of assessing the effectiveness of methods used in the numerical solution of various linear ill-posed problems is outlined. Two methods: Tikhonov' s method of regularization and the quasireversibility method of Lattès and Lions are appraised from this point of view.

In the former method, Tikhonov provides a useful means for incorporating a constraint into numerical algorithms. The analysis suggests that the approach can be generalized to embody constraints other than those employed by Tikhonov. This is effected and the general "T-method" is the result.

A T-method is used on an extended version of the backwards heat equation with spatially variable coefficients. Numerical computations based upon it are performed.

The statistical method developed by Franklin is shown to have an interpretation as a T-method. This interpretation, although somewhat loose, does explain some empirical convergence properties which are difficult to pin down via a purely statistical argument.


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Cells in the lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP) of rhesus macaques respond vigorously and in spatially-tuned fashion to briefly memorized visual stimuli. Responses to stimulus presentation, memory maintenance, and task completion are seen, in varying combination from neuron to neuron. To help elucidate this functional segmentation a new system for simultaneous recording from multiple neighboring neurons was developed. The two parts of this dissertation discuss the technical achievements and scientific discoveries, respectively.

Technology. Simultanous recordings from multiple neighboring neurons were made with four-wire bundle electrodes, or tetrodes, which were adapted to the awake behaving primate preparation. Signals from these electrodes were partitionable into a background process with a 1/f-like spectrum and foreground spiking activity spanning 300-6000 Hz. Continuous voltage recordings were sorted into spike trains using a state-of-the-art clustering algorithm, producing a mean of 3 cells per site. The algorithm classified 96% of spikes correctly when tetrode recordings were confirmed with simultaneous intracellular signals. Recording locations were verified with a new technique that creates electrolytic lesions visible in magnetic resonance imaging, eliminating the need for histological processing. In anticipation of future multi-tetrode work, the chronic chamber microdrive, a device for long-term tetrode delivery, was developed.

Science. Simultaneously recorded neighboring LIP neurons were found to have similar preferred targets in the memory saccade paradigm, but dissimilar peristimulus time histograms, PSTH). A majority of neighboring cell pairs had a difference in preferred directions of under 45° while the trial time of maximal response showed a broader distribution, suggesting homogeneity of tuning with het erogeneity of function. A continuum of response characteristics was present, rather than a set of specific response types; however, a mapping experiment suggests this may be because a given cell's PSTH changes shape as well as amplitude through the response field. Spike train autocovariance was tuned over target and changed through trial epoch, suggesting different mechanisms during memory versus background periods. Mean frequency-domain spike-to-spike coherence was concentrated below 50 Hz with a significant maximum of 0.08; mean time-domain coherence had a narrow peak in the range ±10 ms with a significant maximum of 0.03. Time-domain coherence was found to be untuned for short lags (10 ms), but significantly tuned at larger lags (50 ms).


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Granular crystals are compact periodic assemblies of elastic particles in Hertzian contact whose dynamic response can be tuned from strongly nonlinear to linear by the addition of a static precompression force. This unique feature allows for a wide range of studies that include the investigation of new fundamental nonlinear phenomena in discrete systems such as solitary waves, shock waves, discrete breathers and other defect modes. In the absence of precompression, a particularly interesting property of these systems is their ability to support the formation and propagation of spatially localized soliton-like waves with highly tunable properties. The wealth of parameters one can modify (particle size, geometry and material properties, periodicity of the crystal, presence of a static force, type of excitation, etc.) makes them ideal candidates for the design of new materials for practical applications. This thesis describes several ways to optimally control and tailor the propagation of stress waves in granular crystals through the use of heterogeneities (interstitial defect particles and material heterogeneities) in otherwise perfectly ordered systems. We focus on uncompressed two-dimensional granular crystals with interstitial spherical intruders and composite hexagonal packings and study their dynamic response using a combination of experimental, numerical and analytical techniques. We first investigate the interaction of defect particles with a solitary wave and utilize this fundamental knowledge in the optimal design of novel composite wave guides, shock or vibration absorbers obtained using gradient-based optimization methods.


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This thesis details the investigations of the unconventional low-energy quasiparticle excitations in electron-type cuprate superconductors and electron-type ferrous superconductors as well as the electronic properties of Dirac fermions in graphene and three-dimensional strong topological insulators through experimental studies using spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type cuprate La0.1Sr0.9CuO2 (La-112) TC = 43 K, are investigated experimentally. For temperature (T) less than the superconducting transition temperature (TC), and in zero field, the quasiparticle spectra of La-112 exhibits gapped behavior with two coherence peaks and no satellite features. For magnetic field measurements at T < TC, first ever observation of vortices in La-112 are reported. Moreover, pseudogap-like spectra are revealed inside the core of vortices, where superconductivity is suppressed. The intra-vortex pseudogap-like spectra are characterized by an energy gap of VPG = 8.5 ± 0.6 meV, while the inter-vortex quasiparticle spectra shows larger peak-to-peak gap values characterized by Δpk-pk(H) >VPG, and Δpk-pk (0)=12.2 ± 0.8 meV > Δpk-pk (H > 0). The quasiparticle spectra are found to be gapped at all locations up to the highest magnetic field examined (H = 6T) and reveal an apparent low-energy cutoff at the VPG energy scale.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type "122" iron-based Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 are investigated for multiple doping levels (x = 0.06, 0.08, 0.12 with TC= 14 K, 24 K, and 20 K). For all doping levels and the T < TC, two-gap superconductivity is observed. Both superconducting gaps decrease monotonically in size with increasing temperature and disappear for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, TC. Magnetic resonant modes that follow the temperature dependence of the superconducting gaps have been identified in the tunneling quasiparticle spectra. Together with quasiparticle interference (QPI) analysis and magnetic field studies, this provides strong evidence for two-gap sign-changing s-wave superconductivity.

Additionally spatial scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies are performed on mechanically exfoliated graphene and chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. In all cases lattice strain exerts a strong influence on the electronic properties of the sample. In particular topological defects give rise to pseudomagnetic fields (B ~ 50 Tesla) and charging effects resulting in quantized conductance peaks associated with the integer and fractional Quantum Hall States.

Finally, spectroscopic studies on the 3D-STI, Bi2Se3 found evidence of impurity resonance in the surface state. The impurities are in the unitary limit and the spectral resonances are localized spatially to within ~ 0.2 nm of the impurity. The spectral weight of the impurity resonance diverges as the Fermi energy approaches the Dirac point and the rapid recovery of the surface state suggests robust topological protection against perturbations that preserve time reversal symmetry.


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The dissertation is concerned with the mathematical study of various network problems. First, three real-world networks are considered: (i) the human brain network (ii) communication networks, (iii) electric power networks. Although these networks perform very different tasks, they share similar mathematical foundations. The high-level goal is to analyze and/or synthesis each of these systems from a “control and optimization” point of view. After studying these three real-world networks, two abstract network problems are also explored, which are motivated by power systems. The first one is “flow optimization over a flow network” and the second one is “nonlinear optimization over a generalized weighted graph”. The results derived in this dissertation are summarized below.

Brain Networks: Neuroimaging data reveals the coordinated activity of spatially distinct brain regions, which may be represented mathematically as a network of nodes (brain regions) and links (interdependencies). To obtain the brain connectivity network, the graphs associated with the correlation matrix and the inverse covariance matrix—describing marginal and conditional dependencies between brain regions—have been proposed in the literature. A question arises as to whether any of these graphs provides useful information about the brain connectivity. Due to the electrical properties of the brain, this problem will be investigated in the context of electrical circuits. First, we consider an electric circuit model and show that the inverse covariance matrix of the node voltages reveals the topology of the circuit. Second, we study the problem of finding the topology of the circuit based on only measurement. In this case, by assuming that the circuit is hidden inside a black box and only the nodal signals are available for measurement, the aim is to find the topology of the circuit when a limited number of samples are available. For this purpose, we deploy the graphical lasso technique to estimate a sparse inverse covariance matrix. It is shown that the graphical lasso may find most of the circuit topology if the exact covariance matrix is well-conditioned. However, it may fail to work well when this matrix is ill-conditioned. To deal with ill-conditioned matrices, we propose a small modification to the graphical lasso algorithm and demonstrate its performance. Finally, the technique developed in this work will be applied to the resting-state fMRI data of a number of healthy subjects.

Communication Networks: Congestion control techniques aim to adjust the transmission rates of competing users in the Internet in such a way that the network resources are shared efficiently. Despite the progress in the analysis and synthesis of the Internet congestion control, almost all existing fluid models of congestion control assume that every link in the path of a flow observes the original source rate. To address this issue, a more accurate model is derived in this work for the behavior of the network under an arbitrary congestion controller, which takes into account of the effect of buffering (queueing) on data flows. Using this model, it is proved that the well-known Internet congestion control algorithms may no longer be stable for the common pricing schemes, unless a sufficient condition is satisfied. It is also shown that these algorithms are guaranteed to be stable if a new pricing mechanism is used.

Electrical Power Networks: Optimal power flow (OPF) has been one of the most studied problems for power systems since its introduction by Carpentier in 1962. This problem is concerned with finding an optimal operating point of a power network minimizing the total power generation cost subject to network and physical constraints. It is well known that OPF is computationally hard to solve due to the nonlinear interrelation among the optimization variables. The objective is to identify a large class of networks over which every OPF problem can be solved in polynomial time. To this end, a convex relaxation is proposed, which solves the OPF problem exactly for every radial network and every meshed network with a sufficient number of phase shifters, provided power over-delivery is allowed. The concept of “power over-delivery” is equivalent to relaxing the power balance equations to inequality constraints.

Flow Networks: In this part of the dissertation, the minimum-cost flow problem over an arbitrary flow network is considered. In this problem, each node is associated with some possibly unknown injection, each line has two unknown flows at its ends related to each other via a nonlinear function, and all injections and flows need to satisfy certain box constraints. This problem, named generalized network flow (GNF), is highly non-convex due to its nonlinear equality constraints. Under the assumption of monotonicity and convexity of the flow and cost functions, a convex relaxation is proposed, which always finds the optimal injections. A primary application of this work is in the OPF problem. The results of this work on GNF prove that the relaxation on power balance equations (i.e., load over-delivery) is not needed in practice under a very mild angle assumption.

Generalized Weighted Graphs: Motivated by power optimizations, this part aims to find a global optimization technique for a nonlinear optimization defined over a generalized weighted graph. Every edge of this type of graph is associated with a weight set corresponding to the known parameters of the optimization (e.g., the coefficients). The motivation behind this problem is to investigate how the (hidden) structure of a given real/complex valued optimization makes the problem easy to solve, and indeed the generalized weighted graph is introduced to capture the structure of an optimization. Various sufficient conditions are derived, which relate the polynomial-time solvability of different classes of optimization problems to weak properties of the generalized weighted graph such as its topology and the sign definiteness of its weight sets. As an application, it is proved that a broad class of real and complex optimizations over power networks are polynomial-time solvable due to the passivity of transmission lines and transformers.


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The concept of seismogenic asperities and aseismic barriers has become a useful paradigm within which to understand the seismogenic behavior of major faults. Since asperities and barriers can be thought of as defining the potential rupture area of large megathrust earthquakes, it is thus important to identify their respective spatial extents, constrain their temporal longevity, and to develop a physical understanding for their behavior. Space geodesy is making critical contributions to the identification of slip asperities and barriers but progress in many geographical regions depends on improving the accuracy and precision of the basic measurements. This thesis begins with technical developments aimed at improving satellite radar interferometric measurements of ground deformation whereby we introduce an empirical correction algorithm for unwanted effects due to interferometric path delays that are due to spatially and temporally variable radar wave propagation speeds in the atmosphere. In chapter 2, I combine geodetic datasets with complementary spatio-temporal resolutions to improve our understanding of the spatial distribution of crustal deformation sources and their associated temporal evolution – here we use observations from Long Valley Caldera (California) as our test bed. In the third chapter I apply the tools developed in the first two chapters to analyze postseismic deformation associated with the 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule (Chile) earthquake. The result delimits patches where afterslip occurs, explores their relationship to coseismic rupture, quantifies frictional properties associated with inferred patches of afterslip, and discusses the relationship of asperities and barriers to long-term topography. The final chapter investigates interseismic deformation of the eastern Makran subduction zone by using satellite radar interferometry only, and demonstrates that with state-of-art techniques it is possible to quantify tectonic signals with small amplitude and long wavelength. Portions of the eastern Makran for which we estimate low fault coupling correspond to areas where bathymetric features on the downgoing plate are presently subducting, whereas the region of the 1945 M=8.1 earthquake appears to be more highly coupled.


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This thesis presents a new approach for the numerical solution of three-dimensional problems in elastodynamics. The new methodology, which is based on a recently introduced Fourier continuation (FC) algorithm for the solution of Partial Differential Equations on the basis of accurate Fourier expansions of possibly non-periodic functions, enables fast, high-order solutions of the time-dependent elastic wave equation in a nearly dispersionless manner, and it requires use of CFL constraints that scale only linearly with spatial discretizations. A new FC operator is introduced to treat Neumann and traction boundary conditions, and a block-decomposed (sub-patch) overset strategy is presented for implementation of general, complex geometries in distributed-memory parallel computing environments. Our treatment of the elastic wave equation, which is formulated as a complex system of variable-coefficient PDEs that includes possibly heterogeneous and spatially varying material constants, represents the first fully-realized three-dimensional extension of FC-based solvers to date. Challenges for three-dimensional elastodynamics simulations such as treatment of corners and edges in three-dimensional geometries, the existence of variable coefficients arising from physical configurations and/or use of curvilinear coordinate systems and treatment of boundary conditions, are all addressed. The broad applicability of our new FC elasticity solver is demonstrated through application to realistic problems concerning seismic wave motion on three-dimensional topographies as well as applications to non-destructive evaluation where, for the first time, we present three-dimensional simulations for comparison to experimental studies of guided-wave scattering by through-thickness holes in thin plates.


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The proliferation of smartphones and other internet-enabled, sensor-equipped consumer devices enables us to sense and act upon the physical environment in unprecedented ways. This thesis considers Community Sense-and-Response (CSR) systems, a new class of web application for acting on sensory data gathered from participants' personal smart devices. The thesis describes how rare events can be reliably detected using a decentralized anomaly detection architecture that performs client-side anomaly detection and server-side event detection. After analyzing this decentralized anomaly detection approach, the thesis describes how weak but spatially structured events can be detected, despite significant noise, when the events have a sparse representation in an alternative basis. Finally, the thesis describes how the statistical models needed for client-side anomaly detection may be learned efficiently, using limited space, via coresets.

The Caltech Community Seismic Network (CSN) is a prototypical example of a CSR system that harnesses accelerometers in volunteers' smartphones and consumer electronics. Using CSN, this thesis presents the systems and algorithmic techniques to design, build and evaluate a scalable network for real-time awareness of spatial phenomena such as dangerous earthquakes.


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Optical microscopy has become an indispensable tool for biological researches since its invention, mostly owing to its sub-cellular spatial resolutions, non-invasiveness, instrumental simplicity, and the intuitive observations it provides. Nonetheless, obtaining reliable, quantitative spatial information from conventional wide-field optical microscopy is not always intuitive as it appears to be. This is because in the acquired images of optical microscopy the information about out-of-focus regions is spatially blurred and mixed with in-focus information. In other words, conventional wide-field optical microscopy transforms the three-dimensional spatial information, or volumetric information about the objects into a two-dimensional form in each acquired image, and therefore distorts the spatial information about the object. Several fluorescence holography-based methods have demonstrated the ability to obtain three-dimensional information about the objects, but these methods generally rely on decomposing stereoscopic visualizations to extract volumetric information and are unable to resolve complex 3-dimensional structures such as a multi-layer sphere.

The concept of optical-sectioning techniques, on the other hand, is to detect only two-dimensional information about an object at each acquisition. Specifically, each image obtained by optical-sectioning techniques contains mainly the information about an optically thin layer inside the object, as if only a thin histological section is being observed at a time. Using such a methodology, obtaining undistorted volumetric information about the object simply requires taking images of the object at sequential depths.

Among existing methods of obtaining volumetric information, the practicability of optical sectioning has made it the most commonly used and most powerful one in biological science. However, when applied to imaging living biological systems, conventional single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques often result in certain degrees of photo-damages because of the high focal intensity at the scanning point. In order to overcome such an issue, several wide-field optical-sectioning techniques have been proposed and demonstrated, although not without introducing new limitations and compromises such as low signal-to-background ratios and reduced axial resolutions. As a result, single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques remain the most widely used instrumentations for volumetric imaging of living biological systems to date.

In order to develop wide-field optical-sectioning techniques that has equivalent optical performance as single-point-scanning ones, this thesis first introduces the mechanisms and limitations of existing wide-field optical-sectioning techniques, and then brings in our innovations that aim to overcome these limitations. We demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, that our proposed wide-field optical-sectioning techniques can achieve diffraction-limited optical sectioning, low out-of-focus excitation and high-frame-rate imaging in living biological systems. In addition to such imaging capabilities, our proposed techniques can be instrumentally simple and economic, and are straightforward for implementation on conventional wide-field microscopes. These advantages together show the potential of our innovations to be widely used for high-speed, volumetric fluorescence imaging of living biological systems.


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Signal recognition particle (SRP) and signal recognition particle receptor (SR) are evolutionarily conserved GTPases that deliver secretory and membrane proteins to the protein-conducting channel Sec61 complex in the lipid bilayer of the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes or the SecYEG complex in the inner membrane of bacteria. Unlike the canonical Ras-type GTPases, SRP and SR are activated via nucleotide-dependent heterodimerization. Upon formation of the SR•SRP targeting complex, SRP and SR undergo a series of discrete conformational changes that culminate in their reciprocal activation and hydrolysis of GTP. How the SR•SRP GTPase cycle is regulated and coupled to the delivery of the cargo protein to the protein-conducting channel at the target membrane is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the lipid bilayer and SecYEG in regulation of the SRP-mediated protein targeting pathway and show that they serve as important biological cues that spatially control the targeting reaction.

In the first chapter, we show that anionic phospholipids of the inner membrane activate the bacterial SR, FtsY, and favor the late conformational states of the targeting complex conducive to efficient unloading of the cargo. The results of our studies suggest that the lipid bilayer acts as a spatial cue that weakens the interaction of the cargo protein with SRP and primes the complex for unloading its cargo onto SecYEG.

In the second chapter, we focus on the effect of SecYEG on the conformational states and activity of the targeting complex. While phospholipids prime the complex for unloading its cargo, they are insufficient to trigger hydrolysis of GTP and the release of the cargo from the complex. SecYEG modulates the conformation of the targeting complex and triggers the GTP hydrolysis from the complex, thus driving the targeting reaction to completion. The results of this study suggest that SecYEG is not a passive recipient of the cargo protein; rather, it actively releases the cargo from the targeting complex. Together, anionic phospholipids and SecYEG serve distinct yet complementary roles. They spatially control the targeting reaction in a sequential manner, ensuring efficient delivery and unloading of the cargo protein.

In the third chapter, we reconstitute the transfer reaction in vitro and visualize it in real time. We show that the ribosome-nascent chain complex is transferred to SecYEG via a stepwise mechanism with gradual dissolution and formation of the contacts with SRP and SecYEG, respectively, explaining how the cargo is kept tethered to the membrane during the transfer and how its loss to the cytosol is avoided.

In the fourth chapter, we examine interaction of SecYEG with secretory and membrane proteins and attempt to address the role of a novel insertase YidC in this interaction. We show that detergent-solubilized SecYEG is capable of discriminating between the nascent chains of various lengths and engages a signal sequence in a well-defined conformation in the absence of accessory factors. Further, YidC alters the conformation of the signal peptide bound to SecYEG. The results described in this chapter show that YidC affects the SecYEG-nascent chain interaction at early stages of translocation/insertion and suggest a YidC-facilitated mechanism for lateral exit of transmembrane domains from SecYEG into the lipid bilayer.


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The laminar to turbulent transition process in boundary layer flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium at high enthalpy is measured and characterized. Experiments are performed in the T5 Hypervelocity Reflected Shock Tunnel at Caltech, using a 1 m length 5-degree half angle axisymmetric cone instrumented with 80 fast-response annular thermocouples, complemented by boundary layer stability computations using the STABL software suite. A new mixing tank is added to the shock tube fill apparatus for premixed freestream gas experiments, and a new cleaning procedure results in more consistent transition measurements. Transition location is nondimensionalized using a scaling with the boundary layer thickness, which is correlated with the acoustic properties of the boundary layer, and compared with parabolized stability equation (PSE) analysis. In these nondimensionalized terms, transition delay with increasing CO2 concentration is observed: tests in 100% and 50% CO2, by mass, transition up to 25% and 15% later, respectively, than air experiments. These results are consistent with previous work indicating that CO2 molecules at elevated temperatures absorb acoustic instabilities in the MHz range, which is the expected frequency of the Mack second-mode instability at these conditions, and also consistent with predictions from PSE analysis. A strong unit Reynolds number effect is observed, which is believed to arise from tunnel noise. NTr for air from 5.4 to 13.2 is computed, substantially higher than previously reported for noisy facilities. Time- and spatially-resolved heat transfer traces are used to track the propagation of turbulent spots, and convection rates at 90%, 76%, and 63% of the boundary layer edge velocity, respectively, are observed for the leading edge, centroid, and trailing edge of the spots. A model constructed with these spot propagation parameters is used to infer spot generation rates from measured transition onset to completion distance. Finally, a novel method to control transition location with boundary layer gas injection is investigated. An appropriate porous-metal injector section for the cone is designed and fabricated, and the efficacy of injected CO2 for delaying transition is gauged at various mass flow rates, and compared with both no injection and chemically inert argon injection cases. While CO2 injection seems to delay transition, and argon injection seems to promote it, the experimental results are inconclusive and matching computations do not predict a reduction in N factor from any CO2 injection condition computed.


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Part I of this thesis deals with 3 topics concerning the luminescence from bound multi-exciton complexes in Si. Part II presents a model for the decay of electron-hole droplets in pure and doped Ge.

Part I.

We present high resolution photoluminescence data for Si doped With Al, Ga, and In. We observe emission lines due to recombination of electron-hole pairs in bound excitons and satellite lines which have been interpreted in terms of complexes of several excitons bound to an impurity. The bound exciton luminescence in Si:Ga and Si:Al consists of three emission lines due to transitions from the ground state and two low lying excited states. In Si:Ga, we observe a second triplet of emission lines which precisely mirror the triplet due to the bound exciton. This second triplet is interpreted as due to decay of a two exciton complex into the bound exciton. The observation of the second complete triplet in Si:Ga conclusively demonstrates that more than one exciton will bind to an impurity. Similar results are found for Si:Al. The energy of the lines show that the second exciton is less tightly bound than the first in Si:Ga. Other lines are observed at lower energies. The assumption of ground state to ground-state transitions for the lower energy lines is shown to produce a complicated dependence of binding energy of the last exciton on the number of excitons in a complex. No line attributable to the decay of a two exciton complex is observed in Si:In.

We present measurements of the bound exciton lifetimes for the four common acceptors in Si and for the first two bound multi-exciton complexes in Si:Ga and Si:Al. These results are shown to be in agreement with a calculation by Osbourn and Smith of Auger transition rates for acceptor bound excitons in Si. Kinetics determine the relative populations of complexes of various sizes and work functions, at temperatures which do not allow them to thermalize with respect to one another. It is shown that kinetic limitations may make it impossible to form two-exciton complexes in Si:In from a gas of free excitons.

We present direct thermodynamic measurements of the work functions of bound multi-exciton complexes in Al, B, P and Li doped Si. We find that in general the work functions are smaller than previously believed. These data remove one obstacle to the bound multi-exciton complex picture which has been the need to explain the very large apparent work functions for the larger complexes obtained by assuming that some of the observed lines are ground-state to ground-state transitions. None of the measured work functions exceed that of the electron-hole liquid.

Part II.

A new model for the decay of electron-hole-droplets in Ge is presented. The model is based on the existence of a cloud of droplets within the crystal and incorporates exciton flow among the drops in the cloud and the diffusion of excitons away from the cloud. It is able to fit the experimental luminescence decays for pure Ge at different temperatures and pump powers while retaining physically reasonable parameters for the drops. It predicts the shrinkage of the cloud at higher temperatures which has been verified by spatially and temporally resolved infrared absorption experiments. The model also accounts for the nearly exponential decay of electron-hole-droplets in lightly doped Ge at higher temperatures.


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An experimental investigation of low frequency floating potential fluctuations (f ≤ 200 kHz) in a research tokamak plasma using two spatially separated electrostatic probes has been performed. The spectra, correlation length, and the phase velocity of the fluctuations in both the radial and azimuthal direction have been determined. The propagation velocity in the toroidal direction was also measured and was found to be in the direction of electron current flow. The waves traveled azimuthally in the ion diamagnetic drift direction, even after the usual E x B rotation was taken into account. The electron density fluctuations associated with these oscillations were large, δn/n ≃ 0.35 - 0.50.

The spectra were found to have regularly spaced peaks which seemed to be related to specific azimuthal modes (m =1,2,3,...,etc. ) A parametric study was made to determine what effect plasma parameters had on these peaks. During periods of high electron density in the first 2 msec of the plasma lifetime, strong sawtooth type oscillations were observed. These oscillations typically had frequencies of approximately 10 kHz and were also present when large amounts of neutral gas were added during the discharge by a process called "gas puffing."

The results are compared with experimental observations made on other plasma devices with electric and magnetic probes and with microwave and CO2 laser scattering techniques. (The scattering measurements are complimentary to the probe measurements since, in the former case, the wavelength is fixed by the scattering angle, but the oscillations could not be spatially localized.) The oscillations in the Caltech torus were probably related to a drift-tearing type instability which is thought to play a major role in the anomalous particle and energy flux observed in tokamaks. Comparisons are made between current theory and the experimental results. However, the theory for the observed oscillations is still in a rudimentary stage of development, and it is hoped that the present investigation will stimulate future analytical work.


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The microwave scattering properties of an axially magnetized afterglow plasma column in an S-band waveguide have been investigated experimentally. The column axis is perpendicular to the electric field and the direction of wave propagation in the H_(10)-mode waveguide. Strong absorption is found in the range of upper hybrid frequencies, ω_c ≤ ω ≤ [ω^2_c + ω^2_p(r,t)]^(1/2) where ω_c is the electron cyclotron frequency and ω_p is the locally and temporally varying electron plasma frequency. With the high absorption the noise emission approaches the blackbody limit. A microwave radiometer has been used to measure the noise power and with a comparison and null-technique the electron temperature. As emission and absorption are largely confined to a resonant layer, spatially resolved temperature data are obtained. Time resolution is obtained by gating the radiometer. The peak electron density is derived from the emission or absorption onset at the maximum upper hybrid frequency and confirmed by independent measurements. With this diagnostic technique the electron density and temperature decay has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. Ambipolar diffusion and collisional cooling essentially account for the plasma decay, but impurities and metastable ions play an important role. The diagnostic method is successfully applied in a microwave heating experiment. The existence of absorbing resonant layers is shown by a peak in the radial temperature profile where the local upper hybrid frequency equals the heating frequency. The knowledge of the plasma parameters is important in the study of hot plasma effects. Buchsbaum-Hasegawa modes are investigated in a wide range of magnetic fields (.5 < ω_c/ω < .985).