119 resultados para Riemann sum


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4.2 K photoluminescence (PL) and 77 K standard Hall-effect measurements were performed for In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1-xAs metamorphic high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) structures grown on GaAs substrates with different indium contents in the InxGa1-xAs well or different Si delta-doping concentrations. It was found that electron concentrations increased with increasing PL intensity ratio of the "forbidden" transition (the second electron subband to the first heavy-hole subband) to the sum of the "allowed" transition (the first electron subband to the first heavy-hole subband) and the forbidden transition. And electron mobilities decreased with increasing product of the average full width at half maximum of allowed and forbidden transitions and the electron effective mass in the InxGa1-xAs quantum well. These results show that PL measurements are a good supplemental tool to Hall-effect measurements in optimization of the HEMT layer structure. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillation measurement was performed on highly doped InAlAs/InGaAs metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistors on GaAs substrates at a temperature of 1.4 K. By analyzing the experimental data using fast Fourier transform, the electron densities and mobilities of more than one subband are obtained, and an obvious double-peak structure appears at high magnetic field in the Fourier spectrum. In comparing the results of SdH measurements, Hall measurements, and theoretical calculation, we found that this double-peak structure arises from spin splitting of the first-excited subband (i=1). Very close mobilities of 5859 and 5827 cm(2)/V s are deduced from this double-peak structure. The sum of the carrier concentration of all the subbands in the quantum well is only 3.95x10(12) cm(-2) due to incomplete transfer of the electrons from the Si delta -doped layer to the well. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The eigenmodes confined in the equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) are analyzed by deriving the eigenvalues and the mode field distributions and by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique. The analytical results show that the one-period-length for the mode light rays inside the ETR is the perimeter of the ETR, and the number of transverse modes is limited by the condition of total internal reflection. In addition, the sum of the longitudinal mode index and the transverse mode index should be an even number, which limits the number of confined modes again. Based on the FDTD technique and the Pade approximation, we calculate the mode resonant frequencies and the quality factors from the local maximum and the width of the spectral distribution of the intensity The numerical results of mode frequencies agree very well with the analytical results, and the quality factor of the fundamental mode is usually higher than that of the higher order transverse modes. The results show that the ETR is suitable to realize single-made operation as semiconductor microcavity lasers.


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Interpolation attack was presented by Jakobsen and Knudsen at FSE'97. Interpolation attack is effective against ciphers that have a certain algebraic structure like the PURE cipher which is a prototype cipher, but it is difficult to apply the attack to real-world ciphers. This difficulty is due to the difficulty of deriving a low degree polynomial relation between ciphertexts and plaintexts. In other words, it is difficult to evaluate the security against interpolation attack. This paper generalizes the interpolation attack. The generalization makes easier to evaluate the security against interpolation attack. We call the generalized interpolation attack linear sum attack. We present an algorithm that evaluates the security of byte-oriented ciphers against linear sum attack. Moreover, we show the relationship between linear sum attack and higher order differential attack. In addition, we show the security of CRYPTON, E2, and RIJNDAEL against linear sum attack using the algorithm.


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Following the idea of Xing et al., we investigate a general method for constructing families of pseudorandom sequences with low correlation and large linear complexity from elliptic curves over finite fields in this correspondence. With the help of the tool of exponential sums on elliptic curves, we study their periods, linear complexities, linear complexity profiles, distributions of r-patterns, periodic correlation, partial period distributions, and aperiodic correlation in detail. The results show that they have nice randomness.


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提出了一种计算单mod 2~n加运算与F_2上的异或运算的“异或差值”概率分布的有效算法,该算法的计算复杂度为O((n-1)/2),与Maximov的结果相比计算复杂度更低.对于多mod 2~n加运算的情形,给出了多mod 2~n加运算与F_2上的异或(XOR)运算的“异或差值”的递推计算公式.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two one-photon processes. When the laser has broadband linewidth, the sum-frequency polarization beat (SFPB) signal shows the autocorrelation of SFPB exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz damping oscillation. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum-frequency of energy-levels. It hits been also found that the asymmetric behaviors of the polarization beat signals result from the unbalanced dispersion effects, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the four-level attosecond sum-frequency polarization beat (FASPB) in the extremely Doppler-broadened limit. The homodyne-detected FASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The different roles of the amplitude fluctuations and the phase fluctuations can be understood physically in the time-domain picture. The field correlation has a weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross-correlation, and drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields. The maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time delay to the opposite direction, and the signal exhibits damping oscillation when the laser frequency is off-resonant from the two-photon transition. A Doppler-free precision in the measurement of the energy-level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels.


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Based on the phase-conjugation polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we theoretically investigated the attosecond scale asymmetry sum-frequency polarization beat in four-level system (FASPB). The field correlation has weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. Conversely, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonance-nonresonance cross correlation. The two-photon signal exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz; damping oscillation, i.e., when the laser frequency is off resonance from the two-photon transition, the signal exhibits damping oscillation and the profile of the two-photon self-correlation signal also exhibits zero time-delay asymmetry of the maxima. We have also investigated the asymmetry of attosecond polarization beat caused by the shift of the two-photon self-correlation zero time-delay phenomenon, in which the maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time-delay point to opposite directions. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, FASPB can be intrinsically extended to any level-summation systems of two dipolar forbidden excited states.


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Waveguides induced by one-dimensional spatial photovoltaic solitons are investigated in both self-defocusing-type and self-focusing-type photorefractive photovoltaic materials. The number of possible guided modes in a waveguide induced by a bright photovoltaic soliton is obtained using numerical techniques. This number of guided modes increases monotonically with increasing intensity ratio, which is the ratio between the peak intensity of the soliton and the sum of the background illumination and the dark irradiance. On the other hand, waveguides induced by dark photovoltaic solitons are always single mode for all intensity ratios, and the higher the intensity ratio, the more confined is the optical energy near the centre of the dark photovoltaic soliton. Relevant examples are provided where photorefractive photovoltaic materials are of self-defocusing and self-focusing types. The properties of soliton-induced waveguides in both self-defocusing-type and self-focusing-type materials are also discussed.


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The advantages of the supercell model in employing the recursion method are discussed in comparison with the cluster model. A transformation for changing complex Bloch-sum seed states to real seed states in recursion calculations is presented and band dispersion in the recursion method is extracted with use of the Lanczos algorithm. The method is illustrated by the band structure of GaAs in the empirical tight-binding parametrized model. In the supercell model, the treatment of boundary conditions is discussed for various seed-state choices. The method is useful in applying tight-binding techniques to systems with substantial deviations from periodicity.


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The grain boundary is an interface and the surface tension is one of its important thermodynamic properties. In this paper, the surface tension of the ∑9 grain boundary for α-Fe at various temperatures and pressures is calculated by means of Computer Molecular Dynamics (CMD). The results agree satisfactorily with the experimental data. It is shown that the contribution of entropy to surface tension of grain boundary can be ignored.


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The transport phenomenon of drops or bubbles is a very important topic in fundamental hydrodynamics research and practical applications such as material processing and the chemical engineering. In microgravity environment, if drops or bubbles stay in a continuous phase with non-uniform temperature ¯eld, they will start to move as a result of the variance of the interface tension. This kind of movement is called the Marangoni migration. This review tries to sum up the main results in this ¯eld on theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experiments. So far the theoretical analysis is still limited to the linear or weak nonlinear steady questions, while the current numerical simulations can already obtain the time- dependent process of the bubble/drop migration when the e®ect of heat convection is small. For strong heat convection problem, or when the Marangoni number is bigger than 100, no numerical result is in consistence with those of experiments so far. Some of the lastest numerical results are shown when heat convection is strong, and the main di®erence between strong and weak heat convection is analyzed. Finally, we also discuss the main unresolved problems in this ¯eld and some possible directions in the future.