129 resultados para Rendering apparatus.


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We fabricated a phosphor-conversion white light using an InGaN laser diode that emits 405 nm near-ultraviolet (n-UV) light and phosphors that emit in the blue and yellow regions when excited by the n-UV and blue light, respectively.The relationship of the luminous flux and the luminous efficacy of the white light with injection current was discussed. The luminous flux increased linearly with increasing current above the threshold of the laser diode, and at 80 mA injection current, the luminous flux and luminous efficacy were estimated to be 5.7 lm and 13 lm/w, respectively. The shift of the Commission International de I'Eclairage coordinates, color temperature, and color rendering index with current are very slight and negligible, which indicates that the blue and the yellow phosphors have an excellent stability and a highly stable white light can be obtained by this way. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The well-width dependence of in-plane optical anisotropy (IPOA) in (001) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells induced by in-plane uniaxial strain and interface asymmetry has been studied comprehensively. Theoretical calculations show that the IPOA induced by in-plane uniaxial strain and interface asymmetry exhibits much different well-width dependence. The strain-induced IPOA is inversely proportional to the energy spacing between heavy- and light-hole subbands, so it increases with the well width. However, the interface-related IPOA is mainly determined by the probability that the heavy- and light-holes appear at the interfaces, so it decreases with the well width. Reflectance difference spectroscopy has been carried out to measure the IPOA of (001) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells with different well widths. Strain- and interface-induced IPOA have been distinguished by using a stress apparatus, and good agreement with the theoretical prediction is obtained. The anisotropic interface potential parameters are also determined. In addition, the energy shift between the interface- and strain-induced 1H1E reflectance difference (RD) structures, and the deviation of the 1L1E RD signal away from the prediction of the calculation model have been discussed.


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Silicon sheets from powder (SSP) ribbons have been prepared by modified SSP technique using electronic-grade (9N purity) silicon powder. The surface morphology, crystallographic quality, composition and electric properties of the SSP ribbons were investigated by surface profiler, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), metallurgical microscope, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and four-point probe apparatus, respectively. The results show that the SSP ribbon made from electronic-grade silicon powder is a suitable candidate for the substrates of crystalline silicon thin film (CSiTF) solar cells, which could meet the primary requirements of CSiTF solar cell process on the substrates, including surface smoothness, crystallographic quality, purity and electric conductivity, etc. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the growth of hexagonal ZnO nanorods and nanoflowers on GaN-based LED epiwafer using a solution deposition method. We also discuss the mechanisms of epitaxial nucleation and of the growth of ZnO nanorods and nanoflowers. A GaN-based LED epiwafer was first deposited on a sapphire substrate by MOCVD with no electrode being fabricated on it. Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods with an average height of similar to 2.4 mu m were then grown on the LED epiwafer, and nanoflowers were synthesized on the nanorods. The growth orientation of the nanorods was perpendicular to the surface, and the synthesized nanoflowers were composed of nanorods. The micro-Raman spectra of the ZnO nanorods and nanoflowers are similar and both exhibit the E-2 (high) mode and the second-order multiple-phonon mode. The photoluminescence spectrum of ZnO nanostructures exhibits ultraviolet emission centred at about 380 nm and a broad and enhanced green emission centred at about 526 nm. The green emission of the ZnO nanostructures combined with the emission of InGaN quantum wells provides a valuable method to improve the colour rendering index (CRI) of LEDs.


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In-plane optical anisotropy (IPOA) in (001) GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice induced by uniaxial strain has been investigated by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS). Uniaxial strain on the order of 10(-4) was introduced by bending a strip sample with a stress apparatus. The IPOA of all interband transitions shows a linear dependence on strain. The birefringence and dichroism spectra induced by strain are obtained by RDS on the basis of a three-phase model, which is in good agreement with the reported results. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects ofdisk flexibility and multistage coupling on the dynamics of bladed disks with and without blade mistuning are investigated. Both free and forced responses are examined using finite element representations of example single and two-stage rotor models. The reported work demonstrates the importance of proper treatment of interstage (stage-to-stage) boundaries in order to yield adequate capture of disk-blade modal interaction in eigenfrequency veering regions. The modified disk-blade modal interactions resulting from interstage-coupling-induced changes in disk flexibility are found to have a significant impact on (a) tuned responses due to excitations passing through eigenfrequency veering regions, and (b) a design's sensitivity to blade mistuning. Hence, the findings in this paper suggest that multistage analyses may be required when excitations are expected to fall in or near eigenfrequency veering regions or when the sensitivity to blade mistuning is to be accounted for Conversely, the observed sensitivity to disk flexibility also indicates that the severity of unfavorable structural interblade coupling may be reduced significantly by redesigning the disk(s) and stage-to-stage connectivity. The relatively drastic effects of such modifications illustrated in this work indicate that the design modifications required to alleviate veering-related response problems may be less comprehensive than what might have been expected.


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阴影是自然界中一种普遍存在的自然现象,它能够提供场景数据之外的感知信息,因此阴影的实时绘制是真实感技术研究的主要内容之一。本文围绕阴影的实时绘制技术这一主题展开,主要研究内容包括以下几个方面: (1)预滤波阴影贴图反走样技术研究 方差阴影贴图算法是一种基于概率方法的预滤波算法,它本身存在着比较严重的光渗现象。我们采用高次幂函数对深度进行非线性映射,按照这一深度根据方差阴影贴图算法求得一个可见性数值,并与原始的方法求得的可见性数值求取一个最小值,作为最终的可见性,从而能够很好地消除光渗现象。同时,我们针对指数阴影贴图算法的不稳定性,将其与方差阴影贴图算法相结合,采用混合的方法消除二者存在的缺陷。 (2)基于GPU的近似软影绘制 通过对阴影图算法进行扩展,提出了一种完全基于GPU的近似软影实时绘制算法。第一遍与传统的阴影图算法类似,从光源中心计算场景的深度图。第二遍采用几何着色器提取物体的轮廓边,同时在轮廓边上生成新的几何图元,利用硬件自动插值功能,向外绘制线性近似半影图,并根据第一遍得到的深度图在像素着色器中对背面轮廓形成的半影区进行剔除;对于重叠的半影区,通过设定片元的伪深度值利用硬件进行自动融合;这一遍是完全在GPU中运行的,与其它方法不同的是我们只需要一遍绘制即可得到近似半影区纹理。第三遍分别查询深度图和半影图,以确定场景的本影区以及半影区中像素的亮度,从而得到面光源照射下场景的近似软影效果。 (3)基于预计算辐射率传输的近似软影绘制 基于预计算辐射率传输的方法,提出了一种基于圆盘近似的全动态场景柔和阴影实时绘制算法。该方法首先采用圆盘对物体表面进行近似,对每个圆盘形成的遮挡使用椭圆遮挡域表示,预计算过程中根据每个椭圆遮挡域参数进行采样并用球面调和系数表示,同时将其转换为对数,对采样数据采用主元分析方法进行压缩;在绘制的过程中,根据圆盘的法线、半径以及和阴影接收点之间的相对位置确定其椭圆遮挡域的值,然后采用球面调和指数算法进行累积。该方法将圆盘近似算法和球面调和指数算法相结合,能够灵活地描述柔性物体以及较薄的物体形成的柔和阴影。 (4)近似全局光照算法研究 提出了一种混合的近似全局光照算法,对原始模型采用卷积软影图算法计算直接光照,而间接光照采用简化模型计算。在直接光照计算过程中同时生成光源视点的场景的颜色、法线以及世界坐标位置纹理,利用准随机采样的方法从这三幅纹理中获得间接光照采样点,称之为像素光源,然后利用抛物面阴影贴图算法对简化模型计算间接光照;最后将直接光照和间接光照融合获得最终结果。为了进一步提高精确性,仅用简化模型生成阴影贴图,间接光照绘制的过程中采用Deferred Shading的方式进行计算,将视域中可见像素的位置和法线保存在纹理中,间接光照计算直接对纹理中的像素进行。该方法能够较好地处理动态场景的近似全局光照效果。


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绘画是人类捕捉、记录及表现不同创意目的的行为,是一种在二维的平面上以手工方式描绘自然的艺术。从远古的石洞壁画到现代的各种绘画艺术作品和插图,随着人类历史的进步,绘画一直扮演着传递信息和艺术表达的角色:作为表达场景信息的手段,在照相技术出现之前,手工绘画一直是最好的方法;而另一方面,作为艺术行为,绘画可以表达作者的精神世界和自我风格。 随着计算机技术的出现和发展,计算机绘图逐渐成熟,并形成一门独立学科:计算机图形学。非真实感绘制(Non-Photorealistic Rendering, NPR)作为计算机图形学的热点研究课题最为接近手工绘画,有别于传统计算机图形学,它是涉及计算机艺术、数字图形处理、认知心理学等多领域的交叉研究领域。非真实感绘制的一个重要作用就是将计算机技术和绘画艺术结合起来,自动或交互地生成具有手绘艺术风格的图像。其目的不在于绘制结果的真实感,而在于表现绘画艺术特质、模拟艺术作品等。非真实感绘制往往依据艺术家的视觉感官或为了突出物体某方面性质,会着重强调某一方面细节而忽略一些其他细节信息。 本文围绕非真实感绘制技术,从模拟线绘画和中国水墨绘画两个方向进行研究。以简单的三维网格模型为输入,力求完全自动化地进行实时绘制。本文工作主要分为两部分:实时线绘制技术和二维水墨扩散仿真。 线条绘画,是表达物理场景既简单又实用的绘画手段,线绘制技术也是非真实感绘制领域最重要的研究课题之一。无论是插图还是艺术绘画,线绘制图像都可以完全表达出三维场景的形状信息而不用借助于其他绘画手段。本文首先总结了前人的线绘制算法,并针对视点相关特征线和视点无关特征线的优缺点,提出了一种融合两类特征线优点的特征线新定义。基于该定义,本文算法以模型曲面的微分几何信息为依据,运用基于图像的绘制技术,利用GPU硬件,实时地绘制出风格可控的线绘制图像。 对于种目繁多的艺术流派,目前NPR技术已经实现了多种绘画艺术风格的模拟,如水彩画、铅笔画、钢笔画、油画等等。水墨画是作为中国传统绘画艺术形式,画风朴素抽象,笔划简单但富表现力,是我国优秀的文化传统。对水墨画的仿真模拟,不仅是传承我国优秀文化的一种新方式,同时也是对NPR技术的拓展。由于本文线绘制算法有较好的线宽控制以及内部着色(灰度渐变),在实现上可以很连贯地由线绘制图像扩展到水墨仿真。在水墨扩散模拟阶段,将线绘制结果图像作为输入,通过在二维水墨扩散仿真实现水墨风格的绘制。本文运用流体力学中常用的LB方法,通过研究水墨扩散的各种现象,修改LB方法的D2Q9模型二维网格间的流体迁移运算以及网格的宏观量更新,模拟水墨在宣纸内的流动。由于LB方法具有良好的并行性,故本文仿真算法可以利用GPU的并行计算能力实时地完成绘制。


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D-vision系统(这里"D"有"Divide Screen"和"Duplex-Vision"双重含义)是一类基于PC机群的多投影虚拟现实系统(或简称多投影系统).给出D-vision系统中双手6自由度力觉交互的实现过程:在客户端协同控制两个力觉交互设备Spidar-G(Space Interface for Artificial Reality withGrip)实现双手协作交互,其次构造一个基于UDP的Socket类完成客户端和绘制服务器节点之间的通讯,传递跟踪球的位置、方向等信息;然后,通过分布绘制实现在大屏幕上无缝显示.最后实验结果表明:在D-vision系统中双手6自由度力觉交互是一种自然直观的人机交互方式.


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为了减少地形动态变化时的地形计算时间,满足动态地形实时可视化的需要,在地形渲染库libMini的基础上,依据地形动态变化的局部性特点,以及库中LOD(Level ofDetail)算法的具体实现方式,运用局部更新的思想,提出了一种动态地形实时计算和渲染算法.算法避免了在地形动态变化时进行大量重复计算,使得在地形动态变化时所需的计算量大大减少,达到实时渲染要求.实验表明,算法使得局部地形动态变化时地形计算和渲染的时间从秒级降低到毫秒级,可以满足实时渲染要求.


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