167 resultados para Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal


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The confined longitudinal-optical phonon-assisted tunneling through a parabolic quantum well with double barriers in a magnetic field perpendicular to the interfaces is studied theoretically based on a dielectric continuum model. The numerical results show that the applied magnetic field sharpens and heightens the phonon-assisted tunneling peaks in agreement with experimental observation. Furthermore, the phonon-assisted magnetotunneling peaks shift towards the higher biases as the magnetic field increases. In contrast to the results for a rectangular quantum well, the ratio of peak to valley of the phonon-assisted tunneling is larger for the wider well case. It also indicates that the phonon-assisted tunneling current peaks can be easily observed for a wider parabolic quantum well. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A novel technique for generating narrow-linewidth microwave or millimeter-wave signals is proposed. In this scheme, a delayed self-injected distributed Bragg reflector laser diode, which is tuned by a low-frequency square-wave voltage, is used to generate two correlated lightwaves simultaneously. Experiments show that the 10-dB linewidth of generated microwave signals is reduced from 147 MHz to 68 kHz utilizing the proposed self-injection technique.


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We report experimental results of the effect of Ka-band microwave on the spin dynamics of electrons in a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in a GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As heterostructure via time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements. While the microwave reduces the transverse spin lifetime of electrons in the bulk GaAs, it significantly increases that in the 2DES, from 745 to 1213 ps, when its frequency is close to the Zeeman splitting of the electrons in the magnetic field. Such a microwave-enhanced spin lifetime is ascribed to the microwave-induced electron scattering which leads to a "motional narrowing" of spins via D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism.


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Cubic boron nitride (c-BN) films were prepared by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) technique, and the stresses were primary estimated by measuring the frequency shifts in the infrared-absorption peaks of c-BN samples. To test the possible effects of other factors, dependencies of the c-BN transversal optical mode position on film thickness and c-BN content were investigated. Several methods for reducing the stress of c-BN films including annealing, high temperature deposition, two-stage process, and the addition of a small amount of Si were studied, in which the c-BN films with similar thickness and cubic phase content were used to evaluate the effects of the various stress relief methods. It was shown that all the methods can reduce the stress in c-BN films to various extents. Especially, the incorporation of a small amount of Si (2.3 at.%) can result in a remarkable stress relief from 8.4 to similar to 3.6 GPa whereas the c-BN content is nearly unaffected, although a slight degradation of the c-BN crystallinity is observed. The stress can be further reduced down below I GPa by combination of the addition of Si with the two-stage deposition process. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new technique to generate microwave signal using an electro-absorption modulator (EAM) integrated with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser subject to optical injection. Experiments show that the frequency of the generated microwave can be tuned by changing the wavelength of the external laser or adjusting the bias voltage of the EAM. The frequency response of the EAM is studied and found to be unsmooth due to packaging parasitic effects and four-wave mixing effect occurring in the active layer of the DFB laser. It is also demonstrated that an EA modulator integrated in between two DFB lasers can be used instead of the EML under optical injection. This integrated chip can be used to realize a monolithically integrated tunable microwave source. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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This paper presents a systematic description of the methods for calibrating microwave network analyzer and test fixtures, and discusses the problems arising in the calibration. The general criteria for choosing calibration standards and corresponding algorithms are discussed and suggestions to overcome these problems and improve the calibration accuracy are also given. It has been found that for reciprocal test fixtures, the four equations obtained with the thru standard can be used at the same time. Meanwhile, the calibration accuracy can be improved. It has been shown that using the same calibration procedures but different algorithms may lead to the occurrence of frequency limitation.


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We have investigated the transient electroluminescence (EL) onset of the double-layer light-emitting devices made from poly(N-vinylcarbozole) (PVK) doped with 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-t-butyl-6(1,1,7,7-tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)-4H-pyran (DCJTB) and tris(8-hydroxy-quinoline) aluminium (Alq(3)). For the double-layered device in which PVK was doped with 0.1 wt% DCJTB, the EL onset of PVK lags that of DCJTB and Alq(3), while the EL onset of DCJTB and Alq(3) is simultaneous. However, the EL emission of the double-layered device of PVK/Alq(3) originates only from Alq(3). The results show that DCJTB dopants can not only help to tunnel electrons from Alq(3) zone to PVK but can also assist electrons transfer in PVK under high electric field by hopping between DCJTB molecules or from DCJTB to PVK sites at a low doping concentration of 0.1 wt%. When the DCJTB doping concentration is 4.0 wt%, the EL onset of Alq(3) lags that of DCJTB. The difference in the EL onsets of DCJTB, Alq(3) and PVK is attributed to the slow build-up of the internal space charge in the vicinity of the interface between PVK and Alq(3). The electron potential difference of the interface between Alq(3) and PVK doped by DCJTB can be adjusted by changing the DCJTB doping concentration in double-layer devices.


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We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.


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We have proposed a device, a superconducting-lead/quantum-dot/normal-lead system with an ac voltage applied on the gate of the quantum dot induced by a microwave, based on the one-parameter pump mechanism. It can generate a pure charge- or spin-pumped current. The direction of the charge current can be reversed by pushing the levels across the Fermi energy. A spin current arises when a magnetic field is applied on the quantum dot to split the two degenerate levels, and it can be reversed by reversing the applied magnetic field. The increase of temperature enhances these currents in certain parameter intervals and decreases them in other intervals. We can explain this interesting phenomenon in terms of the shrinkage of the superconducting gap and the concepts of photon-sideband and photon-assisted processes.


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A new device of two parallel distributed feedback (DFB) lasers integrated monolithically with Y-branch waveguide coupler was fabricated by means of quantum well intermixing. Optical microwave signal was generated in the Y-branch waveguide coupler through frequency beating of the two laser modes coming from two DFB laser in parallel, which had a small difference in frequency. Continuous rapid tuning of optical microwave signal from 13 to 42 GHz were realized by adjusting independently the driving currents injected into the two DFB lasers.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60677045 60876049


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It is found that both methods using either continuous Sb supply or pre-deposition of a very thin Sb layer are efficient for the Sb-assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth of highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). The emission of QWs is extended to long wavelength close to 1.25 mu m with high luminescence efficiency at room temperature. The influence of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the photoluminescence intensity critically depends on the annealing temperature and duration for highly strained QWs. A relatively low RTA temperature of 700 degrees C with a short duration of 10 s is suggested for optimizing the annealing effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the quantum dynamics of a Cooper-pair box with a superconducting loop in the presence of a nonclassical microwave field. We demonstrate the existence of Rabi oscillations for both single- and multiphoton processes and, moreover, we propose a new quantum computing scheme (including one-bit and conditional two-bit gates) based on Josephson qubits coupled through microwaves.


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The problem of frequency limitation arising from the calibration of asymmetric and symmetric test fixtures has been investigated. For asymmetric test fixtures, a new algorithm based on the thru-short-match (TSM) method is outlined. It is found that the conventional TSM method does not have any inherent frequency limitation, but using the same procedure with an unknown match may lead to the said problem. This limitation can be avoided by using a different algorithm. The various calibration methods for symmetric test fixtures using known standards are also discussed and the origin of the frequency limitation is identified. Several ways in avoiding the problem are proposed. There is good agreement between the theories and experimental data.


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Based on the conventional through-short-match (TSM) method, an improved TSM method has been proposed in this Letter. This method gives an analytical solution and has almost all the advantages of conventional TSM methods. For example, it has no phase uncertainty and no bandwidth limitation. The experimental results show that the accuracy can be significantly improved with this method. The proposed theory can be applied to the through-open-match (TOM) method. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals. Inc.