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In this review, the potential of mode-locked lasers based on advanced quantum-dot ( QD) active media to generate short optical pulses is analysed. A comprehensive review of experimental and theoretical work on related aspects is provided, including monolithic-cavity mode-locked QD lasers and external-cavity mode-locked QD lasers, as well as mode-locked solid-state and fibre lasers based on QD semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors. Performance comparisons are made for state-of-the-art experiments. Various methods for improving important characteristics of mode-locked pulses such as pulse duration, repetition rate, pulse power, and timing jitter through optimization of device design parameters or mode-locking methods are addressed. In addition, gain switching and self-pulsation of QD lasers are also briefly reviewed, concluding with the summary and prospects.


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The atomistic pseudopotential quantum mechanical calculations for million atom nanosized metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) are presented. When compared with semiclassical Thomas-Fermi simulation results, there are significant differences in I-V curve, electron threshold voltage, and gate capacitance. In many aspects, the quantum mechanical effects exacerbate the problems encountered during device minimization, and it also presents different mechanisms in controlling the behaviors of a nanometer device than the classical one. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The microstructural and optical analysis of Si layers emitting blue luminescence at about 431 nm is reported. These structures have been synthesized by C+ ion implantation and high-temperature annealing in hydrogen atmosphere and electrochemical etching sequentially. With the increasing etching time, the intensity of the blue peak increases at first, decreases then and is substituted by a new red peak at 716 nm at last, which shows characteristics of the emission of porous silicon. C=O compounds are induced during C+ implantation and nanometer silicon with embedded structure is formed during annealing, which contributes to the blue emission. The possible mechanism of photoluminescence is presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By comparing the results of some well-controlled calculation methods, we analyze the relative importance of bulk band structure, multi-bulk-band coupling, and boundary conditions in determining colloidal quantum dot conduction band eigenenergies. We find that while the bulk band structure and correct boundary conditions are important, the effects of multi-bulk-band coupling are small.


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We demonstrate tunnel magnetoresistance junctions based on a trilayer system consisting of an epitaxial NiMnSb, an aluminum oxide, and a CoFe trilayer. The junctions show a tunneling magnetoresistance of Delta R/R of 8.7% at room temperature which increases to 14.7% at 4.2 K. The layers show a clear separate switching and a small ferromagnetic coupling. A uniaxial in-plane anisotropy in the NiMnSb layer leads to different switching characteristics depending on the direction in which the magnetic field is applied, an effect which can be used for sensor applications. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Optical and electrical characterization of the ZnS self-organized quantum dots (QDs) embedded in ZnS by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated using photoluminescence (PL), capacitance-voltage (C-V), and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) techniques. The temperature dependence of the free exciton emission was employed to clarify the mechanism of the PL thermal quenching processes in the ZnSe QDs. The PL experimental data are well explained by a two-step quenching process. The C-V and DLTFS techniques were used to obtain the quantitative information on the electron thermal emission from the ZnSe QDs. The correlation between the measured electron emission from the ZnSe QDs in the DLTFS and the observed electron accumulation in the C-V measurements was clearly demonstrated. The emission energy for the ground state of the ZnSe QDs was determined to be at about 120 meV below the conduction band edge of the ZnS barrier, which is in good agreement with the thermal activation energy, 130 meV, obtained by fitting the thermal quenching process of the free exciton PL peak. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we report the fabrication of Si-based double-hetero-epitaxial silicon on insulator (SOI) structure Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si. Firstly, single crystalline gamma-Al2O3(100) insulator films were grown epitaxially on Si(100) using the sources of TMA (Al(CH3)(3)) and O-2 by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. Afterwards, Si(100) epitaxial films were grown on gamma-Al2O3 (100)/Si(100) epi-substrates using a chemical vapor deposition method similar to the silicon on sapphire epitaxial growth. The Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si SOL materials are characterized in detail by reflect high-energy electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and Auger energy spectrum (AES) techniques. The insulator layer of gamma-Al2O3 has an excellent dielectric property. The leakage current is less than 1 x 10(-10) A/cm(2) when the electric field is below 1.3 MV/ cm. The Si film grown on gamma-Al2O3/Si epi-substrates was single crystalline. Meanwhile, the AES depth profile of the SOL structure shows that the composition of gamma-Al2O3 film is uniform, and the carbon contamination is not observed. Additionally, the gamma-Al2O3/Si epi-substrates are suitable candidates as a platform for a variety of active layers such as GaN, SiC and GeSi. It shows a bright future for microelectronic and optical electronics applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report the fabrication of Si-based double hetero-epitaxial SOI materials Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si. First, single crystalline gamma-Al2O3 (100) insulator films were grown epitaxially on Si(100) by LPCVD, and then, Si(100) epitaxial films were grown on gamma-Al2O3 (100)/Si(100) epi-substrates using a CVD method similar to silicon on sapphire (SOS) epitaxial growth. The Si/gamma-Al2O3 (100)/Si(100) SOI materials are characterized in detail by RHEED, XRD and AES techniques. The results demonstrate that the device-quality novel SOI materials Si/gamma-Al2O3 (100)/Si(100) has been fabricated successfully and can be used for application of MOS device.


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The gamma-Al2O3 films were grown on Si (100) substrates using the sources of TMA (Al (CH3)(3)) and O-2 by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (VLP-CVD). It has been found that the gamma-Al2O3 film has a mirror-like surface and the RMS was about 2.5nm. And the orientation relationship was gamma-Al2O3(100)/Si(100). The thickness uniformity of gamma-Al2O3 films for 2-inch epi-wafer was less than 5%. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) results show that the crystalline quality of the film was improved after the film was annealed at 1000degreesC in O-2 atmosphere. The high-frequency C-V and leakage current of Al/gamma-Al2O3/Si capacitor were also measured to verify the annealing effect of the film. The results show that the dielectric constant increased from 4 to 7 and the breakdown voltage for 65-nm-thick gamma-Al2O3 film on silicon increases from 17V to 53V.


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The open-short-load (OSL) method is very simple and widely used for one-port test fixture calibration. In this paper, this method is extended, for the first time, to the two-port calibration of test fixtures with different test ports. The problem of phase uncertainty arising in this application has been solved. The comparison between our results and those obtained with the SOLT method shows that the method established is accurate for practical applications. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A detailed study of the characteristics of undoped GaN films, grown on either vicinal or nominal flat SiC (0001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy, has been carried out using photoluminescence and Raman scattering techniques. The I I K photoluminescence spectra of the GaN film grown on the vicinal SiC (0001) substrate show a strong and sharp near-bandgap peak (full width at half maximum (FWHM) similar to 16 meV). This feature contrasts with that of the GaN film grown on the nominal flat SiC (0001) substrate where the I I K photoluminescence spectra exhibit the near-bandgap peak (FWHM similar to 25 meV) and the intensity is approximately seven times weaker than that of the vicinal film sample. The redshift of the near-bandgap peak associated with excitons bound to shallow donors is related to the stress caused by both the lattice mismatch and the thermal expansion coefficient difference between GaN and SiC substrates. The measured thermal activation energy of the shallow donor of 33.4 meV is determined by using an Arrhenius plot of the near-bandgap luminescence versus I IT from the slope of the graph at high temperature. The temperature dependence of the FWHM of the near-bandgap luminescence has also been studied. The Raman scattering measurements from the vicinal film reveal that the E-2 phonon peak is strengthened and the A(1)(LO) phonon peak is shifted towards the low-frequency side with enhanced intensity, in comparison to that from the nominal flat film, suggesting a reduction in the density of defects and a lower free carrier concentration in the vicinal GaN film.


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We report on the observation of resonant Raman scattering in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs/GaAs structure. Two kinds of excitation lights, 632.8 and 488 nm laser lines, were used to detect scattering signal from different regions based on different penetration depths. Under the outgoing resonant condition, up to fourth-order resonant Raman peaks were observed in the low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy, owing to a broad exciton luminescence in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy induced by intrinsic defects and As cluster after post-annealing. These resonant peaks were assigned according to their fundamental modes. Among the resonant peaks, besides the overtones of the GaAs- or AlAs-like mode, there exist combination bands of these two kinds of modes. In addition, a weak scattering peak similar to the bulk GaAs longitudinal optical mode was observed in low-temperature Raman experiments. We consider the weak signal correlated with GaAs clusters appearing in AlGaAs alloys. The accumulation of GaAs in AlGaAs alloys was enhanced after annealing at high temperatures. A detailed study of the dependence of vibration modes on measuring temperature and post-annealing conditions is given also. In light of our experiments, it is suggested that a Raman scattering experiment is a sensitive microscopic probe of local disorder and, especially performed at low temperature, is a superior method in detecting and analyzing the weak interaction between phonons and electrons.


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gamma-Al2O3 films were grown on Si (10 0) substrates using the sources of TMA (AI(CH3)(3)) and O-2 by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. The effects of temperature control on the crystalline quality, surface morphology, uniformity and dielectricity were investigated. It has been found that the,gamma-Al2O3 film prepared at a temperature of 1000degreesC has a good crystalline quality, but the surface morphology, uniformity and dielectricity were poor due to the etching reaction between 0, and Si substrate in the initial growth stage. However, under a temperature-varied multi-step process the properties Of gamma-Al2O3 film were improved. The films have a mirror-like surface and the dielectricity was superior to that grown under a single-step process. The uniformity of gamma-Al2O3 films for 2-in epi-wafer was <5%, it is better than that disclosed elsewhere. In order to improve the crystalline quality, the gamma-Al2O3 films were annealed for I h in O-2 atmosphere. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical and electrical properties of ZnSe self-organized quantum dots were investigated using photoluminescence, capacitance-voltage, and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy techniques. The temperature dependence of photoluminescence was employed to clarify the mechanism of photoluminescence thermal quenching processes in ZnSe quantum dots. A theoretic fit on considering a two-step quenching processes well explained the experimental data. The apparent carrier concentration profile obtained from capacitance-voltage measurements exhibits an accumulation peak at the depth of about 100nm below the sample surface, which is in good agreement with the location of the quantum dot layer. The electronic ground state of ZnSe quantum dots is determined to be about 0.11 eV below the conduction band of ZnS, which is similar to that obtained by simulating the thermal quenching of ZnSe photoluminescence.


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Thermal processing of strained In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs graded-index separate confinement heterostructure single quantum well laser diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy is investigated. It is found that rapid thermal annealing can improve the 77K photoluminescence efficiency and electron emission from the active layer, due to the removal of nonradiative centers from the InGaAs/GaAs interface. Because of the interdiffusion of Al and Ga atoms, rapid thermal annealing increases simultaneously the density of DX centers in the AlGaAs graded layer. The current stressing experiments of postgrowth and annealed laser diodes are indicative of a corresponding increase in the concentration of DX centers, suggesting that DX centers may be responsible for the degradation of laser diode performance.