125 resultados para Amine, Sam


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Three causes involved in the instability of the ISFET are proposed in this study. First, it is ascertained that hydroxyl group resident at the surface of the Si3N4 film or in the electrolyte solution is most active and subject to gain or loss of electrons. This is one of the main causes for ISFET structural instability. Secondly, the stability of the pH-sensitive FET varies with deposition conditions in the fabrication process of the ISFET. This proves to be another cause of ISFET instability. Thirdly, the pH of the measured solution varies with the measuring process and time, contributing to the instability, but is not a cause of the instability of the pH-ISFET itself. We utilized the technique of readjusting and controlling the ratio of hydroxyl groups to amine groups to enhance the stability of the ISFET. Our techniques to improve stability characteristics proved to be effective in practice.


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细胞生物学研究的一个重要方向是动态地控制细胞在基底上的黏附。最近,随着表面化学的研究深入,尤其是对烷基硫醇在金基底上形成自组装单层膜(self-assembled monolayers, SAMs)这一体系的研究,使得人们能在分子水平的表面上控制细胞黏附。精氨酸-甘氨酸-天冬氨酸(arginine-glycine-aspartate, RGD)序列首先是从细胞外基质蛋白中分离出来的,能够识别并非共价结合细胞膜表面的整合素受体,从而促进细胞黏附。以前的一些工作已经证实,将含有RGD的肽链连接到SAMs表面之后,能够生物特异性地黏附动物细胞。已有的手段比如光照、电压、加热、微电极、微流控以及表面纳米形貌的梯度变化,都不能真正实现可逆地控制细胞黏附,原因是这些方法所用的化学有限;这些方法也不能得到完全抗拒细胞黏附的表面,原因是这些方法产生的表面缺陷等不完整。用两种不同波长的光(紫外光和可见光)照射偶氮苯,偶氮苯会发生可逆的光致异构变化,因此,偶氮苯的光致异构性质可以用来可逆地控制细胞在表面黏附。运用含有偶氮苯的混合SAMs,偶氮苯的末端连接GRGDS肽,混合SAMs中是以末端为六聚乙二醇的硫醇为背景,该SAMs修饰而成的表面能够黏附或者抗拒细胞黏附,其表面黏附性质取决于SAMs中偶氮苯的构象。该方法提供了一种在分子水平的表面上我们所了解到的唯一能可逆控制细胞黏附的方法,该方法需要用到的光源来自于标准荧光显微镜所配置的汞灯。 为了实现在金基底表面可逆的控制细胞黏附,我们合成了如下三个化合物: 由于化合物1的溶解性很差,几乎在所有溶剂里都不溶,所以不能直接用化合物1制备SAMs;化合物2能高效地抗拒细胞的黏附;化合物3的偶氮苯末端是活化酯,能够连接GRGDS肽,从而控制细胞黏附。 将化合物2和化合物3以一定的比例均匀混合在金基底表面形成SAMs,然后将GRGDS肽连接到偶氮苯(反式)的末端(通过GRGDS肽的甘氨酸上的伯胺基与偶氮苯末端的活化酯反应),从而得到细胞黏附的表面。用紫外光照射该细胞黏附表面5-10小时,随着偶氮苯的构象由反式变为顺式,偶氮苯末端的GRGDS肽淹没在化合物2的六聚乙二醇中,得到抗拒细胞黏附的惰性表面。再用可见光照射该惰性表面1个小时,随着偶氮苯的构象由顺式变为反式,原先埋没在六聚乙二醇中的GRGDS肽伸展至单层膜的末端,又得到了细胞黏附的表面。因此,该表面能完全可逆地控制细胞在金表面黏附。 An important area in cell biology is the dynamic control of cell adhesion on substrates. Recent advancements in surface chemistry, in particular, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkanethiols on gold substrates, have permitted unprecedented control of cell adhesion via molecularly defined surfaces. The tri-peptide sequence arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD), initially isolated from the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, can recognize and non-covalently bind with integrin receptors on cell membranes to promote cell adhesion. Some previous work has demonstrated that RGD peptide grafted on SAMs can allow bio-specific adhesion of mammalian cells that mimic natural adhesion. Existing technologies such as light, voltage, heat, microelectrodes, microfluidic systems and surface gradient of nanotopography, either cannot realize fully reversible control of cell adhesion, due to the limitation in the chemistry used, or cannot yield a surface completely resistant against cell adhesion, due to the imperfection of surfaces. Azobenzenes undergo reversible photo-induced isomerization rapidly at two different wavelengths of light (UV and visible light), it therefore potentially allows the reversible control of cell adhesion on a surface. By using a mixed SAMs presenting azobenzene groups terminated in GRGDS peptides in a background of hexa(ethylene glycol) groups, the surface can either accommodate or resist cell adhesion depending on the conformation of the azobenzene embedded in SAMs. This method provides the only means we know to control cell adhesion reversibly on a molecularly well-defined surface by using light generated by a mercury lamp equipped on standard fluorescence microscopes. To realize the reversible control of cell adhesion on gold surface, we synthesized three kinds of compounds as following, We found that it was difficult to obtain SAMs directly from compound 1 because of its poor solubility in almost all kinds of solvents; compound 2 can resist cell adhesion efficiently; compound 3 presents an azobenzene terminated with NHS-activated ester, which can couple with a GRGDS peptide to control cell adhesion. After coating a gold surface with compound 2 and 3 in appropriate ratios to form a SAM followed by coupling the GRGDS peptides with NHS-activated esters at the end of azobenzene (E configuration) resulted in a cell-adhesive SAM. Irradiating this cell-adhesive SAM with UV light for 5-10 h converted the E configuration of azobenzene into the Z form, the GRGDS peptides becoming masked in the PEG, resulting in a cell-resistant surface. These SAM could again support cell adhesion as a result of the conformational switch of azobenzene from Z to E with the irradiation of visible light for 1 h. This surface, therefore, allows completely reversible control of cell adhesion on a gold surface.


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Mannich反应是有机化学中最重要的碳-碳键形成反应,其产物是合成手性胺的通用中间体。间接Mannich反应使用不稳定的预制烯醇等当体,以未修饰的酮为给体的直接方法将增强Mannich反应的效率。针对低活性苯乙酮、氨甲酸酯参与的直接Mannich反应,研究工作将更具挑战性。 在前期实验中,我们发现Lewis酸-NbCl5可高效催化苯乙酮、芳香醛、芳香胺三组分直接Mannich反应,反应在环境温度下进行,高收率获得Mannich碱。这是以苯乙酮参与的Mannich反应中,实现催化量Lewis酸催化的首次报道。该方法高效且操作简单。但就底物而言,对易去保护、低活性的氨甲酸酯类底物收率较低。我们设想Brønst酸可解决此类底物问题。令人高兴的是,杂多酸可高效催化芳香酮、芳香醛、氨甲酸酯三组分直接Mannich反应,反应在环境温度下进行,高收率获得N-保护的β-氨基酮。该方法底物范围广泛,普适性强且催化剂便宜。 基于杂多酸在苯乙酮、氨甲酸酯为底物直接Mannich反应中的高效性,我们设想杂多酸与功能化的手性有机小分子-手性伯胺组装可解决催化剂回收问题,同时实现不对称催化。实验结果表明,非共价键固载手性伯胺不能有效催化苯乙酮为底物的直接Mannich反应,无论是对映选择性还是收率均较低。随后,我们以丙二酸酯及α-氨基砜为底物,以增强底物活性,同时绕开亚胺的不稳定性。辛可宁伯胺以氢键双活化底物,有效催化原位产生氨甲酸酯类亚胺与丙二酸酯的Mannich反应,高收率获得Mannich碱,ee值中等。 我们采用逐步解决问题的策略解决Mannich反应中的部分问题并在Lewis酸催化、Brønst酸催化、非共价键固载手性伯胺催化及手性伯胺氢键催化的直接Mannich反应中做出了有益探索。 The Mannich reactions are among the most fundamental carbon-carbon bond forming reactions in organic chemistry, and the reaction products are versatile intermediates in the synthesis of chiral amines. The indirect Mannich reaction uses preformed enolate equivalents. However the preformed enolates are unstable. Thus, a direct methodology based on unmodified ketone donors would enhance the efficiency of the Mannich reaction. Especially researches for the directed Mannich reactions of acetophenone, carbamate, which own lower activities, will be more challengeable. In the initial experiments, we found an efficient Lewis acid-NbCl5 which could catalyze three-component Mannich-type reaction of acetophenone, aromatic aldehydes and aromatic amines at ambient temperature in high yields. This is the first report that use catalytic amount of Lewis acid in the Mannich reactions of .acetophenone. The method reported is not only simple to operate but also efficient. However, as far as amines are concerned, the substrates of carbamates which can be deprotected more easily and less reactive than amines give low yields. We envisaged that Brønsted acid would resolve this problem. Pleasingly, heteropoly acids (HPA) efficiently catalyzed one-pot three-component Mannich reactions of aryl aldehydes, aryl ketones, and carbamates at ambient temperature and afforded the corresponding N-protected β-amino ketones in good to excellent yields. This method provides a novel and improved modification of three-component Mannich reactions in terms of a wide scope of aldehydes, ketones and carbamates, economic viability. Based on the high efficiency of heteropoly acids in the Mannich reaction of acetophenone and carbamates, we envisaged that if HPA were combined with functionalized chiral organocatalysts–chiral primary amines the assemblies may be able to act as recoverable asymmetric organocatalysts. The results of exprimentals showed that noncovalently supported heterogeneous chiral primary amine couldn’t effectively catalyze the Mannich reactions which own two the substrate of acetophenone regardless of enantioselectivity and yield. Then, we employed malonates and α-amido sulfones as substrates to enhance reactivity of substrates and circumvent the instability of imines. A moderately enantioselective and highly yield Mannich reaction with in situ generation of carbamate-protected imines from stable α-amido sulfones catalyzed by cinchonine primary amine catalyst was developed. It is noteworthy that cinchonine primary amine can dual activate substrates through H-bond activation and thus promote the reaction. We applied step-by-step-strategy to resolve some problems in the Mannich reactions and did some instructive explorations in Lewis acid catalysis, Brønst acid catalysis, noncovalently supported heterogeneous chiral primary amine catalysis and chiral primary amine as hydrogen-bond catalysis.


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过去十多年,世界手性药物市场需求迅速增长,手性制药工业的发展壮大,已经引起了各国政府、学术界,特别是企业界的高度重视。手性药物中含有大量的手性胺单元,因此研究高效构建手性胺结构单元的方法具有重要的意义和实用价值,而亚胺的不对称还原是合成手性胺最便捷的方法。 手性有机小分子路易斯碱催化三氯氢硅不对称还原亚胺是最近几年才发展起来的一类新的亚胺不对称还原方法。尽管在对映选择性和底物适用范围等方面已经获得了突破性的进展,但是,高性能的路易斯碱催化剂仅局限于N-甲酰氨基酸酰胺一种类型,而且其底物适用范围和催化活性仍不够理想。因此,发展新型催化剂很有必要。 手性硫氧化物作为手性诱导剂的应用已经有数十年的时间,广泛应用在不对称合成及天然产物的全合成中。理论上,硫氧结构单元也可以作为路易斯碱,对硅烷类试剂进行活化,而且硫氧键还有碳氧键难以比拟的先天优势,硫原子自带手性特征,在反应过程中,手性中心离反应位点更近,因此,从手性硫氧化合物出发,极有可能开发出新的高效手性路易斯碱催化剂。最近,Kobayashi和Khiar在亚胺的不对称烯丙基化反应中用手性亚砜活化烯丙基三氯硅烷,获得了较好的ee值,但反应中手性亚砜的用量都需要化学计量以上,因此还不能算做真正意义上的催化剂,进一步的文献调研也未见真正意义上的硫手性有机小分子催化剂。 本文首次成功将硫手性亚磺酰胺衍生物应用于催化三氯氢硅对亚胺的不对称还原,在经过对亚磺酰胺衍生物的多次结构优化,开发出了合成容易,催化活性和立体选择性都很优良,并且有着前所未有的底物普适性的新型手性路易斯碱催化剂。 我们首先尝试将商品化的20mol%叔丁基亚磺酰胺和对甲基亚磺酰胺直接用作催化剂催化三氯氢硅对亚胺的不对称还原,尽管仅获得中等的收率和很低的对映选择性,但证明我们的设计思路是可行的。在此基础上,我们以叔丁基亚磺酰胺为原料和基本骨架,设计合成了一系列的亚磺酰胺类催化剂,通过对催化剂的结构改造,发现当催化剂中存在较强酸性的酚羟基时,催化效果得到大幅提高。随着对催化剂的进一步结构优化,我们找到了一个结构简单,催化效果还不错的催化剂,经过反应条件优化以后,催化反应的收率最高能达到98%,对映选择性最高达93%,并且这个催化剂的底物适应范围比之前报道的催化剂都要广泛。针对酚羟基在催化剂中的重要作用,我们进行了仔细的机理研究后发现,在催化反应中,催化剂极有可能是通过双分子机理去活化三氯氢硅从而实现不对称催化的,而酚羟基的作用就是通过分子间氢键促进双分子催化剂与三氯氢硅的络合。受此启发,我们设计了一系列具有双齿结构的催化剂,通过对双齿催化剂的结构优化,最终筛选出了一个结构更加简单,但催化效果更好的双齿催化剂。10mol%该催化剂催化亚胺还原最高获得95%的收率和96%的ee值。这一结果也进一步验证了我们先前对催化剂机理的推测。 随后,我们还尝试将这些催化剂用于二级胺和芳香酮的直接还原胺化反应中,虽然能获得不错的收率,但对映选择性却很差,我们对反应条件进行了仔细的摸索,仍然没有获得突破。但这些实验为进一步研究二级胺和酮的不对称直接还原胺化反应奠定了良好的基础。 In the past decade, the rapid growth of the global chiral drug market and the significant development of the chiral pharmaceutical industry have attracted a great deal of attention from government, academia and enterprises. Chiral amine is an important structural motif of chiral drugs. Therefore, development of methods for the construction of this motif is of great importance. Catalytic enantioselective reduction of imines represents one of the most straightforward and efficient methods for the preparation of chiral amines. The chiral Lewis base organocatalysts promoted asymmetric reduction of imines by HSiCl3 has recently achieved significant advancements. Although big breakthroughs have been made in terms of substrate generality and enantioselectivity, the highly effective catalysts are limited to N-formyl amino acid amides, of which the efficiency and substrate scope remain unsatisfactory. Therefore, development of novel organocatalysts for this transformation is in great demand. Chiral sulfoxides have been well established as efficient and versatile stereocontrollers and have been extensively used in asymmetric synthesis and total synthesis of natural products. The S=O structural motif of sulfoxide could also behave as Lewis base activator for cholorsilane reagents, which, moreover, could be even better than caboxamide considering that the sulfur atom is chiral and thus the chirality center is closer to the reaction center. There exist great potentials that highly effective novel Lewis base organocatalysts could be developed starting from S-chiral sulfoxides. Recently, several S-chiral sulfoxides were reported by Kobayashi and Khiar to be used as Lewis base catalyst to activate allyltrichlorosilanes in asymmetric allylations and good enantioselectivities were obtained. However, these S-chiral sulfoxides were all used at a more than stoichiometric amount and were thus not authentically catalytic. A careful literature survey further revealed that there has been so far no S-chiral organocatalyst available. In this study, we, for the first time, successfully used S-chiral sulfinamides as Lewis base organocatalysts for the asymmetric reduction of ketimines by HSiCl3. After several rounds of structural optimization, we developed the first example of highly effective S-chiral organocatalysts, which promoted the asymmetric reduction of ketimines with trichlorosilane in high yield and excellent enantioselectivity with unprecedented substrate spectrum. In our initial practice, we examined 20mol% of the commercially available (R)-tert-butanesulfinamide and (S)-toluenesulfinamide as the catalyst in the hydrosilylation of ketimine. Although the product was only furnished in moderate yield and low ee, these results demonstrated that our strategy of catalyst design is on the right way. Next, starting from chiral tert-butanesulfinamide, we prepared a series of tert-butanesulfinamide derivatives via simple reductive amination and examined their catalytic efficiencies in the reduction of ketimine. We found that the catalyst bearing a phenolic hydroxyl group exhibited good reactivity and enantioselectivity. On the basis of which, we obtained a structurally simple and highly effective novel organocatalyst, affording the product in 98% yield and 93% ee under optimal reaction conditions. After careful exploration on the role of phenolic hydroxyl group in the catalyst, we speculated that two molecules of the catalyst be involved in the course of reaction, of which the assembly around the silicon center is facilitated by the intermolecular hydrogen bonding through the phenolic hydroxyl groups. Thus, we incorporated two units of sulfonamide into one molecular and prepared a new type of bissulfinamides organocatalysts and examined their catalytic efficiencies in the reduction of ketimine. After optimizing the structure of these catalysts, we finally obtained a novel organocatalyst which has even simpler molecular structure but showed better efficacies, 10mol% of which afforded up to 97% yield and 96% ee under optimal reaction conditions. These results further proved our speculation about the catalytic mechanism. We also examined the newly developed S-chiral organocatalysts in direct asymmetric reductive amination of secondary amines with aromatic ketone. The product was furnished in good yield but in low ee. No better results could be obtained despite our intense opimization efforts. Nevertheless, these experiments laid excellent foundations for eventual success.


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穗发芽(PHS,preharvest sprouting)是影响禾本科作物生产的重要的灾害之一。收获时期如遇潮湿天气容易导致穗发芽发生。发生穗发芽的种子内部水解酶(主要是α-淀粉酶)活性急剧升高,胚乳贮藏物质开始降解,造成作物产量和品质严重降低。因此,选育低穗发芽风险的品种是当前作物育种工作中面临的重要任务。 青稞(Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)主要分布于青藏高原,自古以来就是青藏高原人民的主要粮食。近年来,由于青稞丰富的营养成分和特有的保健品质、在燃料工业中的潜力以及在啤酒酿造工业中的利用前景,在发达国家日趋受到重视,掀起综合研究利用的热潮。我国拥有占全世界2/3 以上的青稞资源,具有发展青稞产业的得天独厚的条件。然而,由于青稞收获期间恰逢青藏高原雨季来临,常有穗发芽灾害发生,使青稞生产损失巨大。目前对青稞穗发芽研究很少,适用于育种的穗发芽抗性材料相对缺乏,不能很好的满足青稞穗发芽抗性育种的需要。本研究以青藏高原青稞为材料,对其穗发芽抗性的评价指标和体系进行构建,同时筛选青稞抗穗发芽品种并对其抗性进行评价,还利用分子生物学手段对青稞穗发芽抗性的分子机理进行了初步探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. 本试验以来自于我国青藏高原地区的青稞为材料,对休眠性测定的温度范围进行探讨,并对各种穗发芽抗性测定方法的对青稞的适用性进行评测。通过探讨温度对13 个不同基因型的青稞籽粒发芽和休眠性表达的影响,对筛选青稞抗穗发芽资源的温度条件进行探索,并初步分析了其休眠性表达的机理。在10,15,20,25,30℃的黑暗条件下,选用新收获的13 个青稞品种为材料进行籽粒发芽实验,以发芽指数(GI)评价其休眠性。结果发现,不同品种对温度敏感性不同,其中温度不敏感品种,在各温度条件下均表现很低的休眠性;而温度敏感品种,其休眠性表达受低温抑制,受高温诱导。15℃至25℃是进行青稞休眠性鉴定的较适宜的温度范围。通过对供试材料发芽后的α-淀粉酶活性,发现温度对青稞种子的休眠性表达的影响至少在一定程度上表现在对α-淀粉酶活性的调控上。随后,对分别在马尔康和成都进行种植的34 份青稞穗发芽指数(SI),穗发芽率(SR),籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA)进行了测定和分析,发现它们均受基因型×栽培地点的极显著影响,且四个参数之间具有一定相关性。GI 参数由于其变异系数较低,在不同栽培地点稳定性好,且操作简便,是较可靠和理想的穗发芽评价参数。SI 参数可作为辅助,区别籽粒休眠性相似的材料(基因型)或全面评价材料(基因型)的穗发芽抗性特征。AA 参数稳定性较差,并且检测方法复杂,因此不建议在育种及大量材料筛选和评价时使用。此外,青稞穗发芽抗性受环境影响较大,评价时应考虑到尽可能多的抗性影响因素及其在不同栽培条件下的变异。 2. 对来自青藏高原的青稞穗发芽抗性特征及其与其它农艺性状间的关系进行研究。通过测定穗发芽指数(SI)、籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA),表明113 份青稞材料的穗发芽抗性具有显著差异。SI、GI 和AA 参数的变幅分别为1.00~8.86、0.01~0.97 和0.00~2.76,其均值分别为4.72、0.63 和1.22。根据SI 参数,六个基因型,包括‘XQ9-5’,‘XQ33-9’,‘XQ37-5’,‘XQ42-9’,‘XQ45-7’和‘JCL’被鉴定为抗性品种。综合SI、GI 和AA 参数,可以发现青稞的穗发芽抗性机制包含颖壳等穗部结构的抗性和种子自身的抗性(即种子休眠性),且供试材料中未发现较强的胚休眠品种,除‘XQ45-7’外,所有品种在发芽第四天均能检测出α-淀粉酶活性。穗部结构和种子休眠的抗性机制因基因型不同而不同,在穗发芽抗性中可单独作用或共同作用。农家品种和西藏群体分别比栽培品种和四川群体的穗发芽抗性强,而在不同籽粒颜色的青稞中未发现明显差异。相关性检验发现,青稞的穗发芽抗性,主要是种子休眠性,与百粒重、开花期、成熟期、穗长、芒长和剑叶长呈显著负相关关系,与株高相关性不显著。农艺性状可以作为穗发芽抗性材料选育中的辅助指标。本试验为青稞穗发芽抗性育种研究提供了必要的理论基础和可供使用的亲本材料。 3. α-淀粉酶是由多基因家族编码的蛋白质,在植物种子萌发时高度表达,与植物种子的萌发能力密切相关。在大麦种子发芽时,高等电点α-淀粉酶的活性远大于低等电点的α-淀粉酶。为了研究不同穗发芽抗性青稞品种中编码高等电点α-淀粉酶Amy1 基因结构与抗性间的关系,我们以筛选得到的抗性品种‘XQ32-5’(TR1)、‘XQ37-5’(TR2)、‘XQ45-7’(TR3),易感品种‘97-15’(TS1)、‘9657’(TS2)以及强休眠大麦品种‘SAMSON’(SAM)为材料,对其Amy1 基因的编码区序列进行克隆和结构分析,并对它们推导的氨基酸序列进行比较。结果显示,青稞Amy1 基因具有三个外显子、两个内含子,编码区中有13 个核苷酸变异位点,均位于2、3 号外显子,2 个变异位点位于2 号外显子。SAM 和TS1 分别在2 号外显子相应位置有5 个相同的碱基(GAACT)的插入片段。相应α-淀粉酶氨基酸序列推导发现,所有核苷酸变异中有8 个导致相应氨基酸残基的改变,其余位点为同义突变。青稞Amy1 基因编码区序列品种间相似度高达99%以上,部分序列变异可能与其穗发芽抗性有关。随后,我们又通过SYBR Green 荧光定量技术对该基因在不同发芽时间(1d~7d)的相对表达水平进行了差异性检测。结果发现,7 天内不能检测到SAM 的Amy1 基因表达,5 个青稞品种间的Amy1 基因的相对表达量均随着发芽时间延长而上升,但上升方式有所不同。弱抗品种该基因表达更早,转录本增加速率更大,且在4~5 天可达到平台期。发芽7 天中,抗性品种总转录水平明显低于易感品种。本研究结果表明,青稞Amy1 基因的转录水平是与其穗发芽抗性高度相关。 我国青藏高原青稞,尤其是农家品种的穗发芽抗性具有丰富的变异,蕴藏着穗发芽抗性育种的宝贵资源。本研究为青稞穗发芽抗性育种建立了合理抗性评价体系,筛选出可供育种使用的特殊材料,阐明了农艺性状可辅助穗发芽抗性育种,同时还对穗发芽抗性与α-淀粉酶基因的结构和表达关系进行分析,为青稞穗发芽抗性资源筛选奠定了基础。 Preharvest sprouting (PHS) is a serious problem in crop production. It often takes place when encountering damp, cold conditions at harvest time and results in the decrease of grain quality and great loss of yield by triggering the synthesis of endosperm degrading enzymes (mostly the α-amylase). Therefore, PHS is regarded as an important criterion for crop breeding. In order to minimize the risk of PHS, resistant genotypes are highly required. Hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) is the staple food crop in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from of old, where is one of the origin and genetic diversity centers of hulless barley. Recently, interest in hulless barley has been sparked throughout the world due to the demonstrations of its great potential in health food industry and fuel alcohol production. Indeed, hulless barley can also be utilized to produce good quality malt if the appropriate malting conditions are used. In China, overcast and rainy conditions often occur at maturity of hulless barley and cause an adverse on its production and application. PHS resistant genotypes, therefore, are highly required for the hulless barley breeding programs. However, few investigations have been made so far on this issue. The objectives of this study were: 1) to assessment of methods used in testing preharvest sprouting resistance in hulless barley; 2) to evaluate the variability and characteristics of PHS resistance of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China; 3) to select potential parents for PHS resistance breeding; 4) to primarily study on the molecular mechanism of PHS resistance of hulless barley. Our results are as followed: 1. We investigated the temperature effects on seed germination and seed dormancy expression of hulless barley, discussed appropriate temperature range for screening of PHS resistant varieties, and analyzed the mechanism of seed dormancy expression of hulless barley. The dormancy level of 13 hulless barley were evaluated by GI (germination index) values calculating by seed germination tests at temperature of 10,15,20,25,30℃ in darkness. There were great differences in temperature sensitivity among these accessions. The insensitive accessions showed low dormancy at any temperature while the dormancy expression of sensitive accessions could be restrained by low temperature and induced by high temperature. The temperature range of 15℃ to 25℃ was workable for estimating of dormancy level of hulless barley according to our data. Analysis of α-amylase activity showed that the temperature effects on seed germination and the expression of seed dormancy be achieved probable via regulating of α-amylase activity. Furthermore, we evaluated the differences in sprouting index (SI), sprouting rate (SR), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) between Maerkang and Chengdu among 34 accessions of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. These PHS sprouting parameters were significantly affected by accession×location, and they had correlation between each other. GI was the most reliable parameter because of its low CV value, good repeatability and simple operation. SI could assist in differentiating between accessions of similar dormancy or overall evaluation of the resistance. AA was bad in repeatability and had relatively complex testing method, therefore, not appropriate for breeding and evaluation and screening of PHS resistant materials. Besides, since PHS resistance of hulless barley was greatly influenced by its growth environment, possibly much influencing factors and variations between cultivated conditions should be considered. 2. In this study, large variation was found among 113 genotypes of hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare) from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China, based on the sprouting index (SI), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) which derived from sprouting test of intact spikes, germination test of threshed seeds and determination of α-amylase activity, respectively. The range of SI, GI and AA was 1.00~8.86, 0.01~0.97 and 0.00~2.76,the mean was 4.72, 0.63 and 1.22 espectively. Six resistant genotypes, including ‘XQ9-5’, ‘XQ33-9’, ‘XQ37-5’, ‘XQ42-9’, ‘XQ45-7’ and ‘JCL’, were identified based on SI. Integrating the three parameters, it was clear that both hulls and seeds involved in PHS resistance in intact spikes of hulless barley and there was no long-existent embryo dormancy found among the test genotypes. All the genotypes, except ‘XQ45-7’, had detectable α-amylase activity on the 4th day after germination. There was PHS resistance imposed by the hull and seed per se and the two factors can act together or independent of each other. Besides, landraces or Tibet hulless barley had a wider variation and relatively more PHS resistance when compared with cultivars or Sichuan hulless barley. No significant difference was found among hulless barley of different seed colors. The correlation analysis showed PHS resistance was negatively related to hundred grain weight, days to flowering, days to maturity, spike length, awn length and flag length but not related to plant height. This study provides essential information and several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. 3. Alpha-amylase isozymes are encoded by a family of multigenes. They highly express in germinating seeds and is closely related to seed germination ability. In barley germinating seeds, the activity of high pI α-amylase is much higher than low pI α-amylase. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between preharvest sprouting resistance of hulless barley and the gene structure of Amy1 gene which encodes high pI α-amylase. The coding region and cDNA of Amy1 gene of three resistant accessions, including ‘XQ32-5’ (TR1), ‘XQ37-5’ (TR2), ‘XQ45-7’ (TR3), two susceptible accessions ‘97-15’ (TS1), ‘9657’ (TS2) and one highly dormant barley accession ‘SAMSON’ (SAM) was cloned. Analysis of their DNA sequences revealed there were three exons and two introns in Amy1 gene. Thirteen variable sites were in exon2 and exon3, 2 variable sites were in intron2. SAM and TS1 had a GAACT insert segment in the same site in intron2. Only 8 variable sites caused the change of amino acid residues. There were 99% of similarity between the tested hulless barley and some of the variable sites might be related with preharvest sprouting resistance. Then, we investigated the expression level of Amy1 gene in the 7-day germination test. Results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the relative expression trends of Amy1 gene were the same but had significant differences in the increase fashion between hulless barleys and no detectable expression was found in SAM. Susceptible accessions had earlier expression and faster increase and reached the maximum on day 4 ~ day 5. Besides, total transcripts level was found lower in resistant accessions than susceptible accessions. This study indicated that α-amylase activity was highly related to the transcription level of Amy1 gene which not correlated to missense mutation sites. In conclusion, hulless barley, especially the landraces from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China possesses high degree of variation in PHS performance, which indicates the potential of Tibetan hulless barley as a good source for breeding of resistance to PHS. This study provides several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. Our results also demonstrate that agronomic traits may be used as assistants for PHS resistance selection in hulless barley. Besides, analysis of high pI α-amylase coding gene Amy1 revealed the relative high expression of was Amy1 one of the mainly reason of different PHS resistance level in hulless barley.


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The extraction of protactinium with Aliquat 336 (methyl-tri-caprylyl ammonium chloride) in toluene, cyclohexane and chloroform from HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4, HF and mixed HCl-HF media was investigated by radioactive tracer technique. Distribution ratios of protactinium between the aqueous solution and the organic phase were determined as a function of shaking time, concentrations of acid in aqueous solution phase, extractant concentration and type of diluents in the organic phase. Aliquat 336 can almost quantitatively extract protactinium from strong HCl solution. At the same time, small amounts of HF in HCl solutions have a strong effect on Pa distribution.


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In order to study the extraction pattern of protactinium in different types of extracting agents and compare the similarity of patterns of extraction with dubnium and thereby unraveling its chemistry, solvent extraction of protactinium(V) with methyl-iso-butyl carbinol (MIBC) and methyl-iso-butyl ketone (MIBK) was studied using Pa-233 as a radiotracer. The extraction efficiencies of Pa were determined as a function of shaking time, concentrations of mineral acids, and extractant concentrations using the two extractants. The results show that MIBK is more suitable for the extraction of protactinium than MIBC in benzene. Furthermore, the effect of the F anion is also discussed.


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Solvent extraction of protactinium with tri-iso-octyl-amine (TIOA) in xylene, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform from HCl, HF, HNO3, HClO4 and H2SO4 media was studied using Pa-233 as a radiotracer. The extraction efficiencies of protactinium were determined as a function of shaking time, concentrations of mineral acids in aqueous phase, extractant concentrations and diluents in organic phase. The extraction mechanism was discussed. The results show that the extracted species in the organic phase is [(R3N-H)(n)Pa(OH)(x)Cl-y(5-x-y)].


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A series of commercially useful substituted pyridyl ureas have been synthesized via selenium dioxide-catalyzed reductive carbortylation of substituted nitrobenzene or substituted nitropyridine with amine as co-reagent and carbon monoxide as carbonyl reagent instead of phosgene in one-pot reaction. The recycling reusability of catalyst was also tested. It was also found that selenium dioxide-catalyzed reductive carbonylation of nitroaromatics exhibited reaction-controlled phase-transfer phenomena of the catalyst. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.