239 resultados para 341.584


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In vertebrates, non-lens beta gamma-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues but their functions are unknown. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors, initiators of mucosal healing and being greatly involved in tumorigenesis, have remained


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The loss of biodiversity resulting from extinctions is receiving increasing attention. Over several thousands of animal species have been evaluated and recognized as endangered species. Inbreeding depression has been demonstrated in many wild animal speci


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Objective: To investigate the association of complement C4 null genes (C4QO, including C4AQO and C4BQO) and C2 gene with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in southwest Han Chinese; 136 patients with SLE and 174 matched controls were genotyped. Methods: C4 null genes were determined by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). The 2 bp insertion in exon 29, which was previously identified in non-Chinese populations and caused defective C4A genes, was directly typed by sequencing the whole exon 29 using exon specific primers. The exon 6 of complement C2 was also sequenced in both the patients and controls. Results: The frequency of homozygous C4AQO allele was 12.5% (17/136) in patients with SLE compared with 1.1% (2/174) in controls (p<0.001, odds ratio (OR)=12.286, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.786 to 54.170). There was no significant difference for homozygous C4BQO allele between patients with SLE and controls (p=0.699). Patients with the C4AQO gene had an increased risk of acquiring renal disorder, serositis, and anti-dsDNA antibodies compared with those without C4AQO (for renal disorder, p=0.018, OR=8.951, 95% Cl 1.132 to 70.804; for serositis, p=0.011, OR 4.891, 95% CI 1.574 to 15.198; for anti-dsDNA, p=0.004, OR 7.630, 95%Cl 1.636 to 35.584). None of the patients or controls had the 2 bp insertion in exon 29 of the C4 gene. The type I C2 deficiency was not detected in the 3 10 samples. Conclusion: It is suggested that deficiency of C4A (not due to a 2 bp insertion in exon 29), but not C4B or C2, may be a risk factor for acquiring SLE in south west Han Chinese; this results in increased risk of renal disorder, serositis, and anti-dsDNA antibodies in patients with SLE. Racial differences seem to be relevant in susceptibility to SLE.


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贾第虫一度被认为是迄今已知的最原始的真核细胞, 但近来争议日盛。利用PCR 和测序等技术, 对 蓝氏贾第虫( Giardia lamblia) 的核纤层蛋白(lamin) 基因进行了研究。结果表明: 蓝氏贾第虫基因组中存在 一个编码具有明显lamin 特征的基因序列。如该基因序列的3′- 端具有编码与核内膜亲和的特征性模体(motif ) CaaX 的序列; 具有B 型lamin 基因所特有的高度保守的27 bp 片段, 该片段编码高度保守的位于α螺旋杆状区 的9 氨基酸片段等。同时, 这些序列特征又与多细胞的后生动物存在一定差异。这些事实说明在贾第虫中已经 进化产生了典型真核细胞的B 型lamin (基因) 或至少是类似B 型的lamin (基因) , 该生物的进化地位可能并 非过去所认为的那么原始。


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在各种真核生物核基因组中,存在一些由线粒体基因组转移进入核基因组中的DNA片段,这些被认为是分子化石的片段叫做线粒体核内插入序列(Numt).由于Numt与真实的线粒体序列高度相似,因此它的存在必然会成为PCR扩增线粒体DNA的不利因素.利用已经公布的家马(Equus caballus)基因组序列(2007年9月公布,GenBank登录号为NC 009144--NC 009175)对家马Numt进行了深入分析,其发现200个可能的Numt,长度范围为29到3727bp,其中有10个的长度大于800bp.分析结果显示由于不存在线粒体控制区域的疑似Numt,因此对基于此区域的群体遗传学研究不会产生影响.本研究还发现在家马进化过程中,第1号和27号染色体更倾向于接受线粒体序列的转移.以上结果将为今后马科动物的研究提供重要的参考信息,有助于避免在线粒体DNA研究中由于Numt污染的存在而得出错误的实验结果.


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对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)、 藏酋猴(M.thibetana)和熊猴(M.assamensis)肱 骨远端关节面Ⅱ项变量的分析表明, 关节面宽、鹰嘴窝宽、内上髁宽和滑车长 是区别3种猴类标本的主要变量。与其他灵长类相应变量的比较和主分量分析表 明: 与猕猴相比, 藏酋猴和熊猴的肱骨远端关节更为相似, 而猕猴则相似于暗色 叶猴、长臂猿和豚尾猴的关节面。 图2表2参17


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该文对滇西北昆虫区系特征进行了分析. 滇西北昆虫区系具有以下特点: 古北区与东洋区种类过渡与交混明显; 新发现的种类及特有种和狭布种十分丰富; 原始古老的种类多; 垂直分布明显. 如以江河分水岭为界, 尚可分为怒江、澜沧江、金沙江3个小区. 滇西北典型的东洋区系成份, 一般在海拔3000m以下地区, 海拔3000m以上则以古北区系成份为主。


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用各种染色体显带技术对云南南部的白颊长臂猿核型进行了详细研究, 并探讨了与其它长臂猿间的亲缘关系及核型进化的可能途径。它的2n=52, 核型公式为44(M或SM)+6(A), xy(M,A)。C带表明一些染色体着丝点C带弱化; 有的染色体出现插入的和端位的C带; X染色体两臂有端位C带, Y染色体是C带阳性和晚复制的。Ag-NORs的数目, 雌体有4个, 雄体有5个, Y染色体上具NOR。对白颊长臂猿与其它长臂猿间的亲缘关系和核型进化的可能途径进行了讨论。


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The reproductive traits of Gymnocypris selincuoensis from Selincuo Lake and its tributaries were investigated in 1997 and 1998. The youngest mature male was age 7 with a standard length (SL) of 172.0 mm, and the youngest mature female was age 8 with a SL of 194.0 mm. The L(50)s Of SL and age at first maturity were respectively 250.32 mm and age 9 for males and 224.71 mm and age 8 for females. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) significantly changed with seasons for mature individuals but not for immature individuals. GSIs of mature females at stages IV and V of ovary development increased with SL and reached a maximum value at the SL range from 370 mm to 390 mm; the GSIs of mature males were negatively correlated with SL. The breeding season lasted from early April to early August. Egg size did not significantly change with SL but increased with the delay of spawning. The individual absolute fecundity varied from 1,341 to 28,002 eggs (mean 12,607+/-7,349), and the individual relative fecundity varied from 6.4 to 42.0 eggs.g(-1) (mean 25.5+/-9.7). The individual fecundity increased with total body weight; it also increased with SL for those of SL less than 370 mm. There was a rest of spawning for mature individuals.


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