123 resultados para field-induced phase transition


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We have investigated the Wannier-Stark effect in GaAs/GaAl1-xAs superlattices under electric fields by photocurrent spectroscopy measurements in the range of temperatures 10-300 K. The linewidth of the Oh Stark-ladder exciton was found to increase significantly along with an increase in peak intensity when the electric field increases. We present a mechanism based on an enhanced interface roughness scattering of electronic states due to Wannier-Stark localization in order to explain this increased broadening with electric field. This electric-field-related scattering mechanism will weaken the negative differential conductance effects in superlattices predicted by Esaki and Tsu.


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A kind of hydrogenated diphasic silicon films has been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the phase transition regime from amorphous to nanocrystalline. The microstructural properties of the films have been investigated by the micro-Raman and Fourier transformed Infrared (FT-IR) spectra and atom force microscopy (AFM). The obtained Raman spectra show not only the existence of nanoscaled crystallites, but also a notable improvement in the medium-range order of the diphasic films. For the FT-IR spectra of this kind of films, it notes that there is a blueshift in the Si-H stretching mode and a redshift in the Si-H wagging mode in respect to that of typical amorphous silicon film. We discussed the reasons responsible for these phenomena by means of the phase transition, which lead to the formation of a diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries.


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Based upon a hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structure consisting of two-dimensional electron gas and a pair of surface ferromagnetic stripes on top, we have theoretically investigated the effect of in-plane stray field omitted frequently in previous studies on the spin-dependent ballistic transport properties in hybrid structure. It is demonstrated here that, in combination with an external-controllable electrostatic modulation, the concerned structure shows a similar function as a lateral spin-polarized resonant tunneling device, where the strong spin-filtering effect occurs and nearly single-mode polarization is anticipated for the proper modulation. More importantly, the spin polarity of transmission electron can be easily transferred from one extreme to the other by switching the magnetization of stripes, showing the promising application as an efficient spin aligner in the developing semiconductor spintronics.


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Deconfinement phase transition and neutrino trapping in (proto)neutron star matter are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred to as the FST model) for the hadronic phase (HP) and in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark model for the deconfined quark phase. We include a perturbative QCD correction parameter alpha(s) in the CFL quark matter equation of states. It is shown that the CFL quark core with K-0 condensation forms in neutron star matter with the large value of alpha(s). If the small value of alpha(s) is taken, hyperons suppress the CFL quark phase and the HP is dominant in the high-density region of (proto)neutron star matter. Neutrino trapping makes the fraction of the CFL quark matter decrease compared with those without neutrino trapping. Moreover, increasing the QCD correction parameter alpha(s) or decreasing the bag constant B and the strange quark mass m(s) can make the fraction of the CFL quark matter increase, simultaneously, the fraction of neutrino in protoneutron star matter increases, too. The maximum masses and the corresponding radii of (proto)neutron stars are not sensitive to the QCD correction parameter alpha(s).


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Deconfinement phase transition and condensation of Goldstone bosons in neutron star matter are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred as to the FST model) for the hadronic phase (HP) and in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark model for the deconfined quark phase. It is shown that the hadronic-CFL mixed phase (MP) exists in the center of neutron stars with a small bag constant, while the CFL quark matter cannot appear in neutron stars when a large bag constant is taken. Color superconductivity softens the equation of state (EOS) and decreases the maximum mass of neutron stars compared with the unpaired quark matter. The K-0 condensation in the CFL phase has no remarkable contribution to the EOS and properties of neutron star matter. The EOS and the properties of neutron star matter are sensitive to the bag constant B, the strange quark mass m(s) and the color superconducting gap Delta. Increasing B and m(s) or decreasing Delta can stiffen the EOS which results in the larger maximum masses of neutron stars.


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Locked-to-sliding phase transition has been studied in the driven two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model with the square symmetric substrate potential. It is found that as the driving force increases, the system transfers from the locked state to the sliding state where the motion of particles is in the direction different from that of driving force. With the further increase in driving force, at some critical value, the particles start to move in the direction of driving force. These two critical forces, the static friction or depinning force, and the kinetic friction force for which particles move in the direction of driving force have been analyzed for different system parameters. Different scenarios of phase transitions have been examined and dynamical phases are classified. In the case of zero misfit angle, the analytical expressions for static and kinetic friction force have been obtained.


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The experimental results reveal the isospin dependence of the nuclear phase transition in terms of the Landau Free Energy description of critical phenomena. Near the critical point, different ratios of the neutron to proton concentrations lead to different critical points for the phase transition which is analogous to the phase transitions in He-4-He-3 liquid mixtures. The antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and GEMINI models calculations were also performed and the results will be discussed as well.


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We report single mode and multimodes lasing emission from conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) doped polystyrene ( PS) thin films with surface ripples. Surface ripples were formed by water vapour-induced phase separation. A single mode lasing emission at 606 nm with a line-width of less than 0.4 nm was obtained. The laser threshold was as low as 3.5 mu J pulse(-1). The side mode suppression ratio was 5.76 dB. The periodic changes of the refraction index in the MEH-PPV : PS blending film due to the phase separation should be attributed to the lasing actions.


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A reversibly tunable colloidal photonic crystal between two stop bands was realized by a liquid-solid phase transition of liquid infiltrated into the air voids of silica opals. The difference of the peak wavelengths of the two stop bands was dependent on the diameter of the silica opals and the difference of the refractive index of the filled solvent between the solid and liquid state. The reversibly tunable photonic crystals have good stability and reproducibility.


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A series of branched poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) derived polymers with different lengths of n-alkyl side chains, denoted as PEI(n)Cs (n = 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, number of carbon atoms in alkyl side group), have been prepared by a N-alkylation method, and systematically characterized by differential scanning calorimertry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WARD) as well as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The side chains grafted on these comblike polymers are long enough to form crystalline phase composed of paraffin-like crystallites. The crystallization of the side chains forces the branched poly(ethyleneimine) molecules to pack into layered structure, between which the crystallites are located. The melting temperatures of the side chain crystallites increase from -12.36 to +51.49 degreesC with increasing the length of the side chains from n. = 12 to n = 20, which are a little bit lower than the corresponding pristine n-alkanes. PEI18C was taken as an example in this work for the investigation of phase transition and conformational variation of the side chains with temperature changing.