346 resultados para conduction band electrons


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The valence band offsets of the wurtzite polar C-plane and nonpolar A-plane InN/ZnO heterojunctions are directly determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to be 1.76 +/- 0.2 eV and 2.20 +/- 0.2 eV. The heterojunctions form in the type-I straddling configuration with a conduction band offsets of 0.84 +/- 0.2 eV and 0.40 +/- 0.2 eV. The difference of valence band offsets of them mainly attributes to the spontaneous polarization effect. Our results show important face dependence for InN/ZnO heterojunctions, and the valence band offset of A-plane heterojunction is more close to the "intrinsic" valence band offset.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to measure the valence band offset (VBO) of the ZnO/SrTiO3 heterojunction. It is found that a type-II band alignment forms at the interface. The VBO and conduction band offset (CBO) are determined to be 0.62 +/- 0.23 and 0.79 +/- 0.23 eV, respectively. The directly obtained VBO value is in good agreement with the result of theoretical calculations based on the interface-induced gap states and the chemical electronegativity theory. Furthermore, the CBO value is also consistent with the electrical transport investigations.


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MgO is a promising gate dielectric and surface passivation film for GaN/AlGaN transistors, but little is known of the band offsets in the MgO/AlN system. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to measure the energy discontinuity in the valence band (Delta E-v) of MgO/AlN heterostructures. A value of Delta E-v=0.22 +/- 0.08 eV was obtained. Given the experimental band gap of 7.83 eV for MgO, a type-I heterojunction with a conduction band offset of similar to 1.45 eV is found. The accurate determination of the valence and conduction band offsets is important for use of III-N alloys based electronic devices.


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The valence band offset (VBO) of InN/4H-SiC heterojunction has been directly measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The VBO is determined to be 0.55 +/- 0.23 eV and the conduction band offset is deduced to be -2.01 +/- 0.23 eV, indicating that the heterojunction has a type-I band alignment. The accurate determination of the valence and conduction band offsets is important for applications of InN/SiC optoelectronic devices.


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The theoretical analysis of intersubband optical transitions for InAs/ InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well ( DWELL ) detectors are performed in the framework of effective-mass envelope- function theory. In contrast to InAs/ GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, the calculated band structure of DWELL quantitatively confirms that an additional InGaAs quantum well effectively lowers the ground state of InAs QDs relative to the conduction-band edge of GaAs and enhances the confinement of electrons. By changing the doping level, the dominant optical transition can occur either between the bound states in the dots or from the ground state in the dots to bound states in the well, which corresponds to the far-infrared and long-wave infrared (LWIR ) peaks in the absorption spectra, respectively. Our calculated results also show that it is convenient to tailor the operating wavelength in the LWIR atmospheric window ( 8 - 12 mu m ) by adjusting the thickness of the InGaAs layer while keeping the size of the quantum dots fixed. Theoretical predictions agree well with the available experimental data. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence of a GaAsN alloy with 0.1% nitrogen has been studied under pressures up to 8.5 GPa at 33, 70, and 130 K. At ambient pressure, emissions from both the GaAsN alloy conduction band edge and discrete nitrogen-related bound states are observed. Under applied pressure, these two types of emissions shift with rather different pressure coefficients: about 40 meV/GPa for the nitrogen-related features, and about 80 meV/GPa for the alloy band-edge emission. Beyond 1 GPa, these discrete nitrogen-related peaks broaden and evolve into a broad band. Three new photoluminescence bands emerge on the high-energy side of the broad band, when the pressure is above 2.5, 4.5, and 5.25 GPa, respectively, at 33 K. In view of their relative energy positions and pressure behavior, we have attributed these new emissions to the nitrogen-pair states NN3 and NN4, and the isolated nitrogen state N-x. In addition, we have attributed the high-energy component of the broad band formed above 1 GPa to resonant or near-resonant NN1 and NN2, and its main body to deeper cluster centers involving more than two nitrogen atoms. This study reveals the persistence of all the paired and isolated nitrogen-related impurity states, previously observed only in the dilute doping limit, into a rather high doping level. Additionally, we find that the responses of different N-related states to varying N-doping levels differ significantly and in a nontrivial manner.


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The valence band offset (VBO) of the wurtzite InN/ZnO heterojunction is directly determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to be 0.82 +/- 0.23 eV. The conduction band offset is deduced from the known VBO value to be 1.85 -/+ 0.23 eV, which indicates a type-I band alignment for InN/ZnO heterojunction. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Magneto-transport measurements have been carried out on a Si delta-doped In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistor with InP substrate in a temperature range between 1.5 and 60 K under magnetic field up to 13 T. We studied the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect and the Hall effect for the In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As single quantum well occupied by two subbands and obtained the electron concentration and energy levels respectively. We solve the Schrodinger-Kohn-Sham equation in conjunction with the Poisson equation self-consistently and obtain the configuration of conduction band, the distribution of carriers concentration, the energy level of every subband and the Fermi energy. The calculational results are well consistent with the results of experiments. Both experimental and calculational results indicate that almost all of the delta-doped electrons transfer into the quantum well in the temperature range between 1.5 and 60 K.


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In this paper, an n-type Si1-xGex/Ge (x >= 0.85) quantum cascade (QC) structure utilizing a deep Ge quantum well for electrons at the Gamma point is proposed. Based on linear interpolation, a conduction band offset at the Gamma point in a Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) heterostructure is presented, which is suitable for designing a QC laser. This approach has the advantages of a large conduction band offset at the Gamma point, a low lattice mismatch between the Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) active layers and the Si1-yGey ( y > x) virtual substrate, a small electron effective mass in the Gamma band, simple conduction energy band structures and a simple phonon scattering mechanism in the Ge quantum well. The theory predicts that if high-energy electrons are continuously injected into the Gamma band, a quasi-equilibrium distribution of electrons between the Gamma and L bands can be reached and held, i.e., electrons with a certain density will be kept in the Gamma band. This result is supported by the intervalley scattering experiments. In n-type Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) QC structures, population inversion between the laser's upper and lower levels is demonstrated.


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Stoichiometric ZnSe nanowires have been synthesized through a vapor phase reaction of zinc and selenium powder on the (100) silicon substrate coated with a gold film of 2 nm in thickness. The microstructures and the chemical compositions of the as-grown nanowires have been investigated by means of electron microscopy, the energy dispersive spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The results reveal that the as-grown materials consist of ZnSe nanowires with diameters ranging from 5 to 50 nm. Photoluminescence of the sample demonstrates a strong green emission from room temperature down to 10 K. This is attributed to the recombination of electrons from conduction band to the medium deep Au acceptors. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.


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The optical properties and the band lineup in GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells (SQWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using photoluminescence (PL) technique were investigated. It was found that the low-temperature PL is dominated by the intrinsic localized exciton emission. By fitting the experimental datawith a simple calculation, band offset of the GaN0.015As0.985/GaAs heterostructure was estimated. Moreover, DeltaE(c), the discontinuity of the conduction band was found to be a nonlinear function of the nitrogen composition (chi) and the average variation of DeltaE(c) is about 0. 110eV per % N, such smaller than that reported on the literature to (0.156 similar to 0.175 eV/N %). In addition, Qc has little change whtn N composition increares, with an experimential relation of QC approximate tox(0.25). The band bowing coefficient (b) was also studied in this paper. The measured band bowing coefficient shows a strong function of chi, giving an experimental support to the theoretic calculation of Wei Su-Huai and Zunger Alex (1996).


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We investigated the photoluminescence (PL) of self-assembled In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs) grown on (311)A GaAs substrate. The PL peak at 10 K shifts to lower energy by about 30 meV when the excitation power decreases by two orders of magnitude. It has a red-shift under pressure, that is the character of X-like transition. Moreover, its peak energy is smaller than the indirect gap of bulk Al0.5Ga0.5As and In0.55Al0.45As. We then attribute that peak to the type-II transition between electrons in X valley of Al0.5Ga0.5As and heavy holes in In0.55Al0.45As QDs. A new peak appears at the higher energy when temperature is increased above 70 K. It shifts to higher energy with increasing pressure, corresponding to the transition from conduction Gamma band to valence band in QDs. The measurements demonstrate that our In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots are type-II QDs with X-like conduction-band minimum. To interpret the second X-related peak emerged under pressure, we discuss the X-valley split in QDs briefly. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)04622-2].


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Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) has been applied to investigate the electronic properties of self-organized InAs quantum dots. The energies of electronic ground states of 2.5ML and 1.7ML InAs quantum dots (QDs) with respect to the conduction band of bulk GaAs are about 0.21 eV and 0.09 eV, respectively. We have found that QDs capture electrons by lattice relaxation through a multi-phonon emission process. The samples are QDs embedded in superlattices with or without a 500 Angstrom GaAs spacing layer between every ten periods of a couple of GaAs and InAs layers. The result shows that the density of dislocations in the samples with spacer layers is much lower than in the samples without the spacer layers.


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The electronic band structures and optical gains of InAs1-xNx/GaAs pyramid quantum dots (QDs) are calculated using the ten-band k . p model and the valence force field method. The optical gains are calculated using the zero-dimensional optical gain formula with taking into consideration of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadenings due to the size fluctuation of quantum dots which follows a normal distribution. With the variation of QD sizes and nitrogen composition, it can be shown that the nitrogen composition and the strains can significantly affect the energy levels especially the conduction band which has repulsion interaction with nitrogen resonant state due to the band anticrossing interaction. It facilitates to achieve emission of longer wavelength (1.33 or 1.55 mu m) lasers for optical fiber communication system. For QD with higher nitrogen composition, it has longer emission wavelength and less detrimental effect of higher excited state transition, but nitrogen composition can affect the maximum gain depending on the factors of transition matrix element and the Fermi-Dirac distributions for electrons in the conduction bands and holes in the valence bands respectively. For larger QD, its maximum optical gain is greater at lower carrier density, but it is slowly surpassed by smaller QD as carrier concentration increases. Larger QD can reach its saturation gain faster, but this saturation gain is smaller than that of smaller QD. So the trade-off between longer wavelength, maximum optical, saturation gain, and differential gain must be considered to select the appropriate QD size according to the specific application requirement. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3143025]