73 resultados para Renilla reniformis luciferase vectors


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The relaxation of the misfit strain by the formation of misfit dislocations in InxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition was investigated by the cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, double crystal x-ray diffraction, and temperature-dependent photoluminescence. It is found that the misfit dislocations generated from strain relaxation are all pure-edge threading dislocations with burgers vectors of b=1/3<11 (2) over bar0>. The misfit dislocations arise from the strain relaxation due to the thickness of strained layer greater than the critical thickness. The relaxation of strained layer was mainly achieved by the formation of dislocations and localization of In, while the dislocations changed their slip planes from {0001} to {10 (1) over bar0}. With the increasing temperature, the efficiency of photoluminescence decrease sharply. It indicates that the relaxation of the misfit strain has a strong effect on optical efficiency of film. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A second-harmonic generation (SHG) is predicted for the Bogoliubov excitations in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. It is shown that, because the linear dispersion curve of the excitations displays two branches, the phase-matching condition for the SHG can be fulfilled if the wave vectors and frequencies of fundamental and second-harmonic waves are selected suitably from different branches. The nonlinearly coupled envelope equations for the SHG are derived by using a method of multiple scales. The explicit solutions of these envelope equations are provided and the conversion efficiency of the SHG is also discussed.


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We demonstrate a technique based on wet chemical etching that enables quick and accurate evaluation of edge- and screw/mixed-type threading dislocations (TDs) in GaN. Large and small etch pits are formed by phosphoric acid on the etched surfaces. The large etch pits are attributed to screw/mixed TDs and the small ones to edge TDs, according to their locations on the surface and Burgers vectors of TDs. Additionally, the origin of small etch pits is confirmed by a transmission electron microscopy. The difference in the size of etch pits is discussed in view of their origin and merging. Overetching at elevated temperatures or for a long time may result in merging of individual etch pits and underestimating of the density of TDs. Wet chemical etching has also been proved efficient in revealing the distribution of TDs in epitaxial lateral overgrowth GaN.


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We provide a detailed expression of the vibrational potential for the lattice dynamics of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT's) satisfying the requirements of the exact rigid translational as well as rotational symmetries, which is a nontrivial generalization of the valence force model for the planar graphene sheet. With the model, the low-frequency behavior of the dispersion of the acoustic modes as well as the flexure mode can be precisely calculated. Based upon a comprehensive chiral symmetry analysis, the calculated mode frequencies (including all the Raman- and infrared-active modes), velocities of acoustic modes, and the polarization vectors are systematically fitted in terms of the chiral angle and radius, where the restrictions of various symmetry operations of SWCNT's are fulfilled.


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Rashba spin splitting (RSS) in biased semiconductor quantum wells is investigated theoretically based on eight-band k center dot p theory. We find that at large wave vectors, RSS is both nonmonotonic and anisotropic as a function of in-plane wave vector, in contrast to the widely used isotropic linear model. We derive an analytical expression for RSS, which can qualitatively reproduce such nonmonotonic behavior at large wave vectors. We also investigate numerically the dependence of RSS on the various band parameters and find that RSS increases with decreasing band gap and subband index, increasing valence band offset, external electric field, and well width. All these dependences can be qualitatively described by our analytical model.


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Defects and morphologies are presented in this paper as revealed with transmission electron microscope (TEM) in the In(0.8)G(0.2)As/InAlAs heterostructure on InP(001) for high-electron-mobility transistors application. Most of the misfit dislocation lines are 60 degrees type and they deviate < 110 > at some angles to either side according to their Burges vectors. The misfit dislocation lines deviating [-110] are divided into two types according to whether their edge component b(eg) of Burges vectors in [001] pointing up or down. If b(eg) points up in the growth direction, there is the local periodical strain modulation along the dislocation line. In addition, the periodical modulation in height along [-110] on the In(0.8)G(0.2)As surface is observed, this surface morphology is not associated with the relaxation of mismatch strain.


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GaAs epilayer films on Si substrates grown by molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated by the x-ray double-crystal diffraction method. The rocking curves were recorded for different diffraction vectors of samples. The results show that the unit-cell volumes of GaAs epilayers are smaller than that of the GaAs bulk material. The strained-layer superlattice buffer layer can improve the quality of the film, especially in the surface lamella. The parameter W' = W(expt)/(square-root \gamma-h\/gamma-0/sin 2-theta-B) is introduced to describe the quality of different depths of epilayers. As the x-ray incident angle is increased, W' also increases, that is, the quality of the film deteriorates with increasing penetration distance of the x-ray beam. Therefore, W' can be considered as a parameter that describes the degree of perfection of the epilayer along the depth below the surface. The cross-section transmission electron microscopy observations agree with the results of x-ray double-crystal diffraction.


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The dielectric response of an electron system composed of an array of parallel quantum wires with weak coupling and strong coupling are studied, and the dispersions of the collective excitations and the single particle excitations (SPE) as functions of wave-vectors are given. It is found that for the nearly isolated quantum wires with several subbands occupation, there are a series of intra-subband collective excitations between corresponding intra-subband SPE spectra. There also exist inter-subband collective excitations when q(x) not equal 0 (q(x) is the wave-vector component in the modulation direction), whose energies are close by the corresponding inter-subband SPE spectra. The energy of the intra-subband mode decreases and that of inter-subband mode increases with q(x) increasing. The collective excitation dispersions show obvious anisotropy in the 1D quantum limit. The calculated results agree with the experiment well. The coupling between quantum wires affects markedly both the collective and single-particle excitations spectra. The system changes to a near-two-dimensional electron system gradually with increasing coupling.


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The dielectric response of a modulated three-dimensional electron system composed of a periodic array of quantum wells with weak coupling and strong coupling are studied, and the dispersions of the collective excitations and the single particle excitations as functions of wave vectors are given. It is found that for the nearly isolated multiple-quantum-well case with several subbands occupation, there is a three-dimensional-like plasmon when q(z)=0 (q(z) is the wave-vector component in the superlattice axis). There also exist intersubband collective excitations in addition to one intra-subband mode when q(z) not equal 0. The intra-subband mode has a linear dispersion relation with q(//) (the wave-vector component perpendicular to the superlattice axis) when q(//) is small. The inter-subband modes cover wider ranges in q(//) with increasing values of q(z). The energies of inter-subband collective excitations are close by the corresponding inter-subband single-particle excitation spectra. The collective excitation dispersions show obvious anisotropy in the 2D quantum limit. The calculated results agree with the experiment. The coupling between quantum wells affects markedly both the collective excitations and the single particle excitations spectra. The system shows gradually a near-three-dimensional electron gas character with increasing coupling. Copyright (C) 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd


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A new approach for in-plane X-ray scattering from the cleavages of epitaxial films or superlattices, where the scattering vectors are parallel to the interfaces, is proposed. This method can be employed to determine directly the in-plane X-ray strains and other atomic registry along the interfaces of the epitaxial structures.


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To save finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) computing time, several methods are proposed to convert the time domain FDTD output into frequency domain. The Padé approximation with Baker's algorithm and the program are introduced to simulate photonic crystal structures. For a simple pole system with frequency 160THz and quality factor of 5000,the intensity spectrum obtained by the Padé approximation from a 28-item sequence output is more exact than that obtained by fast Fourier transformation from a 220-item sequence output. The mode frequencies and quality factors are calculated at different wave vectors for the photonic crystal slab from a much shorter FDTD output than that required by the FFT method,and then the band diagrams are obatined. In addition,mode frequencies and Q-factors are calculated for photonic crystal microcavity.


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It is well known that the storage capacity may be large if all memory patterns are orthogonal to each other. In this paper, a clear description is given about the relation between the dimension N and the maximal number of orthogonal vectors with components +/-1, and also the conception of attractive index is proposed to estimate the basin of attraction. Theoretic analysis and computer simulation show that each memory pattern's basin of attraction contains at least one Hamming ball when the storage capacity is less than 0.33N which is better than usual 0.15 N.


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对Egonol龙胆三糖苷及以Egonol衍生物对雌二醇生成活性及其相关机制进行了研究。发现Egonol龙胆三糖苷促雌二醇最高生成率在MCF-7、HepG2、ROS1728中分别为157% 、182.4%、226.8%(以空白组200μg/ml睾酮转换成E2值作为100%生成率)。活性的强弱可能与芳香化酶的组织特异性表达情况一致,说明Egonol龙胆三糖苷促雌二醇活性可能与芳香化酶有关。芳香化酶的组织特异性表达与特异性启动子有关系,Egonol龙胆三糖苷在各组织中皆有促雌二醇活性,说明该化合物不是通过调节该酶的基因表达而起作用。 在探究Egonol龙胆三糖苷及其衍生物是否介导cAMP-PKA途径从而影响芳香化酶的表达中,发现该系列化合物在HEK-293T细胞中对cAMP的影响非常弱小。在人HepG2细胞中显示了极强的提高cAMP的作用。而化合物对cAMP的作用与其促雌二醇活性强弱不呈正相关关系,对c AMP-PKA途径的激活可能与胞内雌激素有关。 Egonol龙胆三糖苷及其衍生物对HepG2细胞增殖影响显示,该系列化合物同雌二醇一样有相似的较弱促HepG2细胞增殖作用。而且存在一定剂量依赖性。在瞬时转染有ERE(雌激素作用元件)的HepG2中,Egonol龙胆三糖苷及其衍生物也显示了类似于雌二醇与ERE结合的作用,进一步提示Egonol龙胆三糖苷及其衍生物在HepG2细胞中具备雌激素样作用。 为研究Egonol龙胆三糖苷及其衍生物是否可能直接提高芳香化酶的活性,我们计划将芳香化酶从芳香化酶阳性细胞中克隆后表达到芳香化酶阴性的细胞中。在MCF-7细胞中以Oligo dT为引物合成的cDNA模板,和在ROS1728细胞中以Oligo dT及大鼠引物F链为引物合成的cDNA模板能成功扩增出与芳香化酶全长编码序列大小一致的片段。 Egonol衍生物在HepG2、ROS1728细胞中促雌二醇活性的实验表明,Egonol苯环上引入其它基团可以提高Egonol的活性。 从雌激素经典的基因组效应和非基因组效应两方面对雌激素信号转导研究进展进行了简单的综述。 The promoting effects of egonol gentiotrioside and egonol derivatives on the synthesis of estrogen E2 were studied. In vitro test, egonol gentiotrioside promoted the synthesis of estrogen E2 in MCF-7, HepG2,ROS1728 cell lines with mean yields of estrogen E2 57%,82.4% and 126.8%, higher than those of blank control at a concentration of 100 mg/ml. The difference of estrogen E2 synthesis promoting effects among the cell lines suggested tissue specificity. It is in accordance with tissue specific character of aromatase expression. The evidence implied that effect of egonol gentiotrioside on promoting the synthesis of estrogen E2 was related to the aromatase. Different expression levels of aromatase in different tissues are attributed to their specific promoters, but egonol gentiotrioside can promote the synthesis of estrogen E2, in many tissues,so the fact is controversary to the estimation that this compound regulates the aromatase on gene level. In order to investigate whether egonol gentiotrioside and its synthetic derivatives regulates aromatase activity through the cAMP-PKA signal pathway,we transfected the p CRE-Luc luciferase reporter gene into the HEK-293T cells and HepG2 cells. These compounds had weak activity in promoting the cAMP activity in HEK-293T cells but strong in HepG2 cells.The compounds’effect of promoting the cAMP may be related to their estrogenic activity in cells. The modified HepG2 cell proliferation assay was used to evaluate the estrogenic activity of egonol gentiotrioside and its derivatives. The weak estrogenic activity of egonol gentiotrioside and its derivatives at various concentrations expressed as proliferative effect relative to that of blank control was examined. We transfected the pERE-Luc luciferase reporter gene into the HepG2 cells. These compounds possessed significant activity on estrogen response element compared with the one treated with 10 n M estrogen E2. This evidence indicated that the estrogenic activity of egonol gentiotrioside and its derivatives. In order to investigate whether the egonol gentiotrioside and its derivatives can upregulate the activity of aromatase directly, The full-length of P450 aromatase cDNA encoding aromatase were amplified by using primer Oligo dT in MCF-7,and specific primer in ROS1728,respectively. The structure-activity relationship of Egonol in promoting the synthesis of E2 in HepG2 and ROS1728 cells indicated that introduction of some group on the basic sketon of egonol could improve the effect. The progress in research of signal pathway of estrogen in recent years was summarized.


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干扰素(IFNs)是最早发现的具有广泛用途的一类细胞因子,IFN-α通过JAK/STAT信号途径调控机体一系列生理和病理反应。至今尚未发现类干扰素的小分子。我们前期研究发现天然产物毛蕊异黄酮可激活干扰素诱导的JAK/STAT信号途径。为发现类干扰素小分子、获得小分子探针,本课题拟建立成熟的JAK/STAT信号途径的筛选模型,合成毛蕊异黄酮及其类似物,研究这些化合物的构效关系,进而尝试通过共价键标记生物素或香豆素来直接研究它们与相关受体的作用。 从异香草醛出发经7步合成反应得到了毛蕊异黄酮。采用平行合成策略得到异黄酮类化合物;采用分支式合成策略,以取代苯乙酸作为合成砌块,获得具有与异黄酮类似结构的香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮。与分离得到的黄酮类化合物,构建了一个包括异黄酮、黄酮、香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮在内的化合物库。 建立了包含IFN-α刺激反应元件 (ISRE)的荧光素酶报告基因体系,通过筛选化合物库中的化合物,发现异黄酮骨架为激活JAK/STAT信号途径必须结构、毛蕊异黄酮7-位酚羟基被取代后活性丧失。根据以上结果,对毛蕊异黄酮3′-位标记物的合成进行了初步尝试。 发现山茱萸科植物青荚叶(Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr.)有抑制蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶1B(PTP1B)的活性。从其地上部分95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部分分离得到5个化合物,应用波谱方法及与已知品对照的手段鉴定它们为p-menth-2-en-1β, 4β, 8-triol (Z-1)、blumenol A (Z-2)、2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-五羟基查尔酮(Z-3)、洋芹素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-4)、木犀草素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-5). Interferons (IFNs) are one kind of cytokines with broad functions. IFN-α mediates series physiological and pathological changes of human body via JAK/STAT pathway. Untill now, no IFNs-like small molecules are discovered. In our preliminary experiment, the natural product calycosin has been observed to activate JAK/STAT pathway. Therefore, we establish a luciferase reporter gene system and synthesize calycosin and its analogues to reveal their structure-activity relationship (SAR). Besides, in order to prove that calycosin activates JAK/STAT pathway through IFN receptor, we attempted to tag it with biotin or coumarin by covalent bonding. Calycosin was synthesized from isovanillin via seven steps. Other isoflavones were obtained by parallel synthesis; coumarins and quinolones were prepared through divergent synthesis, using substituted phenylacetic acids as building blocks. Combing with natural flavones, a small molecule library was established. A luciferase reporter gene system, consisting of 5 copies of the ISRE (interferon-stimulated response element), was used for screening of small molecules from that library. We found that the core-structure of isoflavone was necessary, and if the 7-OH is substituted, the activity slumps. According to our observation, we tried to tag biotin or coumarin at 3′-OH of calycosin. The 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr. showed protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitory activity. Five compounds were isolated. On the basis of spectral data or by comparison with authentic samples, they were identified as p-menth-2-en-1β,4β,8-triol (1), blumenol A (2), 2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-pentahydroxychalcone (3), apigenin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), and luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5).


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雌激素是人体内重要的激素之一,具有广泛的生理功能。雌激素缺乏与许多疾病相关,如卵巢功能低下,更年期综合征以及骨质疏松等;雌激素过剩也将导致某些疾病,如乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宫内膜癌等。目前,如何降低肿瘤组织中的雌激素水平而达到治疗肿瘤的目的,已经得到广泛的研究,但促雌激素生成或调节卵巢功能药物或其相关研究则很少。 本实验室前期的研究发现,瓦山安息香属植物果实中的乙醇提取物具有促雌激素生成作用,通过活性追踪和结构鉴定,确认促E2 生成的主要成分为苯并呋喃类化合物。苯并呋喃类化合物的作用与芳香酶有关,但其确切的作用机理有待证实和深入研究。 为了探讨安息香苯并呋喃类化合物的促雌激素合成的作用机理,拟采用如下的实验方案: 1、细胞学方面,对小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-5、OVCAR-8、IGROV1 等细胞株,采用RT-PCR 和ELISA 方法研究芳香酶Aro基因的表达和雌二醇E2 的生成,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,研究时效曲线和量效曲线,确定安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 的有效浓度和作用时间。 2、RNAi 方面,设计合成了针对人芳香酶Aro基因的3 对RNAi 序列,转染入细胞,芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 和地塞米松、芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,采用实时定量PCR 技术,研究RNA 干扰后,安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对人芳香酶Aro基因表达水平瓦山安息香苯并呋喃促雌激素合成的机理研究的影响。 3、雌激素受体方面,设计一段ERE 的雌激素调控元件,构建重组荧光素酶报告基因载体,瞬时转染人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231,建立针对雌激素受体的报告基因筛选模型,观察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对雌激素受体的选择性和亲和力,从受体水平考察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促进雌激素生成的药理学机理。 实验结果显示: 1、分化后的小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7 、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-8 等细胞株具有芳香酶基因的表达。睾酮向雌二醇的转化能够被芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 所阻断,其中OVCAR-3 最适合进行下一步的RNAi研究。 2、RNAi 实验结果显示,设计的3 对RNAi 序列中R2 的干扰效果最强,相应的阴性对照C2 与R2 的表达量相差118 倍(24 小时)和19 倍(48 小时),显示R2/C2 这组序列可用于进一步的RNAi 试验。以R2 干扰OVCAR-3 细胞株,药物作用24、48 小时后,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为0.83 倍和0.04 倍;芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为3.61 和1.84 倍;芳香酶促进剂地塞米松与R2 相对表达量相比分别为5.76 倍和3.49倍;苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为8.13 倍和4.59 倍。实验证实安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 能够促进因RNAi 而发生基因沉默的人芳香酶Aro表达水平的上调。 3、雌激素受体实验结果显示,构建成功重组pERE-pGL3-promoter 荧光素酶报告基因载体和基于报告基因系统的雌激素受体激动剂或拮抗剂的细胞筛选模型。实验结果表明安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与雌激素受体ERα和ERβ亲和力选择性之比约为3:1 ,SP25通过与雌激素受体ERα结合作用其受体,刺激芳香酶的表达。 本课题通过RNA 干扰、ELISA、荧光实时定量PCR、报告基因筛选模型等技术手段,从细胞水平、蛋白酶水平和基因表达水平、雌激素受体水平等方面系统地研究了从瓦山安息香属植物果实中提取的苯并呋喃SP25 促进促雌激素生成的机理研究。试验结果显示苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促雌激素生成的主要作用机制是直接促进芳香酶基因表达水平,以及与雌激素受体a 结合,刺激芳香酶活性。 Estrogen is an important hormone that has versatile physiologicalfunctions. Lack of estrogen will lead to many diseases such as lower ovarianfunction, climacteric syndrome and osteoporosis. Excessive estrogen alsoinduces breast carcinoma, oophoroma and endometrial carcinoma and otherdiseases. To depress the estrogen level in tumor tissue to cure carcinomawas widely studied, but there is only few studies reported on the induction ofestrogen and on the regulation of ovary function. We found that the extracts from seeds of Styrax perkinsiae couldpromote the synthesis of estrogen. The active compounds benzofurans wereidentified. Effect of benzofurans may be related to aromatase, but the mechanism was not clear. To reveal the mechanism of these benzofurans to promote estrogensynthesis, the following protocols were adopted: 1 Cytology: 3T3-L1 preadipocytes,human ovary carcinoma celllines OVCAR-3,OVCAR-4,OVCAR-5,OVCAR-8,IGROV1 andbreast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 were usedto determine Aro gene expression and estrogen production withRT-PCR AND ELISA methods. Formestane, an aromataseinhibitor, was used as positive control. And dose-curve,time-curve and the effective concentration of SP25 were also studied. 2 Designed 3 pairs of RNAi for human aromatase gene, andtransfected into cell. Aromatase inducer Forskolin andDexamethasone, and aromatase inhibitor Formestane were usedas positive controls. We studied the change of Aro expressionlevel with SP25 by using real-time PCR after RNA interfering. 3 Estrogen Receptor: We constructed the recombined Luciferasereport vector and establish a screening system for estrogenagonist and antagon. With this system, we studied the affinity ofSP25 and estrogen receptor. Results: 1 Differentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes¡¢human ovary carcinomacell lines:OVCAR-3, OVCAR-4, OVCAR-8 and breast carcinomacell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 had detected aromatase geneexpression.And OVCAR-3 is more suitable for further aromatasegene function research. 2 In RNAi assay, R2 has a strong interfering effcet in OVCAR-3 cellline, and ratio of C2 (the negative control) to R2 were 118 times(24 hours) and 19 times (48 hours). This means sucessful inRNA interfering. After R2 acted on OVCAR-3 cell line, the ratiosof formestane to R2 were 0.83 and 0.04 times, 5.76 and 3.49times (Dex), 3.61 and 1.84 times (forskolin) and 8.13 and 4.59times (sp25) after drug treated 24 or 48 hours respectively.These results indicated that SP25 can directly induce aromatasegene up-regulation. 3 We had constructed pERE-pGL3-promoter recombined vectorand the Luciferase report gene screening system. Luciferasereport gene assay showed that sp25 had a higher affinity with strogen receptor alpha than estrogen receptor beta, this indicated that SP25 can act on estrogen receptor and induce aromatase. Our results revealed that the mechanisms of benzofuran to promoteestrogen were the upregulation aromatase gene expression and promotion ofaromatase activity and have partially elective affinity with estrogen receptoralpha.