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Przewalskin A (1), a novel C-23 terpenoid with a 6/6/7 carbon ring skeleton, was isolated from Salvia przewalskii. Its structure was determined by comprehensive 1D NMR, 2D NMR, and MS spectroscopic analysis and subsequently confirmed by a single-crystal X


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We propose and simulate a new kind of compact polarizing beam splitter (PBS) based on a photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR) with complete photonic bandgaps. The two polarized states are separated far enough by resonant and nonresonant coupling between the waveguide modes and the microring modes. Some defect holes are utilized to control the beam propagation. The simulated results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that high transmission (over 95%) is obtained and the polarization separation is realized with a length as short as 3.1 mu m. The design of the proposed PBS can be flexible, thanks to the advantages of PCRRs.


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We demonstrate a sub-nanosecond electro-optical switch with low crosstalk in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) dual-coupled micro-ring embedded with p-i-n diodes. A crosstalk of -23 dB is obtained in the 20-mu m-radius micro-ring with the well-designing asymmetric dual-coupling structure. By optimizations of the doping profiles and the fabrication processes, the sub-nanosecond switch-on/off time of < 400 ps is finally realized under an electrical pre-emphasized driving signal. This compact and fast-response micro-ring switch, which can be fabricated by complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible technologies, have enormous potential in optical interconnects of multicore networks-on-chip.


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In the framework of the effective mass theory, this paper calculates the electron energy levels of an InAs/GaAs tyre-shape quantum ring (TSQR) by using the plane wave basis. The results show that the electron energy levels are sensitively dependent on the TSQR's section thickness d, and insensitively dependent on TSQR's section inner radius R-1 and TSQR's inner radius R-2. The model and results provide useful information for the design and fabrication of InAs/GaAs TSQRs.


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Origin of polarization sensitivity of photonic wire waveguides (PWWs) is analysed and the effective refractive indices of two different polarization states are calculated by the three-dimensional full-vector beam propagation method. We find that PWWs are polarization insensitive if the distribution of its refractive index is uniform and the cross section is square. An MRR based on such a polarization-insensitive PWW is fabricated on an 8-inch silicon-on-insulator wafer using 248-nm deep ultraviolet lithography and reactive ion etching. The quasi-TE mode is resonant at 1542.25 nm and 1558.90 nm, and the quasi-TM mode is resonant at 1542.12 nm and 1558.94 nm. The corresponding polarization shift is 0.13 nm at the shorter wavelength and 0.04 nm at the longer wavelength. Thus the fabricated device is polarization independent. The extinction ratio is larger than 10 dB. The 3 dB bandwidth is about 2.5 nm and the Qvalue is about 620 at 1558.90 nm.


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Spin states and persistent currents are investigated theoretically in a quantum ring with an embedded magnetic ion under a uniform magnetic field including the spin-orbit interactions. The magnetic impurity acts as a spin-dependent delta-potential for electrons and results in gaps in the energy spectrum, consequently suppressing the oscillation of the persistent currents. The competition between the Zeeman splittings and the s-d exchange interaction leads to a transition of the electron ground state in the ring. The interplay between the periodic potential induced by the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions and the delta-potential induced by the magnetic impurity leads to significant variation in the energy spectrum, charge density distribution, and persistent currents of electrons in the ring.


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A discretely tunable Er-doped fiber-ring laser using a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and a tunable fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed. In this scheme, the combination of MZI and FBG acts as a discrete wavelength selector. Analysis of its transmission function shows that discrete wavelength tuning can be realized, and experiments demonstrate 64 single-mode outputs with a mode spacing of 181.7 pm, and the output power is quite stable in the whole tuning range. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51 2595-2598, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www. interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.24690


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Frequency response of a fiber ring resonator (FRR) composed of an ordinary optical coupler and a segment of optical fiber is theoretically and experimentally investigated. The frequency response equation based oil small-signal modulation is derived and studied in detail. It is shown that the shape of the frequency response curve is very sensitive to the wavelength; as a result, the FRR can be applied to measure the wavelength of a lightwave source with high resolution. With this method, we demonstrate the measurement of tiny changes of wavelength of a DFB laser. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51 2444-2448, 2009 Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.24608


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The distribution of energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring was investigated by applying the effective mass approximation and the perturbation method. In 2D polar coordinates, the exact solution to the Schrodinger equation was used to calculate the perturbation integral in a parabolic confinement potential. The numerical results show that the energy levels of electron are sensitively dependent on the radius of the quantum ring and a minimum exists on account of the parabolic confinement potential. With decreasing the radius, the energy spacing between energy levels increases. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state for hydrogenic impurities are not relieved, and when the degenerate energy levels are split and the energy spacing will increase with the increase in the radius. The energy spacing between energy levels of electron is also sensitively dependent on the angular frequency and will increase with the increases in it. The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state are not relieved. The degenerate energy levels of the second excited state are relieved partially. The change in angular frequency will have a profound effect upon the calculation of the energy levels of the ground state and the low-lying excited states of hydrogenic impurities in InAs quantum ring. The conclusions of this paper will provide important guidance to investigating the optical transitions and spectral structures in quantum ring.


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We theoretically investigate the charge and spin currents in a three-terminal mesoscopic ring in the presence of a uniform and nonuniform Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). It is shown that a fully spin-polarized charge current and a pure spin current can be generated by tuning the probe voltages and/or the strength of the Rashba SOI. The charge and spin currents oscillate as the strength of the Rashba SOI increases induced by the spin quantum interference. The ratio of probe voltages oscillates synchronously with the pure spin current as the strength of the Rashba SOI increases in a nonuniform Rashba ring, while it remains constant in a uniform Rashba ring. We demonstrate theoretically that a three-terminal uniform Rashba ring can be used as a spin polarizer and/or spin flipper for different spin injections, and a nonuniform Rashba ring could allow us to detect the pure spin current electrically. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3054322]


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A stabilized and tunable single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber ring laser has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The laser is structured by combining the compound cavity with a fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter. An injection-locking technique has been used to stabilize the wavelength and output power of the laser. One of the longitudinal modes is stimulated by the injected continuous wave so that this mode is able to win the competition to stabilize the system. A minimum output power of 0.6 dBm and a signal-to-noise ratio of over 43 dB within the tuning range of 1527-1562 nm can be achieved with the proposed technique. A wavelength variation of less than 0.01 nm, a power fluctuation of less than 0.02 dB, and a short-term linewidth of about 1.4 kHz have also been obtained.


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We report the operation of a bidirectional picosecond pulsed ring Nd:YVO4 laser based on a low-temperature-grown semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Except for the laser crystal, the six-mirror ring laser cavity has no intra-cavity elements such as focusing lens or mirror. The bidirectional mode locked pluses are obtained at the repetition rate of 117.5 MHz, pulse duration of 81 ps, power of 2 x 200 mW.


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This paper proposes two kinds of novel hybrid voltage controlled ring oscillators (VCO) using a single electron transistor (SET) and metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistor. The novel SET/MOS hybrid VCO circuits possess the merits of both the SET circuit and the MOS circuit. The novel VCO circuits have several advantages: wide frequency tuning range, low power dissipation, and large load capability. We use the SPICE compact macro model to describe the SET and simulate the performances of the SET/MOS hybrid VCO circuits by HSPICE simulator. Simulation results demonstrate that the hybrid circuits can operate well as a VCO at room temperature. The oscillation frequency of the VCO circuits could be as high as 1 GHz, with a -71 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 MHz offset frequency. The power dissipations are lower than 2 uW. We studied the effect of fabrication tolerance, background charge, and operating temperature on the performances of the circuits.


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Well-defined complex quantum ring structures formed by droplet epitaxy are demonstrated. By varying the temperature of the crystallizing Ga droplets and changing the As flux, GaAs/AlGaAs quantum single rings and concentric quantum double rings are fabricated, and double-ring complexes are observed. The growth mechanism of these quantum ring complexes is addressed. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.