84 resultados para Pseudo-mots


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Entanglement transformation of composite quantum systems is investigated in the context of group representation theory. Representation of the direct product group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C), composed of local operators acting on the binary composite system, is realized in the four-dimensional complex space in terms of a set of novel bases that are pseudo-orthonormalized. The two-to-one homomorphism is then established for the group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C) onto the SO(4, C). It is shown that the resulting representation theory leads to the complete characterization for the entanglement transformation of the binary composite system.


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A differential recursive scheme for suppression of Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) for Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal is proposed in this thesis. The pseudo-randomized modulating vector for the subcarrier series is differentially phase-encoded between successive components in frequency domain first, and recursion manipulates several samples of Inverse fast Fourier transformation (IFFT) output in time domain. Theoretical analysis and experimental result exhibit advantage of differential recursive scheme over direct output scheme in PAPR suppression. And the overall block diagram of the scheme is also given.


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We analyze low-temperature Raman and photoluminescence spectra of MBE-grown GaN layers on sapphire. Strong and sharp Raman peaks are observed in the low frequency region. These peaks, which are enhanced by excitation in resonance with yellow luminescence transitions, are attributed to electronic transitions related to shallow donor levels in hexagonal GaN. It is proposed that a low frequency Raman peak at 11.7 meV is caused by a pseudo-local vibration mode related to defects involved in yellow luminescence transitions. The dependence of the photoluminescence spectra on temperature gives additional information about the residual impurities in these GaN layers.


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Threading dislocations in the III-V heterostructure system are investigated based on the observation of dislocations in the In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice with transmission electron microscope. To explain both the presence and orientation of threading dislocations in the epilayers an alloy effect on the dislocation lines in ternary III-V compounds is proposed, and, in addition, a pseudo-stable state for threading dislocations in binary compounds is recognized. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We focus on the relationship between the linearization method and linear complexity and show that the linearization method is another effective technique for calculating linear complexity. We analyze its effectiveness by comparing with the logic circuit method. We compare the relevant conditions and necessary computational cost with those of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm and the Games-Chan algorithm. The significant property of a linearization method is that it needs no output sequence from a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) because it calculates linear complexity using the algebraic expression of its algorithm. When a PRNG has n [bit] stages (registers or internal states), the necessary computational cost is smaller than O(2n). On the other hand, the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm needs O(N2) where N ( 2n) denotes period. Since existing methods calculate using the output sequence, an initial value of PRNG influences a resultant value of linear complexity. Therefore, a linear complexity is generally given as an estimate value. On the other hand, a linearization method calculates from an algorithm of PRNG, it can determine the lower bound of linear complexity.


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提出并分析了一种确定的、可并行的消息认证码--DPMAC(deterministic parallelizable message authentication code).它基于分组长度为128-bit的分组密码来构造.使用一个密钥,可以处理任意长度的消息.在底层分组密码是伪随机置换的假设下,使用Game-Playing技术量化了攻击者成功伪造的概率,从而证明了其安全性.


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消息认证码是保证消息完整性的重要工具,它广泛应用于各种安全系统中.随着可证明安全理论的逐渐成熟,具备可证明安全的消息认证码无疑成为人们的首选.本文基于XOR MAC和PMAC的构造方法,使用分组密码构造了一种确定性、可并行的消息认证码-DXOR MAC(Deterministic XOR MAC).在底层分组密码是伪随机置换的假设下,本文使用Game-Playing技术量化了攻击者成功伪造的概率,从而证明了其安全性.


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Relative paleointensity records from the northern South China Sea, northwest Pacific Ocean were studied in two gravity piston cores. Continuous mineral magnetic and paleomagnetic measurements were made using discrete sediment samples. Detailed rock magnetic parameters, such as thermomagnetic and high-field hysteresis data, indicate that pseudo-single domain magnetite in a narrow range of grain-size and concentration is the main contributor to the remanent magnetization. The uniform magnetic mineralogy meets the commonly accepted criteria for establishing relative paleointensity records. The relative paleointensity (RPI) curves were constructed by normalizing the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) with isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), both in the 20-60 mT demagnetization state. Dating constraints have been provided by radiocarbon ages in the upper 400 cm of both cores. Furthermore, we have correlated our paleointensity records with NAPIS-75, S.Atlantic-1089, Sint-200 and NOPAPIS-250 to determine the chronological RPI framework for the South China Sea (SCS-PIS). Although some temporal offsets of paleointensity features between the different records have been recognized, their similar shape suggests that relative paleointensity on the 10(3)-10(4) year scale is globally coherent and can provide an age framework for sediments independent of delta O-18 ages.


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We report the experimental result of all-optical passive 3.55 Gbit/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to pseudo-return-to-zero (PRZ) format conversion using a high-quality-factor (Q-factor) silicon-based microring resonator notch filter on chip. The silicon-based microring resonator has 23800 Q-factor and 22 dB extinction ratio (ER), and the PRZ signals has about 108 ps width and 4.98 dB ER.


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Physical vapor transport studies of GeSe(x)Te1 - x (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) solid solutions demonstrated, that individual, large single crystals of these materials can be grown in closed ampoules. A compositional analysis of the grown crystals revealed, that the mass transport (crystal growth) process under steady-state conditions is pseudo-congruent and controlled by diffusion processes in the source material. From these experiments, the degree of non-stoichiometry (Ge-vacancy concentrations) of GeSe(x)Te1 - x single crystals could be estimated. The effects of the cubic to rhombohedral phase transformation during cooling on the microstructure and morphology of the grown mixed crystals are observed. This work provides the basis for subsequent defect studies and electrical measurements on these crystals.


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We have measured low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectra of an In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) structure at pressures up to 8 GPa. Below 4.9 GPa, PL shows only the emission of the n = 1 heavy-hole (HH) exciton. Three new X-related PL bands appear at higher pressures. They are assigned to spatially indirect (type-II) and direct (type-I) transitions from X(Z) states in GaAs and X(XY) valleys of InGaAs, respectively, to the HH subband of the wells. From the PL data we obtain a valence band offset of 80 meV for the strained In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs MQW system. Absorption spectra show three features corresponding to direct exciton transitions in the quantum wells. In the pressure range of 4.5 to 5.5 GPa an additional pronounced feature is apparent in absorption, which is attributed to the pseudo-direct transition between a HH subband and the folded X(Z) states of the wells. This gives the first clear evidence for an enhanced strength of indirect optical transitions due to the breakdown of translational invariance at the heterointerfaces in MQWs.


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Natural surface coatings sampled (NSCSs) from the surface of shingles and surficial sediments (SSs) in the Songhua River, China were employed to investigate the similarities and difference in fractions of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) between NSCSs and SSs using the modified sequential extraction procedure (MSEP). The results show that the differences between NSCSs and SSs in Fe fractions were insignificant and Fe was dominantly present as residual phase (76.22% for NSCSs and 80.88% for SSs) and Fe-oxides phase (20.33% for NSCSs and 16.15% for SSs). Significant variation of Mn distribution patterns between NSCSs and SSs was observed with Mn in NSCSs mainly present in Mn-oxides phase (48.27%) and that in SSs present as residual phase (45.44%). Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were found dominantly in residual fractions (>48%), and next in solid oxides/hydroxides for Zn, Pb and Cd and in easily oxidizable solids/compounds form for Cu, respectively. The heavy metal distribution pattern implied that Fe/Mn oxides both in NSCSs and SSs were more important sinks for binding and adsorption of Zn, Pb and Cd than organic matter (OM), and inversely, higher affinity of Cu to OM than Fe/Mn oxides in NSCSs and SSs was obtained. Meanwhile, it was found that the distributions of heavy metals in NSCSs and SSs were similar to each other and the pseudo-total concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in NSCSs were greater than those in SSs, highlighting the more importance for NSCSs than SSs in controlling behaviours of heavy metals in aquatic environments.


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We analyze low-temperature Raman and photoluminescence spectra of MBE-grown GaN layers on sapphire. Strong and sharp Raman peaks are observed in the low frequency region. These peaks, which are enhanced by excitation in resonance with yellow luminescence transitions, are attributed to electronic transitions related to shallow donor levels in hexagonal GaN. It is proposed that a low frequency Raman peak at 11.7 meV is caused by a pseudo-local vibration mode related to defects involved in yellow luminescence transitions. The dependence of the photoluminescence spectra on temperature gives additional information about the residual impurities in these GaN layers.


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All-optical clock recovery for the return-to-zero modulation format is demonstrated experimentally at 40 Gbits/s by using an amplified feedback laser. A 40 GHz optical clock with a root-mean-square (rms) timing jitter of 130 fs and a carrier-to-noise ratio of 42 dB is obtained. Also, a 40 GHz optical clock with timing jitter of 137 fs is directly recovered from pseudo-non-return-to-zero signals degraded by polarization-mode dispersion (PMD). No preprocessing stage to enhance the clock tone is used. The rms timing jitter of the recovered clock is investigated for different values of input power and for varying amounts of waveform distortion due to PMD.


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探讨全球气候变化的生物学和生态学效应是当今生态学中的热点,研究大气CO2浓度升高对植物-昆虫相互作用关系的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文使用开顶式气室(Open-top chamber,OTC)在野外条件下研究了CO2浓度升高对三种树木(小青杨、白桦和蒙古栎)叶片化学成分含量的影响,以及树木叶片品质变化对一种广食性森林昆虫(舞毒蛾)幼虫取食、生长发育和取食偏嗜性的影响。得出如下结果:(1)CO2浓度升高对3个受试树种叶片中的营养成分及次生代谢物含量均有显著影响,总体表现为氮含量降低,而碳氮比、非结构性碳水化合物、总酚和缩合丹宁含量增加。叶片中的化学成分含量可随时间发生显著变化,不同树种、甚至同一树种不同冠层高度的叶片对CO2浓度升高的响应强度也是不同的。叶片的干物质含量和比叶重对CO2浓度升高的响应不显著。(2)室内非选择性取食实验、室内选择性取食实验以及上树取食饲养方式下的多龄期取食实验,均发现高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫的生长发育受到显著抑制。但对四龄舞毒蛾幼虫所进行的短期生物测定并未发现不同CO2浓度处理下幼虫的生长发育速率、对食物的取食率和转化率等昆虫营养指标存在显著差异。(3)叶片品质的降低是导致舞毒蛾幼虫生长发育受抑制的主要原因。但是总体上,CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化并未显著影响幼虫的取食率和取食量。(4)舞毒蛾幼虫对不同叶片种类表现出清晰的取食选择性,这种选择性在其幼龄期就可表现出来。幼虫对小青杨上层叶片有最显著的偏嗜性,对蒙古栎下层叶片有最明显的拒食性。但是CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化对舞毒蛾幼虫的取食选择性和寄主偏嗜行为并未产生显著影响。(5)检测出高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫虫粪中含有浓度更高的植物次生代谢物质(总酚和缩合单宁),这很可能是昆虫整体生长发育受抑制的重要原因之一。