138 resultados para GATE INSULATORS


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Organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) using high dielectric constant material tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) and benzocyclobutenone (BCBO) derivatives as double-layer insulator were fabricated. Three metals with different work function, including Al (4.3 eV), Cr (4.5 eV) and Au (5.1 eV), were employed as gate electrodes to study the correlation between work function of gate metals and hysteresis characteristics of OTFTs. The devices with low work function metal Al or Cr as gate electrode exhibited high hysteresis (about 2.5 V threshold voltage shift). However, low hysteresis (about 0.7 V threshold voltage shift) OTFTs were attained based on high work function metal Au as gate electrode.


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Organic thin-film transistor memory devices were realized by inserting a layer of nanoparticles (such as Ag or CaF2) between two Nylon 6 gate dielectrics as the floating gate. The transistor memories were fabricated on glass substrates by full thermal deposition. The transistors exhibit significant hysteresis behavior in current-voltage characteristics, due to the separated Ag or CaF2 nanoparticle islands that act as charge trap centers. The mechanism of the transistor memory operation was discussed.


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A novel bilayer photoresist insulator is applied in flexible vanadyl-phthalocyanine (VOPc) organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). The micron-size patterns of this photoresisit insulator can be directly defined only by photolithography without the etching process. Furthermore, these OTFTs exhibit high field-effect mobility (about 0.8 cm(2)/Vs) and current on/off ratio (about 10(6)). In particular, they show rather low hysteresis (< 1 V). The results demonstrate that this bilayer photoresist insulator can be applied in large-area electronics and in the facilitation of patterning insulators.


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Different fluoride materials are used as gate dielectrics to fabricate copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) thin film. transistors (OTFTs). The fabricated devices exhibit good electrical characteristics and the mobility is found to be dependent on the gate voltage from 10(-3) to 10(-1) cm(2) V(-1)s(-1). The observed noticeable electron injection at the drain electrode is of great significance in achieving ambipolar OTFTs. The same method for formation of organic semiconductors and gate dielectric films greatly simplifies the fabrication process. This provides a convenient way to produce high-performance OTFTs on a large scale and should be useful for integration in organic displays.


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Pentacene thin-film transistors have been obtained using polymethyl-methacrylate-co-glyciclyl-methacrylate (PNIMA-GMA) as the gate dielectric. The optimum active layer thickness in thin-film transistors (OTFTs) was investigated. The present devices show a wide operation voltage range. The on/off current ratio is as high as 10(5). In linear region (V-DS = -2V), the field-effect mobility of device increases with the increase in gate field at low-voltage region (V-G < - 20 V), and a mobility of 0.33 cm(2)/Vs can be obtained when V-G > 20 V. In saturation region, the mobility increases linearly with the gate field, and a high mobility of 1.14 cm(2)/Vs can be obtained at V-G = -95V. The influence of voltage on mobility of device was investigated.


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Polyamide- 6(PA 6)/polytetrafluoroethylene is studied as a potential gate dielectric for flexible organic thin film transistors. The same method used for the formation of organic semiconductor and gate dielectric films greatly simplifies the fabrication process of devices. The fabricated transistors show good electrical characteristics. Ambipolar behaviour is observed even when the device is operated in air.


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We report the fabrication of organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) with copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) as the semiconductor and calcium fluoride (CaF2) as the gate dielectric on the glass substrate. The fabricated transistors show a gate voltage dependent carrier field effect mobility that ranges from 0.001 to 0.5 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). In the devices, the CaF2 dielectric is formed by thermal evaporation; thus OTFTs with a top-gate structure can be fabricated. This provides a convenient way to produce high-performance OTFTs on a large scale and should be useful for the integration of organic displays.


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Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) electrochemiluminescence (ECL) method and electrocatalysis method were first used to study the ion-gate behavior of supported lipid bilayer membrane (sBLM). We found that sBLM, made of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (a kind of synthetic lipid), showed ion-gate behavior for the permeation of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) in the presence of perchlorate anion. There existed a threshold concentration (0.1 muM) of perchlorate anion for ion-gate opening. Below the threshold the ion-gate was closed. Above the threshold, the number of opened ion-gate sites increased with the increase of perchlorate anion concentration and leveled off at concentrations higher than 1200 muM. Based on it, a new sensor for perchlorate was developed. Furthermore, the opening and closing of the ion-gate behavior was reversible, which means the sensor can repeatedly be used.


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We propose a universal quantum computation scheme for trapped ions in thermal motion via the technique of adiabatic passage, which incorporates the advantages of both the adiabatic passage and the model of trapped ions in thermal motion. Our scheme is immune from the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from excited states as the system in our scheme evolves along a dark state. In our scheme the vibrational degrees of freedom are not required to be cooled to their ground states because they are only virtually excited. It is shown that the fidelity of the resultant gate operation is still high even when the magnitude of the effective Rabi frequency moderately deviates from the desired value.


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A repeat-until-success (RUS) measurement-based scheme for the implementation of the distributed quantum computation by using single-photon interference at a 50:50 beam splitter is proposed. It is shown that the 50:50 beam splitter can naturally project a suitably encoded matter-photon state to either a desired entangling gate-operated state of the matter qubits or to their initial state when the photon is detected. The recurrence of the initial state permits us to implement the desired entangling gate in a RUS way. To implement a distributed quantum computation we suggest an encoding method by means of the effect of dipole-induced transparency proposed recently [E. Waks and J. Vuckovic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 153601 (2006)]. The effects of the unfavorable factors on our scheme are also discussed.


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A feasible scheme for constructing quantum logic gates is proposed on the basis of quantum switches in cavity QED. It is shown that the light field which is fed into the cavity due to the passage of an atom in a certain state can be used to manipulate the conditioned quantum logical gate. In our scheme, the quantum information is encoded in the states of Rydberg atoms and the cavity mode is not used as logical qubits or as a communicating "bus"; thus, the effect of atomic spontaneous emission can be neglected and the strict requirements for the cavity can be relaxed.


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We report selective metallization on surfaces of insulators ( glass slides and lithium niobate crystal) based on femtosecond laser modification combined with electroless plating. The process is mainly composed of four steps: (1) formation of silver nitrate thin films on the surfaces of glass or crystal substrates; (2) generation of silver particles in the irradiated area by femtosecond laser direct writing; (3) removal of unirradiated silver nitrate films; and (4) selective electroless plating in the modified area. We discuss the mechanism of selective metallization on the insulators. Moreover, we investigate the electrical and adhesive properties of the copper microstructures patterned on the insulator surfaces, showing great potential of integrating electrical functions into lab-on-a-chip devices. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A new approach based on the gated integration technique is proposed for the accurate measurement of the autocorrelation function of speckle intensities scattered from a random phase screen. The Boxcar used for this technique in the acquisition of the speckle intensity data integrates the photoelectric signal during its sampling gate open, and it repeats the sampling by a preset number, in. The average analog of the in samplings output by the Boxcar enhances the signal-to-noise ratio by root m, because the repeated sampling and the average make the useful speckle signals stable, while the randomly varied photoelectric noise is suppressed by 1/ root m. In the experiment, we use an analog-to-digital converter module to synchronize all the actions such as the stepped movement of the phase screen, the repeated sampling, the readout of the averaged output of the Boxcar, etc. The experimental results show that speckle signals are better recovered from contaminated signals, and the autocorrelation function with the secondary maximum is obtained, indicating that the accuracy of the measurement of the autocorrelation function is greatly improved by the gated integration technique. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a scheme for implementing the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate with nonzero dynamical phase based on two-channel Raman interaction of two atoms in a cavity. We show that the dynamical phase and the total phase for a cyclic evolution are proportional to the geometric phase in the same cyclic evolution; hence they possess the same geometric features as does the geometric phase. In our scheme, the atomic excited state is adiabatically eliminated, and the operation of the proposed logic gate involves only the metastable states of the atoms; thus the effect of the atomic spontaneous emission can be neglected. The influence of the cavity decay on our scheme is examined. It is found that the relations regarding the dynamical phase, the total phase, and the geometric phase in the ideal situation are still valid in the case of weak cavity decay. Feasibility and the effect of the phase fluctuations of the driving laser fields are also discussed.


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We demonstrated that a synthesized laser field consisting of an intense long (45 fs, multi-optical-cycle) laser pulse and a weak short (7 fs, few-optical-cycle) laser pulse can control the electron dynamics and high-order harmonic generation in argon, and generate extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum towards the production of a single strong attosecond pulse. The long pulse offers a large amplitude field, and the short pulse creates a temporally narrow enhancement of the laser field and a gate for the highest energy harmonic emission. This scheme paves the way to generate intense isolated attosecond pulses with strong multi-optical-cycle laser pulses.