146 resultados para Fermi accelerator


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Field emissions (FE) from La-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) films are both experimentally and theoretically investigated. Owing to the La-doped effect, the FE characteristic of ZnO films is remarkably enhanced compared with an undoped sample, and a startling low turn-on electric field of about 0.4 V/mu m (about 2.5 V/mu m for the undoped ZnO films) is obtained at an emission current density of 1 mu A/cm(2) and the stable current density reaches 1 mA/cm(2) at an applied field of about 2.1 V/mu m. A self-consistent theoretical analysis shows that the novel FE enhancement of the La-doped sample may be originated from its smaller work function. Due to the effect of doping with La, the Fermi energy level lifts, electrons which tunnelling from surface barrier are consumedly enhancing, and then leads to a huge change of field emission current. Interestingly, it suggests a new effective method to improve the FE properties of film materials.


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We reported the all electronic demonstration of spin injection and detection in the trilayers with hybrid structure of CoFeB/GaAs/(Ga,Mn)As (metal/insulator semiconductor) by probing the magnetoresistance at low temperature from 1.8 to 30 K. Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios of 3.8%, 4.7%, 2.9%, and 1.4% at 1.8, 10, 20, and 30 K, respectively, were observed. Bias dependence of both the junction resistance and TMR ratio was studied systematically. V-half at which TMR drops to half of its maximum is 6.3 mV, being much smaller compared to that observed in (Ga,Mn)As/ZnSe/Fe and (Ga,Mn)As/AlAs/MnAs hybrid structures, indicating lower Fermi energy of (Ga,Mn)As.


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We theoretically investigate resonant tunneling through S- and U-shaped nanostructured graphene nanoribbons. A rich structure of resonant tunneling peaks is found emanating from different quasi-bound states in the middle region. The tunneling current can be turned on and off by varying the Fermi energy. Tunability of resonant tunneling is realized by changing the width of the left and/or right leads and without the use of any external gates.


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The density of states (DOS) above Fermi level of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si H) films is correlated to the material microstructure. We use Raman scattering and infrared absorption spectra to characterize the structure of the films made with different hydrogen dilution ratios. The DOS of the films is examined by modulated photocurrent measurement. The results have been accounted for in the framework of a three-phase model comprised of amorphous and crystalline components, with the grain boundary as the third phase. We observed that the DOS increases monotonically as the grain boundary volume fractions f(gb) is increased, which indicates a positive correlation between the DOS and the grain boundary volume fraction.


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We investigate theoretically the spin states in InAs/AlSb/GaSb broken-gap quantum wells by solving the Kane model and the Poisson equation self-consistently. The spin states in InAs/AlSb/GaSb quantum wells are quite different from those obtained by the single-band Rashba model due to the electron-hole hybridization. The Rashba spin splitting of the lowest conduction subband shows an oscillating behavior. The D'yakonov-Perel' spin-relaxation time shows several peaks with increasing the Fermi wave vector. By inserting an AlSb barrier between the InAs and GaSb layers, the hybridization can be greatly reduced. Consequently, the spin orientation, the spin splitting, and the D'yakonov-Perel' spin-relaxation time can be tuned significantly by changing the thickness of the AlSb barrier.


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The electronic band structures and optical gains of InAs1-xNx/GaAs pyramid quantum dots (QDs) are calculated using the ten-band k . p model and the valence force field method. The optical gains are calculated using the zero-dimensional optical gain formula with taking into consideration of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadenings due to the size fluctuation of quantum dots which follows a normal distribution. With the variation of QD sizes and nitrogen composition, it can be shown that the nitrogen composition and the strains can significantly affect the energy levels especially the conduction band which has repulsion interaction with nitrogen resonant state due to the band anticrossing interaction. It facilitates to achieve emission of longer wavelength (1.33 or 1.55 mu m) lasers for optical fiber communication system. For QD with higher nitrogen composition, it has longer emission wavelength and less detrimental effect of higher excited state transition, but nitrogen composition can affect the maximum gain depending on the factors of transition matrix element and the Fermi-Dirac distributions for electrons in the conduction bands and holes in the valence bands respectively. For larger QD, its maximum optical gain is greater at lower carrier density, but it is slowly surpassed by smaller QD as carrier concentration increases. Larger QD can reach its saturation gain faster, but this saturation gain is smaller than that of smaller QD. So the trade-off between longer wavelength, maximum optical, saturation gain, and differential gain must be considered to select the appropriate QD size according to the specific application requirement. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3143025]


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We study the spin-Hall effect in a generalized honeycomb lattice, which is described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian including the Rashba spin-orbit coupling and inversion-symmetry breaking terms brought about by a uniaxial pressure. The calculated spin-Hall conductance displays a series of exact or approximate plateaus for isotropic or anisotropic hopping integral parameters, respectively. We show that these plateaus are a consequence of the various Fermi-surface topologies when tuning epsilon(F). For the isotropic case, a consistent two-band analysis, as well as a Berry-phase interpretation. are also given. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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InGaN/GAN multiple quantum wells grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition were irradiated with the electron beam from a low energy accelerator. The electron irradiation induced a redshift by 50 meV in the photoluminescence spectra of the electron-irradiated InGaN/GaN quantum wells, irrespective of the exposure time to the electron beam which ranges from 10 to 1000s. The localization parameter extracted from the temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectra was found to increase in the Irradiated samples. Analysis of the intensity of the longitudinal optical phonon sidebands showed the enhancement of the exciton-phonon coupling, indicating that the excitons are more strongly localized in the irradiated InGaN wells. The change in the pholotuminescence spectra. In the irradiated InGa/GAN quantum wells were explained in terms of the increase of indium concentration in indium rich clusters induced by the electron irradiation (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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We study the spin Hall effect in the kagome lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The conserved spin Hall conductance sigma(s)(xy) (see text) and its two components, i.e., the conventional term sigma(s0)(xy) and the spin-torque-dipole term sigma(s tau)(xy), are numerically calculated, which show a series of plateaus as a function of the electron Fermi energy epsilon(F). A consistent two-band analysis, as well as a Berry-phase interpretation, is also given. We show that these plateaus are a consequence of various Fermi-surface topologies when tuning epsilon(F). In particular, we predict that compared to the case with the Fermi surface encircling the Gamma point in the Brillouin zone, the amplitude of the spin Hall conductance with the Fermi surface encircling the K points is twice enhanced, which makes it highly meaningful in the future to systematically carry out studies of the K-valley spintronics.


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The atomistic pseudopotential quantum mechanical calculations are used to study the transport in million atom nanosized metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. In the charge self-consistent calculation, the quantum mechanical eigenstates of closed systems instead of scattering states of open systems are calculated. The question of how to use these eigenstates to simulate a nonequilibrium system, and how to calculate the electric currents, is addressed. Two methods to occupy the electron eigenstates to yield the charge density in a nonequilibrium condition are tested and compared. One is a partition method and another is a quasi-Fermi level method. Two methods are also used to evaluate the current: one uses the ballistic and tunneling current approximation, another uses the drift-diffusion method. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3248262]


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We have investigated the conductance of a quantum dot system suffering an anti-symmetric ac gate voltage which induces the transition between dot levels in the linear regime at zero temperature in the rotating wave approximation. Interesting Fano resonances appear on one side of the displaced resonant tunnelling peaks for the nonresonant case or the peak splitting for the resonant case. The line shape of conductance (vs Fermi energy) near each level of the quantum dot can be decomposed into two profiles: a Breit-Wigner peak and a Fano profile, or a Breit-Wigner peak and a dip in both cases.


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We theoretically investigate the spin-dependent transport through Cd1-xMnxTe diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dots (QD's) under the influence of both the external electric field and magnetic field using the recursion method. Our results show that (1) it can get a 100% polarized electric current by using suitable structure parameters; (2) for a fixed Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD, the wider the system is, the more quickly the transmission coefficient increases; (3) for a fixed system length, the transmission peaks of the spin-up electrons move to lower Fermi energy with increasing Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD radius, while the transmission of the spin-down electrons is almost unchanged; (4) the spin-polarized effect is slightly increased for larger magnetic fields; (5) the external static electric field moves the transmission peaks to higher or lower Fermi energy depending on the direction of the applied field; and (6) the spin-polarized effect decreases as the band offset increases. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD's to the spin-dependent microelectronic and optoelectronic devices.


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The transmission of electrons through a hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa(1-)xAs quantum dots (QDs) is calculated using the coupled-channel recursion method. Our results reveal that the number of conductance peaks does not change when the barrier widths change, but the intensities decrease as the barrier widths increase. The conductance peaks will shift towards low Fermi energies as the transverse width of GaAs QD increases, as the thickness of GaAs quantum well increases, or as the height of GaAs QDs decreases. Our calculated results may be useful in the application of QDs to photoelectric devices. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Nickel-doped ZnO (Zn1-xNixO) have been produced using rf magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that nickel atoms were successfully incorporated into ZnO host matrix without forming any detectable secondary phase. Ni 2p core-level photoemission spectroscopy confirmed this result and suggested Ni hits it chemical valence of 2 +. According to the . We studied the electronic magnetization measurements, no ferromagnetic but paramagnetic behavior was found for Zn0.86Ni0.14O. We studied the electronic structure of Zn0.86Ni0.14O by valence-band photoemission spectroscopy. The spectra demonstrate a structure at similar to 2 eV below the Fermi energy E-F, which is of Ni 3d origin. No emission was found at E-A, suggesting the insulating nature of the film. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A self-consistent calculation of the subband energy levels of n-doped quantum wells is studied. A comparison is made between theoretical results and experimental data. In order to account for the deviations between them, the ground-state electron-electron exchange interactions, the ground-state direct Coulomb interactions, the depolarization effect, and the exciton-like effect are considered in the simulations. The agreement between theory and experiment is greatly improved when all these aspects are taken into account. The ground-to-excited-state energy difference increases by 8 meV from its self-consistent value if one considers the depolarization effect and the exciton-like effect only. It appears that the electron-electron exchange interactions account for most of the observed residual blueshift for the infrared intersubband absorbance in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells. It seems that electrons on the surface of the k-space Fermi gas make the main contribution to the electron-electron exchange interactions, while for electrons further inside the Fermi gas it is difficult to exchange their positions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.