144 resultados para Electric testing.


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The hole-mediated Curie temperature in Mn-doped wurtzite ZnO nanowires is investigated using the k center dot p method and mean field model. The Curie temperature T-C as a function of the hole density has many peaks for small Mn concentration (x(eff)) due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires. The peaks of T-C are merged by the carriers' thermal distribution when x(eff) is large. High Curie temperature T-C > 400 K is found in (Zn,Mn)O nanowires. A transverse electric field changes the Curie temperature a lot. (Zn,Mn)O nanowires can be tuned from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic by a transverse electric field at room temperature. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Spin splitting of the AlyGa1-yAs/GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs/AlyGa1-yAs (x not equal y) step quantum wells (QWs) has been theoretically investigated with a model that includes both the interface and the external electric field contribution. The overall spin splitting is mainly determined by the interface contribution, which can be well manipulated by the external electric field. In the absence of the electric field, the Rashba effect exists due to the internal structure inversion asymmetry (SIA). The electric field can strengthen or suppress the internal SIA, resulting in an increase or decrease of the spin splitting. The step QW, which results in large spin splitting, has advantages in applications to spintronic devices compared with symmetrical and asymmetrical QWs. Due to the special structure design, the spin splitting does not change with the external electric field.


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The electric-tunable spin-independent magneto resistance effect has been theoretically investigated in ballistic regime within a two-dimensional electron gas modulated by magnetic-electric barrier nanostructure. By including the omitted stray field in previous investigations oil analogous structures, it is demonstrated based on this improved approximation that the magnetoresistance ratio for the considered structure can be efficiently enhanced by a proper electric barrier up to the maximum value depending on the specific magnetic suppression. Besides, it is also shown the introduction of positive electrostatic modulation can effectively overcome the degradation of magnetoresistance ratio for asymmetric configuration and enhance the visibility of periodic pattern induced by the size effect, while for an opposite modulation the system magnetoresistance ratio concerned may change its sign. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechanical properties and fracture behavior of silicon nitride (SiNx) thin film fabricated by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition is reported. Plane-strain moduli, prestresses, and fracture strengths of silicon nitride thin film; deposited both oil a bare Si substrate and oil a thermally oxidized Si substrate were extracted using bulge testing combined with a refined load-deflection model of long rectangular membranes. The plane-strain modu i and prestresses of SiNx thin films have little dependence on the substrates, that is, for the bare Si substrate, they are 133 +/- 19 GPa and 178 +/- 22 MPa, respectively, while for the thermally oxidized substrate, they are 140 +/- 26 Gila and 194 +/- 34 MPa, respectively. However, the fracture strength values of SiNx films grown on the two substrates are quite different, i.e., 1.53 +/- 0.33 Gila and 3.08 +/- 0.79 GPa for the bare Si substrate a A the oxidized Si substrate, respectively. The reference stresses were computed by integrating the local stress of the membrane at the fracture over the edge, Surface, and volume of the specimens and fitted with the Weibull distribution function. For SiNx thin film produced oil the bare Si Substrate, the Volume integration gave a significantly better agreement between data and model, implying that the volume flaws re the dominant fracture origin. For SiNx thin film grown on the oxidized Si substrate, the fit quality of surface and edge integration was significantly better than the Volume integration, and the dominant surface and edge flaws could be caused by buffered HF attacking the SiNx layer during SiO2 removal. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate theoretically that electric field can drive a quantum phase transition between band insulator to topological insulator in CdTe/HgCdTe/CdTe quantum wells. The numerical results suggest that the electric field could be used as a switch to turn on or off the topological insulator phase, and temperature can affect significantly the phase diagram for different gate voltage and compositions. Our theoretical results provide us an efficient way to manipulate the quantum phase of HgTe quantum wells.


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Resonant tunnelling diodes with different structures were grown. Their photoluminescence spectra were investigated. By contrast, the luminescence in the quantum well is separated from that of other epilayers. The result is obtained that the exciton of the luminescence in the quantum well is partly come from the cap layer in the experiment. So the photoluminescence spectrum is closely related to the electron transport in the resonant tunnelling diode structure. This offers a method by which the important performance of resonant tunnelling diode could be forecast by analysing the integrated photoluminescence intensities.


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Through floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition(CVD) method, well-aligned isolated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and their bundles were deposited on the metal electrodes patterned on the SiO2/Si surface under ac electric fields at relatively low temperature(280 degrees C). It was indicated that SWCNTs were effectively aligned under ac electric fields after they had just grown in the furnace. The time for a SWCNT to be aligned in the electric field and the effect of gas flow were estimated. Polarized Raman scattering was performed to characterize the aligned structure of SWCNTs. This method would be very useful for the controlled fabrication and preparation of SWCNTs in practical applications.


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We theoretically investigate the energy spectra of two-electron two-dimensional (2e 2D) quantum dots (QDs) confined by triangular potentials and bowl-like potentials in a magnetic field by exact diagonalization in the framework of effective mass theory. An in-plane electric field is,found to contribute to the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the 2e 2D QDs confined by triangular or bowl-like potentials in a perpendicular magnetic field. The stronger the in-plane electric field, the smaller the magnetic field for the total spin of the ground states in the dot systems to change from S = 0 to S = 1. However, the influence of an in-plane electric field on the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of two electrons in a triangular QD modulated by a perpendicular magnetic field is quite small because the triangular potential just deviates from the harmonic potential well slightly. We End that the strength of the perpendicular magnetic field needed for the spin singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the QD confined by a bowl-like potential is reduced drastically by applying an in-plane electric field.


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The novel Si stripixel detector, developed at BNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory), has been applied in the development of a prototype Si strip detector system for the PHENIX Upgrade at RHIC. The Si stripixel detector can generate X-Y two-dimensional (2D) position sensitivity with single-sided processing and readout. Test stripixel detectors with pitches of 85 and 560 mu m have been subjected to the electron beam test in a SEM set-up, and to the laser beam test in a lab test fixture with an X-Y-Z table for laser scanning. Test results have shown that the X and Y strips are well isolated from each other, and 2D position sensitivity has been well demonstrated in the novel stripixel detectors. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Curie temperature of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) nanowires and nanoslabs is investigated using the mean-field model. The Curie temperature in DMS nanowires can be much larger than that in corresponding bulk material due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires, and when only one conduction subband is filled, the Curie temperature is inversely proportional to the carrier density. The T-C in DMS nanoslabs is dependent on the carrier density through the number of the occupied subbands. A transverse electric field can change the DMS nanowires from the paramagnet to ferromagnet, or vice versae. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Linearly polarized light at normal incidence injects a spin current into a strip of two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The authors report observation of an electric current when such light is shed on the vincinity of the junction in a crossbar-shaped InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well Rashba system. The polarization dependence of this electric current was experimentally observed to be the same as that of the spin current. The authors attribute the observed electric current to the scattering of the optically injected spin current at the crossing. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic structure, electron g factor, and Stark effect of InAs1-xNx quantum dots are studied by using the ten-band k center dot p model. It is found that the g factor can be tuned to be zero by the shape and size of quantum dots, nitrogen (N) doping, and the electric field. The N doping has two effects on the g factor: the direct effect increases the g factor and the indirect effect decreases it. The Stark effect in quantum ellipsoids is high asymmetrical and the asymmetry factor may be 319. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The time evolution of the ground state wave function of an exciton in an ideal bilayer system is investigated within the framework of the effective-mass approximation. All of the moduli squared of the ground state wave functions evolve with time as cosine functions after an in-plane electric field is applied to the bilayer system. The variation amplitude and period of the modulus squared of the ground state wave function increase with the in-plane electric field F-r for a fixed in-plane relative coordinate r and fixed separation d between the electron and hole layers. Moreover, the variation amplitude and period of the modulus squared of the ground state wave function increase with the separation d for a fixed r and fixed in-plane electric field. Additionally, the modulus squared of the ground state wave function decreases as r increases at a given time t for fixed values of d and F-r. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a new way to meet the amount of strain relaxation in an InGaN quantum well layer grown on relaxed GaN by calculating and measuring its internal field. With perturbation theory, we also calculate the transition energy of InGaN/GaN SQWs as affected by internal fields. The newly reported experimental data by Graham et al. fit our calculations well on the assumption that the InGaN well layer suffered a 20% strain relaxation, we discuss the differences between our calculated results and the experimental data. Our calculation suggests that with the increase of indium mole fraction in the InGaN/GaN quantum well, the effect of polarization fields on the luminescence of the quantum well will increase. Moreover, our calculation also suggests that an increase in the quantum well width by only one monolayer can result in a large reduction in the transition energy. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the spin-dependent electron transport in a special magnetic-electric superlattice periodically modulated by parallel ferromagnetic metal stripes and Schottky normal-metal stripes. The results show that, the spin-polarized current can be well controllable by modulating the magnetic strength of the ferromagnetic stripes or the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. It is obvious that, to the system of the magnetic superlattice, the polarized current can be enhanced by the magnetic strength of ferromagnetic stripes. Nevertheless, it is found that, for the magnetic-electric superlattice, the polarized current can also be remarkably advanced by the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. These results may indicate a useable approach for tunable spintronic devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.