38 resultados para Dorsal vessel
Describes a series of experiments in the Joint European Torus (JET), culminating in the first tokamak discharges in deuterium-tritium fuelled mixture. The experiments were undertaken within limits imposed by restrictions on vessel activation and tritium usage. The objectives were: (i) to produce more than one megawatt of fusion power in a controlled way; (ii) to validate transport codes and provide a basis for accurately predicting the performance of deuterium-tritium plasmas from measurements made in deuterium plasmas; (iii) to determine tritium retention in the torus systems and to establish the effectiveness of discharge cleaning techniques for tritium removal; (iv) to demonstrate the technology related to tritium usage; and (v) to establish safe procedures for handling tritium in compliance with the regulatory requirements. A single-null X-point magnetic configuration, diverted onto the upper carbon target, with reversed toroidal magnetic field was chosen. Deuterium plasmas were heated by high power, long duration deuterium neutral beams from fourteen sources and fuelled also by up to two neutral beam sources injecting tritium. The results from three of these high performance hot ion H-mode discharges are described: a high performance pure deuterium discharge; a deuterium-tritium discharge with a 1% mixture of tritium fed to one neutral beam source; and a deuterium-tritium discharge with 100% tritium fed to two neutral beam sources. The TRANSP code was used to check the internal consistency of the measured data and to determine the origin of the measured neutron fluxes. In the best deuterium-tritium discharge, the tritium concentration was about 11% at the time of peak performance, when the total neutron emission rate was 6.0 × 1017 neutrons/s. The integrated total neutron yield over the high power phase, which lasted about 2 s, was 7.2 × 1017 neutrons, with an accuracy of ±7%. The actual fusion amplification factor, QDT was about 0.15
对中心装药爆炸后冲击波的产生、传播和壳体动态响应全过程进行了数值研究。认为RDX瞬时爆炸,爆炸近场采用自相似解;冲击波传播和波系演化采用PPM(the Piecewise Parabolic Method)格式求解Euler方程;壳体响应采用有限元方法求解拉氏坐标系下由虚功原理得到的动力学方程。壳体内壁面边界条件分别采用强耦合和弱耦合方法处理。结果表明:(1)当装药量相同时,薄壁壳体振型比厚壁宙体复杂得多,振幅也大;(2)当装药量不同,壳体厚度相同时,爆炸场冲击波的演化过程不同;(3)对少量装药,产生的冲击波强度低,壳体变形小,是否考虑内边界运动,对计算结果的影响不大;(4)在本文条件下,爆炸容器封头顶点所受的载荷最大,是取易发生破坏的地方,侧壁与爆点所在横截面的交线,也易破坏。
Flammability limits for flames propagating in a rich propane/air mixture under gravity conditions appeared to be 6.3% C3H8 for downward propagation and 9.2% C3H8 for upward propagation. Different limits might be explained by the action of preferential diffusion of the deficient reactant (Le < 1) on the limit flames, which are in different states of instability. In one of the previous studies, the flammability limits under microgtravity conditions were found to be between the upward and downward limits obtained in a standard flammability tube under normal gravity conditions. It was found in those experiments that there are two limits under microgravity conditions: one indicated by visible flame propagation and another indicated by an increase of pressure without observed flame propagation. These limits were found to be far behind the limit for downward-propagating flame at 1 g (6.3% C3H8) and close to the limit for upward-propagating flame at 1 g (9.2% C3H8). It was decided in the present work to apply a special schlieren system and instant temperature measuring system for drop tower experiments to observe combustion development during propagation of the flame front. A small cubic closed vessel (inner side, 9 cm 9 cm 9 cm) with schlieren quality glass windows were used to study limit flames under gravity and microgravity conditions. Flame development in rich limit mixtures, not visible in previous experiments under microgravity conditions for strait photography, was identified with the use of the schlieren method and instant temperature measuring system. It was found in experiments in a small vessel that there is practically no difference in flammability limits under gravity and microgravity conditions. In this paper, the mechanism of flame propagation under these different conditions is systematically studied and compared and limit burning velocity is estimated.
重力是体位改变过程中最基本的生物力学刺激因素.血流压力是表征心血管功能状态的一个基本指标.目前,体位改 变影响心血管系统的确切内部机制尚不清楚.为此,采用在流体和固体方程中分别引入体力项的方法,建立一个基于血流动 力学概念的三维流固耦合数学模型,用以研究体位改变,确切量化重力对血流压力的影响.通过数值计算,得到以下结果. 水平卧位条件下:a.单一血管中血流压力由无重力影响的轴对称二维分布变为重力影响下的三维不对称分布;b.随着进出 口压差由小变大,重力对压力分布和极值的影响由大变小,当压差值分别达到10 665.6 Pa(80 mmHg)和2 666.4 Pa(20 mmHg) 时,重力的影响就不再随进出口压差增大而变化;对三维单一流体,重力影响的总体趋势类似.对正、倒直立位,压力均为 二维轴对称分布,其重力影响强度约为水平卧位的2 倍以上.结果表明:基于血流动力学概念,引入体力项,建立三维流固 耦合模型为研究体位改变提供了一种新思路,重力对单一血管中血流压力分布和大小的影响因体位不同而不同,并与进出口 压差密切相关,提示,若血管进出口压差较小,忽略重力影响,不考虑体位改变,以二维轴对称模型来研究血管中血流状 态,须谨慎解释所得结果.
Papaseit et al. (Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 8364, 2000) showed the decisive role of gravity in the formation of patterns by assemblies of microtubules in vitro. By virtue of a functional scaling, the free energy for MT systems in a gravitational field was constructed. The influence of the gravitational field on MT's self-organization process, that can lead to the isotropic to nematic phase transition, is the focus of this paper. A coupling of a concentration gradient with orientational order characteristic of nernatic ordering pattern formation is the new feature emerging in the presence of gravity. The concentration range corresponding to a phase coexistence region increases with increasing g or NIT concentration. Gravity facilitates the isotropic to nernatic phase transition leading to a significantly broader transition region. The phase transition represents the interplay between the growth in the isotropic phase and the precipitation into the nematic phase. We also present and discuss the numerical results obtained for local NIT concentration change with the height of the vessel, order parameter and phase transition properties.