48 resultados para CSRe
兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环HIRFL-CSR,是一个多用途、多功能的双冷却储存环同步加速器系统,由主环CSRm和实验环CSRe构成,并以兰州重离子级联回旋加速器HIRFL作注入器。CSR利用高频变谐波的方法,将重离子束的能量从7~25 MeV/u同步加速到200~1 000 MeV/u,同时利用重离子储存环中空心电子束冷却技术将束流品质提高1个数量级,并通过储存环的快引出及慢引出,提供多种类的重离子束以及放射性次级束(RIBs),以开展范围更广精度更高的物理实验。该装置于2007年投入运行,已取得了重要的运行结果,如实现了剥离注入与多圈注入、空心电子束对重离子束的冷却与累积、变谐波宽能区同步加速、等时性环型谱仪、RIBs的产生收集与ToF高分辨质量测量以及高能重离子束的变能慢引出等。
兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL CSR)由一个主环(CSRm)和实验环(CSRe)构成.两个储存环的束流注入与引出都需要借助于切割磁铁的导向来完成.介绍了CSR的切割磁铁的物理设计和二维场计算.
The construction and commissioning of HIRFL-CSR were finished in 2007. From 2000 to 2005 the subsystem and key devices of CSR were successfully fabricated, such as magnet, power supply, UHV system, e-cooler, electric-static deflector with the septum of 0.1 mm, and the fast-pulse kicker with the rise time of 150 ns. After that the CSR commissioning activities were performed in 2006 and 2007, including the accumulation of those heavy ions of C, Ar, Kr and Xe by the combination of stripping injection (STI) or multiple multi-turn injection (MMI) and e-cooling with a hollow e-beam, wide energy-range synchrotron ramping by changing the RF harmonic-number at mid-energy, the beam stacking in the experimental ring CSRe, the RIBs mass-measurement with the isochronous-mode in CSRe by using the time-of-flight method, and the ion beam slow-extraction from CSRm.
Cooler Storage Ring (CSR) of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) consists of a main ring (CSRm) and an experimental ring (CSRe). Two particular C-type dipoles with embedded windings are used in the injection beam line of CSRm. They also act as the prototype dipoles of CSRe. The windings are designed to improve the field quality by their trimming current. The current impacts on field homogeneity and multipole components are investigated by a hall sensor and a long coil, respectively. The experiment shows that a field homogeneity of +/- 1.0 x 10(-3) can be reached by adjusting the trimming currents, though the multipole components change correspondingly. In our case, the quadrupole component is decreased to a low level with the octupole, decapole and 12-pole ones increased slightly when the trimming current is optimized.
The magnet design, fabrication, and measurement of HIRFL-CSR (Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou Cooling Storage Ring) are presented. All magnets will be laminated And welded with an armor-coated surface between two big endplates made of sticking glue 0.5 mm-thick sheets. The dipole of CSRm was chosen an H type with an air circle on the pole to improve the field uniformity. The dipole of CSRe was chosen the C type with an air circle and two air slots on the pole to improve the field homogeneity. Its reproducibility of magnet to magnet was adjusted with inserting small laminating pieces before demountable pole ends to reach less than +/- 2 x 10(-4) at optimized field level. CSRm quadrupoles diameter is 170 mm and has two different lengths, and its endplates were made with punching pieces after coating with epoxy glue, there is chamfered directly on the pole ends to reduce 12th-order contribution of field and without the demountable pole ends. CSRe main quadrupoles diameter is 240 mm and has two different lengths, and its endplates were also made with punching pieces coated with epoxy glue, there is also chamfered directly on the pole ends to reduce 12th-order contribution of field like CSRm.
With the construction of the new Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL II) which connects the CSRm and the CSRe, an experimental setup for physics research is highly required. A large area neutron detection wall is the main part of the setup. This paper introduced the detection principle of the neutron detection wall and the Monte-Carlo simulation of its design under the environment of the Geant4 toolkit. We presented the final design with the optimized parameters and the performance of the wall.
The status of the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Facility in Lanzhou) - Cooler Storage Ring (CSR) at the IMP is reported. The main physics goals at the HIRFL-CSR are the researches on nuclear structure and decay property, EOS of nuclear matter, hadron physics, highly charged atomic physics, high energy density physics, nuclear astrophysics, and applications for cancer therapy, space industries, materials and biology sciences. The HIRFL-CSR is the first ion cooler-storage-ring system in China, which consists of a main ring (CSRm), an experimental ring (CSRe) and a radioactive beamline (RIBLL2). The two existing cyclotrons SFC (K=70) and SSC (K=450) are used as its injectors. The 7MeV/u12C6+ ions were stored successfully in CSRm with the stripping injection in January 2006. After that, realized were the accelerations of C-12(6+), Ar-36(18+), Kr-78(28+) and Xe-129(27+) ions with energies of 1GeV/u, 1GeV/u, 450 MeV/u and 235 MeV/u, respectively, including accumulation, electron cooling and acceleration. In 2008, the first two isochronous mass measurement experiments with the primary beams of Ar-36(18+) and Kr-78(28+) were performed at CSRe with the Delta p/p similar to 10(-5).
HIRFL是兰州重离子加速器装置的英文首字母缩写,其真空系统是一个大型综合性系统。HIRFL由离子源、扇聚焦回旋加速器SFC、分离扇回旋加速器SSC和多用途的重离子冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)组成。多条束流运输线将这些加速器连接在一起,同时将各种重离子束流送往10多个实验终端。根据加速离子和束流寿命的需要,对各加速器真空度的要求是不同的:SFC已有50多年的历史,经过3次升级改造,真空度从10-4 Pa提高到10-6 Pa;建于上世纪八十年代的SSC真空度也为10-6 Pa;而两个重离子冷却储存环(CSRm和CSRe)的真空度达到10-10Pa以保证重离子有足够长的储存寿命。多条连接束运线根据不同实验终端的要求,其真空系统的设计方案也不同,文中列举了微束实验终端采取的防振措施;为充气反冲谱仪设计的清洁、大流量真空差分系统及为重离子治癌等终端设计的超薄壁扫描磁铁真空管道等。
HIRFL is an accelerator complex consisting of 3 accelerators, 2 radioactive beams lines, 1 storage rings and a number of experimental setups. The research activities at HIRFL cover the fields of radio-biology, material science, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. This report mainly concentrates on the experiments of nuclear physics with the existing and planned experimental setups such as SHANS, RIBLL1, ETF, CSRe, PISA and HPLUS at HIRFL.
随着国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)的建成, HIRFL-CSR实验探测装置也在建设中。它主要由CSR外靶实验装置和CSRe上的配套实验装置组成,具有高通道数,高探测效率,高能量分辨,高时间分辨和高位置分辨等特点;将实现奇异核性质及奇异核反应研究,核物质的同位旋效应研究等物理目标。如此先进的大型实验探测系统对前端电子学提出了高密度、高集成度,低功耗和良好的长期稳定性等多方面的严格要求,传统的插件化的NIM 和CAMAC 电子学对此已无能为力,因此建造与之相配的读出电子学和数据获取系统成为一个重要的课题和任务。基于这个出发点,论文从发展髙性能多路小型化前端电路和基于先进ASIC芯片的前端电子学系统两个方面进行研究,讨论了我们在这两种电路研究方面采用的新思路和新方法。论文在发展髙性能多路小型化前端电路方面,阐述了一种用于时间分析的宽带放大电路的设计与实现。电路采用超低噪声的集成运放,解决了如何降低噪声的问题;同时引入2阶贝塞尔滤波器加反向求和电路,有效抑制直流漂移,使快放具有良好的直流稳定性和增益稳定性。基于先进ASIC芯片的前端电子学系统的研究是论文的重点。它着重解决了近代核与粒子物理实验中越来越突出的多路多道需求和高性能指标要求。论文首先介绍了一种处于国际先进水平的ASIC芯片的内部结构;随后详细论述了系统的硬件设计和软件开发;最后对系统进行了调试和性能分析。实验室调试结果说明系统已能够适应物理实验的要求,并为最终建立一个完整的满足性能要求的前端电子学系统打下了坚实的基础
本文对兰州重离子加速器冷却储存实验环(CSRe)高频系统的研制进行了全面的研究,在首先说明整个冷却储存环物理要求的基础上,提出了CSR实验环对高频系统的物理及参数要求。 CSR实验环高频系统是一套具有较高技术指标和特殊要求的非标复杂设备,除腔体的部分结构以及稳定系统原理参考由近物所与俄罗斯联合设计并由俄罗斯制造的CSR主环高频系统,可以说是国内第一台独立设计、自主研发的重离子同步加速器高频系统,它不仅能在脉冲扫频模式工作,而且能在点频连续波模式工作。论文对CSRe高频同轴谐振腔从理论计算进行了详细的推导,并引入了计算机软件仿真结果对理论推导进行验证,最后在腔体研制加工完成后,将腔体冷态实测结果与理论计算及软件仿真进行了比对,对腔体理论设计的正确性进行了进一步的验证。此外还对整个高频腔体的工艺设计和加工做了较为详细的描述。本文还详细论述了CSRe高频功率源的设计思路与原理,并对整个功率源进行了工程计算与推导,特别针对这种阻抗变化的腔体为负载的功率源的电子管各级工作状态进行了计算与参数选择。最后对四个点频下的高频电压、频率精度和相位失谐量进行了测量,还对特殊的扫频脉冲调制下的电压、相位失谐进行了测量。通过测试结果对系统的设计与研制进行了分析与总结