108 resultados para BNCT, Strahlentherapie, ICP-MS, PGAA, Radiographie


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The metabolic accumulation and species of rare earth in rat liver were investigated by ICP-MS and chromatography after the rats were fed by a low dose of mixed rare earth for a long time or the administration of a high dose of lanthanum for a short time. It was found that the content of rare earth in the liver increased with the arising of dose of drug delivery. Their accumulation rate was different, for example, La>Ce>Nd>Pr. The protein which could combine,with rare earth specially were not gotten through chromatography. It was suggested that rare earth could bind to many proteins voluntarily, such as some important enzymes and it might be separated from the combined proteins under certain conditions.


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用2种微量雾化器组装成微量进样系统与常规气动雾化方式的ICP MS的分析性能作了详细比较。FM0 2雾化器在22μL min低提升率下,20μg L的Be、Co、In和Bi进行10次平行测定的RSD分别为7.6%、30%、2.7%和1.8%;检出限分别为0.14、0.10、0.02和0.01μg L;115In的信号强度达到常规气动雾化器1.3mL min提升速率下的60%,显示了良好的分析性能。对20μLWistar鼠的羊水样品中La、Ce、Pr和Nd4种元素的测定结果与常规进样系统的结果完全吻合


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采用 ICP-MS、微量蛋白层析分离技术 ,研究了长时间、低剂量混合稀土及短时间、高剂量硝酸镧分别对大鼠及小鼠作用后 ,稀土在鼠肝中的代谢累积及其物种分布 .结果表明 ,鼠肝中各稀土含量随给药剂量的增加而增大 ,其累积速度大小顺序为 La>Ce>Nd>Pr;经柱层析分离未得到与稀土特异结合的鼠肝蛋白 ;稀土可与多种鼠肝蛋白 (包括多种重要的酶 )结合 ,在一定条件下 ,稀土与其结合蛋白可发生解离


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分别从体内作用和体外作用两个方面研究了镧对鼠肝脏中的胆碱脂酶、异柠檬酸脱氢酶、谷丙转氨酶活性的影响 ,同时用电感耦合等离子质谱 (ICP -MS)研究了镧在肝脏中的累积情况 .结果表明 :经尾静脉注射后镧在肝脏中有明显的累积现象 ,其累积量随给药剂量的增大而增加 ;镧对上述三种酶的活性均表现出低剂量激活 ,高剂量抑制的Hormesis效应


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研究了地质样品中超痕量Au、Pt和Pd的测定方法。采用C 4 1 0阴离子交换树脂在 1 .5mol LHCl条件下对Au、Pt、Pd的吸附率分别为 91 .2 %、1 0 0 .0 %、95 .7%。共存离子除Ge4+ 、Cr6 + 、Ti4+ 外 ,无显著性干扰。用ICP MS测定Au、Pt、Pd的检出限分别为 0 .2 7、0 .4 0和 0 .1 9μg L。当n =8时 ,Au的RSD为 1 9.2 % ;Pt的RSD为 2 8.1 % ;Pd的RSD为 1 5 .6%。


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Three selenium-containing catalytic antibodies mHB4, mHB5 and mHB7 which acted as mimics of cytosolic glutathione peroxidase(cGPX), were prepared by chemically introducing selenium into monoclonal antibodies HB4, HB5 and HB7. HB4. HB5 and HB7 were raised against a GSH derivative GSH-S-DNP dibenzyl ester, The cGPX activity of mHB4, mHB5, mHB7 were 170, 1 867, 32 U/mu mol, respectively. The cGPX activity of mHB5 was 0, 32 fold of natural rabbit liver cGPX and 1. 51 fold of m4A4. About two atoms of selenium existed in each of mHB5 molecule determined by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), The optimal activity of mHB5 was at between pH 8. 4 and 8, 8, The reaction catalyzed by mHB5 involved a Ping-Pong mechanism. At pH 7. 0 and 37 degreesC, the apparent second-order rate constants for reaction of mHB5 with H2O2 and t-ROOH were as followed: k(+1) (H2O2) = 9. 71 x 10(6) L/(mol min), k(+1)(t-ROOH) = 5. 99 x 10(5) L/(mol.min). Rate accelerations (k(cat)/K-m/k(uncat)) 9. 8 x 10(6) and 3.7 x 10(5) fold those of the uncatalytic reaction were observed.


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Matrix effects arising from ethanol, propanol, glycerol, acetic acid, ethylenediamine and triethanolamine in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry have been studied. Addition of ethanol, propanol, glycerol, acetic acid, ethylenediamine and triethanolamine into solution has an enhancement effect on the signal intensity of analyte with ionization potential between 9 and 11 eV. The ethylenediamine and triethanolamine have higher enhancement effect on the signal intensity of Hg than that of ethanol, propanol, glycerol and acetic acid. Addition of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine into solution has a suppression effect on the signal intensity of Ph and Sr. The mechanism of the enhancement or suppression was investigated. The signal enhancement of Hg in the presence of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine is not caused by improved degree of ionization of Hg and nebulization efficiency. The suppression effects of Ph and Sr in the presence of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine are due to decrease of atomization efficiency of these elements. A method for the determination of Hg in the biological standard samples Ly ICP-MS was developed.


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Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS),a highly sensitive inorgnic analytic technique,fits to determine ultra-nace rare-earth elements in human plasma. Under the optimized conditions detection limits for 15 rare-earth elements are in the range of 0.7 (for Eu)-5.4 (for Gd) ng.L-1. Indium as an internal standard element is used to compensate for matrix suppression effect and sensitivity drift. Three kinds of preparation methods, diluted with 1% HNO3, digested with HNO3-H2O2 and with HNO3-HClO4, are checked and compared,and the former is the simplest way to be measured. The samples diluted with 1% HNO3, stored in 4 degrees C, are very steady for 16 days. With the method, 11 healthy plasma samples in Changchun area of China are analysed.


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The metabolic accumulation and species of lanthanum in Wistar rat liver were investigated by ICP-MS, gel exclusion chromatography and ultrafiltration after the rats were fed by low dose of lanthanum for a long time. It was found that the content of La in the liver increased regularly with arise of dose and time of drug delivery. After the administration was stopped for a certain time a part of lanthanum in the liver Tvas metabolized, but;the metabolic rate was very slow, The lanthanum in rat liver was distributed in the soluble protein with molecular weight: of more than 60000 mostly. Rare Earth existed in the six elution peaks separated by Sephacryl S-200. The amount of lanthanum in the first elution fraction is the largest, which was 88 percent in the whole content of lanthanum in proteins with molecular weight more than 60000.


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通过单克隆抗体制备技术得到三株特异结合半抗原 4 ( GSH-S-DNP二苄酯 )的单克隆抗体 HB4 ,HB5和 HB7.抗体经两步化学诱变得到具有细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 ( c GPX)活性的含硒抗体酶 m HB4 ,m HB5和 m HB7,活力分别为 1 70 ,1 867,32 U/μmol.其中 m HB5的活力是天然兔肝 c GPX的 0 .32倍 ,m 4 A4的1 .51倍 .等离子体 -质谱 ( ICP/MS)测得每分子含硒抗体酶分子中大约存在 2个硒原子 .m HB5的最适 p H为8.6~ 8.8.在 p H值范围为 7.0和 37℃条件下 ,m HB5催化 GSH和 H2 O2 或 t-ROOH反应的二级速率常数为 :k+ 1 ( H2 O2 ) 9.71× 1 0 6 L /( mol· min) ,k+ 1 ( t-ROOH) 5.99× 1 0 5 L/( mol· min) . m HB5使非酶催化反应速率提高了 9.8× 1 0 6和 3.7× 1 0 5倍.


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采用ICP MS、凝胶过滤层析及超滤技术 ,通过动物实验研究了长时间、低剂量镧作用后 ,镧在Wistar大鼠肝脏中的代谢累积及其物种分布。结果表明 ,随着给药剂量的增加及作用时间的增长 ,镧在肝脏中的累积量有规律地增大 ;停止给药一段时间后 ,积累在肝脏中的镧有不同程度的代谢 ,其代谢速度很慢 ;累积在肝脏中的镧主要分布于分子量大于 6 0 0 0 0的水溶性蛋白中 ;经SephacrylS 2 0 0层析分离得到的六个蛋白洗脱峰中均含有稀土 ,在第一个洗脱峰中含量最大 ,约占肝脏含镧大分子蛋白 (分子量大于 6 0 0 0 0 )总量的 88%


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Recent important applications of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in biological samples analysis are reviewed. The sample preparation, sample introduction techniques, interference correction and typical applications are introduced in detail with 154 references.


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介绍了电感耦合等离子体质谱方法在生物样品分析中应用研究的新进展。针对ICP -MS的特点阐述了样品处理、进样方式、干扰校正的主要方法和应注意的问题


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农业中稀土微肥和养殖业中稀土饲料添加剂的普及,使稀土元素大量进入生物循环。从分子水平深入研究稀土元素的生物效应及其作用机理,包括稀土在生物体内的分布、积累、代谢动力学过程及远期毒性等,迫切需要建立生物样品特别是血液样品的快速、灵敏、准确的稀土元素分析方法。电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP- MS)已成为痕量稀土测定的首选方法。


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A method for the determiantion of rare earth elements in biological sampels by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed. Oxide ion yield of the rare earth elements (RFE) decreased with the increasing of RF power and the sampling depth, or with the decreasing of carrier gas flow rate. The spectral interference arising from (PrO)-Pr-141-O-16 on Gd-157 must be corrected. if the concentration of Ba was high enough, it was necessary to correct the spectral interference arising from (BO)-B-135-O-16 on Eu-151, and it was not necessary to correct spectral interference arising from (NdO)-Nd-143-O-16 on Tb-159 etc. in the biological samples under the selected operation parameters. In the biological sample, the major matrix elements, such as K, Na and Ca, result in the suppression of REEs signals and the suppression degree of the Ca is grezter than that of the K and Na. The mussel sample was digested by thd dry ashing, wet digestion with HNO3 + H2O2 and HNO3 + HClO4, respectively. The analytical results of REEs were consistent with each other. Detection limits for REEs are 0.001 similar to 0.013 mu g/L. Recoveries of standard addition are 91.7% similar to 125%. REEs in biological samples were determined directly without separation and preconcentration procedure.