509 resultados para COUPLED QUANTUM-WELLS


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The principle of high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) and the property of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) have been analyzed theoretically. The concentration and distribution of 2DEG in various channel layers are calculated by numerical method. Variation of 2DEG concentration in different subband of the quantum well is discussed in detail. Calculated results show that sheet electron concentration of 2DEG in the channel is affected slightly by the thickness of the channel. But the proportion of electrons inhabited in different subbands can be affected by the thickness of the channel. When the size of channel lies between 20-25 nm, the number of electrons occupying the second subband reaches the maximum. This result can be used in parameter design of materials and devices.


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Narrow stripe selective growth of oxide-free InGaAlAs/InGaAlAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) has been successfully performed on patterned InP substrates by ultra-low pressure MOVPE. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the narrow stripe selectively grown MQWs under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown MQWs were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the MQWs from being oxidized during the fabrication of the devices. The characteristics of selectively grown MQWs were strongly dependent on the mask stripe width. In particular, a PL peak wavelength shift of 73 nm, a PL intensity of more than 57% and a PL FWHM of less than 102 meV were observed simultaneously with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 mu m. The results were explained by considering the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapour diffusion effect (LVD).


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The converse effects of spin photocurrent and current induced spin polarization are experimentally demonstrated in a two-dimensional electron gas system with Rashba spin splitting. Their consistency with the strength of the Rashba coupling as measured for the same system from beating of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations reveals a unified picture for the spin photocurrent, current-induced spin-polarization, and spin-orbit coupling. In addition, the observed spectral inversion of the spin photocurrent indicates a system with dominating structure inversion asymmetry.


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Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) has been demonstrated as an important way to improve the crystal quality of GaInNAs(Sb)/GaAs quantum wells. However little investigation has been made into their application in laser growth, especially at a wavelength of 1.55 mu m. When a GaAs-based laser is grown, AlGaAs is usually used for cladding layers. The growth of the p-cladding layer usually takes 30-45 min at a growth temperature higher than that of the GaInNAs(Sb) active region, which affects the material quality. To investigate this effect, various post-growth annealing processes were performed to simulate this process. Great enhancement of the PL intensity was obtained by a two-step process which consisted of annealing first at 700 degrees C for 60 s and then at 600 degrees C for 45 min. We transferred this post-growth annealing to in situ annealing. Finally, a GaInNAsSb laser was grown with a 700 degrees C in situ annealing process. Continuous operation at room temperature of a GaAs-based dilute nitride laser with a wavelength beyond 1.55 mu m was realized for the first time.


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The transport property of a lateral two-dimensional paramagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor electron gas under a spatially periodic magnetic field is investigated theoretically. We find that the electron Fermi velocity along the modulation direction is highly spin dependent even if the spin polarization of the carrier population is negligibly small. It turns out that this spin-polarized Fermi velocity alone can lead to a strong spin polarization of the current, which is still robust against the energy broadening effect induced by the impurity scattering. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate theoretically the interplay between Zeeman splitting, Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI), and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI) and its influence on the magnetotransport property of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at low temperature. Our theoretical results show that the nodes of the beating patterns of the magnetoresistivity rho(xx) for 2DEG with RSOI or DSOI alone depend sensitively on the total spin splitting induced by these three spin splitting mechanisms. It is interesting to find that the eigenstates in the presence of RSOI alone are connected with those in the presence of DSOI alone but with opposite Zeeman splitting by a time-reversal transformation. Consequently, the magnetoresistivities exhibit exactly the same oscillation patterns for these two cases. For strong RSOI or DSOI alone, the magneto-oscillation of rho(xx) shows two distinct periods. For 2DEG with both RSOI and DSOI, the beating patterns vanish for equal RSOI and DSOI strengths and vanishing Zeeman splitting. They will appear again, however, when Zeeman splitting or the difference between RSOI and DSOI strengths increases.


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We have studied the growth and optical properties of AlInGaN alloys in this article. By the measurement of three samples, we found that the incorporation of In decreases with the increase of temperature, while there is nearly no change for the incorporation of Al. The sample grown at the lowest temperature had the best material and optical properties, which owes to the high In component, because the In component can reduce defects and improve the material quality. We also used the time-resolved photoluminescence(PL) to study the mechanism of recombination of carriers, and found that the time dependence of PL intensity was not in exponential decay, but in stretched-exponential decay. Through the study of the character of this decay, we come to the conclusion that the emission comes from the recombination of localized excitons. Once more, this localization exhibites the character of quantum dots, and the stretched, exponential decay results from the hopping of carriers between different localized states. In addition, we have used the relation of emission energy dependence of carrier's lifetime and the character of radiative recombination and non-radiative combination to confirm our conclusion.


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When injected electrons in a quantum well first experience an intersubband relaxation process before their escaping by tunneling through a double-barrier structure behind, the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. That is clearly verified by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for E-2-HH1 and E-1-HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method for controlling intersubband scattering rate, a central issue in so-called quantum cascade lasers, and facilitating the population inversion between subbands in quantum wells.


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Condensed clusters of point defects within an InGaN/AlGaN double heterostructure grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on sapphire substrate have been observed using transmission electron microscopy. The existence of voids results in failure of the heterostructure in electroluminescence. The voids are 50-100 nm in diameter and are distributed inhomogeneously within In0.25Ga0.75N/AlGaN active layers. The density of the voids was measured as 10(15) cm(-3), which corresponds to a density of dangling bonds of 10(20) cm(-3). These dangling bonds may fully deplete free carriers in this double heterostructure and result in the heterostructure having high resistivity as confirmed by electrical measurement. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carrier recombination dynamics in AlInGaN alloy has been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL (TRPL) at various temperatures. The fast red-shift of PL peak energy is observed and well fitted by a physical model considering the thermal activation and transfer processes. This result provides evidence for the exciton localization in the quantum dot (QD)-like potentials in our AlInGaN alloy. The TRPL signals are found to be described by a stretched exponential function of exp[(-t/,tau)13], indicating the presence of a significant disorder in the material. The disorder is attributed to a randomly distributed QDs or clusters caused by indium fluctuations. By studying the dependence of the dispersive exponent beta on temperature and emission energy, we suggest that the exciton hopping dominate the diffusion of carriers localized in the disordered QDs. Furthermore, the localized states are found to have 0D density of states up to 250 K, since the radiative lifetime remains almost unchanged with increasing temperature. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Quaternary InAlGaN film has been grown directly on top of low-temperature-deposited GaN buffer layer by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) results show that the film has good crystal quality and optical property. Temperature-dependent PL and time-resolved PL (TRPL) have been employed to study the carriers recombination dynamics in the film. The TRPL signals can be well fitted as a stretched exponential function exp[-(t/tau)(beta)] from 14 to 250 K, indicating that the emission is attributed to the radiative recombination of excitons localized in disorder quantum nanostructures such as quantum disks originating from indium (In) clusters or In composition fluctuation. The cross-sectional high-resolution electron microscopy measurement further proves that there exist the disorder quantum nanostructures in the quaternary. By investigating the dependence of the exponential parameter beta on the temperature, it is shown that the multiple trapping-detrapping mechanism dominates the diffusion among the localized states. The localized states are considered to have two-dimensional density of states (DOS) at 250 K, since radiative recombination lifetime tau(r) increases linearly with increasing temperature. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive the modified rate equations for an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring with two transversely coupled quantum dots (QD's) embedded in two arms in the presence of a magnetic field. We find that the interdot coupling between the two QD's can cause a temporal oscillation in electron occupation at the initial stage of the quantum dynamics, while the source-drain current decays monotonically to a stationary value. On the other hand, the interdot coupling equivalently divides the AB ring into two coupled subrings. That also destroys the normal AB oscillations with a period of 2pi, and generates new and complex periodic oscillations with their periods varying in a linear manner as the ratio between two magnetic fluxes (each penetrates one AB subring) increases. Furthermore, the interference between two subrings is also evident from the observation of the perturbed fundamental AB oscillation.


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.


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We investigated the effects of concomitant In- and N-incorporation on the photoluminescence (PL) of GaInNAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy. In comparison with the N-free GaInAs epilayer, the PL spectra of the GaInNAs epilayer exhibit an anomalous S-shape temperature dependence of dominant luminescence peak. Through further careful inspection, two PL peaks are clearly discerned and are associated with the interband excitonic recombinations and excitons bound to N-induced isoelectronic impurity states, respectively. By comparing the PL spectra of GaInNAs/ GaAs quantum wells (QWs) with those of In-free GaNAs/GaAs QWs grown under similar conditions, it is found that the concomitant In- and N-incorporation reduces the density of impurities and has an effect to improve the intrinsic optical transition of GaInNAs, but also enhance the N-induced clustering effects. At last, we found that rapid thermal annealing can significantly reduce the density of N-induced impurities. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory; the strain effect is also included in the calculation. The numerical results show that an increase of the in-plane magnetic field renders the DMS superlattice from the direct band-gap system to the indirect band-gap system, and spatially separates the electron and the hole by changing the type-I band alignment to a type-II band alignment. The optical transition probability changes from type I to type II and back to type I like at large magnetic field. This phenomenon arises from the interplay among the superlattice potential profile, the external magnetic field, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The shear strain induces a strong coupling of the light- and heavy-hole states and a transition of the hole ground states from "light"-hole to "heavy"-hole-like states.