326 resultados para Quantum dot


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The electronic structure, electron g factor, and Stark effect of InAs1-xNx quantum dots are studied by using the ten-band k center dot p model. It is found that the g factor can be tuned to be zero by the shape and size of quantum dots, nitrogen (N) doping, and the electric field. The N doping has two effects on the g factor: the direct effect increases the g factor and the indirect effect decreases it. The Stark effect in quantum ellipsoids is high asymmetrical and the asymmetry factor may be 319. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The authors report the effects of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the emission properties of highly uniform self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) emitting at 1.3 mu m grown on GaAs substrate by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Postgrowth RTA experiments were performed under N-2 flow at temperatures ranging from 600 to 900 degrees C for 30 s using GaAs proximity capping. Surprisingly, in spite of the capping, large blueshifts in the emission peak (up to about 380 meV at 850 degrees C) were observed (even at low annealing temperatures) along with enhanced integrated photoluminescence (PL) intensities. Moreover, pronounced peak broadenings occurred at low annealing temperatures (< 700 degrees C), indicating that RTA does not always cause peak narrowing, as is typically observed with traditional QDs with large inhomogeneous PL linewidths. The mechanism behind the large peak blueshift was studied and found to be attributed to the as-grown QDs with large size, which cause a larger dot-barrier interface and greater strain in and near the QD regions, thereby greatly promoting Ga-In intermixing across the interface during RTA. The results reported here demonstrate that it is possible to significantly shift the emission peak of the QDs by RTA without any additional procedures, even at lower annealing temperatures. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Periodical alignment of the InAs dots along the < 100 > and < 110 > directions was observed on an elastically relaxed InGaAs buffer layer grown at 500 and 450 degrees C, respectively, on the vicinal GaAs(001) substrate. Due to alignment along these directions, the InAs dots were arranged into a quasi-two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. Such a periodical arrangement of InAs dots may be explained in terms of modulation in strain as well as composition along [110] as observed by using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy.


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We find that the Rashba spin splitting is intrinsically a nonlinear function of the momentum, and the linear Rashba model may overestimate it significantly, especially in narrow-gap semiconductors. A nonlinear Rashba model is proposed, which is in good agreement with the numerical results from the eight-band k center dot p theory. Using this model, we find pronounced suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate at large electron densities, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the resonance peak position of the electron spin lifetime on the electron density in [111]-oriented quantum wells, both in qualitative disagreement with the predictions of the linear Rashba model.


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GaAs-based InAs quantum dots using InGaAs composition-graded metamorphic layers have been investigated by molecular beam epitaxy. Emission with the wavelength similar to 1.5 mu m from the dots was obtained at room temperature with the relatively large full width at half maximum. The emission wavelength is relatively stable when subjected to fast annealing. The number density of dots reached similar to 6 x 10(10) cm(-2). Undulated morphology was observed on the surface of the sample, which has some influence on the dot size and distribution. In epilayers, misfit dislocations were confined within the step-graded InGaAs metamorphic buffer layer. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By viewing the non-equilibrium transport setup as a quantum open system, we propose a reduced-density-matrix based quantum transport formalism. At the level of self-consistent Born approximation, it can precisely account for the correlation between tunneling and the system internal many-body interaction, leading to certain novel behavior such as the non-equilibrium Kondo effect. It also opens a new way to construct time-dependent density functional theory for transport through large-scale complex systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Closely related to the quantum information processing in solid states, we study the quantum measurement of single electron state by a mesoscopic charge-sensitive detector, namely the quantum point contact (QPC). We find that the conventional Lindblad-type master equation is not appropriate for describing the underlying measurement dynamics. The treatment developed in this work properly accounts for the energy-exchange between the detector and the measured system, and its role on the detailed-balance relation. A valid description for the QPC measurement dynamics is provided which may have impact on the study of quantum measurement and quantum feedback control in solid states.


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The quantum coherence control of a solid-state charge qubit is studied by using a suboptimal continuous feedback algorithm within the Bayesian feedback scheme. For the coherent Rabi oscillation, the present algorithm suggests a simple bang-bang control protocol, in which the control parameter is modulated between two values. For the coherence protection of the idle state, the present approach is applicable to arbitrary states, including those lying on the equator of the Bloch sphere which are out of control in the previous Markovian feedback scheme.


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We have studied the exciton states of vertically stacked self-assembled quantum disks within the effective mass approximation. The ground energies of a heavy-hole and a light-hole excitons as functions of the vertical disk separation are presented and discussed. The transition energy of a heavy-hole ground-state exciton is calculated and compared with the experimental data. The binding energies are discussed in terms of the probability of ground wave function. The ground energies of a heavy-hole and a light-hole excitons as functions of the applied axial magnetic field are calculated and the effect of disk size (radius of disks) on exciton energies is discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rashba spin splitting (RSS) in biased semiconductor quantum wells is investigated theoretically based on eight-band k center dot p theory. We find that at large wave vectors, RSS is both nonmonotonic and anisotropic as a function of in-plane wave vector, in contrast to the widely used isotropic linear model. We derive an analytical expression for RSS, which can qualitatively reproduce such nonmonotonic behavior at large wave vectors. We also investigate numerically the dependence of RSS on the various band parameters and find that RSS increases with decreasing band gap and subband index, increasing valence band offset, external electric field, and well width. All these dependences can be qualitatively described by our analytical model.


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Quantum point contact (QPC), one of the typical mesoscopic transport devices, has been suggested to be an efficient detector for quantum measurement. In the context of two-state charge qubit, our previous studies showed that the QPC's measurement back-action cannot be described by the conventional Lindblad quantum master equation. In this work, we study the measurement problem of a multistate system, say, an electron in disordered potential, subject to the quantum measurement of the mesoscopic detector QPC. The effect of measurement back-action and the detector's readout current are analyzed, where particular attention is focused on some new features and the underlying physics associated with the measurement-induced delocalization versus the measurement voltages.


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The laterally confining potential of quantum dots (QDs) fabricated in semiconductor heterostructures is approximated by an elliptical two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator well or a bowl-like circular well. The energy spectrum of two interacting electrons in these potentials is calculated in the effective-mass approximation as a function of dot size and characteristic frequency of the confining potential by the exact diagonalization method. Energy level crossover is displayed according to the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of the elliptical confinement potential along the y axis and that along the x axis. Investigating the rovibrational spectrum with pair-correlation function and conditional probability distribution, we could see the violation of circular symmetry. However, there are still some symmetries left in the elliptical QDs. When the QDs are confined by a "bowl-like" potential, the removal of the degeneracy in the energy levels of QDs is found. The distribution of energy levels is different for the different heights of the barriers. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The structure and optical properties of In(Ga)As grown with the introduction of InGaAlAs or InAlAs seed dots layers are investigated. The area density and size homogeneity of the upper InGaAs dots are efficiently improved with the introduction of a layer of high-density buried dots. When the GaAs spacer layer is too thin to cover the seed dots, the upper dots exhibit the characterization of a quantum well. By analyzing the growth dynamics, we refer to it as an empty-core structure dot. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method to form nanoscale InGaN quantum dots using MOCVD is reported, This method is much different from a method. which uses surfactant or the Stranski-Krastannow growth mode. The dots were formed by increasing the energy barrier for adatoms, which are hopping by surface passivation, and by decreasing the growth temperature. Thus, the new method can be called as a passivation-low-temperature method. Regular high-temperature GaN films were grown first and were passivated. A low-temperature thin layer of GaN dot was then deposited on the surface that acted as the adjusting layer. At last the high-density InGaN dots could be fabricated on the adjusting layer. Atomic force microscopy measurement revealed that InGaN dots were small enough to expect zero-dimensional quantum effects: The islands were typically 80 nm wide and 5 nm high. Their density was about 6 x 10(10) cm(-2). Strong photoluminescence emission from the dots is observed at room temperature, which is much stronger than that of the homogeneous InGaN film with the same growth time. Furthermore, the PL emission of the GaN adjusting layer shows 21 meV blueshift compared with the band edge emission of the GaN due to quantum confine effect. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photoluminescence (PL) of In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As self-assembled quantum dots has been measured at 15 and 80 K under hydrostatic pressure. The lateral size of the dots ranges from 7 to 62 nm. The emissions from the dots with 26, 52 and 62 nm size have a blue shift under pressure, indicating that these quantum dots have the normal type-I structure with lowest conduction band at the Gamma -valley. However, the PL peak of dots with 7 nm diameter moves to lower energy with increasing pressure. It is a typical character for the X-related transition. Then these small dots have a type-II structure with the X-valley as the lowest conduction level. An envelope-function calculation confirms that the Gamma -like exciton transition energy will rise above the X-like transition energy in the In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As structure if the dot size is small enough.