521 resultados para Bei yang shi fan xue tang (Tianjin, China)
From June 2000 to June 2002, four sites on the mainstem of the Xiangxi River and one site on each of its major tributaries were sampled 16 times each for benthic algae. All total, 223 taxa (most to species and variety levels) were found (193 Bacillariophyta, 20 Chlorophyta, nine Cyanophyta and one Xanthophyta). The diatoms Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthes linearis, and Diatoma vulgare dominated the system, with relative abundance of 33.3%, 18.8%, and 6.4%, respectively. The abundances of all the other taxa were under 5%, and 210 taxa collectively contributed less than 1% of the total abundance. Taxa diversity peaked in winter and reached a minimum in summer. Species richness varied considerably but was not significantly different over time. Maximum algal density occurred in later winter/spring (1.4 x 10(9) ind./m(2)) but was not significantly different from the minimum density, which occurred in August. Chlorophyll a showed similar seasonal fluctuation but also was not significantly different over time. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that water hardness, depth, conductivity, and alkalinity had important influences on variation of epilithic algae in the Xiangxi River system.
The authors reviewed the aquacultural history of Acipenseriformes in China, related the legal status and examined the current status of the cultured species or hybrids, origins of seedlings, quantities of production, geographic distribution in farming, and the sustainability for both restocking programmes and human consumption. The census shows that since 2000, the production of cultured sturgeons in China appears to have become the largest in the world. As of 2000, the rapid growth of sturgeon farming in China mainly for commercial purposes has shifted harvests in the Amur River from caviar production to the artificial culture of sturgeon seedlings. This dramatic development has also caused a series of extant and potential problems, including insufficient market availability and the impact of exotic sturgeons on indigenous sturgeon species. Annual preservation of sufficient higher-age sturgeons should be a national priority in order to establish a sustainable sturgeon-culture industry and to preserve a gene pool of critically endangered sturgeon species to prevent their extinction.
The freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu et al. 1997 collected from pond and lake in China, is investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. This little known taxon is redescribed and its morphology, biometry and ecology are supplied. After carefully comparison with other six similar species including Difflugia bartosi Stepanek, D. corona Wallich, D. corona cashi Deflandre, D. corona tuberculata Vucetich, D. muriformis Gauthier-Lievre et Thomas and Netzelia tuberculata (Wallich) Netzal we believe that the sub-spherical to spherical shell, the mulberry-shaped appearance, the 7-10 apertural tooth-like structures, the short collar and the conical spines numbering from 4 to 8 at the upper equatorial region in D. tuberspinifera set it apart from other species. Besides, statistical analysis indicates that D. tuberspinifera is a size-monomorphic species characterized by a main-size class and a small size range and the shell height is significant correlated with other morphometric characters at p < 0.05 excepting the number of aperture tooth-like structures and the number of spines. Moreover, D. tuberspinifera inhabits not only lotic but also lentic environment.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from Jolmolungma Mountain region of China, comprised 79 taxa belonging to five genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema angustatum var. productum, G. gracile var. gracile, G. parvulum var. parvulum, G. hedini, Cymbella aequalis var. pisciculus, C. delicatula, C. cistula, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. cesatii, C. cymbiformis, C microcephala, C. minuta var. minuta., C. minuta var. silesiaca, C. pusilla, C. affinis. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: Cymbella delicatula, C. naviculiformis, C. gracilis, C. minuta var. minuta, C. affinis, C. cistula, C. cymbiformis, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. arctica, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema hedinii, G. olivaceum. Numbers of taxa in each samples varied greatly, It appears that species diversity of diatoms is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats and microclimates). Cymbella spp. are not only comparatively widespread in the region but also outnumber Gomphonema spp. A large number of species found in the Jolmolungma Mountain region are also found in Tibet and the headwaters of Yangtze River.
We present a species list of the Gomphonemataceae and Cymbellaceae occurring in the Hengduan Mountains re-ion. These two families were found to be presented in the area by 117 species, varieties and forms belonging to four genera (Amphora, Cymbella, Didymosphenia and Gomphonema). Size, striae density, habitat and distribution in China are given for each taxon. The common taxa were Cymbella aequalis var. piscicultis. C. affinis, C. cesatii, C. cistula var. gibbosa, C. delicatula. C. gracilis, C. hustedtii, C. minuta f. latens, C. minita var. silesiaca, C. naviculiformis, C. parva. C. turgidida, Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum, G. gracile, G. intricatum, G. olivaceum. G. parvulum and G. truncatum var. capitatum. Some morphological features of Cymbella cistula var. capitata, Cymbella sinica var. miyiensis, Gomphonema hedinii and G. kaznakowii were found to differ from previously published descriptions. Taxa typical of high latitude climates encountered during the present study were Cymbella affinis, C. alpina, C. cistula var. cistida, C. delicatula. C. naviculiformis. Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum, G. constrictum var. capitatum f. turgidum, G. kaznakowii, G. olivaceum, G. subtile var. subtile, G. tergestinum and G. ventricosum.
Primula obconica was introduced to Europe from Hubei, China in 1880, and has been cultivated worldwide as one of popular ornamental plants. The volatile oil of wild P. obconica collected from its original place, Yichang, Hubei was first investigated. A total of 43 compounds constituting 93.49% of the oil were identified by using GC and GC-MS. The major compounds were methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-5-methyl benzoate (30.41%), methyl 2,6-dihydroxy-4-methyl benzoate (29.27%), and hypnone (8.92%) etc. In comparison with the published data of some European cultivars, the native P. obconica seems to be allergen-free due to absence of primin and miconidin.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from the headwaters of the Yangtze River, Qinghai Province, China, comprised 84 taxa belonging to four genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema kaznakowi Mer., G. hedini Hust., G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutz., Cymbella cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. var. cistula and C. minuta Hilse ex Rabh. var. minuta. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: C. cistula var. asiatica Mer., C. cistula var. capitata Grun., C. yabe Skvortzow var. punctata Li and Shi, G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutzing var. brevistriatum Li and Shi and G. staurophorum (Pant.) Cleve-Euler var. oblongum Li and Shi. Different morphological forms of G. kaznakowi Mer. may be related to the upheaval of the plateau. Species diversity of the diatoms appears to be related not only to macro-environment (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microhabitat and microclimate.
Genetic diversity among four clones (A, D, E, F) of gynogenetic silver crucian carp was studied using transferrin and isozymes in the blood as markers. Of the five proteins investigated, three (transferrin, esterase and superoxide dismutase) indicated polymorphism and eight polymorphic loci were detected. These loci were probably encoded by codominant alleles and their inheritance patterns were analyzed. Intraclonal homogeneity and interclonal heterogeneity were observed in these clones, which allowed us to infer the clonal nature and evolutionary relationship between them. Clonal diversity in this population of silver crucian carp in China was also compared with data reported from gynogenetic crucian carp in Germany.
Budgets and dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in Lake Donghu were investigated from Oct. 1997 to Sept. 1999. The water residence time was estimated to be 89 days in 1997-1998 and 124 days in 1998-1999. The total external loadings were 53 g N m(-2) yr(-1) and 3.2 g P m(-2) yr(-1) in 1997-1998, and 42 g N m(-2) yr(-1) and 3.1 g P m(-2) yr(-1) in 1998-1999. On average, about 80% of nitrogen and phosphorus input was from sewage outlets, while the rest was from land runoff and precipitation. Ammonium ion was the most abundant form of inorganic nitrogen in the sewage. The nutrient output was mainly through water outflow and fish catch. The percentages of nutrients in fish were estimated to be 7.8%-11.2% for nitrogen and 47.6%- 49.6% for phosphorus. Lake Donghu has a very high nutrient retention (63% for nitrogen and 79% for phosphorus) mainly due to its closure and long water residence time. Sedimentation is an important nutrient retention mechanism in this lake. Using mass balance method, we estimated that denitrification of Lake Donghu involves about 50% of the retained nitrogen. Lake Donghu is rich in inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and showed great seasonal variation.
Ecballocystopsis dichotomus sp. nov. is the third described species of Ecballocystopsis that grows on rock under water and epiphytically on the filaments of Cladophora and Mougeotia (green algae) collected in a small irrigation ditch in Chong-yang county, Hubei Province (East longitude 29 degrees 30', North latitude 114 degrees 10') and in Zhu-xi county, Hubei Province (East longitude 32 degrees 20', North latitude 109 degrees 45'). The new species differs from E. indica IYENGAR (1933) in having dichotomous branching and its smaller sized thallus; it differs from the second species, E. desikacharyi PRASAD (1985), in having looped filaments, dichotomous branching and smaller cells. Three patterns of cell divisions were observed in E. dichotomus sp. nov. (transverse, longitudinal and oblique). It may be that the new species is evolutionary a more advanced species based upon the structure of its thallus and the manner of spore formation. The systematic position of the genus, based on the comparative studies of the genus Ecballocystis BOHLIN with Cylindrocapsopsis IYENGAR, is discussed.
Toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) waterblooms have been found in several Chinese water bodies since studies began there in 1984. Waterbloom samples for this study contained Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp. Only those waterblooms dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa were toxic by the intraperitoneal (i.p.) mouse bioassay. Signs of poisoning were the same as with known hepatotoxic cyclic peptide microcystins. One toxic fraction was isolated from each Microcystis aeruginosa sample. Two hepatotoxic peptides were purified from each of the fractions by high-performance liquid chromatography and identified by amino acid analysis followed by low and high resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). LD50 i.p. mouse values for the two toxins were 245-mu-g/kg (Toxin A) and 53-mu-g/g (Toxin B). Toxin content in the cells was 0.03 to 3.95 mg/g (Toxin A) and 0.18 to 3.33 mg/kg (Toxin B). The amino acid composition of Toxin A was alanine [1], arginine [2], glutamic acid [1] and beta-methylaspartic acid [1]; for Toxin B it was the same, except one of the arginines was replaced with a leucine. Low- and high-resolution FAB-MS showed that the molecular weights were 1,037 m/z (Toxin A) and 994 m/z (Toxin B), with formulas of C49H76O12N13 (Toxin A) and C49H75O12N10 (Toxin B). It was concluded that Toxin A is microcystin-RR and Toxin B is microcystin-LR, both known cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins isolated from cyanobacteria in other parts of the world. Sodium borohydride reduction of microcystin-RR yielded dihydro-microcystin-RR (m/z = 1,039), an important intermediate in the preparation of tritium-labeled toxin for metabolism and fate studies.
The structural and magnetic properties of Cu+ ions-implanted GaN films have been reported. Eighty kilo-electron-volt Cu+ ions were implanted into n-type GaN film at room temperature with fluences ranging from 1 x 10(16) to 8 x 10(16) cm(-2) and subsequently annealed at 800 degrees C for 1 h in N-2 ambient. PIXE was employed to determine the Cu-implanted content. The magnetic property was measured by the Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer. No secondary phases or clusters were detected within the sensitivity of XRD. Raman spectrum measurement showed that the Cu ions incorporated into the crystal lattice positions of GaN through substitution of Ga atoms. Apparent ferromagnetic hysteresis loops measured at 10 K were presented. The experimental result showed that the ferromagnetic signal strongly increased with Cu-implanted fluence from 1 x 10(16) to 8 x 10(16) cm(-2).
1550 nm AlGaInAs/InP long rectangle resonator lasers with three sides surrounded by SiO2 and p electrode layers are fabricated by planar technology, and room-temperature continuous-wave lasing is realized for a laser with a length of 53 mu m and a width of 2 mu m. Multiple peaks with wavelength intervals of Fabry-Perot mode intervals and mode Q factors of about 400 and a lasing mode with a Q factor over 8000 are observed from the lasing spectrum at threshold current. The numerical results of the FDTD simulation indicate that the lasing mode may be a whispering-gallery mode, which is a coupled mode of two high-order transverse modes of the waveguide.
Coupled microcircular resonators tangentially coupled to a bus waveguide, which is between the resonators, are numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. For symmetrically coupled microcircular resonators with refractive index of 3.2, radius of 2 mu m, and width of the bus waveguide of 0.4 mu m, a mode Q factor of the order of 105 is obtained for a mode at the frequency of 243 THz. An output coupling efficiency of as high as 0.99 is calculated for a mode with a Q factor ranging from 10(3) to 10(4). The mode Q factor is 2 orders larger than that of the modes confined in a single circular resonator tangentially coupled to the same bus waveguide. Furthermore, the high Q traveling modes in the coupled microcircular resonators are suitable for optical single processing.
Microcylinder resonators with multiple ports connected to waveguides are investigated by 2D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation for realizing microlasers with multiple outputs. For a 10 mu m radius microcylinder with a refractive index of 3.2 and three 2 mu m wide waveguides, confined mode at the wavelength of 1542.3 nm can have a mode Q factor of 6.7 x 10(4) and an output coupling efficiency of 0.76. AlGaInAs/InP microcylinder lasers with a radius of 10 mu m and a 2 mu m wide output waveguide are fabricated by planar processing techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected operation is realized with a threshold current of 4 mA at room temperature, and the jumps of output power are observed accompanying a lasing mode transformation.