60 resultados para strike-slip fault


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The relation between tectonic activity and oil and gas migration and accumulation is one of the major subjects studied in petroleum geology and oil and gas exploration process. Oil and gas exploration practice and understandings thus obtained over a long term have indicated that tectonic activities within hydrocarbon bearing basins had important controlling effect on oil and gas migration and accumulation, but the influence of different hydrocarbon basins and tectonic activities on migration, accumulation and distribution of oil and gas differs to certain degree. Liaohe Depression is located in the northeast strip of Baohai Gulf Basin. The two major faults, Tanlu and Yilan-Yitong fault of Tanlu fault system, which played a significant controlling role on the forming and evolution of Cenozoic hydrocarbon basins in eastern China, pass along the east and west side of the Depression. The special structural location had made Liaohe Depression different from other depressions in the Basin in terms of tectonic evolution, depositional evolution, organic evolution, oil and gas migration and accumulation, and reservoir distribution. Major reasons resulting in these differences are tectonic activities and stress effect. Through analytical study of tectonic evolution history, .depositional history, hydrocarbon evolution history, and oil and gas accumulation history in Liaohe Depression, this paper systematically discusses the controlling effect of regional right-hand rotation strike-slip tectonic activity and stress effect on forming of major hydrocarbon bearing structures, major period of hydrocarbon expulsion from source rock, major direction of secondary oil and gas migration, and distribution of oil and gas accumulations since mid-late period of Oliocene, Paleogene. It has been concluded that major oil and gas bearing anticline structures within the Depression are reversal anticlines formed by right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress, main hydrocarbon expulsion period happened in the moving period of major right-hand rotation strike-slip tectonic activity, the direction of right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress was the main direction of secondary oil and gas migration, and the discharging zone of right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress was major accumulation zone of oil and gas.


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The research area of this paper covers the maximum exploration projects of CNPC, including Blocks 1/2/4 and Block 6 of the Muglad basin and the Melut basin in Bocks 3/7 in Sudan. Based on the study of the evolution history of the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ), structural styles and filling characteristics of the rift basins, it is put forward that the rift basins in Sudan are typical passive rift basins undergoing the strike-slip, extension, compression and inversion since the Cretaceous. The three-stage rift basins overlapped obliquely. The extension and rifting during the Early Cretaceous is 50-70% of the total extension. The features of the passive rift basins decided that there is a single sedimentary cycle and one set of active source rocks within the middle. Influenced by the three-stage rifting and low thermal gradient, hydrocarbon generation and charging took place very late, and the oil pool formation mechanism is very unique from the Lower Cretaceous rift sequences to the Paleogene. The reservoir-seal assemblages are very complicated in time and space. The sealing capacity of cap rocks was controlled by the CASZ. In general the oils become heavier towards the CASZ and lighter far away. The oil biodegradation is the reason causing the high total acid number. The determination of effective reservoir depth ensures that all discovered fields up to now are high-production fields. The propagation and growth of boundary faults in the rift basins can be divided into a simple fault propagation pattern and a fault growth-linkage pattern. It is firstly found that the linkage of boundary fault segments controls the formation of petroleum systems. Three methods have been established to outline petroleum systems. And a new classification scheme of rift-type petroleum system has been put forward: pre-rift, syn-rift (including passive and active) and post-rift petroleum systems. This scheme will be very important for the further exploration of rift basins. This paper firstly established the formation models of oil pools for the passive rift basins in Sudan: the coupling of accommodation zones and main plays for the formation of giant fields. The overlapping of late rifting broke the anticlines to be several fault-blocks. This process determined that anti-fault blocks are the main traptypes in the cretaceous sequences and anticlines in the Paleogene. This can explain why the traptypes are different between the Muglad and Mefut basins, and will provide theoretic guidance for the exploration strategy. The established formation mechanism and models in this paper have had great potential guidance and promotion for the exploration in Sudan, and resulted in significant economic and social benefit. A giant field of 500 million tons oil in place was found 2003. The cost in Blocks 3/7 is only 0.25


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Changling fault depression is a compound fault depression complicated by interior fault, with faults in the west and overlap in the west. North of Changling fault depression show NNE strike while south is NW strike. Changling fault depression has undergone twochasmic stage which control the development and distribution of volcanic rock, one depression stage, later inversion and uplift stage which control the formation of natural gas reservoir, and basin atrophic stage. The main boundary faults and main faults in Changling fault depression control three volcanic cycles and the distribution of volcanic rock. Seismic reflection characteristic and logging response characteristic of volcanic rock in study area are obvious, and the distribution characteristic, volcanic cycle and active stage of volcanic rock can be revealed by seismic attribute, conventional logging data can distinguish clastic rock from volcanic rock or distinguish partial different types of volcanic rock. The reservoir property of rhyolite and volcanic tuff are the best. Favorable volcanic reservoir can be preserved in deep zone. Imaging logging and frequency decompostion technology of seismic data act as effective role in the study of reservoir physical property and gas-bearing properties of volcanic rock.. Hydrocarbon gas in study area is high and over mature coal type gas, the origin of CO2 is complex, it is either inorganic origin or organic origin, or mixing origin. Hydrocarbon gas is mainly originate from Shahezi formation and Yingcheng formation source rocks, CO2 is mainly mantle source gas. Hydrocarbon has the characteristics of continuous accumulation with two charging peak. The first peak represent liquid hydrocarbon accumulation time, The second peak stand for the accumulation time of gaseous hydrocarbon.CO2 accumulate approximately in Neocene. The source rock distribution range, volcanic rock and favorable reservoir facies, distribution characteristic of deep fault (gas source fault) and late inversion structure are the major factors to control gas reservoir formation and distribution. All the results show that these traps that consist of big inherited paleo uplift(paleo slope), stratigraphic overlap and thinning out, volcanic rock, are the most advantageous target zone.


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Since the discovery of coesite-bearing eclogites in Dabie and Sulu region over ten years ago, the Dabie collisional orogen has been the "hot-spot" across the world. While many great progresses have been made for the last decade in the researches on the Dabie and Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks in the following fields, such as, petrology, mineralogy, isotope chronology, and geochemistry, the study of the structural geology on the Dabie orogen is still in great need. Thrust and nappe tectonics commonly developed in any collisional orogenic belt during the syncollisional process of the orogen. It is the same as the Dabic collisional orogen is concerned. The paper put much stress on the thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabic orogenic belt, which have been seldom systematically studied before. The geometric features including the division and the spatial distribution of various thrust and nappe tectonics in the Dabie orogen have been first studied, which is followed by the detailed studies on their kinematic characteristics in different scales varying from regional tectonics to microtectonics. In the thesis, new deformation ages have been obtained by the isotopic methods of ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr minerals-whole rock isochrons on the mylonites formed in three ductile shear zones which bounded three different major nappes in the Dabie collisional orogenic belt. And the petrological, geochemical characteristics of some metamorphic rocks as well as the geotectonics of their protoliths, which have also deformed in the ductile shear zone, are analyzed and discussed. In the paper, twelve nappes in the Dabie orogen are first divided, which are bounded by various important NWW or NW-strike faults and three NNE-strike faults. They are Shangcheng Nappe, Huoshan Nappe, Yuexi Nappe, Yingshanjian-Hengzhong Nappe, Huangzhen Nappe, Xishui-Huangmei Nappe, Zhoudang Nappe, Suhe-Huwan Nappe, Xinxian Nappe, Hong'an Nappe, Mulan Nappe and Hhuangpi-Susong Nappe. In the Dabie orogen, three types of thrust and nappe tectonics belonging to two stages have been confirmed. They are: (1) early stage ductile thrust -nappe tectonics which movement direction was top-to-the-south; (2) late stage brittle to ductile-brittle thrust-nappe tectonics which are characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-north and top-to-the-south; (3) the third type also belongs to the late stage which also characterized by double-vergence movement, including top-to-the-east and top-to-the-west, and related to the strike-slip movement. The deformation ages of both Wuhe-Shuihou ductile shear zone and Taihu-Mamiao ductile shear zone have been dated by ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar method. ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau ages of biotite and mica from the mylonites in these two shear zones are 219.57Ma and 229.12Ma. The plateau ages record the time of ductile deformation of the ductile shear zones, which made the concerned minerals of the mylonites exhume from amphibolite facies to the middle-upper crustal conditions by the early stage ductile thrust-nappe tectonics. The mineral isochons of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr dating on the same mylonite sample of the metamafic rocks are 156.5Ma and 124.56Ma respectively. The two isochron ages suggest that the mylonitic rock strongly deformed in the amphilbolite facies at 156Ma and then exhumed to the upper crustal green schist condition at 124Ma with the activities of the Quiliping-Changlinggang ductile shear zone which bounded to the southen edge of Xinxian Nappe. Studies of the petrological and geochemical characteristics of some meta-mafic rocks and discussion on the geotectonics of their protoliths indicate that their protoliths were developped in an island arc or back-arc basin or active continental margin in which calc-alkline basalts formed. This means that arc-accretion orogeny had evolved in the margins of North china plate and/or Yangtze plate before these two plates directly collided with each other during the evolution process of Dabie orogen. Three-stage evolution of the thrust-nappe tectonics in Dabie collisional orogen has been induced based on the above-mentioned studies and previous work of others. And a possible 3-stage exhumation model (Thrust-Positive Flower Structure Model) has also been proposed.


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Directed by the theory of "Collision Tectonic Facies", the tectonic setting and dynamic mechanism of the formation of Songliao basin in late Mesozoic (J_3-K_1) are studied in the present thesis with the methods of petrology, petrochemistry, geochemistry and isotopic geochronology. The research contents in this paper include as followings. Firstly, the general tectonic frame is made up of different tectonic facies formed from Mid-late Proterozoic to Mesozoic, which are Huabei plate, the Chengde-Siziwangqi melange (Pz_1), the Wenduermiao magmatic arc (Pz_1), the Hegenshan-Chaogenshan melange (Pz_2), the accretion arec (Pz_1-P), the Raohe-Hulin melange (Mz), the magmatic arc (Mz) and the pull-apart basin on the magmatic arc (Mz). Secondly, the volcanic rock assemblages of Songliao basin and its adjacent area in late Mesozoic is the typical calc-alkaline of the magmatic arc. The types of volcanic rocks in the study area include basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, dacites and rhyolites, and basic-intermediate volcanic rocks have higher alkalinity. The volcanic rock series in this area is the high-K calc-alkaline series. Thirdly, the total REE of volcanic rocks in Songliao basin and its adjacent area is higher than that of the chondrite. The pattern of the REE normalized by the chondrite shows the characteristics similar to that of the typical island arcs or the active continental margins in the earth, that is enrichment of LREE and depletion of Eu. The spider-diagram of the trace element normalized by the primitive mantle also expresses the similar features to that of the typical island arcs or the active continental margins, it has distinctive valleies of Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti, as well as the peaks of La, Ce, Th, U, and K. The incompatible elements show that the high field strength elements, such as Nb, Ta, Ti, and P, are depletion while the low field strength elements, such as K, U, Pb, and Ba, are enrichment. These features are similar to those of orogenic volcanic rocks and imply the formation of the volcanic rocks in this area is related to the subduction. The degrees of both the enrichment of the HFS elements and depletion of the LFS elements become more obvious from basic to acid volcanic rocks, which suggests crustal contamination enhances with the magmatic crystallization and fractionation. The concentration of the compatible elements is W-shape, and anomalies in Cr and Ni suggest there is the contamination during the magmatic crystallization and fractionation. Fourthly, the isotopic age data prove the volcanic activity in the Songliao basin and its adjacent area started in the early-middle Jurassic, and ended in the end of the early Cretaceous-the beginning of the Cretaceous. The volcanism summit was the late Jurassic-the early Cretaceous (100 - 150Ma). Finally, the tectonic setting of volcanism in the late Mesozoic was magmatic arc, which originated the subduction of Raohe-Hulin trench to the northwest Asian plate. The subduction began in the middle Jurassic, and the collision orogenesis between the Sikhote-Alin arc and Asian continent was completed in the end of the early Cretaceous-the beginning of the late Cretaceous. The results of above tectonic processes were finally to format Nadanhada orogenic belt symbolized by the Raohe-Hulin suture or melange belt. The violently oblique movement of the Izanagi plate toward Asian plate in the late Mesozoic was the dynamic mechanism of above tectonic processes. At the same tome, the left-lateral strike-slip shear caused by the oblique movement of the Izanagi plate produced a series of strike-slip faults in east Asian margin, and the large scale displacements of these strike-slip faults then produced the pull-apart basing or grabens on the magmatic arc. Conclusively, the tectonic setting during the formation of the grabens of Songliao basin in the late Mesozoic was magmatic arc, and its dynamic mechanism was the pull-apart. In a word, there was a good coupling relation among the oblique subduction of the oceanic plate, collisional orogene between island arc and continental plate, strike-slip shear of the faults and the formation of the grabens in Songliao basin and its adjacent area in late Mesozoic. These tectonic processes were completed in the unoin dynamic setting and mechanism as above description.


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The Alytn fault is a huge left-slip fault zone within the Asian continent, and locates such zone that is linked to main tectonic units in the western China, which makes it is very important to the tectonic framework and ore distribution in the western China. Selecting two ophiolite zones (namely Hongliugou-Lapeiquan ophiolite zone and Sulamutage ophiolite zone) respectively located within the southern and northern part of the Altyn fault and based on analysis of field geology characteristics and geochemistry, this paper recognized the rock types (mainly mafic and ultramafic rocks) within the melanges and subdivided each lithological unit based on tectonic environment. At last, this paper rebuilt the paleo-tectonic framework in the Alytn region by the method of tectonic facies and discussed its tectonic evolution with the theory of collision orogens. Combining former results with hard field observation and geochemical analysis, this paper acquired such recognitions to two ophiolte zones within the Altyn fault zone as follows: To the typical regions (Hongliugou, Lapeiquan, Mangya and Sulamutage) within the two ophiolte zones in the Altyn fault zone, this paper offered the field geology profiles. Field geology characteristics show that they are composed of melange bases (mainly abyssal flysch and carbonate rocks) and melange blocks from various tectonic environments, often with fault contact among each lithological units, belonging to typical ophiolitic melange zone. The ultramafic rocks outcropped at the Altyn region are all harzburgites. Remant grains of primary minerals have melted residual texture and elastic deformation texture under high temperature and pressure. The whole-rock analyses show their low TiO_2 contents (0.01~0.04%), low Al, Ca and high MgO contents and wide Mg~# range (89.35~95.57). Rare earth patterns have two types, namely tabacco pipe-shped and LREE-shaped, of which the former is often seen. The chondrite-nomalized Yb values of these analyses are all lower than 1. The spinels have low Ti and high Cr content and most spinels have Cr# higher than 60. All of the above characteristics show that the ultramafic rocks in the Altyn fault zone are components of metmorphic peridotites of ophiolite from depleted mantle source and most ophiolites from this zone belong to supra-subduction zone (SSZ) type ophiolite with a few mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) type. Geochemical analyses show that the melange blocks within the Altyn ophiolitic melange zone have different characteristics from various tectonic environments. This paper recognized such tectonic-lithological assemblages as mid-ocean basalts, oceanic island basalts, oceanic island arc tholeiites, island arc calalkaline basalts and island arc granites and inferred that these tectonic-lithological units respectively belongs to such tectonic units as ophiolites, oceanic islands and/or oceanic seamounts, oceanic island arc and a~creting arcs, which show these blocks from oceanic crust and subduction zone for the most part. For the Altyn ophiolites, the chronological data show they become new from the north to the south. Combined with the study on late slip of Altyn fault and North Qilianshan orogeny, the author inferred that the Altyn region had belonged to one part of the North Qilianshan accreting wedge-arc orogeny at paleozoic, and later huge left-slip made it locate modem site.


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The East Kunlun area of Xinjiang (briefly EKAX) is the western part of broadly speaking East Kunlun orogenic zone. The absence of geological data (especially ophiolites) on this area has constrained our recognition to its geology since many years. Fund by National 305 Item (96-915-06-03), this paper, by choosing the two ophiolite zones (Muztag and Southwestern Margin of Aqikekule Lake ophiolite zones) exposed at EKAX as the studied objects and by the analysis of thin section, electron probe, XRF, ICP-MS, SEM and Sm-Nd isotope, totally and sys ematically dealt with the field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics (including trace, rare earth element and Sm-Nd isotope) and the tectonic setting indicated by them for each ophilite zone. Especially, this paper discussed the trace and rare earth element patterns for metamorphic peridotites, their implications and related them to the other components of ophiolite in order to totally disclose ophiolite origins. Besides, this paper also studied the petrological, geochemical and paleobiological characteristics for the cherts coexsisted with the Muztag ophiolite and the tectonic setting indicated by them. Based on these, the author discussed the tectonic evolution from Proterozoic to Permian for this area. For Muztag ophiolite, their field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics show that: ① outcropped along the Muztag-Jingyuhu fault with west-to-east strike, the ophiolite is composed of such three components as metamorphic peridotites, cumulates and volcanic rocks; ② metamophic peridotites consist of such types as lherzolites, serpentinized lherzolites and serpentinites, only pyroxenites is seen of cumulates and volcanic rocks include basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites; ③ mineralogical data on this ophiolite suggest it formed in supra-subduction zone (SSZ)environment, and its mantle wedge is heterogeneous; ④ whole-rock TiO_2 and Al_2O_3 of metamorphic peridotites indicate their original environment with the MORB and SSZ characteristics; ⑤ metamorphic peridotites have depleted LREE and flat REE patterns and volcanic rocks have enriched LREE patterns; ⑥ trace element characteristics of metamorphic peridotites imply that they had undergone Nb and Ta enrichment event after partial melting; ⑦ trace element characteristics of volcanic rocks and their tectonic diagrams show they are formed in the spreading and developed island arc environment with back-arc basin, such as rifted island arc, which is supported by the ε_(Nd)(t) -2.11~+3.44. In summary, the above evidence implies that Muztag ophiolite is formed in SSZ environment, where heterogeneous mantle wedge was metasomatised by the silica-enriched melt from subducted sediments and/or oceanic crust, which makes the mantle wedge enriched again, and this enriched mantle wedge later partially melted to form the volcanic rocks. For Southwestern Margin of Aqikekule Lake ophiolite, their field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics show that: ① it outcropped as tectonic slices along the near west-to-east strike Kunzhong fault and is composed of metamorphic perodotties, cumulates and volcanic rocks, in which, chromites are distributed in the upper part of metamorphic peridotites as pods, or in the lower part of cumulates as near-strata; ② metamorphic peridotites include serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, thlorite-epidote schists and chromitites, of which, chromitites have nodular and orbicular structure, and cumulates include pyroxenits, serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, chromites and metamorphically mafic rocks and only basalts are seen in volcanic rocks; ③ Cr# of chromites suggest that they formed in the SSZ and Al_2O_3 and TiO_2 of metamorphic peridotites also suggest SSZ environment; ④metamorphic peridotites have V type and enriched LREE patterns, cumulates have from strongly depleted LREE, flat REE to enriched LREE patterns with universally striking positive Eu anomalies and basalts show flat REE or slight enriched LREE patterns with no Eu anomalies; ⑤ trace element and Sm-Nd isotope characteristics of metamorphic peridotites imply their strikingly heterogeneous mantle character(ε_(Nd)(t)+4.39~+26.20) and later Nb, Ta fertilization; ⑥ trace element characteristics of basalts and their tectonic diagrams show they probably formed in the rifted island arc or back-arc basin enviromnent. In summary, the above evidence shows that this ophiolite formed in the SSZ environment and melts from subudcted plate are joined during its formation. Rare earth element, whole-rock and sedimentary characteristics of cherts with the Muztag ophiolite show that they formed in the continental margin environment with developed back-arc basin, and radiolarias in the cherts indicate that the upper age of Muztag ophiolite is early carboniferous. Based on the accreted wedge models of Professor Li Jiliang for Kunlunshan Mountain and combined with study on the two typical ophiolite profiles of EKAX, the author discussed the tectonic evolution of EKAX from Proterzoic to Permian.


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Based on multi-principle (such as structures, tectonics and kinematics) exploratory data and related results of continental dynamics in the Tibetan plateau, the author reconstructed the geological-geophysical model of lithospherical structure and tectonic deformation, and the kinetics boundary conditions for the model. Then, the author used the numerical scheme of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), to stimulate the possible process of the stress field and deformational field in the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent area, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. With the above-mentioned results, the author discussed the relationship between crustal movement in shallow layer and the deformational process in interior layers, and its possible dynamic constraints in deep. At the end of the paper, an integrative model has been put forward to explain the outline images of crust-mantle deformation and coupling in the Tibetan Plateau. (1) The characteristics of crust-mantle structure of the Tibetan plateau have been shown to be very complex, and vertical and horizontal difference is significant. The general characteristics of crust-mantle of the Tibetan plateau may be that it's layering in depth direction, and shows blocking from south to north and belting from east to west, mainly according to the results of about 20 seismic sections, such as wide-angle seismic profiles, CMP, seismic tomography and so on. (2) The crust had shortened about 2200km, while the shortening is different for different block from south to north in the Tibetan plateau. It is about 11.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 9.0mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 7.0mm/a in Qiangtang block and Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, about 8.0mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam, and about ll.Omm/a in Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. Which - in demonstrates the shortening rate decreases from south to north, but this rate increases near the north edge of the Tibetan plateau. The crust thickening rate is about 0.4mm/a in the whole Tibetan plateau; and this rate is about 0.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 0.4mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 0.3mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 0.2mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block and about O.lmm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. This implies that the thickening rate decreases in the blocks of the Tibetan plateau. From south to north, the displacement of eastern boundary in the Tibetan plateau is about 37mm/a in Himalayan block, about 45mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 47mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 43mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, and about 35mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the collision-matching between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent had happened about 50Ma ago. This implies that the rate of eastward displacement is biggest in the middle of plateau, and decreases to both sides. The transition of S-N compression stress field in Tibetan Plateau, since about 28Ma+ ago, may be caused by two reasons: On one hand, the movement direction of Eurasia continent changed from northward to southward about 28Ma± ago in the northern plateau. On the other hand, the front belt that is located between India continent's and Eurasia continent's convergence-collision, had moved southward to high Himalayan from Indus-Brahmaputra suture almost at the same time in southern plateau. Affected by the stress field, the earlier tectonics rotated clockwise, NE and NW conjugate strike-slip faults developed, and the SN rift formed. This indicated that the EW movement started. The ratio between upper crust and lower crust of different blocks from south to north in the Tibetan plateau during the process of deformation are as following: about 3.5~5:1 in Himalayan block, about 1~5: 3-4 (which is about 1:3o--4 in south and about 4~5:3 in north) in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 1:3~447mm/a in these blocks: Which is located to the north of Banggong-nujiang suture.


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Slip-weakening is one of the characteristics of geological materials under certain loadings. Non-uniform rock structure may exist in the vicinity of the slip surface for a rock slope. Some portion of the slip surface may be penetrated but the other not. For the latter case, the crack or the fault surface will undergo shear deformation before it becomes a successive surface under a certain loading. As the slipped portion advances,slip-weakening occurs over a distance behind the crack tip. In the weakening zone, the shear strength will decrease from its peak value to residual friction level. The stress will redistribute along the surface of crack and in the weakening zone. Thus the changed local stress concentration leads the crack to extend and the ratio of penetration of the slip surface to increase. From the view of large-scale for the whole slip surface, the shear strength will decrease due to the damage of interior rock structure, and the faulted rock behaves as a softening material. Such a kind of mechanism performs in a large number of practical landslides in the zones experienced strong earthquakes. It should be noted that the mechanism mentioned above is different from that of the breakage of structural clay,in which the geological material is regarded as a medium containing structural lumps and structural bands. In this paper, the softening behavior of a faulted rock should be regarded as a comprehensive result of the whole complicated process including slip-weakening, redistribution of stress, extension of crack tip, and the penetration of the slip surface. This process is accompanied by progressive failure and abrupt structural damage. The size of slip-weakening zone is related to the undergoing strain. Once the relative slide is initiated (local or integrated), the effect of slip-weakening will behave in a certain length behind the crack tip until the formation of the whole slip surface.


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A meso material model for polycrystalline metals is proposed, in which the tiny slip systems distributing randomly between crystal slices in micro-grains or on grain boundaries are replaced by macro equivalent slip systems determined by the work-conjugate principle. The elastoplastic constitutive equation of this model is formulated for the active hardening, latent hardening and Bauschinger effect to predict macro elastoplastic stress-strain responses of polycrystalline metals under complex loading conditions. The influence of the material property parameters on size and shape of the subsequent yield surfaces is numerically investigated to demonstrate the fundamental features of the proposed material model. The derived constitutive equation is proved accurate and efficient in numerical analysis. Compared with the self-consistent theories with crystal grains as their basic components, the present theory is much simpler in mathematical treatment.


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The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is proposed for short-to-intermediate-term earthquake prediction [Yin, X.C., Chen, X.Z., Song, Z.P., Yin, C., 1995. A New Approach to Earthquake Prediction — The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory, Pure Appl. Geophys., 145, 701–715]. This method is based on measuring the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to the Coulomb Failure Stress change induced by Earth tides on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, the LURR time series usually climb to an anomalously high peak prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the size of critical seismogenic region selected for LURR measurements has great influence on the evaluation of LURR. In this study, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. This new algorithm, by combining the LURR method with our choice of identified area with increased Coulomb stress, is devised to improve the sensitivity of LURR to measure criticality of stress accumulation before a large earthquake. Retrospective tests of this algorithm on four large earthquakes occurred in California over the last two decades show remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomalies. For some strong events of lesser magnitudes occurred in the same neighborhoods and during the same time periods, significant anomalies are found if circular areas are used, and are not found if increased Coulomb stress areas are used for LURR data selection. The unique feature of this algorithm may provide stronger constraints on forecasts of the size and location of future large events.


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Deformation twins and stacking faults have been observed in nanocrystal line Ni, for the first time under uniaxial tensile test conditions. These partial dislocation mediated deformation mechanisms are enhanced at cryogenic test temperatures. Our observations highlight the effects of deformation conditions, temperature in particular, on deformation mechanisms in nanograins.


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Generalized planar fault energy (GPFE) curves have been used to predict partial-dislocation-mediated processes in nanocrystalline materials, but their validity has not been evaluated experimentally. We report experimental observations of a large quantity of both stacking faults and twins in nc Ni deformed at relatively low stresses in a tensile test. The experimental findings indicate that the GPFE curves can reasonably explain the formation of stacking faults, but they alone were not able to adequately predict the propensity of deformation twinning.


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This work is devoted to study of the slip phenomenon between phases in water-oil two-phase flow in horizontal pipes. The emphasis is placed on the effects of input fluids flow rates, pipe diameter and viscosities of oil phase on the slip. Experiments were conducted to measure the holdup in two horizontal pipes with 0.05 m diameter and 0.025 m diameter, respectively, using two different viscosities of white oil and tap water as liquid phases. Results showed that the ratios of in situ oil to water velocity at the pipe of small diameter are higher than those at the pipe of big diameter when having same input flow rates. At low input water flow rate, there is a large deviation on the holdup between two flow systems with different oil viscosities and the deviation becomes gradually smaller with further increased input water flow rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.