50 resultados para spin polarised transport


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We study the theory of temperature-dependent electron transport, spin polarization, and spin accumulation in a Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) quantum wire connected nonadiabatically to two normal conductor electrode leads. The influence of both the wire-lead connection and the RSOI on the electron transport is treated analytically by means of a scattering matrix technique and by using an effective free-electron approximation. Through analytical analysis and numerical examples, we demonstrate a simple way to design a sensitive spin-transfer switch that operates without applying any external magnetic fields or attaching ferromagnetic contacts. We also demonstrate that the antisymmetry of the spin accumulation can be destroyed slightly by the coupling between the leads and the wire. Moreover, temperature can weaken the polarization and smear out the oscillations in the spin accumulation.


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Current fluctuations can provide additional insight into quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. The present work is carried out for the fluctuation properties of transport through a pair of coupled quantum dots which are connected with ferromagnetic electrodes. Based on an efficient particle-number-resolved master equation approach, we are concerned with not only fluctuations of the total charge and spin currents, but also of each individual spin-dependent component. As a result of competition among the spin polarization, Coulomb interaction, and dot-dot tunnel coupling, rich behaviors are found for the self- and mutual-correlation functions of the spin-dependent currents.


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We theoretically investigate the spin transport in two-terminal mesoscopic rings in the presence of both the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI). We find that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI breaks the original cylindric symmetry of the mesoscopic rings and consequently leads to the anisotropic spin transport, i.e., the conductance is sensitive to the positions of the incoming and outgoing leads. The anisotropic spin transport can survive even in the presence of disorder caused by impurity elastic scattering in a realistic system.


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We investigate theoretically the charge and spin transport in quantum wires grown along different crystallographic planes in the presence of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI). We find that changing the crystallographic planes leads to a variation of the anisotropy of the conductance due to a different interplay between the RSOI and DSOI, since the DSOI is induced by bulk inversion asymmetry, which is determined by crystallographic plane. This interplay depends sensitively on the crystallographic planes, and consequently leads to the anisotropic charge and spin transport in quantum wires embedded in different crystallographic planes.


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We theoretically investigate the charge transport in the quantum waveguides in the presence of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. We find that the interplay between the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction can induce a symmetry breaking and consequently leads to the anisotropic charge transport in the quantum waveguides, the conductance through the quantum waveguides depends sensitively on the crystallographic orientations of the quantum waveguides. The anisotropy of the charge transport can even survive in the presence of disorder effect in realistic systems.


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3041477]


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The energy dispersion of an electron in a double quantum wire with a diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier in between is calculated. An external magnetic field modifies significantly the energy dispersion of the electron which is different for the two spin states. The conductance exhibits many interesting peaks and dips which are directly related to the energy dispersions of the different electron spin states. These phenomena are attributed to the interwell coupling which can be tuned by the magnetic field due to the s-d exchange interaction.


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We study the spin-dependent electron transport in a special magnetic-electric superlattice periodically modulated by parallel ferromagnetic metal stripes and Schottky normal-metal stripes. The results show that, the spin-polarized current can be well controllable by modulating the magnetic strength of the ferromagnetic stripes or the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. It is obvious that, to the system of the magnetic superlattice, the polarized current can be enhanced by the magnetic strength of ferromagnetic stripes. Nevertheless, it is found that, for the magnetic-electric superlattice, the polarized current can also be remarkably advanced by the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. These results may indicate a useable approach for tunable spintronic devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.


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The properties of Rashba wave function in the planar one-dimensional waveguide are studied, and the following results are obtained. Due to the Rashba effect, the plane waves of electron with the energy E divide into two kinds of waves with the wave vectors k(1)=k(0)+k(delta) and k(2)=k(0)-k(delta), where k(delta) is proportional to the Rashba coefficient, and their spin orientations are +pi/2 (spin up) and -pi/2 (spin down) with respect to the circuit, respectively. If there is gate or ferromagnetic contact in the circuit, the Rashba wave function becomes standing wave form exp(+/- ik(delta)l)sin[k(0)(l-L)], where L is the position coordinate of the gate or contact. Unlike the electron without considering the spin, the phase of the Rashba plane or standing wave function depends on the direction angle theta of the circuit. The travel velocity of the Rashba waves with the wave vector k(1) or k(2) are the same hk(0)/m*. The boundary conditions of the Rashba wave functions at the intersection of circuits are given from the continuity of wave functions and the conservation of current density. Using the boundary conditions of Rashba wave functions we study the transmission and reflection probabilities of Rashba electron moving in several structures, and find the interference effects of the two Rashba waves with different wave vectors caused by ferromagnetic contact or the gate. Lastly we derive the general theory of multiple branches structure. The theory can be used to design various spin polarized devices.


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The Rashba spin splitting of the minibands of coupled InAs/GaAs pyramid quantum dots is investigated using the k center dot p method and valence force field model. The Rashba splitting of the two dimensional miniband in the lateral directions is found due to the structure inversion asymmetry in the vertical direction while the miniband in the vertical direction has no Rashba spin splitting. As the space between dots increases, the Rashba coefficients decrease and the conduction-band effective mass increases. This Rashba spin splitting of the minibands will significantly affect the spin transport properties between quantum dots. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose a spin current diode which can work even in a small applied bias condition (the linear-response regime). The prototypal device consists of a hornlike electron waveguide with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, which is connected to two leads with different widths. It is demonstrated that when electrons are incident from the narrow lead, the generated spin conductance fluctuates around a constant value in a wide range of incident energy. When the transport direction is reversed, the spin conductance is suppressed strongly. Such a remarkable difference arises from spin-flipped transitions caused by the spin-orbit interaction. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Spin-orbit interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas were studied in an InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well. Since weak anti localization effects take place far beyond the diffusive regime, (i.e., the ratio of the characteristic magnetic field, at which the magnetoresistance correction maximum occurs, to the transport magnetic field is more than ten) the experimental data are examined by the Golub theory, which is applicable to both diffusive regime and ballistic regime. Satisfactory fitting lines to the experimental data have been achieved using the Golub theory. In the strong spin-orbit interaction two-dimensional electron gas system, the large spin splitting energy of 6.08 meV is observed mainly due to the high electron concentration in the quantum well. The temperature dependence of the phase-breaking rate is qualitatively in agreement with the theoretical predictions. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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By employing non-equilibrium Green's function method, the mesoscopic Fano effect modulated by Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and external magnetic field has been elucidated for electron transport through a hybrid system composed of a quantum dot (QD) and an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring. The results show that the orientation of the Fano line shape is modulated by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction k(R)L variation, which reveals that the Fano parameter q will be extended to a complex number, although the system maintains time-reversal symmetry (TRS) under the Rashba SO interaction. Furthermore, it is shown that the modulation of the external magnetic field, which is applied not only inside the frame, but also on the QD, leads to the Fano resonance split due to Zeeman effect, which indicates that the hybrid is an ideal candidate for the spin readout device. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The asymmetric spin distribution in k space caused by the pure spin current (PSC) can introduce a photoexcited charge current (PECC). This provides us a practical scheme for direct detection of PSC. We demonstrate theoretically that the PECC related to the PSC depends sensitively on the wave vector and spin orientation of the carriers, more important, the helicity dependence of this PECC provides us a way to refine it from the helicity independent background current by tuning the polarized laser beams from left to right circular polarization.