45 resultados para SPS SPV germanio nanoporoso impiantazione


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纳米材料以其特有的优异性能成为下一代信息技术、能源技术和生物医学技术的重要基础。纳米材料的研究是一个多学科交叉的领域,受到各国科学家及政府的极大重视,成为当前科学研究的热点前沿领域之一。近年来,无机纳米微粒与聚合物复合而成的无机-有机纳米复合材料可能成为集无机、有机、纳米等诸多材料的优良特性于一身的新型功能材料,倍受各国研究者的关注,对无机-有 机纳米复合材料的研究构成了当前纳米材料领域的新热点。我们在当今科学研究的前沿领域内,通过大量文献调研,选择稀土化合物为 目标化合物,开展了研究工作。采用新方法制备了ZnS、ZnS:Eu、ZnS:Mn、ZnS:Mn,Eu和CeO_2纳米微粒,制备了稀土硫化物、CeO_2纳米微粒与聚苯乙烯的纳米复合材料,对所制备的材料进行了表征,研究了反应过程及材料的发光特性,取得了一些创新性结果。1.首次采用固相法在接近室温和室温条件下,分别以硫代乙酰胺(TAA)和硫化钠为原料与醋酸锌进行反应,成功地制备出ZnS纳米微粒,通过XRD、TEM、SPS、荧光光谱等对样品进行了表征,通过差热分析对反应机理进行了研究,得到以下结论:(1).ZnS纳米微粒具有立方面心结构,为闪锌矿型ZnS。发现TAA与醋酸锌通过低温固相法制备ZnS纳米微粒的最佳温度为100℃,低于此温度反应进行得不完全。提高反应温度将使ZnS纳米微粒的尺寸增大。(2).100℃下合成的ZnS纳米微粒的晶粒粒径为3.2 nm,TEM观察到的每个ZnS纳米微粒是由更小的ZnS晶粒构成的多晶颗粒,平均颗粒尺寸为40 nm左右。(3).TAA与醋酸锌反应的历程几乎同时经历了以下几个过程,其中包括TAA的熔融,TAA的分解并产生硫化氢,产生的硫化氢与醋酸锌反应生成醋酸及ZnS,醋酸的气化等,ZnS纳米微粒在上述过程中得以迅速生成,产生的气体物质起到了控制颗粒进一步生长的作用。2.首次采用低温固相法制备出掺杂的ZnS纳米微粒,ZnS:Eu、ZnS:Mn和ZnS:Mn,Eu,研究了制备条件对粒径及发光的影响。研究表明,灼烧温度对掺杂的ZnS纳米微粒的尺寸影响较大,温度升高粒径随之增大:灼烧时间及掺杂浓度对粒径影响很小。荧光光谱中出现了掺杂离子的特征发光,增大掺杂离子浓度及提高灼烧温度可使发光增强。3.首次发现ZnS:Mn纳米粒子经紫外光照射后出现了荧光增强现象。无论是波长为254 nm还是365 nm的紫外光照射后都可以观察到上述现象,并且发现在一定时间范围内,发光亮度随着照射时间的延长而增强。产生这种现象的原因可能是纳米微粒的表面态得到改善,使无辐射通道减少,因而辐射强度提高。4.首次采用表面光电压谱对ZnS纳米微粒进行了表征,观察到表面光电压谱发生了蓝移,ZnS纳米微粒有丰富的表面态。荧光光谱中观察到产生于表面态的陷阱荧光,并发生蓝移。5.采用W/O微乳液法,选用多种非离子型表面活性剂,成功地制备出粒径很小、颗粒均匀的CeO_2纳米晶,对制备过程中的影响因素(如灼烧温度、水与表面活性剂的摩尔比、Ce~(3+)的浓度、灼烧时间、表面活性剂种类等)进行了详细研究。结果如下:(1).灼烧温度是影响CeO_2纳米微粒尺寸及形貌的关键因素。找到制备纯净的Ce02纳米晶的最佳温度为500℃,低于此温度CeO_2为无定形态,高于此温度则CeO_2纳米微粒的形貌规整但粒径增大。CeO_2纳米微粒的晶格畸变率随着灼烧温度的升高和粒径的增大而减小。(2).W(水与表面活性剂的摩尔比)、Ce~(3+)浓度、灼烧时间、表面活性剂种类等也对CeO_2纳米微粒的尺寸有影响,但其影响小于灼烧温度的影响。(3).首次在高分辨条件下通过TEM观察到CeO_2纳米晶的条纹相结构。6.首次将CeO_2纳米微粒与聚苯乙烯复合,成功地制备出CeO_2聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料,对材料进行了表征。(1).CeO_2/聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料的IR光谱中有Ce-O键的振动吸收,且比通常CeO_2的Ce-O键的振动吸收向高能方向移动,说明CeO_2粒径较小。(2).XPS谱中Ce的3d_(5/2)和3d_(3/2)结合能较CeO_2的标准谱向高能方向发生了移动,表明CeO_2与表面活性剂及聚苯乙烯之间存在着某种化学键作用。7.首次采用原位合成法制备出稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料,并通过荧光光谱、磁性、光电子能谱、透射电镜等手段对它们进行了表征。研究了该复合材料的磁性质、荧光光谱、XPS谱、微结构与掺稀土聚苯乙烯相比发生的变化,分析了产生上述变化的原因。(1).在掺Eu聚苯乙烯复合材料的激发光谱和发射光谱中可见Eu~(3+)的激发和发射峰。Eu~(3+)离子处于对称性很低的聚合物环境中,发射光谱中所出现的~5D_0 → ~7F_J(J = 0,l,2,3,4)跃迁的发射峰中~7F_l和~7F_2等能级解除简并发生了能级劈裂。随着Eu浓度增大,Eu~(3+)离子的发射峰强度增加。(2).稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料的发射光谱中在400 nm左右有宽带发射,且经紫外光照射后其发光强度降低,这是由于H_2S与Eu~(3+)发生而生成的不很稳定的Eu~(2+)经紫外光照射后被氧化成更为稳定的Eu~(3+)。(3).稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料和掺Eu聚苯乙烯复合材料相比,在荧光光谱、磁性、XPS谱和微结构等方面存在较大的差别。研究表明,在稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯复合材料中有较多的Eu~(3+)离子处于无反演对称性的格位,使得它的发射光谱在615 nm处的发光峰为最强;稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料的饱和磁化强度较掺Eu聚苯乙烯复合材料的低;稀土硫化物聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料的球粒尺寸明显大于掺Eu聚苯乙烯复合材料的球粒尺寸,远大于纯聚苯乙烯的球粒尺寸。


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间规聚苯乙烯(sPS)作为一种新型的工程塑料,结晶速度快,多晶型问题非常复杂。本工作主要利用多种测试分析手段对sPS的晶体结构,结晶行为进行了较系统的研究。系统地研究了温度与sPS各种晶型生成的对应关系,发现由α'型向α"型转变发生在一较窄的温度区间,有一个随温度突变的过程,并且与α'型晶体相比,α"型晶体的晶胞较小,晶体堆砌更为紧密。根据WAXD理论和多峰分解法,推导出各晶型的结晶度计算公式。依据WAXD衍射分析推知冷结晶温度高于230 ℃时有少量β型晶体生成。利用红外定量分析证实了sPS等温熔体结晶时,随结晶温度的升高,α型晶体成分迅速减少,β型成分急剧增加,晶型转分发生在较窄温度区间内。应用DSC分析采用多种方法系统地研究了sPS的结晶动力学。在等温熔体结晶过程中,温度较低时为二维圆盘状生长,结晶较快,存在二次结晶现象;结晶温度较高时为一维纤维状生长,结晶速度较慢,没有二次结晶发生;结晶温度处在二者中间范围为二维圆盘状和一维纤维状混合生长。同时发现在239 ℃处发生了结晶方式由方式II向方式III的转变,据此计算出sPS各结晶动力学参数,比较折叠链功(q)sPS与iPS非常接近,说明二者分子链刚性相当。在等温冷结晶过程中,没有二次结晶发生,晶体的生长方式不随结晶温度的变化而变化。在非等温熔体结晶过程中,慢速降温二次结晶不出现,降温速率越快,二次结晶出现越早。在非等温冷结晶过程中,升温速率适中才会出现二次结晶。用我们组建立的方法可很好地描述sPS的非等温结晶行为。


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介质层上的亚波长金属光栅产生的表面等离子体(surface plasmons,SPs)可以极大地增强光栅下介质层内的透射光强.增强作用从500 nm延续到近红外区域.在波长610 nm附近有接近110%的增强,在波长700 nm及740nm处也有180%左右的增强.而这个波长范围与薄膜太阳能电池的吸收谱很相近,因此这种结构有望大幅度提高薄膜太阳能电池及不同波长光探测嚣等光电转换器件的光耦合效率.


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随着Internet的迅猛发展,陆续出现众多面向分发的应用,其数据源具有分布性、多样性、自治性和异构性,用户则具有大规模和数据需求的高度重叠性,数据流则呈现出从源到消费者的非对称性等特征。发布/订阅技术与传统的通信范型(消息传递、RPC/RMI和共享空间)相比,所具有的松散耦合、多点通信、匿名性和高可伸缩性等,使得它成为一种适用于大规模数据分发的理想通信方式。 现有的发布/订阅技术在表达能力、匹配的全面、准确和效率以及及时性服务质量保障等方面尚存在问题,不足以支持大规模的数据分发。本文研究的目标是,针对分布式环境下大规模的数据分发,深入研究发布/订阅系统的关键技术,重点解决发布/订阅系统的数据模型、匹配算法和及时性保障等三方面的问题,并开发出原型系统,为大规模的数据分发提供发布/订阅中间件支持,具体内容如下: 1) 语义数据模型 分布式计算环境下,数据源和数据消费者要跨越系统边界进行数据交互,就迫切需要解决事件和订阅的语义异构问题。已有的发布/订阅系统的数据模型的语义表达能力尚存在不足,且难以表达用户偏好。因此,针对该语义异构问题和已有数据模型的不足,采用了一种公共词汇表和语义上下文相结合的方法,建立了发布/订阅系统的语义数据模型,解决了在语义异构的数据环境下事件和订阅如何表示的问题。其中,提出了一种语义订阅语言SPS-EL来表示订阅条件,订阅条件中用属性过滤器的阈值和权重信息反映用户偏好。该模型考虑了事件和订阅所处的数据环境,增强了系统的表达能力,提高了用户表达订阅需求的灵活性。接着,提出了一种基于语义上下文的自动化的事件和订阅的转换机制,消除事件和订阅存在的语义异构,提高了转换效率。 2) 匹配算法 大规模数据分发环境下,订阅者的规模是巨大的,往往到几万甚至上百万,而且用户需求具有模糊性,如何准确、全面和高效地对发布事件进行匹配,确定对其感兴趣的订阅集仍然是一个挑战性问题。而目前已有的系统基本上都是从语法上进行事件与订阅的匹配,主要集中于提高匹配的效率,而缺乏对语义匹配的考虑且较少考虑匹配的全面性和准确性;认为订阅中的属性约束的重要性相同,属性匹配为布尔匹配,没有考虑匹配的相似度,难以匹配出更符合用户偏好的结果。针对该匹配问题和已有方法的不足,基于本文提出的语义数据模型,提出了一种基于语义的多阶段优化的事件匹配算法。该算法利用应用领域的公共词汇表的概念语义关系信息和订阅条件中的阈值和权重表示的用户偏好信息辅助匹配,提高匹配的全面性和准确性。同时,该算法采取多阶段优化的方法,建立高效索引,减少订阅搜索空间和属性过滤器比较次数,从而提高匹配效率。实验结果表明,该算法能够明显提高匹配的全面和准确性,匹配结果更符合用户偏好,并能保持较高的匹配效率。 3) 及时性保障 一些领域的应用对发布/订阅系统设施提出了及时性需求,如何在大规模动态分布式网络环境下满足订阅者的及时性需求并提高系统的有效性是一个挑战性问题。已有的传统的基于连接的资源保留的方法,会带来资源的浪费,违反了发布/订阅系统松散耦合的特性,不适合大规模数据分发场景;静态优先级的方法,其优先级是固定不变的且数目是有限的,不适应动态网络环境。因此,针对及时性保障问题和已有方案的不足,借鉴了经济学的方法,提出了一种支持及时性需求的传播、事件调度和分发机制,并保持了发布/订阅系统固有的松散耦合特性。在该机制中,建立了发布/订阅系统的延迟模型,引入了事件的期望收益、预期违约成本和推迟成本等度量指标,提出了一种基于收益机制的分布式发布/订阅系统及时性保障技术和使系统获益最大化的动态优先级调度算法MTEP(Maximum Total Earning Priority)。该调度算法利用价格、违约成本和延迟等信息,对事件进行及时有效地调度分发。实验结果表明,该机制能满足订阅者和发布者指定延迟约束的需求,能在系统高负载情况下使订阅者能接收到的有效事件明显增多并使系统收益显著改善。 最后,设计并实现了面向大规模数据分发的发布/订阅原型系统OnceDI/PS。该原型系统采用Java技术开发实现了本文提出的数据模型、匹配算法和及时性保障机制。


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5,10,15,20-Tetra-[(p-alkoxy-m-ethyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin and [5-(p-alkoxy)phenyl-10,15,20-tri-phenyl]porphyrin and their holmium(III) complexes are reported. They display a hexagonal columnar discotic columnar Col(h)) liquid crystal phase and were studied by cyclic voltammetry, surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS), electric-field-induced surface photovoltage spectroscopy (EFISPS) and luminescence spectroscopy. Within the accessible potential window, all these compounds exhibit two one-electron reversible redox reactions. Quantum yields of Q band are in the region 0.0045-0.21 at room temperature. The SPS and EFISPS reveal that all the compounds are p-type semiconductors and exhibit photovoltaic response due to pi-pi* electron transitions.


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The surface structure of the iron oxide nanoparticles obtained by the co-precipitation method has been investigated, and a thin layer of alpha-FeOOH absorbed on surface of the nanoparticle is confirmed by analyses of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS). After annealed at 400 degrees C, the alpha-FeOOH can be converted to gamma-Fe2O3. The simple-annealed procedure resulted in the formation of Fe3O4@gamma-Fe2O3 core/shell structure with improved stability and a higher magnetic saturation value, and also the simple method can be used to obtain core/shell structure in other similar system.


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Syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) nanorods with different diameters have been prepared by using anodic aluminum oxide templates, and the orientation of the sPS crystals in the nanorods has been investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy. It is found that the c axis of the beta' crystals preferentially oriented perpendicular to the axis of the nanorod, and the degree of orientation is lower as the diameter of the nanorod decreases. This unexpected result is attributed to nuclei formed at the surface of the nanopores and their subsequent growth, in addition to the preferential growth compatible with the pore direction by the nuclei formed in the bulk film and in the nanorods.


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Syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) nanorods of 200 and 80 nm diameters were prepared by infiltrating porous anodic alumina oxide templates with polymer melt, and the crystallinity and orientation of various forms of sPS crystals in the nanorods were studied by FTIR spectroscopy and electron diffraction. For sPS crystallized from amorphous state at lower temperatures, a-form crystals were found in the nanorods with random orientation and the same degree of crystallinity as that in the bulk. However, for sPS crystallized from molten state at 260 degrees C, while no preferred orientation was found for the chains in the melt, the beta-crystals formed in the nanorods oriented preferentially with the c-axis aligning perpendicular to the axial direction of the nanorod, and the degree of crystallinity was significantly lower than that in the bulk. The crystallinity decrease was more profound for nanorods of smaller diameter. These results were also supported by electron diffraction data and can be attributed to competition between nucleation and crystal growth in the nanotemplates.


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The effects of three triblock copolymers of poly [styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene] (SEBS) of different molecular weight (MW) on the morphology, tensile strength and thermal behavior of isotactic polypropylene/syndiotactic polystyrene (iPP/sPS, 80/20) blend are investigated. Morphology observation shows that both the medium MW and the lower MW SEBS are more effective than the higher MW SEBS in compatibilizing the blends. Tensile tests revels both the medium and low MW compatibilizer lead to a significant improvement in tensile strength, while the higher MW compatibilizer is efficient in increasing the elongation at break of the blends. The localization of compatibilizers in the blends is observed by mean of SEM and the correlation between the distribution of the compatibilizers and mechanical properties of the blends is evaluated. The mechanical properties of the iPP/sPS blends depend on not only the interfacial activity of the compatibilizers but also the distribution of the compatibilizer in the blend. Addition of the compatibilizers to the blend causes a remarkable decrease in the magnitude of the crystallization peak of sPS at its usual T-c. Vicat softening points demonstrate that the heat resistance of iPP/sPS blend is much higher than that of the pure iPP.


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Blends of polyamide-6 (PA6) with syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) were prepared using a series of styrene/glycidyl methacrylate (SG) copolymers as compatibilizers. These copolymers are miscible with sPS, and the epoxide units in SG are capable of reacting with PA6 end groups. These copolymers thus have the potential to form SG-g-PA6 graft copolymers at the PA6/sPS interface during melt processing. This study focuses on the effects of functionality and concentration of the compatibilizer on the morphological, mechanical and crystallization behaviors of the blends.. In general, SG copolymers are effective in reducing the sPS domain size and improving the interfacial adhesion. About 5 wt% glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) is the optimum content in SG copolymer that produces the best compatibilization. Both the strength and modulus of the blend have been improved on addition of the SG copolymers, accompanying a loss in toughness when higher concentration copolymer is added. Incorporation of SG compatibilizers to PA6/sPS blend has little influence on the crystallization behavior of PA6 component but resulted in a steady reduction in intensity of crystallinity peak of sPS and simultaneous crystallization of sPS with PA6 is observed.


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This work is intended to provide a method for the preparation of maleic anhydride grafted syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS-g-MA). In particular, a novel solid reaction method by a radical grafting approach is investigated. The grafting reaction is performed at a solid state, where the syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) is swollen in solvent at relatively low temperature compared to the conventional melt modification method. The formation of sPS-g-MA is directly confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and by the morphology observation of sPS/polyamide-6 (Nylon6) blends, when sPS-g-MA is used as a reactive compatibilizer.


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Fe2O3 sol with the particle diameter of 3-5 nm was flocculated by the addition of SDS, and the flocculate formed was redispersed by the further addition of that surfactant. Thus the surfactant bilayer was formed on the surface of Fe2O3. The emulsion polymerization of styrene (St) adsolubilized oil the surfactant adsorbed bilayer was carried out by initiator potassium persulfate (KPS). The UV-Vis and surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) indicate that the Fe2O3 particles were encapsulated in polystyrene(PSt) successfully.


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Three triblock copolymers of poly[styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene] (SEBS) of different molecular weights and one diblock copolymer of poly[styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)] (SEB) were used to compatibilize high density polyethylene/syndiotactic polystyrene (HDPE/sPS, 80/20) blend. Morphology observation showed that phase size of the dispersed sPS particles was significantly reduced on addition of all the four copolymers and the interfacial adhesion between the two phases was dramatically enhanced. Tensile strength of the blends increased at lower copolymer content but decreased with increasing copolymer content. The elongation at break of the blends improved and sharply increased with increments of the copolymers. Drop in modulus of the blend was observed on addition of the rubbery copolymers. The mechanical performance of the modified blends is strikingly dependent not only on the interfacial activity of the copolymers but also on the mechanical properties of the copolymers, particularly at the high copolymer concentration. Addition of compatibilizers to HDPE/sPS blend resulted in a significant reduction in crystallinity of both HDPE and sPS. Measurements of Vicat softening temperature of the HDPE/sPS blends show that heat resistance of HDPE is greatly improved upon incorporation of 20 wt% sPS.