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We investigate theoretically the magnetic levels and optical properties of zigzag- and armchair-edged hexagonal graphene quantum dots (GQDs) utilizing the tight-binding method. A bound edge state at zero energy appears for the zigzag GQDs in the absence of a magnetic field. The magnetic levels of GQDs exhibit a Hofstadter-butterfly spectrum and approach the Landau levels of two-dimensional graphene as the magnetic field increases. The optical properties are tuned by the size, the type of the edge, and the external magnetic field.


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We study the structure, optical and magnetic characteristics of self-assembled (In,Cr) As diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots as a function of the As-4 flux. Increasing the surface energy by increasing the As4 pressure leads to a smaller number of larger dots for a higher As-4 flux. The remanent magnetization measured at 5K also increases with increasing As-4 flux, which is attributed to the enhancement of the effective Cr content due to the As-4-rich condition. We explore the possibility of tailoring magnetism by controlling the As-4/In flux ratio without changing the Cr concentration. Furthermore, extremely low-density QDs have also been successfully grown. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008


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We study the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the optical phenomena of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCN) and also their chirality dependence. Especially, we consider the natural optical activity as a proper observable and derive its general expression based on a comprehensive symmetry analysis, which reveals the interplay between the enclosed magnetic flux and the tubule chirality for arbitrary chiral SWCN. A quantitative result for this optical property is given by a gauge invariant tight-binding approximation calculation to stimulate experimental measurements.


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Semiconductor nanostructures show many special physical properties associated with quantum confinement effects, and have many applications in the opto-electronic and microelectronic fields. However, it is difficult to calculate their electronic states by the ordinary plane wave or linear combination of atomic orbital methods. In this paper, we review some of our works in this field, including semiconductor clusters, self-assembled quantum dots, and diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots. In semiconductor clusters we introduce energy bands and effective-mass Hamiltonian of wurtzite structure semiconductors, electronic structures and optical properties of spherical clusters, ellipsoidal clusters, and nanowires. In self-assembled quantum dots we introduce electronic structures and transport properties of quantum rings and quantum dots, and resonant tunneling of 3-dimensional quantum dots. In diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots we introduce magnetic-optical properties, and magnetic field tuning of the effective g factor in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD) is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory. We find that the energies of the electron with different spin orientation exhibit different behavior as a function of magnetic field at small magnetic fields. The energies of the hole decreases rapidly at low magnetic fields and saturate at higher magnetic field due to the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The mixing effect of the hole states in the DMS QD can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field. An interesting crossing behavior of the hole ground state between the heavy-hole state and the light-hole state is found with variation of the QD radius. The strength of the interband optical transition for different circular polarization exhibts quite different behavior with increasing magnetic field and QD radius.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum dots in the presence of an external homogeneous magnetic field is given. The electronic structure and optical properties are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The energy levels have new characteristics, such as parabolic property, antisymmtric splitting, and so on, different from the Zeeman splitting. With the crystal field splitting energy Delta(c)=25 meV, the dark excitons appear when the radius is smaller than 25.85 A in the absence of external magnetic field. This result is more consistent with the experimental results reported by Efros [Phys. Rev. B 54, 4843 (1996)]. It is found that dark excitons become bright under appropriate magnetic field depending on the radius of dots. The circular polarization factors of the optical transitions of randomly oriented dots are zero in the absence of external magnetic field and increase with the increase of magnetic field, in agreement with the experimental results. The circular polarization factors of single dots change from nearly 0 to about 1 as the orientation of the magnetic field changes from the x axis of the crystal structure to the z axis, which can be used to determine the orientation of the z axis of the crystal structure of individual dots. The antisymmetric Hamiltonian is very important to the effects of magnetic field on the circular polarization of the optical transition of quantum dots.


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The admixture of linear and circular photogalvanic effects and (CPGEs) in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures has been investigated quantitatively by near-infrared irradiation at room temperature. The spin-based photocurrent that the authors have observed solidly indicates the sizable spin-orbital interaction of the two-dimensional electron gas in the heterostructures. Further analysis shows consistency between studies by optical and magnetic (Shubnikov de-Haas) measurements on the spin-orbital coupling effects among different AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures, indicating that the CPGE measurement is a good way to investigate the spin splitting and the spin polarization in semiconductors. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The shape dependence of electronic structure, electron g factors in the presence of the external magnetic field of InSb quantum ellipsoids are investigated in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation. It is found that as the increasing aspect ratio e, the electron states with P character split into three doublets for the different physical interaction and the light-hole states with S character come up to the top of valence bands at e = 2.6 in comparison with the heavy-hole states. In the presence of the external magnetic field, the energy splits of electron states are different for their wave function distribution direction, and the hole ground state remain optical active for a suitable aspect ratio. The electron g factors of InSb spheres decrease with increasing radius, and have the value of about two for the smallest radius, about -47.2 for sufficiently larger radius, similar to the bulk material case. Actually, the electron g factors decrease as any one of the three dimensions increase. The more dimensions increase, the more g factors decrease. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the g factors more than the other dimensions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Hamiltonian of the zinc-blende quantum rods in the framework of eight-band effective-mass approximation in the presence of external homogeneous magnetic field is given. The electronic structure, optical properties and electron g factors of GaAs quantum rods are investigated. We found that the electron g factors are very sensitively dependent on the dimensions of the quantum rods. As some of the three dimensions increase, the electron g factors decrease. The more the dimensions increase, the more the electron g factors decrease. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the electron g factors more than the other dimension. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure, electron g factors and optical properties of InAs quantum ellipsoids are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass approximation. It is found that the light-hole states come down in comparison with the heavy-hole states when the spheres are elongated, and become the lowest states of the valence band. Circularly polarized emissions under circularly polarized excitations may have opposite polarization factors to the exciting light. For InAs ellipsoids the length, which is smaller than 35 nm, is still in a strongly quantum-confined regime. The electron g factors of InAs spheres decrease with increasing radius, and are nearly 2 when the radius is very small. The quantization of the electron states quenches the orbital angular momentum of the states. Actually, as some of the three dimensions increase, the electron g factors decrease. As more dimensions increase, the g factors decrease more. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the g factors more than the other dimension. The magnetic field along the z axis of the crystal structure causes linearly polarized emissions in the spheres, which emit unpolarized light in the absence of magnetic field.


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Based on a multiparticle-state stimulated Raman adiabatic passage approach, a comprehensive theoretical study of the ultrafast optical manipulation of electron spins in quantum wells is presented. In addition to corroborating experimental findings [Gupta , Science 292, 2458 (2001)], we improve the expression for the optical-pulse-induced effective magnetic field, in comparison with the one obtained via the conventional single-particle ac Stark shift. Further study of the effect of hole-spin relaxation reveals that, while the coherent optical manipulation of electron spin in undoped quantum wells would deteriorate in the presence of relatively fast hole-spin relaxation, the coherent control in doped systems can be quite robust against decoherence. The implications of the present results on quantum dots will also be discussed. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The spin interaction and the effective g factor of a magnetic exciton (ME) are investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD), including the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction. At low magnetic field, the ME energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for high Mn concentration. The ground state of the ME exhibits an interesting crossing behavior between sigma(+)-ME and sigma(-)-ME for low Mn concentration. The g(ex) factor of the ME in a DMS QD displays a monotonic decrease with increasing magnetic field and can be tuned to zero by an external magnetic field. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory; the strain effect is also included in the calculation. The numerical results show that an increase of the in-plane magnetic field renders the DMS superlattice from the direct band-gap system to the indirect band-gap system, and spatially separates the electron and the hole by changing the type-I band alignment to a type-II band alignment. The optical transition probability changes from type I to type II and back to type I like at large magnetic field. This phenomenon arises from the interplay among the superlattice potential profile, the external magnetic field, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The shear strain induces a strong coupling of the light- and heavy-hole states and a transition of the hole ground states from "light"-hole to "heavy"-hole-like states.


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Electron cyclotron resonance CR) measurements have been carried out in magnetic fields up to 32 T to study electron-phonon interaction in two heavily modulation-delta -doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single-quantum-well samples. No measurable resonant magnetopolaron effects were observed in either sample in the region of the GaAs longitudinal optical (LO) phonons. However, when the CR frequency is above LO phonon frequency, omega (LO)=E-LO/(h) over bar, at high magnetic fields (B>27 T), electron CR exhibits a strong avoided-level-crossing splitting for both samples at frequencies close to (omega (LO)+ (E-2-E-1)1 (h) over bar, where E-2, and E-1 are the energies of the bottoms of the second and the first subbands, respectively. The energy separation between the two branches is large with the minimum separation of 40 cm(-1) occurring at around 30.5 T. A detailed theoretical analysis, which includes a self-consistent calculation of the band structure and the effects of electron-phonon interaction on the CR, shows that this type of splitting is due to a three-level resonance between the second Landau level of the first electron subband and the lowest Landau level of the second subband plus one GaAs LO phonon. The absence of occupation effects in the final states and weak screening or this three-level process yields large energy separation even in the presence of high electron densities. Excellent agreement between the theory and the experimental results is obtained.


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Deep levels in undoped GaN materials grown by modified molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are investigated by photoluminescence (PL) and optical quenching of photoconductivity measurements. A broad band which extends from 2.1 to 3.0 eV with a maximum at about 2.7 eV is observed, and four prominent quenching bands were found located at 2.18, 2.40, 2.71, and 2.78 eV above the valence band, respectively. These levels are attributed to four holes trap levels existence in the material. The defects cannot be firmly identified at present. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.