34 resultados para Mossé, Claude
Lycojapodine A, a novel C16N-type Lycopodium alkaloid with an unprecedented 6/6/6/7 tetracyclic ring system, was isolated from the club moss Lycopodium japonicum. The structure and relative stereochemistry were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic dat
Practical testing of the feasibility of cyanobacterial inoculation to speed up the recovery of biological soil crusts in the field was conducted in this experiment. Results showed that cyanobacterial and algal cover climbed up to 48.5% and a total of 14 cyanobacterial and algal species were identified at the termination of inoculation experiment; biological crusts' thickness, compressive and chlorophyll a content increased with inoculation time among 3 years; moss species appeared in the second year; cyanobacterial inoculation increased organic carbon and total nitrogen of the soil; total salt, calcium carbonate and electrical conductivity in the soil also increased after inoculation. Diverse vascular plant communities composed of 10 and 9 species are established by cyanobacterial inoculation on the windward and leeward surface of the dunes, respectively, after 3 years. The Simpson index for the above two communities are 0.842 and 0.852, while the Shannon-Weiner index are 2.097 and 2.053, respectively. In conclusion, we suggest that cyanobacterial inoculation would be a suitable and effective technique to recover biological soil crusts, and may further restore the ecological system. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
There was a positive correlation between the concentration of organic carbon and potential respiration as measured by carbon dioxide evolution (R-2 = 0.923) and oxygen consumption (R-2 = 0.986) in soil samples collected from the bottoms of drained ponds. This finding supports the frequent use of organic carbon analysis as an indicator of sediment respiration rate under optimal conditions in commercial aquaculture facilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A direct method for measuring the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BODS) of aquaculture samples that does not require sample dilution or bacterial and nutrient enrichment was evaluated. The regression coefficient (R-2) between the direct method and the standard method for the analyses of 32 samples from catfish ponds was 0.996. The slope of the regression line did not differ from 1.0 or the Y-intercept from 0.0 at P = 0.05. Thus, there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods. The control limits (three standard deviations of the mean) for a standard solution containing 15 mg/L each of glutamic acid and glucose were 17.4 and 20.4 mg/L. The precision of the two methods, based on eight replicate analyses of four pond water samples did not differ at P = 0.05. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
InN nanostructures with and without GaN capping layers were grown by using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Morphological, structural, and optical properties were systematically studied by using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL). XRD results show that an InGaN structure is formed for the sample with a GaN capping layer, which will reduce the quality and the IR PL emission of the InN. The lower emission peak at similar to 0.7 eV was theoretically fitted and assigned as the band edge emission of InN. Temperature-dependent PL shows a good quantum efficiency for the sample without a GaN capping layers; this corresponds to a lower density of dislocations and a small activation energy.
一、前言海洋热能转换(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion OTEC)这一概念早在1881年法国物理学家 D~1 Arsonval 就提出来了。他设想在热带海洋表面温海水与深层冷海水之间,设置闭式朗肯循环,把海洋中所储存的太阳热能转换为电能。为实现这一设想,D~1Arsonval 的学生,法国工程师 G.Claude 于1926年在一个海水温差发电的模拟装置上使
近地表面多年冻土对寒区生态系统的植被覆盖、水文条件、土地利用和工程建设具有重要影响,随着气候变化研究的广泛开展,区域冻土环境的变化也成为学者关心的重要议题。中国东北的多年冻土处于欧亚大陆多年冻土带的南缘,多年冻土不如以北地区发育,是十分脆弱的多年冻土。然而,多年冻土在东北寒区生态系统中却起着重要的作用。若东北多年冻土发生退缩,则有可能加速落叶松北移和湿地退缩的过程,也会对C的释放产生重要影响。因而探明现实气候条件下东北区域多年冻土的影响因子和发育状况以及未来气候条件下多年冻土的退缩趋势,将有助于促进东北寒区生态系统的冻土和其它学科研究,同时也可为寒区开发建设提供有意义的参考。 本研究从分析东北多年冻土的主要影响因子——气候、地形和土壤条件等入手,准确地掌握了多年冻土的发育状况,并以此为根据进行了景观尺度上多年冻土分布信息的提取和融深信息的研究。同时,在区域尺度上对多年冻土的现实分布和未来气候条件下多年冻土的可能分布状况进行了探讨。最终得到以下重要结论: (1)冻结数对东北多年冻土分布具有重要的指示作用 冻结数模型具有明确的物理意义,可以指示多年冻土的发生状况。研究中,利用地形、纬度等因子,结合气温和降水数据模拟了现实气候条件下东北地区的冻结数值;并依据冻结数模型的区划标准对东北多年冻土进行分区。结果表明,冻结数在指示多年冻土分布时具有重要作用。 (2)土壤含水量、地形坡度和群落因子对多年冻土具有重要影响 以大兴安岭呼中国家级自然保护区为例,调查了该区多年冻土活动层厚度,并利用多重对比分析和相关分析的统计方法,对多年冻土活动层的影响因子进行了分析。结果表明,多年冻土活动层厚度与多个环境因子之间存在着复杂的关系。其中,土壤表层含水量与活动层厚度具有极显著的负相关关系(P<0.001),其相关系数在0.90以上,说明含水量越高,活动层厚度越浅。地形坡度和活动层厚度的相关性也达到显著水平(相关系数为0.321,P=0.006),表明坡度越陡,活动层厚度越大。几乎每个样带的海拔与活动层厚度都有显著的相关性,但在整体研究区域内海拔与活动层厚度不存在相关性。这说明活动层厚度的变异仅在本研究的样带尺度上具有规律性,而在稍大尺度上这种规律性就消失了。对于不同的群落活动层厚度的多重对比分析表明,群落的差异对活动层厚度也有明显的影响,其中狭叶杜香-泥炭藓群落(Larix gmelini-Ledum palustre var. anqustum-sphagnum magellanicum)更有利于多年冻土的保存。 (3)景观尺度上的多年冻土分布状况 在景观尺度上,以呼中国家级自然保护区为研究区,应用神经网络方法,同时以土地覆盖、等效纬度、坡向和土壤湿度多种影响因子为数据源,对多年冻土分布信息进行提取。结果表明,考虑土地覆盖、等效纬度和土壤湿度的数据源组合可以获得高精度最高的多年冻土分布信息,分类精度可以达到89.0%,多年冻土面积占研究区面积百分比达到46.71%,为780.1 km2。 (4)景观尺度上多年冻土的融深状况 研究考虑了包括植被和等效纬度两个影响活动层厚度的重要因子,并将Stefan公式进行变形,简化为包含热量条件的等效纬度因子和植被条件的C因子的函数关系。最后应用该函数关系模拟了呼中自然保护区活动层厚度空间分布,模拟结果的精度为87.25%。在模拟结果中,面积和所占比例最大的活动层厚度为70-80 cm间的活动层厚度,所占面积达到341.4 km2 ,占整个研究区面积的20.43%。而面积最小的活动层厚度为30-40 cm间的活动层厚度,面积为0.02 km2 。通过群落与活动层厚度的空间分布对比发现,呼中自然保护区占最大比例的活动层(70-80 cm)所对应的植物群落主要为落叶松-丛桦-笃斯-藓类群落(Larix gmelini-Betula ovalifolia-Vaccini uliginosum-moss)。说明呼中自然保护区冻土湿地植被主要以该群落类型为主,演替处于中间阶段。 (5)区域尺度上多年冻土的分布状况 利用证据权重法,以可能影响多年冻土分布的气候、地形和土壤等因子作为数据源,对研究区在现实气候条件下的多年冻土分布进行预测,获得了多年冻土在现实气候条件下的分布概率等信息。结果表明,当分布概率大于0.17时,划分出的多年冻土的精度最高,为78.71 %。此时,多年冻土面积为2.03×104 km2 ,约占研究区总面积的1.76%。 (6)东北多年冻土分布对气候变化的响应 利用空间代时间的方法和Kappa指数,对证据权重法在预测未来气候变化条件下多年冻土分布的准确性进行了验证,结果表明,证据权重法预测气候变化条件下多年冻土的分布状况是可行的。 在CGCM3模拟的三种气候模式下,多年冻土在2050年和2100年都将发生明显的退缩。2050年,SRES A1、SRES A2和SRES B1三种气候情景下多年冻土的面积分别为786.38 km2,705.94 km2和1 028.81 km2。与现实气候下多年冻土的面积2.03×104 km2相比,多年冻土分别退缩了96.13%,96.53%和94.94%。而2100年的模拟结果表明,三种气候情景模式下,多年冻土已经全部退化。 (7)气候变化条件下东北多年冻土的分区变化 研究将冻结数等值图与2000年中国东北冻土分区图进行叠加,计算了不同多年冻土亚区的边界对应的冻结数值,建立了利用冻结数进行中国东北多年冻土分区的标准。根据冻结数指标确定的新的中国东北冻土分区与原中国东北冻土分区进行Kappa指数认证。结果表明,冻结数分区标准更适用于中国东北多年冻土的区划。 利用新的冻结数分区标准对CGCM3模拟的三种气候情景模式下的气候变化数据进行区划表明,三种气候模式下东北多年冻土区在21世纪都会有非常明显的退缩。2050年时冻土区缩减了37.7%-42.6%,2100年时缩减了62.5%-74.0%。同时,研究结果显示,东北多年冻土区域的退缩不仅发生在多年冻土区的南界,同时多年冻土的中心退缩也较为明显,即大片连续多年冻土亚区和大片连续—岛状多年冻土亚区的退缩最为剧烈。2050年时,三种气候情景下,大片连续多年冻土亚区将退缩88.8%以上;2100年时,SRES A2模式下,大片连续多年冻土亚区将完全消失。
川西亚高山针叶林是四川森林的主体,是长江上游重要的生态屏障。云杉作为亚高山针叶林人工更新的主要树种,已经在该地区形成了大面积的人工纯林。目前,许多云杉人工林分已经进入更新成熟龄,而这些人工林的持续更新却成为日益凸现的问题。探讨这些云杉人工林的自我更新潜力及云杉种子种群更新特点,可为培育后续森林资源提供科学依据。 本文以川西米亚罗亚高山60a云杉人工林为研究对象,并以该区域内相对稳定的植被群落——天然林为对照,采用种子收集器、土壤种子库筛选、室内外种子萌发实验及野外幼苗调查等方法,从异质性微生境的角度研究了种子雨下落之后,不同微生境对种子库、种子萌发、幼苗建立及分布这一前期更新过程的影响,得出如下结果: 1、通过对川西亚高山60a云杉人工林和天然林6年内种子雨雨量、形态特征、散步动态等的持续观测和综合比较可以发现,云杉林结实特点由于林木自身的特征存在着巨大的变动,2002年和2006年两个种子结实大年内,60a人工林种子雨强度分别达到1088.2 ± 52.3粒/m2和704.3 ± 48.9粒/m2,远大于天然林579.9 ± 28.9粒/m2 和507.5± 30.7粒/m2;且云杉林结实质量优于天然林。60a人工林结实量大,种子质量也最好,相对天然林来说对种群的天然更新以及群落的演替都有最大的贡献潜力。应该说,在川西亚高山云杉人工林的天然更新过程中,种源不是影响天然更新的因素。在种子结实大年里,达到更新成熟的云杉人工林有着优于该地区相对稳定植被群落——天然林的种源优势。至少在种子结实大年,种子供应不是该区域人工林天然更新的限制因子。 2、相对于天然林种子库,人工林种子库在种子萌发前能够有较多的有活力种子。虽然这其中有种子雨输入量有差别的因素存在,但两种林分种子库对种子的保存率的不同才是造成这种差异的主要因素。在人工林中,不同地被类型形成的微生境显著地影响了种子库中种子的密度、垂直分布。有地被物存在的微生境能够将种子雨的大部分截留在地被层中,成为幼苗出现的主要场所;同时不同的地被物对种子的保存情况存在显著的差异,苔藓和凋落物层能都较好地保持其中的种子,到种子萌发前,这两种种子库类型能分别为天然更新提供366.1粒/m2和302粒/m2的有效种子。从这点来看,林下地被物上的种子库能够为天然更新萌发阶段提供数量可观的物质基础。 3、种子的萌发和幼苗的定居是天然更新过程中种子库向幼苗库转化的关键环节。总的说来,米亚罗人工林区60a云杉人工林种子向幼苗的转化率十分低下,凋落物、苔藓、草本、裸地四种主要地被物以及天然林内种子/幼苗的转化率分别仅为2.22%、2.14%、0.57%、0.67%、1.05%。这种低的转化率成为云杉林天然更新的限制性因子。但在现有更新条件下,微生境对这一环节仍然显示出十分显著的影响,表现为凋落物和苔藓对现有更新的新幼苗的保存率高于其它类型及天然林。苔藓和凋落物在种子萌发,幼苗保存,以及幼苗分布上都要优于其它地被物类型;另外,微地形对天然更新过程的影响也很显著,凹立地上更适宜于种子的汇集、萌发和定居。 Subalpine coniferous forests dominate most parts of the forested areas in western Sichuan, and they are important ecological barriers in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Picea asperata is one of the keystone spruce species for re-afforestation after felling of the natural forests and there have been a total of ca. 13 000 ha of plantations dominate by this species established. Nowadays, many P. asperata plantations have reached reproductive maturity. However, continued regeneration becomes to an important problem in these plantations. Understanding their self-regeneration potential and the regeneration characteristics of seed populations in spruce plantations of these plantations can have some insights on the management of these plantations and the establishment of following forest resources. A subalpine 60a P. asperata plantation distributed in Miyaluo artificial forest area was studied in this paper, at the same time. Synchronously, a 150a natural spruce forest was studied as comparison. Using seed collecting traps, sieving method for soil seed bank, seed germination experiments and seedling investigations in the field, the effects of heterogeneous microsites on early natural regeneration processes after seed rain were studied, which included seed banks, seed germination, seedling establishment and distribution. The main results are as follows. 1. Through a 6-year long term investigation of seed rain intensities, characteristic, dispersal dynamics of 60a P. asperata plantation, we could concluded that the seed setting properties of 60a P. asperata plantation have a great variation for the characteristics trees. In the mast seed year of 2002 and 2006, the seed rain intensities of plantation was 1088.2 ± 52.3 seeds/m2 and 704.3 ± 48.9 seeds/m2 respectively, which were much greater than that of natural spruce forest (579.9 ± 28.9 seeds/m2 in 2002, and 507.5± 30.7 seeds/m2 in 2006). Furthermore, the quality of seed rain in P. asperata plantation was better than that of natural spruce forest. Contrasting with natural spruce forest, 60a P. asperata plantation has a greater potential on natural regeneration of P. asperata population and succession of community for the reason of greater seed rain intensities and better seed quality. We can confirm that seed source was not a limiting factor which influences the natural regeneration progress of P. asperata population distributed in subalpine mountain zone, at least in the mast seed year. 2. Contrasting with natural spruce forest, P. asperata population had more viable seeds in seed bank before the germination. Although the difference of seed rain intensities of two forests has effect on this phenomenon, the difference of seed conservation ability in two forests was the main factor. In the P. asperata plantation, the seed densities and seed vertical distribution pattern were significant effected by the microsites, which posed by different ground cover types. In other word, Microsite with ground covers can obstruct most seeds and keep them in ground cover layer from seed rain, and these ground covers would be the main site for seed occurrence. There was a significant difference about seeds conservation ability among these ground covers. Litter and moss could better conserve P. asperata seeds which distributed in this two covers. Seed banks exist in litter and moss ground cover types could respectively provide 302seed/m2 and 366.1seed/m2 for natural regeneration before the seed germination. From this point of view, we could conclude that ground covers can ensure considerable numbers of seeds for the germination process. 3. Seed germination and seed establishment are key steps that the seeds invert to seedlings in natural generation process. In sum, the seed/seeding transform rate in 60a P. asperata plantation distributed in Miyaluo artificial forest area is very low. the seed/seeding transform rates in litter, moss, herb, soil surface and natural spruce forest were 2.22%、2.14%、0.57%、0.67%、1.05%, respectively. The low transform rate become to a limiting factor of P. asperata natural regeneration process. However, under the existing conditions of natural regeneration, microsit still had significant effect on this transform. The states of Seed germination, new seedling conservation, and older seedling distribution in litter and moss were better than in any other ground cover type or natural spruce forest. In addition, the micro-relief has significant effect on natural regeneration process. Concave site was more suitable for seed collection, seed germination and seedling distribution.
九寨沟湖泊湿地在维持九寨沟的生态平衡中起着重要的作用,在旅游产业的发展下,湿地生态系统及生物多样性面临着较大的威胁。尽管九寨沟湿地具有重要的生态价值,但目前对其研究尚比较薄弱。湿地植物群落和植物地理研究可以为湿地资源的可持续利用和监测保护提供科学依据。作者从2004年8月到2007年11月对九寨沟湿地的植物物种组成、地理分布、优势植物群落的结构、生长动态、湿地土壤种子库进行了调查研究。主要结果如下: 1. 九寨沟湿地物种组成、地理分布特点及湿地植物群落特点 九寨沟湿地共有苔藓植物8科13属16种,维管植物为48科107属199种。九寨沟湿地植物的地理成份较为丰富,维管植物在科级水平上有7种地理分布型(变型),在属级水平上有13种地理分布型(变型), 在种级水平上共有29种地理分布型(变型)。九寨沟湿地植物以温带成份和我国特有成份为主,同时兼有热带、亚热带成份和环极—高山成份。九寨沟湿地植物的分布表现出明显的垂直地带性和水平地带性。湿地植物群落可划分21个群落类型,不同植物群落类型的物种多样性及物种组成存在较大的差异。九寨沟湿地植物的物种多样性和群落多样性以及较高的生产力特征,是维持其湿地生态景观多样性和稳定性的基础。 2. 土壤、水环境、海拔等对湿地植物的分布及生物多样性的影响 九寨沟湿地土壤、水等环境因子存在较大的差异。帕米尔苔草和宽叶香蒲等群落的凋落物较多,土壤有机碳、土壤总磷较高,可能是九寨沟湿地的重要土壤碳库。 九寨沟湿地植物沿水环境梯度的分布规律表现为:沉水植物(轮藻—篦齿眼子菜,水苦荬,杉叶藻)——挺水植物(水木贼,芦苇,宽叶香蒲)——湿生草本(苔草、节节草、披散木贼)——湿生灌木(柳灌丛,小檗灌丛)等。海拔也影响湿地植物的物种组成。 水深对物种多样性有影响,水深与物种丰富度负相关。随着水深的增加,水木贼、芦苇、杉叶藻、宽叶香蒲等群落的物种多样性下降;在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方,水木贼群落物种多样性存在显著差异。土壤总氮与水木贼群落物种丰富度正相关。 3. 土壤营养元素、水环境对植物生长的影响 水深影响湿地植物生物量的分配。芦苇无性系分株在47 cm水深的环境中单株平均生物量最大;在干滩地中(地面水深0 cm),叶生物量百分比最大,而茎生物量百分比最小,茎的生物量百分比和生长速率随水深的增加而增加;在较干的滩地生境中,开花率、花序的生物量百分比明显大于水较深的生境。 水深与水木贼地上生物量负相关,但水木贼地上生物量在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方没有显著的差异。在水浅的地方,杉叶藻、水木贼、芦苇等植物群落中,其他伴生物种的生物量占样方总生物量的百分比较大。 土壤有机碳、土壤总氮、土壤总磷等对湿地植物生物量的影响比较大:宽叶香蒲地上生物量与土壤总磷正相关;水木贼地上生物量与土壤总氮正相关;杉叶藻地上生物量与土壤有机碳正相关。 水深、土壤营养成分对湿地植物高度、密度等有影响。水木贼的平均高度在季节性淹水的地方比长期淹水的地方低,平均密度在长期淹水的地方比季节性淹水的地方低;除了5月份,其他观察月份水木贼的密度都与水深负相关,同时与土壤有机碳正相关。另外,芦苇密度与土壤有机碳含量正相关,宽叶香蒲密度与水深负相关,帕米尔苔草高度与土壤有机碳负相关。 4. 优势植物群落的动态变化 在优势植物群落中,优势种的高度、密度、盖度、生物量等在群落中占绝对优势。除五花海,水木贼群落的物种组成、高度、生物量在两年间没有显著的变化。芦苇群落的物种丰富度在近两年有所增加。 湿地植物生长表现为明显的季节动态,生长的峰值大多在7月-8月。优势植物群落的物候与水文周期有关。湿地植物群落的物种组成和密度,可以作为对湿地监测和保护的生物指示。 5. 九寨沟湿地土壤种子库特征及其在湿地生物多样性恢复中的作用 水深和现存植被物种丰富度可以解释湿地土壤种子库的变化。水深可以解释表层物种丰富度45%的变化。现存植被物种丰富度可以分别解释10 cm土层、2-5 cm土层及5-10 cm土层土壤种子库45%、48%和25%的变化。 湿地土壤种子库的密度为0-15945粒m-2, 种子库中共发现23个物种。现存植被优势物种和种子库优势物种不同。各层土壤种子库密度和物种丰富度并不存在显著的差异,但第二层土壤种子库密度最大。海拔、现存植被优势种盖度、土壤总磷、土壤总氮、土壤有机碳对湿地土壤种子库的密度和垂直结构没有影响。土壤种子库物种丰富度小于地上植被物种丰富度。湿地土壤种子库与地上植被的相关性不大。在浅水区域,湿地土壤种子库在湿地植被恢复中有一定作用。但在深水区域,保护现存植被更重要。 The lakeshore wetlands are valuable ecological units of the Jiuzhaigou lakes. Pressure for travel industry development pose a continuing and severe threat to the biodiversity-support function of the wetland system. Despite the ecological importance of wetlands in Jiuzhaigou, they are so far poorly studied. Both general plant communties and biogeographical studies are needed in order to attain basis for sustainable use the wetland resources and adequate protection of these areas. The present study was undertaken to examine aquatic plants distribution and the species compositon, structure and growth dynamics of their communities with variations of environmental factors along altitudes, water depth and soil properities gradients in Jiuzhaigou. Analysis of field survey data collected during August 2004 and November 2007 in lakeshore wetlands in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. The results were as following: (i) Species composition and biogeography in wetland vegetation 8 families, 13 genus, 16 species of moss and 48 families, 107 genus and 199 species of vascular plants in Jiuzhaigou wetlands were found. The floristic compositions were abundunt. Ten geographical distribution types at family level, 13 geographical distributions types at generic level and 29 geographical distribution types at specific level in vascular plants were found. Most species in Jiuzhaigou wetlands are temperate elements and Chinese endemic elements, with a few of tropical and subtropical and some circumarctic elements. And the plant distributions show clear vertical and horizontal patterns. There were 21 major wetland plant community types. Species composition and species richness in different plant communities are different. The species diversity and plant community diversity and their high biomass are the basis for the diversity and stability of wetland landscapes in Jiuzhaigou. (ii) Water depth, soil nutrients and altitudes influence on the species diversity and plant distribution. Total phosphorous and organic cabon in soil were higher in C. pamiernensis and T. latifolia communities, where are important cabon reservoirs in Jiuzhaigou wetlands. Along gradients of water depth, among populations of the dominant plant species present: submerged macrophytes (Chara vulgaris, Potagemonton pectinatus, Veronica anagalis-aquatica,Hippuris vulgaris), emergent macrophytes (Equisetum fluviatile, Phragamites australis, Typha latifolia), helophytes (Carex pamirensis )and shrubs (Salix sp., Berberis sp. ). Altitudes influence on the assemblage of plant communities. Water depth negatively correlated with species richness. Specie richness showed differences between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites in E. fluvatile communities. And total nitrogen in soil was negatively correlated with species richness in E. fluviatile communities. Altitudes show no significant influence on species richness, but in fact, through our analyses, they do have influence on the assemblage of wetland plants. (iii) Water depth, soil nutrients influence on the plant growth Water depth influences the biomass allocation in Phragmities australis. The average aboveground biomass of a single ramet (4.2 g) was the largest in the habitat with water level 47 cm above the soil surface. At the habitat with water level under soil surface 15 cm (-15 cm), the leaf biomass percentage (of the total ramet biomass) was the largest (46.1%), and the height and percentage of ramose ramets ( with branches on stem )(of the total ramets in a plot) were found obviously different. The deeper in water, the larger the biomass percentage and growth rate of stems were. The flowering rate and biomass of panicles were greater in shallow water than those in deep water. Water depth negatively correlated with aboveground biomass of E. fluviatile. However, above-ground biomass of E. fluviatile showed no significant difference between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites. But in shallow water, more biomasses of accompanying species were found in dominant plant communities such as H. vulgaris communities, E. fluviatile communities and P. australis communities. Water depth, soil nutrients influence on shoot density and shoot length of wetland plants. The shoot density of E. fluviatile was correlated to water depth in all growth months. Annual average density was significantly lower at permanently flooded sites than at seasonally flooded sites. But the annual average shoot length was significantly lower at seasonally flooded sites than at permanently flooded sites. (iv) Growth dynamics of dominant communities in Jiuzhaigou wetland The shoot length and shoot density, coverage and biomass of domiant species were dominated in plant communities. The species composition increased in P. australis communities in recent two years. The species richness in E. fluviatile communities showed no difference between 2005 and 2007. The above-ground biomass and shoot density in Five-flower Lake from July 2005 to July 2007 were significantly different, while in other sites, the differences were not significant. Shoot height, shoot density and above-ground biomass showed significant seasonal changes in all sites. Growth dynamics correlated with the cycle of water levels in lakes. Most plants growth parameters peaked at July or August. The biomass of T. latifolia peaked in August. But the shoot length of T. latifolia in deeper water peaked in July. The shoot length of E. fluviatile increased significantly from May to August except in seasonally flooded sites in Arrow-bamboo Lake. The species composition of communities and shoot density can be used as bioindicators in Jiuzhaigou wetland. (v) Soil seed bank in Jiuzhaigou wetland and its role in vegetation restoration Seed density in all soil layer samples was negatively correlated to water depth. Water depth can explain 45% variance of species richness in surface layer in sediment. Species richness in extant vegetation can explain 45%, 48%, 25% variance of species richness in total 10 cm and in 2-5 cm and 5-10 cm layer sediment respectively. Mean seed densities in wetlands ranged from 0 to 15945 m–2. A total of 23 species germinated in seed bank. The dominant species in seed bank and extant vegetation showed great difference. The total number of species and seedlings that germinated in different layers was not significantly different. But the second layer had the greatest seed density. In shallow water, seed bank can contribute to vegetation restoration, while in deeper water, protection of extant vegetation may be a better strategy.
植物群落及其环境在干扰后的演替格局和过程的研究,是群落和生态系统动态研究的一个热点。选取青藏高原东缘山原区川西云杉林皆伐后,从草地过渡到灌丛的关键阶段的4 个皆伐迹地(恢复时间为8 a、10 a、16 a 和21 a),研究皆伐及自然恢复过程对林下典型灌木银露梅(Potentilla glabra)和唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica)的生长与繁殖能力的影响以及灌木植物在迹地上的更新情况,分析灌木在不同生境中的适应对策和适应能力的差异,为揭示青藏高原东缘山原区迹地植被从草甸到灌丛演替的过程和特点及促进迹地演替与植被恢复进程提供理论依据和技术支撑。研究主要结论如下:1)皆伐后银露梅生长和繁殖能力显著提高,但对唐古特忍冬的影响不明显。皆伐后银露梅丛基径、高度和各部分生物量都显著增加(P < 0.05),但唐古特忍冬只有叶生物量和地下生物量增加,总生物量和其余构件生物量无显著变化。皆伐后,银露梅的结实数量、结实株数、不结实株数和结实株/不结实株比例显著增加(P < 0.05)。自然恢复过程中,银露梅和唐古特忍冬生长能力以及银露梅的结实量都表现出降低的趋势。随着迹地自然恢复时间的增加,银露梅和唐古特忍冬的基径、高度、丛叶片数和各部分生物量有减少的趋势。银露梅的结实株数增加, 但结实数量减少。2)皆伐对银露梅和唐古特忍冬生物量分配模式影响不一致。原始林和迹地中(除CT85)银露梅的生物量大小关系皆为:地下>茎>侧枝>叶。唐古特忍冬在原始林中的生物量大小关系为:茎>地下部分>侧枝>叶,而皆伐后生物量的分配情况改变,生物量大小关系变为:地下部分>茎>侧枝>叶。随着自然恢复时间的增加,银露梅减少了地下生物量的分配,而唐古特忍冬增加了地下生物量的分配。3)皆伐和恢复时间的增加改变了迹地物种组成,促使阳性乔、灌木在迹地上定居。4 个迹地上共出现了灌木15 种,乔木3 种,没有出现天然云杉和冷杉幼苗。随着恢复时间的增加,迹地上的灌木物种由原始林下的耐阴物种逐步发展为以针刺悬钩子(Rubus pungens)为主的阳性灌木。4)影响灌木幼苗密度和幼树密度的因子不一致。灌木幼苗密度与灌木层盖度显著负相关,与苔藓层盖度显著正相关。幼树密度与草本层盖度正相关,与苔藓层盖度、灌木层盖度和高度负相关。5)研究发现在青藏高原东缘山原区皆伐15~20 a 后,迹地仍以草本植物为主,推测皆伐后至少20 a 以上迹地才可能向灌丛阶段过渡,比高山峡谷地区的演替进程至少推迟了20 a。银露梅和唐古特忍冬在皆伐后自然恢复过程中表现出不同的生长与繁殖策略是由两个物种的生物学特性的差异引起的。银露梅比唐古特忍冬更适应迹地退化环境。促进青藏高原东缘山原林区迹地森林恢复一方面是尽量减少人为活动的破坏,另一方面,可以通过在迹地中播种适当的乡土乔、灌木种子(如白桦、银露梅)等人工措施,以加快演替进程。The succession pattern and process of plant community and their environments is a hot spotin community and ecosystem dynamic study. Four clearcuts were chosen in Rangtang(recovery time of 8 a、10 a、16 a and 21 a), which represented the key stage of thecommunity evolved from grass stage to shrub stage in the eastern margin of theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The growth and reproduction of the Potentilla glabra andLonicera tangutica and the natural regeneration of shrub plants in the primary Piceabalfouriana forest and 4 clearcuts were studied to explore how clear cutting andnatural recovery process affected the understory shrub species during the 21 years inthe eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The main results were below.1) The growth and reproduction of P. glabra significantly increased after forestclear cutting.. But it was not so significant as to the L. tangutica. The organismbiomass and total biomass of P. glabra were increased obviously after clear cutting(P< 0.05). But only leaves and underground biomass of L. tangutica increasedsignificantly after clear cutting(P < 0.05). The number of fruit and growth of P. glabraincreased significantly after clear cutting too(P < 0.05). The ramet height, basaldiameter , organism biomass and friut number of P. glabra and L. tangutica reducedas the increase of recovery time.2) The biomass allocation patterns varied between P. glabra and L. tangutica inthe primary forest and clearcuts. The biomass allocation of P. glabra both in primary forest and clearcuts was followed as: underground part > stem > branch > leaves.However, the biomass allocation of L. tangutica had changed after the clear cutting.The biomass allocation of L. tangutica in the primary forest was followed as: stem >underground part > branch > leaves and it was underground part > stem > branch >leave in clearcuts. The biomass allocation of P. glabra and L. tangutica varied amongclearcuts. Aboveground biomass was increased while underground biomass decreasedfor P. glabra with the increase of recovery period. However, the L. tangutica showedthe reverse changing pattern.3) Clear cutting and recovery time had changed the species composition of theclearcuts. There were 15.shruby species and 3 tree species in the four clearcuts. Nospruce and fir seedlings were found. In the early stage after clear cutting, there wereonly understory shrub species from the primary Picea balfouriana forest. The sunnyspecies, especieally Rubus pungens invaded intensly as the increase of recovery time.4) There was a significant negative relationship between density of seedlingswith shrub layer coverage and positive correlation with moss coverage. The saplingshad significantly positive correlation with herb layer coverage and negativecorrelation with moss coverage, shrub layer coverage and height.5)Comparing to studies in Miyalou, a nearby high mountain and canyon area,the secondary sucession in this subalpine plateau areas lagged at least 20 years.P. glabra and L. tangutica showed different growth and reproduction strategies toclear cutting and natural recovery , which may associated with the difference of theirbiological characters. P. glabra was more adaptive to the clear cutting than the L.tangutica. Two suggestions were probably recommended to promote the recoveryprogress in the subalpine plateau areas based on the results of this study. Limitanthropogenic disturbance, and meanwhile sow native tree and shrub seeds inclearcuts.
揭示苔藓植株元素含量及其时空差异性是深入开展利用苔藓植物指示环境和筛选理想监测藓种的科学基础。采用微波消解(ICP-AES)方法对九寨沟自然遗产地原始林景点停车场周围三个采样带:I为停车场植被小岛(PS),向外约120 m半径为II带(D120),再向外距离约1,000 m为III带(D1000)和3个方向上的大羽藓和毛尖青藓2种苔藓中13种元素(A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Ni,Zn和Cd)含量进行了测定和比较,并对采自边坡方向(PS-3)上2005和2007年的4种苔藓植物(南木藓、大羽藓、平藓和厚角絹藓)也进行了13种元素含量的测定和比较。同时对九寨沟自然遗产地、黄龙自然遗产地、夹金山和梦笔山的冷杉原始林4个地区的3种苔藓中(大羽藓、锦丝藓和塔藓)的A1、Ca、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、P、Zn、C和N 10种元素含量进行测定和比较。 对大羽藓和毛尖青藓2种苔藓植物内13种元素的测定发现:1)同种苔藓对不同元素的富集能力不同。A1、Ca、K、Mg和P的元素含量在苔藓中的富集较其他元素的要高。2)不同种苔藓植物对同种元素的富集能力不同,毛尖青藓较大羽藓能够监测出更多的元素;对于被检测出的元素,毛尖青藓监测出的累积量大于大羽藓,其中累积量最大的元素是Ca为10 874.286 μg.g-1.year-1,最小的是Cu元素为5.438 μg.g-1.year-1。对05年和07年的平藓、大羽藓、南木藓和厚角絹藓元素含量的测定表明:元素在两年中的积累量是不同的。综合分析表明,苔藓生物监测方法可有效监测景点停车场机动车尾气中排放出的典型元素(如Cu、Pb、Ni、Zn、Cd等)含量,而毛尖青藓较大羽藓能更可靠的监测九寨沟自然遗产地单景点汽车尾气金属元素种类及其排放量。 对4个地区3种苔藓10种元素监测发现:1)Ca、Mg、Zn、K和Cu元素在黄龙地区的含量高于在其它地区的含量;P元素在梦笔山地区的含量为最高;Fe和Al元素在夹金山地区的含量高于在其它地区的含量。2)C元素在其它因素一致的情况下,进行不同年龄间的元素含量比较,结果显示元素含量在各年龄间并不存在明显的差异性;N元素含量与年龄的差异出现在黄龙林下及林窗的塔藓、九寨沟林下的锦丝藓及塔藓和梦笔山的塔藓中,而在锦丝藓中未出现元素含量与年龄的差异性;塔藓能检测出更多的元素种类其含量与年龄间存在显著差异,锦丝藓检测到的元素种类次之;除锦丝藓(锦丝藓在林窗中几乎检测不到元素含量与年龄间的差异性)外,其他两种藓在林窗中能检测出的元素种类大于在林下的检测种类。3)元素含量与生境间存在差异性的元素分别有:黄龙大羽藓中的Ca、P和Mg元素;九寨锦丝藓中的Zn元素;夹金山塔藓中的Al、Fe和Zn元素;梦笔山大羽藓中的Al、Fe和Mg元素及锦丝藓中的Ca元素。4)区域、年龄和生境因素对苔藓植株元素含量均达到了显著水平,但两两之间及三者之间的交互作用由于元素种类的不同存在差异。综合分析表明,苔藓植物中的元素含量受年龄、区域的影响较生境的更大。 The revelation of mosses elements content and its spatiotemporal differences is the scientific foundation of moss monitoring. To determine the feasibility of moss monitoring metal depositions derived from travel bus emiss ions in scenic spot, we collected one year-growth samples of two mosses Brachythecim piligerum and Thuidium cymbifolium with different distance (island center, 120m,1000m ) and different direction (north, south and east) far from parking site island from Yuanshilin Spot at Jiuzhaigou World Nature Heritage in the Western Sichuan of China and determined thirteen element (A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cd)contents by ICP-AES analysis method. And picked 4 kinds of mosses (Macrothamnium macrocarpu m(Reinw. etHornsch.)Fleisch.,Thuidium cymbifolium,Entodon concinnus (De Not.) Par., Neckera pennata) from the direction PS-3 in 2005 and 2007, determined 13 element contents. Collected 3 kinds of moss (Thuidium cymbifo lium, Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) and Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) from Jiuzhaigou natural heritage, Huanglong natural heritage, Mt. Jiajin and Mt. Mengbi in primeval forest with two habitat (undergrowth and forest gap), determined element contents of A1, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, P, Zn, C and N. We found that, 1) The elements content are difference in same type of moss. Content of A1, Ca, K, Mg and P are higher than others. 2) While the contents of A1, S, Ca, P, Cu, Fe, K and Zn had significant correlation with the different distances from parking site, the nearer the distance was, the more accumulation was; 2) Comparing to Thuidium cymbifolium, Brachythecium piligerum can test more elements which contents show the significant correlation with distances. And Brachythecium piligerum can have greater element accumulation than Thuidium cymbifolium. The element contents in two years (2005 and 2007) are different. The present study found that moss can reliably bio-indicate metal deposition from traffic emissions in one scenic spot and Brachythecium piligerum is a good moss for bio-indicating element content from traffic emissions at Jiuzhaigou World natural Heritage. Determined the 10 element contents in 4 areas through 3 kinds of moss we found that, 1) Ca, Mg, Zn, K and Cu element content is higher in the Huanglong area than in other areas, The P element content in Mt. Jiajin is higher than other areas, Fe and Al element content is higher in the Mt. Jiajin than in other areas. 2) The content of C had no significant correlation with age. As for N, this significant correlation found in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) with 2 habitat in Huanglong, Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) and Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) with undergrowth in Jiuzhai, Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) in Mt. Mengbi. The types of elements which content showt he significant correlation are most in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) and least in Thuidium cymbifolium. Except Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.), the types of elements that content had significant correlation with age in forest gap are more than in undergrowth. 3) The elements which content had significant correlation with habitat are P, Ca and Mg in Thuidium cymbifolium in Huanglong, Zn in Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.) in Jiuzhai, Al, Fe and Zn in Hyolcomium splendens (Hedw.) in Mt. Jiajin, in Mt. Mengbi Al, Fe and Mg in Thuidium cymbifolium and Ca in Actinothuidium Hookeri (Mitt.). 4)The region, the age and the habitat factor has coeffect element content. The correlationship between element contents and the age, the region is closer than habitat.
The relationships of eight moss species of Dicranum in 31 sites in main ecological systems in the Changbai Mountain with environmental factors were studied by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results showed that altitude, soil sand percentage, water percentage, acidity and canopy density were important environmental factors influencing the distribution of the species of Dicranum . The relationships between Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwaegr ., D.groenlandicum Brid. and altitude,between D.japonicum Mitt., D.scoparium Hedw. and canopy density,between D.polysetum Sw., D. undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. and soil acidity and water percentage,were positively correlative. The niche overlaps among the eight species of Dicranum were calculated. The minimal spanning tree of the eight species on the two-dimensional scatter plot were also drawn based on their niche overlaps, which clearly revealed the ecological similarities of eight species.