141 resultados para Medicinal mushroom
The contents of five pharmacologically active flavone and xanthone glycosides, namely, swertianolin, swertisin, isoorientin, mangiferin, and 7-O-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 -> 2)-beta-D-xylopyranosyl]-1,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone, extracted from Tibetan folk medicinal species Swertia mussotii and S. franchetiana were determined by capillary electrophoresis with diode-array detection. The separation of five components has been optimized with a capillary column with a total length of 48.5 cm and effective length of 40 cm (50 mu m i.d). The influence of the running buffer, the sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) concentration, organic modifier, etc. on the resolution was evaluated. The background electrolyte contained 30 mM borate buffer, 28 mM SDS, 1.0% (v/v) acetonitrile, and was adjusted to pH 9.0 with 0.1 M NaOH. A good baseline resolution was obtained for the separation of five components within 5 min with the working voltage of 24 kV and a column temperature of 25 degrees C. The established method was rapid and reproducible for the separation and determination of five flavone and xanthone glycosides from the extracts of S. mussotii and franchetiana plant samples.
A sensitive and specific reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method with diode array detection (DAD) was established for the quantitative determination of the nine active components, namely, swertiamarin (SWM, 1), mangiferin (MA, 2), gentipicroside (GE, 3), sweroside (SWO, 4), isoorientin (IS, 5), swertisin (SWS, 6), swertianolin (SWN, 7), 7-O-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-1 -> 2)-beta-D-xylopyranosyl]-1,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (RX, 8), and bellidifolin (BE, 9) used as the external standard, in Tibetan folk medicinal species Swertia franchetiana. Based on the baseline chromatographic separation of most components from the methanolic extract of Swertia franchetiana on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column with water-acetonitrile-formic acid as mobile phase, the nine components were identified by comparison with standard samples and qualified by using the external standard method with DAD at 254 nm. The correlation coefficients of all the calibration curves were found to be higher than 0.9980. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the peak areas and retention times for the nine standards were less than 2.07% and 2.86%, respectively.
Swertia mussotii is an important species in Tibetan folk medicine. However, it is quite expensive and frequently adulterated, so reliable methods for authentication of putative specimens and preparations of the species are needed to protect consumers and to support conservation measures. We show here that the chloroplast (cp) DNA rpl16 intron has limited utility for differentiating S. mussotii from closely related species, since the cpDNA rpl16 sequences are identical in S. mussotii and two other species of Swertia. However, the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences differ significantly between S. mussotii and all of 13 tested potential adulterants. Thus, the ITS region provides a robust molecular marker for differentiating the medicinal S. mussotii from related adulterants. Therefore, a pair of allele-specific diagnostic primers based on the divergent ITS region was designed to distinguish S. mussotii from the other species. Authentication by allele-specific diagnostic PCR using these primers is convenient, effective and both simpler and less time-consuming than sequencing the ITS region.
"Da-Huang" (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, medicinal rhubarb), a famous and important Traditional Chinese Medicine, has often been confused with the adulterant species in the same genus, Rheum. Through sequencing the trnL (UAA)/trnF (GAA) regions of chloroplast DNA of thirteen species of Rheum (three medicinal rhubarb species and ten adulterant ones), a molecular marker of the medicinal species was found. A pair of PCR primers based on the sequences, was thus designed, which amplified a highly specific DNA fragment in medicinal rhubarb exclusively, and absent in the adulterants at all under an optimized PCR condition.
The three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations are approximated by a fifth order upwind compact and a sixth order symmetrical compact difference relations combined with three-stage Ronge-Kutta method. The computed results are presented for convective Mach number Mc = 0.8 and Re = 200 with initial data which have equal and opposite oblique waves. From the computed results we can see the variation of coherent structures with time integration and full process of instability, formation of Lambda-vortices, double horseshoe vortices and mushroom structures. The large structures break into small and smaller vortex structures. Finally, the movement of small structure becomes dominant, and flow field turns into turbulence. It is noted that production of small vortex structures is combined with turning of symmetrical structures to unsymmetrical ones. It is shown in the present computation that the flow field turns into turbulence directly from initial instability and there is not vortex pairing in process of transition. It means that for large convective Mach number the transition mechanism for compressible mixing layer differs from that in incompressible mixing layer.
忍冬(Lonicera japonica Thunb.)属忍冬科忍冬属,是一种重要的药用植物,其花蕾称为金银花(Flos Lonicerae),在我国已有1000多年的药用历史,具有清热解毒、凉散风热等功效。我们利用秋水仙素诱导二倍体“大毛花”品种茎尖选育出同源四倍体“九丰一号”品种,并在生产中发现花蕾产量显著提高,而药效成份含量是否发生变化了呢?四倍体忍冬表现出典型的器官巨大性,这些变化是否与其较强生态适应性之间存在联系呢?染色体加倍增强了忍冬的生态适应性,其生态修复功能如何呢?在本研究中,主要从以下几个方面进行了探讨:(1)染色体加倍对其叶片,茎、花蕾和花蕾产量及其药效成份等生物学性状的影响;(2)染色体加倍后植物对水分胁迫的响应;(3)染色体加倍后植物对热胁迫的响应;(4)除上述两个品种外,增加一个变异品种“红银花”,探讨3个忍冬品种对退化生态系统的修复功能。主要结果如下: 1. 通过测定根尖细胞染色体数目和使用流式细胞仪分析茎尖细胞DNA含量,表明四倍体忍冬(2n = 4x = 36)确实来自二倍体忍冬(2n = 2x = 18)的染色体加倍。四倍体忍冬气孔细胞大小显著大于二倍体,而气孔密度显著低于二倍体。四倍体忍冬没有光合“午休”,而二倍体存在明显的光合“午休”,这可能与其存在抗高温的叶片解剖结构特性有关。四倍体忍冬叶片较二倍体变大、变厚、变浓绿(较高叶绿素含量)。与二倍体相比,四倍体忍冬单位叶面积重量显著增高,表明其具有较强的生态适应性。四倍体忍冬单个花蕾的鲜重和干重均显著大于二倍体。连续3年的花蕾产量调查表明,四倍体显著高于二倍体。染色体加倍使其茎干粗壮、节间变短、新梢上着生花蕾数目增多及单个花蕾变大,这是其花蕾高产的生物学基础。对金银花的药效成份而言,染色体加倍不影响绿原酸的含量,但增加了木犀草苷的含量。结果表明,染色体加倍能增加金银花的产量和药效成份的含量,建议四倍体忍冬在药材生产中推广应用。 2. 水分胁迫显著降低二倍体和四倍体忍冬叶片的净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率。水分胁迫也降低电子传递速率、光系统II实际量子产量和光化学猝灭,而增加非光化学猝灭、总可溶性糖、脯氨酸和丙二醛的含量。四倍体忍冬对水分胁迫的响应表现为其叶片水势、气体交换、叶绿素荧光和有关代谢物含量的变化程度低于二倍体,并且复水后其恢复能力快于二倍体,表明染色体加倍增强了忍冬的抗旱能力。分析其主要原因,可能是由于四倍体植株总叶面积减少、单位叶面积重量增加、叶片表皮细胞和栅栏组织增大以及叶片表皮毛较浓密等形态解剖结构特性有关。结果表明,染色体加倍能增加忍冬植物的抗旱能力,而使其具有较强的生态适应性。 3. 二倍体和四倍体忍冬受48 ºC热胁迫处理6 h和恢复10 h,以及离体叶片45 ºC,50 ºC,55 ºC 水浴热胁迫3 min,应用叶绿素荧光成像系统研究了它们对热胁迫的响应。热胁迫显著降低了两个品种叶片的最大光化学效率、电子传递速率、光系统II实际量子产量和光化学猝灭,降低了四倍体的非光化学猝灭,而增加了二倍体的非光化学猝灭。热胁迫增加了两个品种叶片的总可溶性糖、脯氨酸和丙二醛的含量。四倍体受热胁迫的叶绿素荧光参数和有关代谢物的响应程度低于二倍体,以及其恢复程度快于二倍体,表明染色体加倍提高了抗热性。此外,叶绿素荧光成像的异质性也表明,四倍体的抗热能力大于二倍体。进一步的叶片解剖结构分析表明,四倍体叶片的表皮细胞变大、栅栏组织增厚、表皮毛较浓密等特点,是其抗热性强的主要原因。 4.根据以上的研究结果,通过四倍体忍冬生态修复功能的野外试验证明染色体加倍后其生态适应性变化。在本研究中,针对北京市门头沟区大面积不同类型的废弃地急需恢复植被和景观的问题,在恢复生态学理念的指导下,综合运用集成技术,将3个忍冬品种植物用于这些退化生态系统的恢复。在王平镇的公路下边坡(以碎石和矿渣为主)、煤矿、石灰窑和采石场4种类型废弃地建立生态修复的试验示范区。结果表明,在4个废弃地类型上引进的3个金银花品种,具有使示范区快速复绿、当年成景和群落快速形成的潜力,并具有对不同退化迹地的适应能力和恢复效果,其中四倍体忍冬效果更好些,这主要与其形态解剖结构和较强的生态适应性有关。
我国牡丹资源丰富、药用历史悠久,但长期以来,资源与药效关系不清严重阻碍着丹皮的产业化发展。建立一套综合评价体系,比较不同牡丹资源间的差异,科学评价、准确定位各地不同品种的利用价值,对稳定我国丹皮质量、可持续、集约化发展丹皮产业具有重要的意义。 本实验以我国丰富的药用牡丹资源为材料,从观赏和药用价值两方面首先探讨综合评价牡丹资源的体系。在观赏价值考察中重点比较了花型、花色、花期等性状;药用价值则从根的产量、重金属含量以及七种主要药效成分含量三方面来比较;重金属含量以原子分光光度法检测,药效成分则以高效液相色谱和质谱进行分离鉴定和定性、定量检测。利用建立的综合评价体系对野生种、各地药用品种进行了评价,对丹皮生产相关环节的问题进行了讨论,并初步探讨了药效成分的遗传规律。结果如下: 1、引种的野生牡丹药用价值不比栽培品种高,建议作为育种材料。 2、不同品种间药效成分含量存在显著差异,综合比较‘JSF’、‘CKL’、‘凤丹’适于药用栽培,‘赵粉’、‘朱砂垒’、‘首案红’等品种适宜观赏栽培,‘太平红’、‘JPH’等可花药兼用。 3、不同的土壤、气候环境对丹皮药效成分含量有明显的影响,丹皮中重金属含量主要与土壤环境关系密切。 4、根的粗细程度与药效成分含量关系不大,建议市场药材分级时充分考虑。 5、丹皮的药效成分含量与株龄、采收期、储藏时期关系密切;建议采收、应用根据各地的品种、气候条件及市场情况而定,在保证较高药效成分含量的前提下,尽量缩短生产、流通周期。 6、催花、嫁接对一些牡丹品种的药用价值影响不大,可合理开发利用。 7、药效成分的遗传有一定的规律,86%的子代丹皮酚含量高于父母本或亲本之一;丹皮酚原苷和没食子酰羟基芍药苷含量受父本影响较大,而芍药苷、苯甲酰芍药苷、丹皮酚新苷、没食子酰丹皮酚苷含量受母本影响较大。
我国牡丹资源丰富、药用历史悠久、药材出口量大。近年来国际上对进口植物药的重金属限量标准不断提高,已成为影响丹皮出口的最大贸易壁垒之一,严重阻碍了丹皮产业化进程。为了提高我国丹皮药材整体质量水平和国际竞争力,本试验探讨了不同产地、不同种质资源的丹皮与Cu、Cd、Pb、As四种重金属的关系,重点研究了两个代表性品种对重金属Cu的富集规律,分析了重金属Cu对牡丹生长、生理和药材品质的影响。实验中采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法(FAAS )和电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)为基本检测手段来分析样品中重金属元素的含量,从植物与重金属相互关系的角度对牡丹药用、花药兼用以及生态修复可行性等方面进行了系统研究。结果如下: 1. 丹皮重金属含量与牡丹种质资源和栽培环境关系密切。野生种中滇牡丹丹皮中Cu、Cd含量相对较高,多数野生种丹皮中Pb、As含量较栽培种偏高;铜陵产区的丹皮重金属含量明显高于其它产区,铜尾矿上栽培出产的丹皮重金属Cu含量明显超标,建议其改变种植模式,可以考虑丰富牡丹品种,开发生态旅游、观赏栽培。 2. 综合比较同一地块的7个常用药用品种发现,‘JPH’和‘CKL’品种对重金属富集能力相对较弱。‘JPH’是传统的优良观赏品种,适宜花药兼用;结合前期研究的结果‘CKL’药效成分含量相对较高,药用价值较高,适宜药用栽培。 3. 对药用牡丹品种‘凤丹’和‘建始粉’外施不同浓度CuSO4溶液处理后发现,丹皮中重金属富集量与外施重金属浓度成显著正相关。当外施Cu 浓度超过150mg/kg 时,两个品种的丹皮中Cu含量均已超标。 4. 重金属Cu对牡丹生长的影响效应与重金属浓度和植物体自身部位有关。当外施Cu浓度小于600mg/kg 时,对牡丹生长有一定的促进作用,主要表现在地上部分;超过600mg/kg 时,对牡丹生长有抑制作用,随着浓度增大,毒害症状愈加明显。地下部主要表现出受抑制作用,抑制效应随外施浓度增大而加重。 5. 牡丹通过自身的生理生化调节机制抵抗Cu胁迫对细胞造成的氧化伤害:低浓度Cu可以刺激抗氧化酶系统SOD和POD 活性升高,高浓度下SOD和 POD活性则显著降低。相同处理条件下‘凤丹’品种的抗铜性要高于‘建始粉’。 6. 本试验未发现外施Cu处理对丹皮中药效成分丹皮酚、芍药苷产生影响。 7. ‘凤丹’及‘建始粉’根系铜富集质量分数均达到超富集植物的要求,因此牡丹可能在重金属Cu污染的环境修复方面存在巨大潜力。
A new lupane acid, 2 beta-carboxyl, 3 beta-hydroxyl-norlupA (1)-20 (29)-en-28-oic acid (1), together with five known lupane acid derivatives (2-6), were isolated from the stings of Gleditsia sinensis Lam.. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of
Lancifodilactone G (1), a novel, highly oxygenated nortriterpenoid featuring a partial enol structure and a spirocyclic moiety, was isolated from the medicinal plant Schisandra lancifolia. Its structure and stereochemistry were determined from extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR and mass spectral data, coupled with single-crystal X-ray analysis. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 95.47 +/- 14.19 mu g/mL and a selectivity index in the range of 1.82-2.46.