78 resultados para LIGHT-INDUCED ERYTHEMA


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A series of hydrogenated silicon films near the threshold of crystallinity was prepared by very high frequency plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF-PECVD)from a mixture of SiH4 diluted in H-2. The effect of hydrogen dilution ratios R = [H-2]/[SiH4] on the microstructure of the films was investigated. The photoelectronic properties and stability of the films were studied as a function of crystalline fraction. The results show that the diphasic films gain both the fine photoelectric properties like a-Si: H and high stability like mu w-Si:H. By using the diphasic silicon films as the intrinsic layer, p-i-n junction solar cells were prepared. Current-voltage (J-V) characteristics and stability of the solar cells were measured under an AM1.5 solar simulator. We observed a light-induced increase of 5.2% in the open-circuit voltage (V-oc) and a light-induced degradation of similar to 2.9% inefficiency.


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High-quality nc-Si/a-Si:H diphasic films with improved stability were prepared by using the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology. In comparison with typical amorphous silicon, the diphasic silicon films possess higher photoconductivity (two orders larger than that of the amorphous silicon film) and fairly good photosensitivity(the ratio of the photo-to dark-conductivity is about 10) and higher stability (the degradation of the photoconductivity is less than 10% after 24h long light soaking with 50 mW/cm(2) intensity at room temperature). In addition, the diphasic silicon film has a better light spectra response in the longer wavelength range. The improvement in photoelectronic properties may be attributed to: the existence of the disorder within the amorphous matrix, which breaks the momentum selection rule in the optical transition and, consequently, results in the large light absorption coefficient and high photosensitivity; the improved medium range order and low gap states density. Excess carriers generated in the amorphous matrix tend to recombine in the embedded crystallites, which suppresses nonradiative recombination within the amorphous matrix and reduces the subsequent defect creation.


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The intermittent illumination treatment by white light at elevated temperature is proved to be a convenient and efficient method for the improvement of the stability of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films. The effect of the treatment on electrical properties, light-induced degradation, and gap states of undoped a-Si:H films has been investigated in detail. With the increase of cycling number, the dark- as well as photo-conductivities in annealed state and light-soaked state approach each other, presenting an unique irreversible effect. The stabilization and ordering processes by the present treatment can not be achieved merely by annealing under the same conditions. It is shown that the treatment proposed here results in a shift to higher values of the energy barriers between defects and their precursors, and hence an improved stability of a-Si:H films. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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High quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films have been prepared by a simple "uninterrupted growth/annealing" plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, combined with a subtle boron-compensated doping. These a-Si:H films possess a high photosensitivity over 10(6), and exhibit no degradation in photoconductivity and a low light-induced defect density after prolonged illumination. The central idea is to control the growth conditions adjacent to the critical point of phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state, and yet to locate the Fermi level close to the midgap. Our results show that the improved stability and photosensitivity of a-Si:H films prepared by this method can be mainly attributed to the formation of a more robust network structure and reduction in the precursors density of light-induced metastable defects.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diffuse reflectance spectra of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were measured in the ultraviolet-visible region, It is found that the part of f-->f transition bands were widened and red-shift occurred. The absorption tail-band in the region from 300 to 550 nm was assigned to the O-2p-->Nd-4f transition. The behavior of light-induced charge transfer and photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were studied by the surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) and electric field modulating SPS techniques. The SPS response shows two peaks at 330 nm(P-1) and 380 nm(P-2) in the UV-Vis range, The spectral features observed can be explained in terms of charge transfer and interband transition.


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The diffuse reflectance spectra of nanocrystalline Er2O3 were measured in the UV-vis region. It was found that the f -> f transition bands become stronger with the decrease of the size of particles. The tail-band in the range of 300 similar to 550nm was assigned to the O2p -> Er4f transition. Both behavior of light-induced charge transfer and photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline Er2O3 were investigated with surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS). The SPS shows that two peaks appear at 340nm (p(1)) and 385nm (p(2)). The observed spectral features can be explained in terms of charge transfer and interband transition.


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Polarization-resolved edge-emitting electroluminescence (EL) studies of InGaN/GaN MQWs of wavelengths from near-UV (390 nm) to blue (468 nm) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are performed. Although the TE mode is dominant in all the samples of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs, an obvious difference of light polarization properties is found in the InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with different wavelengths. The polarization degree decreases from 52.4% to 26.9% when light wavelength increases. Analyses of band structures of InGaN/GaN quantum wells and luminescence properties of quantum dots imply that quantum-dot-like behavior is the dominant reason for the low luminescence polarization degree of blue LEDs, and the high luminescence polarization degree of UV LEDs mainly comes from QW confinement and the strain effect. Therefore, indium induced carrier confinement (quantum-dot-like behavior) might play a major role in the polarization degree change of InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs from near violet to blue.


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The exponential degradation of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity at the near-band-gap was observed in heavily doped or low-quality GaN with pristine surface under continuous helium-cadmium laser excitation. In doped GaN samples, the degradation speed increased with doping concentration. The oxidation of the surface with laser irradiation was confirmed by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The oxidation process introduced many oxygen impurities and made an increase of the surface energy band bending implied by the shift of Ga 3d binding energy. The reason for PL degradation may lie in that these defect states act as nonradiative centers and/or the increase of the surface barrier height reduces the probability of radiative recombination.


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The effects of plasma induced damage in different conditions of ICP and PECVD processes on LEDs were presented. For ICP mesa etch, in an effort to confirm the effects of dry etch damage on the optical properties of p-type GaN, a photoluminescence (PL) measurement was investigated with different rf chuck power. It was founded the PL intensity of the peak decreased with increasing DC bias and the intensity of sample etched at a higher DC bias of -400V is less by two orders of magnitude than that of the as-grown sample. Meanwhile, In the IN curve for the etched samples with different DC biases, the reverse leakage current of higher DC bias sample was obviously degraded than the lower one. In addition, plasma induced damage was also inevitable during the deposition of etch masks and surface passivation films by PECVD. The PL intensity of samples deposited with different powers sharply decreased when the power was excessive. The PL spectra of samples deposited under the fixed condition with the different processing time were measured, indicating the intensity of sample deposited with a lower power did not obviously vary after a long time deposition. A two-layer film was made in order to improve the compactness of sparse dielectric film deposited with a lower power.


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The layer structure of GaInP/AlGaInP quantum well laser diodes (LDs) was grown on GaAs substrate using low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) technique. In order to improve the catastrophic optical damage (COD) level of devices, a nonabsorbing window (NAW), which was based on Zn diffusion-induced quantum well intermixing, was fabricated near the both ends of the cavities. Zn diffusions were respectively carried out at 480, 500, 520, 540, and 580 Celsius degree for 20 minutes. The largest energy blue shift of 189.1 meV was observed in the window regions at 580 Celsius degree. When the blue shift was 24.7 meV at 480 Celsius degree, the COD power for the window LD was 86.7% higher than the conventional LD.


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A simple fluorescence detector for capillary electrophoresis (CE) using a blue light-emitting-diode (LED) as excitation source is constructed and evaluated. An optical fiber was used to collect the fluorescence, and a flat end of the fiber was modified to spherical end, resulting in 50% increase of efficiency over the flat end. A simple device for optical alignment of the fibers and capillary column was designed. The concentration and mass detection limits for fluorescein were 1.8 x 10(-7) Mol l(-1) and 4.3 femol, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel fluorescence detector based on collinear scheme using a brightness light-emitting diode emitting at 470 nm as excitation source is described. The detector is assembled by all-solid-state optical-electronic components and Coupled with capillary electrophoresis using on-column detection mode. Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and FITC-labeled amino acids and small molecule peptide as test analyte were used to evaluate the detector. The concentration limit of detection for FITC-labeled phenylalanine was 10 nM at a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3. The system exhibited good linear responses in the range of 1 x 10(-7) to 2 x 10(-5) M (R-2 = 0.999). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combined detection system of simultaneous contactless conductometric and fluorescent detection for capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been designed and evaluated. The two processes share a common detection cell. A blue light-emitting diode (LED) was used as the excitation source and an optical fiber was used to collect the emitting fluorescence for fluorescent detection (FD). Inorganic ions, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled amino acids and small molecule peptides were separated and detected by the combined detector, and the detection limits (LODs) of sub-μ M level were achieved.