81 resultados para Edge detectors


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A close relationship is found between the blue and yellow luminescence bands in n-type GaN films, which are grown without intentional acceptor doping. The intensity ratio of blue luminescence to yellow luminescence (I-BL/I-YL) decreases with the increase in edge dislocation densities as demonstrated by the (102) full width at half maximum of x-ray diffraction. In addition, the I-BL/I-YL ratio decreases with the increase in Si doping. It is suggested that the edge dislocation and Si impurity play important roles in linking the blue and yellow luminescence.


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The gain mechanism in GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet photodetectors is investigated by focused light beam. When the incident light illuminates the central region of the Schottky contact electrode, the responsivity changes very little with the increase of reverse bias voltage. However, when the incident light illuminates the edge region of the electrode, the responsivity increases remarkably with the increase of reverse bias voltage, and the corresponding quantum efficiency could be even higher than 100%. It is proposed that the surface states near the edge of the electrode may lead to a reduction of effective Schottky barrier height and an enhancement of electron injection, resulting in the anomalous gain.


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Anode floating voltage is predicted and investigated for silicon drift detectors (SDDs) with an active area of 5 mm(2) fabricated by a double-side parallel technology. It is demonstrated that the anode floating voltage increases with the increasing inner ring voltage, and is almost unchanged with the external ring voltage. The anode floating voltage will not be affected by the back electrode biased voltage until it reaches the full-depleted voltage (-50 V) of the SDD. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the anode floating voltage is equal to the sum of the inner ring voltage and the built-in potential between the p(+) inner ring and the n(+) anode. A fast checking method before detector encapsulation is proposed by employing the anode floating voltage along with checking the leakage current, potential distribution and drift properties.


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Qubit measurement by mesoscopic charge detectors has received great interest in the community of mesoscopic transport and solid-state quantum computation, and some controversial issues still remain unresolved. In this work, we revisit the continuous weak measurement of a solid-state qubit by single electron transistors (SETs) in nonlinear-response regime. For two SET models typically used in the literature, we find that the signal-to-noise ratio can violate the universal upper bound "4," which is imposed quantum mechanically on linear-response detectors. This different result can be understood by means of the cross correlation of the detector currents by viewing the two junctions of the single SET as two detectors. Possible limitation of the potential-scattering approach to this result is also discussed.


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InAs/GaSb superlattice (SL) short wavelength infrared photoconduction detectors are grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) semi-insulating substrates. An interfacial misfit mode AlSb quantum dot layer and a thick GaSb layer are grown as buffer layers. The detectors containing a 200-period 2ML/8ML InAs/GaSb SL active layer are fabricated with a pixel area of 800 x 800 mu m(2) without using passivation or antireflection coatings. Corresponding to the 50% cutoff wavelengths of 2.05 mu m at 77K and 2.25 mu m at 300 K, the peak detectivities of the detectors are 4 x 10(9) cm.Hz(1/2)/W at 77K and 2 x 10(8) cm.Hz(1/2)/W at 300 K, respectively.


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A tunable edge-emitting microlaser is realised by a chirped line-defect photonic crystal waveguide. A tunable range of 57 nm is obtained experimentally.


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The relaxation of the misfit strain by the formation of misfit dislocations in InxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition was investigated by the cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, double crystal x-ray diffraction, and temperature-dependent photoluminescence. It is found that the misfit dislocations generated from strain relaxation are all pure-edge threading dislocations with burgers vectors of b=1/3<11 (2) over bar0>. The misfit dislocations arise from the strain relaxation due to the thickness of strained layer greater than the critical thickness. The relaxation of strained layer was mainly achieved by the formation of dislocations and localization of In, while the dislocations changed their slip planes from {0001} to {10 (1) over bar0}. With the increasing temperature, the efficiency of photoluminescence decrease sharply. It indicates that the relaxation of the misfit strain has a strong effect on optical efficiency of film. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel approach for positioning InAs islands on GaAs(110) by cleaved-edge overgrowth is reported. The first growth sample contains a strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs superlattice of varying indium fraction and thickness, which acts as a strain nanopattern for the cleaved edge overgrowth. The formation of aligned islands is observed by means of atomic force microscopy. The ordering of the aligned islands and the structure of a single InAs island are found to depend on the properties of the underlying InxGa1-xAs/GaAs superlattice and molecular beam epitaxy growth conditions.


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The theoretical analysis of intersubband optical transitions for InAs/ InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well ( DWELL ) detectors are performed in the framework of effective-mass envelope- function theory. In contrast to InAs/ GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, the calculated band structure of DWELL quantitatively confirms that an additional InGaAs quantum well effectively lowers the ground state of InAs QDs relative to the conduction-band edge of GaAs and enhances the confinement of electrons. By changing the doping level, the dominant optical transition can occur either between the bound states in the dots or from the ground state in the dots to bound states in the well, which corresponds to the far-infrared and long-wave infrared (LWIR ) peaks in the absorption spectra, respectively. Our calculated results also show that it is convenient to tailor the operating wavelength in the LWIR atmospheric window ( 8 - 12 mu m ) by adjusting the thickness of the InGaAs layer while keeping the size of the quantum dots fixed. Theoretical predictions agree well with the available experimental data. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper frequency dependence of small-signal capacitance of p-i-n UV detectors, which were fabricated on GaN grown on sapphire substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, has been studied. The Schibli-Milnes model was used to analyze the capacitance-frequency characteristics. According to high frequency C-V measurements, the deep level mean concentration is about 2.98 x 10(20) cm(-3). The deep level is caused by the un-ionised Mg dopant. The calculated Mg activation energy is 260 meV and the hole thermal capture cross section of the deep level is about 2.73 x 10(-22) cm(2). The applicability of the Schibli-Milnes model is also discussed when the concentration of deep levels exceeds that of the heavily doped n-side. It is concluded that the analytic expression of the Schibli-Milnes model can still be used to describe the capacitance-frequency characteristics of GaN p-i-n UV detectors in good agreement with experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The novel Si stripixel detector, developed at BNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory), has been applied in the development of a prototype Si strip detector system for the PHENIX Upgrade at RHIC. The Si stripixel detector can generate X-Y two-dimensional (2D) position sensitivity with single-sided processing and readout. Test stripixel detectors with pitches of 85 and 560 mu m have been subjected to the electron beam test in a SEM set-up, and to the laser beam test in a lab test fixture with an X-Y-Z table for laser scanning. Test results have shown that the X and Y strips are well isolated from each other, and 2D position sensitivity has been well demonstrated in the novel stripixel detectors. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photoluminescence of a GaAsN alloy with 0.1% nitrogen has been studied under pressures up to 8.5 GPa at 33, 70, and 130 K. At ambient pressure, emissions from both the GaAsN alloy conduction band edge and discrete nitrogen-related bound states are observed. Under applied pressure, these two types of emissions shift with rather different pressure coefficients: about 40 meV/GPa for the nitrogen-related features, and about 80 meV/GPa for the alloy band-edge emission. Beyond 1 GPa, these discrete nitrogen-related peaks broaden and evolve into a broad band. Three new photoluminescence bands emerge on the high-energy side of the broad band, when the pressure is above 2.5, 4.5, and 5.25 GPa, respectively, at 33 K. In view of their relative energy positions and pressure behavior, we have attributed these new emissions to the nitrogen-pair states NN3 and NN4, and the isolated nitrogen state N-x. In addition, we have attributed the high-energy component of the broad band formed above 1 GPa to resonant or near-resonant NN1 and NN2, and its main body to deeper cluster centers involving more than two nitrogen atoms. This study reveals the persistence of all the paired and isolated nitrogen-related impurity states, previously observed only in the dilute doping limit, into a rather high doping level. Additionally, we find that the responses of different N-related states to varying N-doping levels differ significantly and in a nontrivial manner.


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We have studied the temperature dependence of absorption edge of GaN thin films grown on sapphire substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition using optical absorption spectroscopy. A shift in absorption edge of about 55 meV has been observed in temperature range 273-343 K. We have proposed a theoretical model to find the energy gap from absorption coefficient using alpha = alpha(max) + (alpha(min) - alpha(max))/[1 + exp 2(E - E-g + KT)/KT]. Temperature dependence of band gap has also been studied by finding an appropriate theoretical fit to our data using E-g(T) = E-g(273 K) - (8.8 x 10(-4)T(2))/(483 + T) + 0.088 (Varshni empirical formula) and E-g(T) = E-g(273 K)-0.231447/[exp(362/T)-1] + 0.082 relations. It has been found that data can be fitted accurately after adding a factor similar to 0.08 in above equations. Debye temperature (483 K) and Einstein temperature (362 K) in the respective equations are found mutually in good agreement.


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The temperature and pressure dependences of band-edge photo luminescence from ZnO microrods have been investigated. The energy separation between the free exciton (FX) and its first order phonon replica (FX-1LO) decreases at a rate of k(B)T with increasing temperature. The intensity ratio of the FX-1LO to the bound exciton (BX) emission is found to decrease slightly with increasing pressure. All of the exciton emission peaks show a blue shift with increasing pressure. The pressure coefficient of the FX transition, longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy, and binding energy of BX are estimated to be 21.4, 0.5, and 0.9 meV/GPa, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An edge emitting laser based on two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs is proposed. The device consists of a square lattice microcavity, which is composed of two structures with the same period but different radius of air-holes, and a waveguide. In the cavity, laser resonance in the inner structure benelits from not only the anomalous dispersion characteristic of the first band-edge at the M point in the first Brillouin-zone but also zero photon states in the outer structure. A line defect waveguide is introduced in the outer structure for extracting photons from the inner cavity. Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain simulations apparently show the in-plane laser output from the waveguide. The microcavity has an effective mode volume of about 3.2(lambda/eta(slab))(3) for oscillation -mode and the quality factor of the device including line defect waveguide is estimated to be as high as 1300.