245 resultados para SPAN


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本文简要地介绍了数控自动编程专家系统.其中包括:专家系统知识表示的形式;分层次的黑板结构;前向推理求解策略和相应的解释功能;系统针对不同类型的曲线组合,采用不同的独立的知识源(KS)进行处理.由于在知识的处理上采用编码技术,在前向推理求解策略中使用启发信息和“剪技”技术,提高了系统的时空效率.系统中的规划程序能自动规划切削路径.输出供数控车床使用的 NC 代码,并可在显示屏上进行图形显示和切削仿真.目前原型系统已经在 IBM-PC 和 Sun3/60计算机上利用FORTRAN 语言实现.


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本文介绍了一个用于实际的电视精密跟踪控制系统,该控制系统在外场跟踪飞行体时稳定可靠,跟踪精度为数角秒.文中论述了人参与的复合捕获控制系统,找到了该系统参数的设计准则,即在切换时要满足相对变化量Δ≤15%.其次,重点论述了三阶无静差电视精密跟踪控制系统的设计方法,即利用 Z 变换直接求解,使得系统满足最佳条件旬(?)_(max)/(?)K_i=0和(?)_(max)/(?)K_f~2>0,从而,使得该控制系统满足了高稳定度和高精度的技术指标,并在实际中获得了应用.


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<span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">本文旨在span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">阐span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">述span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">CIMS span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">境下异构数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的数据模型及span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">对span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">异构数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体">库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体">远span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程span><span style="font-family: 宋体">访问span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">。着重span><span style="font-family: 宋体">论span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">述了span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">CIMS span><span style="font-family: 宋体">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">境下集成异构数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体">库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">采用的全局span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">数据模型是非一范式,span><span style="font-family: 宋体">综span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">述了从span><span style="font-family: 宋体">层span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">次、网状和关系数据模型向非span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">-span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">范span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">式模型的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">转换span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">,以及span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">为span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">了解决在span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">转换过span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">程中可能遇到的各种冲突而引span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">入的源span><span style="font-family: 宋体">标签span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">机制。本文span><span style="font-family: 宋体">设计span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">了一个span><span style="font-family: 宋体">远span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程span><span style="font-family: 宋体">访问span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体">实span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">施方案,利用目前很span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">span><span style="font-family: 宋体">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">展的网span><span style="font-family: 宋体">络编span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">span><span style="font-family: 宋体">语span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">言span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">Java span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">与数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体">库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体">编span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程接口span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">JDBC span><span style="font-family: 宋体">规span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">范,基于span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">户span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">/span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">服span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">务span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">器体系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">结span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">构,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">实现访问span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">服span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">务span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">器上异构数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">库span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">:span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">针对span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">一些span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">实际span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">span><span style="font-family: 宋体">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">用需求和研究,采用span><span style="font-family: 宋体">单进span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程多span><span style="font-family: 宋体">线span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程技span><span style="font-family: 宋体">术处span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">理多用span><span style="font-family: 宋体">户span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">的并span><span style="font-family: 宋体">发请span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">求,span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">解决同步和异步span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">执span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">行span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">问题span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">:span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">通span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">过span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">加span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">锁span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">机制有效地解决span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">进span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">程span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">对span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">共享span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">资span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">源span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">的同步span><span style="font-family: 宋体">访问span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">:span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">采用了基于套接字<span>(Socket)span>的通信span><span style="font-family: 宋体">实现进span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">程span><span style="font-family: 宋体">间span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">的通信。最span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">后,就自己的切身体会span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">对span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">将来的工作span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">谈span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">了一点建span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">设span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">性的意span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">见span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">span>


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<span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 11.5pt;">机器人span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">迹特性是机器人的最重要的性能指span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">标span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">之一,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">测span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">量机span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 12pt;">器人span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">迹特性是多年来机器人学研究和机器人制造span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">应span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">用的一span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">项span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">重span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 12pt;">span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">课题span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">。本span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">论span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">文研究了非接触式机器人span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">迹特性span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">测试span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">方法,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">设计span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 11.5pt;">了相span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">应span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">的数学模型和span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">传span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">感器span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">测span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">量模型,完成了span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">迹特性span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">测试span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">统span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 11.5pt;">的性能span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">设计span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">、功能span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">软span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">件开span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">发span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">和人机交互界面span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">设计span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">,并span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">对span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">工span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">业span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">机器span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 12pt;">span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">迹特性span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">进span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">行span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">测试span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">仿真。span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 12pt;">仿真span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">结span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">果表明,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">该span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">机器人span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">迹特性span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">测试span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">统span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">性能span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">稳span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">定,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt;">结span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 12pt;">果span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 11.5pt;">可靠,正确的反映了机器人的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">轨span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">迹特性,完成了旗定的研究目span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">标span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">,span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 11.5pt;">具有重要的学span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">术span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">价span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">值span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">和span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">现实span><span style="font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 11.5pt;">意span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">义span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 11.5pt;">。span>


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<span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">九十年代以来,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">领导span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">信息系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">统span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">(span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">Executispan><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; font-size: 12pt">ve Information Systemspan><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size: 11.5pt">,span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">EIS) span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">日益span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">用广泛,span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">领导span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">信息系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">统span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的开span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">已成span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">为span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">企span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">业实span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">施span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">CIMS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">的一span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">个重要目span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">标span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">。span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">本文span><span style="font-family: 宋体">对span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">CIMS span><span style="font-family: 宋体">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">境下span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">EIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">用与研究作了一些探span><span style="font-family: 宋体">讨span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">。文span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">中先介span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">绍span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">了span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">EIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">的概念模型、开span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">方法及制造span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">业span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">中span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">EIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">开span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">发应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">考span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">虑span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">几span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">个span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">问span><span style="font-family: 宋体">题span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">:span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">提出了建立数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体">仓库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">来span><span style="font-family: 宋体">实现span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">EIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">的数据span><span style="font-family: 宋体">库span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">;span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR">重点介span><span style="font-family: 宋体">绍span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">了一个span><span style="font-family: 宋体">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'">用span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">实span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">例span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">JS~CIMS span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">领导span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">信息系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">统span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">实现span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">span>


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<span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">世界各国对海底的开发探索促进了<span>AUV span>技术的发展,但是传统回收<span>AUV span>的方法效率低、可靠性差、作业环境危险因此回收一直是影响<span>AUV span>广泛应用的主要因素。以至于学者们指出,回收问题是影响<span>AUV span>事业发展的瓶颈问题。水下回收被认为是比较有前途的一种回收方法。使用水下回收的方法操作者可以不必冒险下小艇,并且水下回收所使用的设备完全可以利用现有的技术储备。水下回收不仅可以帮助<span>AUV span>实现安全回收,而且还具有其他潜在用途span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">。span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">如它可以为<span>AUV span>在水下补充能量和交换数据,以及为载入潜器问人员、物资流动提供安全路径。通过分析探索者号<span>AUV span>水下回<span>4span>欠的得失,作者提出种新的水下回收方案。就是当<span>AUV span>上浮到一定深度以后自动定深悬浮,派捕捉者<span>(span>一艘有缆潜器<span>)span>去捕捉吕标<span>AUV span>,然后把<span>AUV span>拖人回收舱,有缆潜器的运动可以是受人遥控的也可以是自动的,视具体情况而定。文章中历数了方案实施过程中将遇到的技术难点,并指出捕捉过程中捕捉者和<span>AUV span>的运动控制问题是水下回收过程中的关键问题。提出捕捉过程中用模糊逻辑算法来确定捕捉者的捕捉航线,并对控制算法进行仿真。在不同的方案中对<span>AUVspan>的运动控制要求有所不同,文章针对不同的运动控制分别作了讨论,并对其中些运动控制进行了仿真试验。在文章第一章里叙述了<span>AUV span>发展的背景和现状,指出<span>AUV span>的回收问题是影响<span>AUV (span>泛应用的瓶颈问题,并总结了探索者号<span>AUV span>水下回收得失。在第二章里提出了个水下回收方案,并对这个方案进行了论证。在第三章里提出了水下回收过程中可供选择的三个捕捉方案,并总结了每个方案的优缺点。在第四章里提出用模糊逻辑的方法解决捕捉过程中的运动控制问题<span>espan>在第五章里建立了<span>AUV span>的数学模型,以便于在下一章分析<span>AUV span>的运动控制。在第六章里分析了不同捕捉方案中对<span>ACV span>控制品质的不同要求,并根据要求讨论了<span>AUV span>的运动控制在最后一章里作者对文章作了综述和总结、并对水下回收技术未来的发展趋势作出展望<span style="background: yellow">。span>span>


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<span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">随着span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">计span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">算技span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">术span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">展,span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt"> GIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">己被广泛地span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">用于span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">军span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">事和民用上。利span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">用<span>GIS span>可方便地分析与地理有关的数据信息。<span>GIS span>的出span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">现span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">使得人span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">们span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">迫span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">切要求以前在理span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">论span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">上已被成功解决的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">问题span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">能在span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">GIS span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">境下得到span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">实现span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">,span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">满span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">足某些需求span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">o span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">最短路径span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">问题span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">就是span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">这样span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的一span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">类问题span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">。本文从沈阳市span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">消防通信指span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">挥span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">统span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">实际span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">要求出span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">,在span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">GIS span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">境下求解从消防站到火span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">生地的最佳路径,力求做到span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">实span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">用。文中span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">论span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">述了在span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">GIS span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">环span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">境下如何span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 10pt">构造道路的拓扑span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">结span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">构、如何建造道路的知span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 10pt">识库span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 10pt">、如何建立最佳路径的span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">数学模型和如何用span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">遗传span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">算法通span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">过样span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">本路径来求解模型中的参数span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">o span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">文中span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">还对span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">目前状况下的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">实际问题span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">,如道路流量span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">检测span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">系span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">统span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">不完善、span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">GIS span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">中的道路信息的更新跟不上城市建span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">设span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">的span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">发span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">展等span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">给span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">出了相span><span style="font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9.5pt">应span><span style="font-family: 'MS Mincho'; font-size: 9.5pt">的解决方案span><span style="font-family: HiddenHorzOCR; font-size: 9.5pt">span>


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The anchorages are unparalleled structures only in a suspension bridge, and as main bearing facilities, play an important role in connecting the superstructures and the ground. The tunnel anchorage, as one alternative type of the anchorages, has more advantages over its counterpart, the gravity anchorage. With the tunnel anchorages adopted, not only can surface excavation be reduced to protect the environment, and natural condition of the rock be utilized and potential bearing capacity of surrounding rock be mobilized to save engineering cost, but also the technological predominance of auxiliary engineering measures, such as prestressed concrete, anchoring piles, rock anchors and collar beam between the two separated anchorages, can be easily cooperated to work together harmoniously under the circumstances of poor rock quality. There are plentiful high mountains and deep canyons in west part of China, and long-span bridge construction is inevitably encountered in order to realize leapfrogging development of the transportation infrastructure. Western mountainous areas usually possess the conditions for constructing tunnel anchorages, and therefore, the tunnel anchorages, which are conformed to the conception of resource conservative and sustainable society, extremely have application and popularization value in western underdeveloped region. The scientific and technological problem about the design, construction and operation of tunnel anchorages should be further investigated. Combining the engineering of western tunnel anchorages for the Balinghe Suspension Bridge, this paper probed into the survey method and in-situ test method for tunnel anchorages, scientific rock quality evaluation of surrounding rock to provide reasonable physical and mechanical parameters for design, construction and operation of tunnel anchorages, bearing capacity estimation for tunnel anchorage, deformation prediction of the anchorage-rockmass system, tunnel-anchorage slope stability analysis and the evaluation of excavation stability and degree of safety of the anchorage tunnel. The following outcomes were obtained: 1. Materials of tunnel anchorages of suspension bridge built (and in progress) at home and abroad were systematically sorted out, with the engineering geological condition and geomechanical property of surrounding rock around the anchorage tunnel, the design size of anchorages and the construction method of anchorage tunnel paid more emphasis on, to unveil the internal relationship between the engineering geological conditions of surrounding rock and the design size and axis angle of anchorages and provide references for future design, construction and study of tunnel anchorages. 2. Physical and mechanical parameters were recommended based on three domestic and foreign methods of rock quality evaluation. 3. In-situ tests, adopting the back-thrust method, of two kinds of reduced scale model, 1/30 and 1/20, for the tunnel anchorages were conducted in the declining exploration drift with rock mass at the test depth being the same as surrounding rock around real anchorages, and reliable field rockmass displacement data were acquired. Attenuation relation between the increment of distance from the anchorage and the decrement of rockmass displacement under maximum test load, and influential scope suffered by anchorage load were obtained. 4. Using similarity theory, the magnitude of real anchorage and rockmass displacement under design load and degree of safety of the anchorage system were deduced. Furthermore, inversion analysis to deformation modulus of slightly weathered dolomite rock, the surrounding rock of anchorage tunnel, was performed by the means of numerical simulation. 5. The influential law of the geometrical size to the limit bearing capacity of tunnel anchorage was studied. 6. Based on engineering geological survey data, accounting for the combination of strata layer and adverse discontinuities, the failure patterns of tunnel anchorage slope were divided into three modes: sliding of splay saddle pier slope, superficial-layer slippage, and deep-layer slippage. Using virtual work principle and taking anchorage load in account, the stability of the three kinds of failure patterns were analyzed in detail. 7. The step-by-step excavation of anchorage tunnel, the numerical overload and the staged decrement of rock strength parameters were numerically simulated to evaluate the excavation stability of surrounding rock around anchorage tunnel, the overload performance of tunnel anchorage, and the safety margin of strength parameters of the surrounding rock.


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As a kind of strategic resource,petroleum play an very important role in current social stability, economic development and state safety. Since 1993 China has turned from a net oil exporter into a net oil importer, the figure of imported oil increased from then on. In 2004 China's total energy consumption exceeded Japan’s, and ranked in the second place, just inferior to America. Today China is the world’s third-largest importing nation, accounting for 6% of world imports and 8% of world consumption. Comparing with other strategic petroleum reserve schemes, underground oil storage possess many advantages, such as security, economy, less pollution, save land, suited for strategic reserve and so on, so it is the most ideal form for strategic petroleum reserve. In the background of China Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program started just now, this paper choose Circum-Bo sea region as a study area, and do some system study on the underground oil storage caverns constructed in inter-large granite rock masses in Circum-Bo sea region. On the foundation of a great amount of information come from both home and abroad, firstly this paper analysed the principle, economy, cavern shape, profile dimension, and gain some cognizances and logos, as follows: ①Hard rock mass such as granite is the major rock, in which underground oil storage are constructed; ②Unlined underground oil storage caverns had been wide spread used as a sort of oil storage form abroad, there already exist a suit of skilled experience and technologies to prevent oil product from leaking; ③Compared with surface tanks, underground oil storage cavern possess predominance in economy clearly. In general, it will be more economical when the storage capacity exceed 50000m3. The quality of rock mass is the most important factor for underground storage cost, however such as hydrogeology, storage capacity, the number of storage galleries, the length, storage product, mechanical equipments, geographic location also influent the cost. In designed depth of the underground storage, the rock mass of Jinzhou mainly belong to class Ⅱ, but parts with dykes, clayization alteration, and dense joints are Ⅲ, Ⅳ; ④Now, there are few underground oil storages span more than 25m in both abroad and home. The examples of some ancient underground works and modern underground excavation with wide span surely give us many precious elicitations to construct more great unlined storage caverns, when the rock mass quality is good, cavern shape and construction method also are proper, it is quite possible to construct underground oil storage cavern with span more than 30m . The main axis orientation of Jinzhou underground oil storage cavern is NW direction, the cavern's elevation locate between -53msl and -76msl. The storage's total volume is about 3×106m3, composed of 8 parallel galleries with 950m length, the pillars between them are 45m, and every two of galleries form one unit, which can deposit 75×104m3 for each unit. The product will be stored are Saudi light and Saudi medium crude oil, the main cavern's section is 411.5m2, with 23m height and 19m width. According to the principle and technique of engineering geomechanics, this study supply a sort of system scientific thinking and method for sitting location of underground oil storage in granite region: ① On the foundation of the earth crust stability sub-zone appraise of Circum-Bo sea region, farther research concerning granite distribution, genesis, geological period and fault structure are conducted in stable areas, generally, this paper select Liaoxi, east shore of Liaotung peninsula and Jiaotung peninsula as target areas for underground oil storage regions, where Mesozoic granite is magnitude; ②After roundly comparison in facts of geologic structure, engineering geology, hydrogeology, topography, transportation and so on of three granite distributed areas, at last, selecting Jingzhou granite zone in Liaoxi out as an ideal construction area; ③ Detailed investigation is conducted in the southeast of Baimashi in Jingzhou development district, the final field. Ultrasonic Borehole Television, as a major way to collect original information of borehole rock mass were used, which is very effective to appraise the quality of deep rock mass; ④ According to the field data of tectonic stress, rock mass quality, the spatial distribution of fracture water, some optimum designs in cross section, axial direction and cavern span have been designed for the underground oil storage cavern layout in Jinzhou. To understand the characteristics of swelling alteration rock in Jinzhou granite mass, collected abundant swelling alteration rock engineering examples in granite, which study them in detail, concluded the swelling alteration rock distribute nearly everywhere in China, intruded medium-basic dykes alteration, along discontinuities and mineral hydrothermal alteration with genesis of granite are three main forms clayization alteration rock in granite rock mass. In Jinzhou field, from macro to micro studied the swelling rock which induced by mid-basic dyke intrusion, with weak swelling. In conclusion, this paper conclude the distribution rule and features of expansion alteration rock in filed, and advise some technical suggestions for excavation at swelling alteration rock part. The main features of this paper: ①In the process of site selection, investigation and design, a suit of technique and method of engineering geomechanics metasynthesis were formed, which is significative to guide the large scale underground oil storage cavern sitting location, investigation and design in granite rock mass; ②The detailed discussion on the engineering geology problems in granite mass, such as weathering crust, faults, dykes and clayization alteration rock, are useful for other projects in aspects of site selection, engineering geology evaluation and stability estimation; ③The summary and integration of the genesis, type, countermeasure relate to swelling alteration rock, also is likely to be used for other underground oil storage caverns constructed in swelling alteration granite. In conclusion, this study is meaningful for guiding the large scale underground oil storage for site selection, investigation and design in granite rock mass.


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It is a basic work to ascertain the parameters of rock mass for evaluation about stability of the engineering. Anisotropism、inhomogeneity and discontinuity characters of the rock mass arise from the existing of the structural plane. Subjected to water、weathering effect、off-loading, mechanical characters of the rock mass are greatly different from rock itself, Determining mechanical parameters of the rock mass becomes so difficult because of structure effect、dimension effect、rheological character, ‘Can’t give a proper parameter’ becomes one of big problems for theoretic analysis and numerical simulation. With the increment of project scale, appraising the project rock mass and ascertaining the parameters of rock mass becomes more and more important and strict. Consequently, researching the parameters of rock mass has important theoretical significance and actual meaning. The Jin-ping hydroelectric station is the first highest hyperbolic arch dam in the world under construction, the height of the dam is about 305m, it is the biggest hydroelectric station at lower reaches of Yalong river. The length of underground factory building is 204.52m, the total height of it is 68.83m, the maximum of span clearance is 28.90m. Large-scale excavation in the underground factory of Jin-ping hydroelectric station has brought many kinds of destructive phenomenon, such as relaxation、spilling, providing a precious chance for study of unloading parameter about rock mass. As we all know, Southwest is the most important hydroelectric power base in China, the construction of the hydroelectric station mostly concentrate at high mountain and gorge area, basically and importantly, we must be familiar with the physical and mechanical character of the rock mass to guarantee to exploit safely、efficiently、quickly, in other words, we must understand the strength and deformation character of the rock mass. Based on enough fieldwork of geological investigation, we study the parameter of unloading rock mass on condition that we obtain abundant information, which is not only important for the construction of Jin-ping hydroelectric station, but also for the construction of other big hydroelectric station similar with Jin-ping. This paper adopt geological analysis、test data analysis、experience analysis、theory research and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) brainpower analysis to evaluate the mechanical parameter, the major production is as follows: (1)Through the excavation of upper 5-layer of the underground powerhouse and the statistical classification of the main joints fractures exposed, We believe that there are three sets of joints, the first group is lay fracture, the second group and the fourth group are steep fracture. These provide a strong foundation for the following calculation of and analysis; (2)According to the in-situ measurement about sound wave velocity、displacement and anchor stress, we analyses the effects of rock unloading effect,the results show a obvious time-related character and localization features of rock deformation. We determine the depth of excavation unloading of underground factory wall based on this. Determining the rock mass parameters according to the measurement about sound wave velocity with characters of low- disturbing、dynamic on the spot, the result can really reflect the original state, this chapter approximately the mechanical parameters about rock mass at each unloading area; (3)Based on Hoek-Brown experienced formula with geological strength index GSI and RMR method to evaluate the mechanical parameters of different degree weathering and unloading rock mass about underground factory, Both of evaluation result are more satisfied; (4)From the perspective of far-field stress, based on the stress field distribution ideas of two-crack at any load conditions proposed by Fazil Erdogan (1962),using the strain energy density factor criterion (S criterion) proposed by Xue changming(1972),we establish the corresponding relationship between far-field stress and crack tip stress field, derive the integrated intensity criterion formula under the conditions of pure tensile stress among two line coplanar intermittent jointed rock,and establish the corresponding intensity criterion for the exploratory attempt; (5)With artificial neural network, the paper focuses on the mechanical parameters of rock mass that we concerned about and the whole process of prediction of deformation parameters, discusses the prospect of applying in assessment about the parameters of rock mass,and rely on the catalog information of underground powerhouse of Jinping I Hydropower Station, identifying the rock mechanics parameters intellectually,discusses the sample selection, network design, values of basic parameters and error analysis comprehensively. There is a certain significance for us to set up a set of parameters evaluation system,which is in construction of large-scale hydropower among a group of marble mass.


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Kunyushan composite granite pluton is located in northeast part of the Sulu UHP collisional belt, Jiaodong peninsula, eastern China. It is regarded as the boundary of the Jiaodong block and the Sulu UHP collisional belt. The body is unique in the Dabieshan-Sulu UHP collisional orogen for its feature of multiple intrusions of diverse types granitoid rocks in a long span after UHP the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates in late Triassic. It can be grouped into four series on the basis of petrology and petrochemistry. They are mid-K calc-alkaline granitoids, strongly peraluminous granites, high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and syenitic granite of shoshonitic series. In this thesis, the later three types of rocks are investigated geochronologically in detail. The grain zircon U-Pb isotope dilution dating technique has been employed in this study. Zircon morphology are presented and discussion on the chemical and physical conditions of the granite formation have been carried out in addtion. Strongly peraluminous granites comprises foliated monzogranite and garnet bearing leucogranite. They occupy more than half of the area of the Kunyushan composite body. Three zircon samples of foliated monzogranites have been analyzed, they yield lower intercept ages mainly in the range of 140-150 Ma. The formation of these rocks was likely to be at 700-600 ℃, implied by zircon morphology. Two zircon samples of the garnet bearing leucogranite yield lower intercept ages from 130 Ma to 140 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of the magma was about 750 °C. Syenitic granite of shoshonitic series occur in the north central part of the body, and the volume is quite small contrast to other types. One zircon sample was chosen from this rock, and yield lower intercept age of 121+1.8/-2.1 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of this rock is up to 900 °C, which is much higher than others'. High-K calc-alkaline granitoids can be divided into two types on the basis of rock texture and structure. One is Kf-porphyritic monzogranite. It's outcrop is quite small. Zircon ages of one sample constrain the emplacement of this rock at about 112 Ma. The other is medium-grain to coarse-grain monzogranite. Zircons from it yield lower intercept age of 100.5+2.9/-4.6 Ma. The variation of zircon morphology suggest that these two monzogranites were outcomes of a single magma at different stage. The former emplaced earlier than the latter. The liquidus temperature of the magma was about 800 ℃ Inherited zircon is ubiquitous in the Kunyushan composite body. Most of the samples yield upper intercept ages of late Proterozoic. It was considered that only the Yangtze plate underwent a crustal growth during late Proterozoic among the two plates which involved into the UHP collision. Inherited zircon of about 200 Ma can also be observed in strongly peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Two samples out of eight yield upper intercept ages of Achaean.